
I, Son of Tiamat

Those are the tears of the Goddess of Creation. The tears floating up from the deep sea became the last son of Tiamat. And, after seven days and seven nights of incubation—he was born... He will be connected to the earth—get the wisdom of the sky and the eyes, body, soul, and spirit of the Gods, the trinity will never corrupt him! In the end, with the hope of his mother on his back, he lived happily and freely.

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Chapter 10: Civilization Born From the Soil

In the end, Qiye, who was bitten so hard, finally lets Semiramis loosen his mouth. In order to prevent the little pigeon from biting him again inexplicably, he brought the girl behind him to the front and hugged her, so that she can't bite herself.

Strange to say, after Qiye hugged Semiramis, she was no longer angry, but stayed in Qiye's arms very obediently and peacefully.

The river where Qiye and Semiramis are located is not wide, it is a small river, but it is very close to the city of Uruk. After the reed boat docked, Qiye took Semiramis out of the reed boat and set foot on into the earth.

Others say that 'you will feel at ease when your feet are on the ground', but after Qiye set foot on the land, he felt lost instead because the sea and running water were his mother.

However, the continuous contact from under the earth has calmed Qiye's sense of loss. He is not only a child of the sea but also a child of the earth.

"Little Pigeon, let's go."


The city of Uruk is located in the southern region of Mesopotamia. During the period of Qeyi and Semiramis, the city had not yet fully developed.

It is still a small city like a child who hasn't grown up, but at this time, compared with other cities, it is already a 'monster'.

"Although the city of Uruk is only a small city now, it will soon develop into a city covering an area of ​​one square kilometer, which is twice the size of any city at that time. Afterward, under the reasonable rule, Uruk City reached its heyday."

"Uruk in its peak covered an area of ​​up to six square kilometers, and the magnificent city walls built there could accommodate 50,000 to 80,000 residents. It was the largest city in the world." Qiye muttered to himself.

"You know so much, the river told you?" said Semiramis, who followed Qiye step by step.

"No, it's not what the river told me, but what I saw with my eyes." Qiye in front of her turned his head, and his eyes now glowed with rainbow light of seven colors.

That is the Eye of the Age of Gods.

These eyes, given by his mother Tiamat, allowed Qiye to see the past or future of some things. He once saw Semiramis's future when she was a baby.

But Qiye couldn't take the initiative to use this pair of Eyes of the Age of Gods, it was not controlled by Qiye.

Sometimes when Qiye sees something or holds something, the Eye of the Age of God will actively reveal it, and bring him the past or future experiences of those things.

Qiye who opened the eyes of the Age of Gods was looking at Semiramis, and under those eyes reflecting the sea within the stars, Semiramis had a weird illusion.

The illusion that everything about her is being seen by those eyes...

But soon Qiye's Eyes of the Age of Gods disappeared, and his eyes also returned to their original heterochromatic eyes.

Qiye and Semiramis continued to walk towards the city of Uruk ahead, and they came to the front of the city of Uruk. There they saw green farmland with plants planted inside.

These plants are barley and wheat.

In this ancient era in the Mesopotamian region, there was neither high-quality wood, nor too many stones that could be used, and there were not many metal minerals. The only huge resource was... soil!

Therefore, the Mesopotamian civilization in Mesopotamia was born in the soil.

Use fertile soil to grow crops, use inexhaustible soil and clay to make pottery, mud bricks for masonry, clay tablets for writing, and pottery chips for recording transactions.

Tao chips are a kind of thing that people in this era used to keep accounts.

Mesopotamia can be described as a civilization shaped by mud.

Qiye and Semiramis came to the avenue leading to Uruk city. Many people went to Uruk on this route. Most of them were residents who came out to farm and merchants who traded back and forth.

The existence of merchants was born naturally following the prosperity of the city.

Pedestrians are all wearing Mesopotamian characteristic clothing, with a turban tied around the forehead to block the sun. The one-shoulder linen robe reveals bronze wheat-colored skin, revealing natural and wild beauty.

Semiramis didn't like this kind of beauty. After the number of pedestrians increased, she kept sticking behind Qiye, as if she was afraid of strangers...

But Qiye knew very well that Semiramis was very courageous and would not be afraid of strangers, even if it was a poisonous snake, she would dare to grab it and play with it.

Semiramis would hide behind Qiye, perhaps purely because she didn't like the way these pedestrians looked at her.

It was a look of astonishment and bewilderment.

Although Semiramis was only thirteen years old, she no longer had the immaturity of a young girl on her face, and with her face fully opened, she possessed a beauty that fascinated men.

But the eyes of many passers-by were not focused on Semiramis' face but on her slightly pointed ears and golden pupils.

Pointy ears are not something ordinary people have, but golden pupils... that is the symbol of the gods.

The gods in the Mesopotamian era, if they had the blood of gods, their hair color and eye color would be different from ordinary people and if one of the hair color and eye colors is golden, then... she's a god!

After confirming Semiramis' identity, the passers-by immediately looked away, and no longer set their eyes on Semiramis.

The gods of this era are in charge of the existence of human beings. In Mesopotamian mythology, the gods created human beings. The reason why they created human beings is that they need them to worship them.

It is equivalent to the relationship between the creator and props, master and servant.

So after recognizing the identity of Semiramis, the passers-by did not dare to look directly at the young goddess.

Qiye and Semiramis came to the front of the city wall of Uruk, which surrounded the city of Uruk, and there was a carved pattern on the surface of the city wall, which was "the image of the angry snake holding a shovel", which was "Marduk", the Symbol of God.

This god was worshiped as the main god because he defeated the god 'Tiamat', and his status may be above the gods of Mesopotamia.

So in Mesopotamia during this period, most of the city walls were carved with this god.

Qiye, who stopped, looked at the god pattern on the city wall and showed an expression that Semiramis had never seen before. It was indifferent and hostile, like a sea about to set off a tsunami.

In Semiramis' memory, Qiye has always had a cheerful and jolly image, never showing indifference or hostility towards anything or any creature.