
I Sacrificed My Ordinary Life To Help A Demon Safe Her World

,,Get out of my head!!‘‘ - he screamed it over and over! A demon from another world entered Haoyu‘s head with a task to save her world. A curse that has to be broken! Defeat the Great Angelic Emperor!

3ndTheW0rld · Fantasi
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5 Chs

Chapter 4: The Sky Is Dangerous

,,I will do it. I am gonna use my ability and freeze the world you came from.'' said Melo. Hayou looked at him with a relieved face since it was his biggest worry that he would see his family again when he surpassed them in age.

In that moment, Haoyu saw Melo with very different eyes. When he first saw him he thought he was a cold blooded and arrogant brat - mainly because he almost killed him. After the little altercation they had with those monsters from the forest, their band developed and grew stronger. They went back into the cabin to finally start the process

,,In order to make it happen, I need your hands. Stretch them out.'' Melo ordered him. Haoyu followed his instructions and gave him his hands as Melo grabbed them. Hayou started to blush and became nervous - he was uncertain of what will happen right now. Melo closed his eyes and a light blue symbol that looked like a star appeared on his forehead which started to glow. It started to shine so bright that it blinded Haoyu even if he closed his eyes. It reminded him of the time when Yello got out of his body just before he entered the portal to enter this bizarre world.

Meanwhile, Yello was on the way with Lyca and Pollo to find a village that was suitable to build a base for them. Flying on the beasts Pollo called with his spell they could scan the beautiful landscape of Kingdom Asredia. Rivers and flowerscapes extend on the green scapes. Out of the four Kingdoms, Asredia was marked the least from the Great Angelic War while Kingdom Zamadas which is the nearest to the Angel Kingdom, was completely destroyed and lied in ruins. The Angelic empire captured the Eastern region of Zamadas which made up the coast region.

,,Hey, I see something! On our left!'' said Lyca. In between the woods on a high point in the mountains, a silhouette of what seemed to be a small village was visible. As Yello also saw it, they changed their direction and approached the mysterious village.

,,I never saw this village. This could be a trap.'' were Yello's thoughts in that moment who knew every corner in Asredia. But at this point, they had no other choice than to take a risk like this. Yello and her friends were in desperate need for support in a situation where they were about to confront an enemy that seemed to be unbeatable. Every new possible ally would be crucial.

The closer they came the more the village became visible and as Yello realized something, her shut wide open in disbelief. The village they seemed to approach was inhabited by the so called 'Mages'. Mages were a small tribe who lived near the Unazuma Mountains. They were blessed with a magic spell that allowed them to surpass their body limits and based on their soul and personality the effects were very different. Yello was a member of the mage trial and after the Great War she was left in believe that every remaining Mage was killed - including her brother.

They landed on a hill in front of the village and made their way cautious to the gate. Yello was still sceptical as she was always sure that no one survived. As they got near the gate, a loud signal of what happened to be a horn came from the village.

„Don't move!! Stop where you are!!" said a man who suddenly stood in front of the group who wore a black robe that hid his face.

„What do you want here?! Who are you?!".

„We are looking for shelter. I have some survivors with me and we need help. May I ask you something? Can you show me your face?" said Yello as she slowly stepped forward. She showed the mysterious man her face, the marks below her right eye shows her ethnicity - all mages have a black mark below one of their eyes but the design varies from person to person.

,,That's impossible!! This can't be! We are the only ones that survied!'' the man screamed after he saw Yello's face. He realized that Yello was one of them - one of the mages. And Yello could tell that this wasn't a trap, those really were her people. She was flooded with hapiness but also sadness since she immediately reminded herself of all those people that fought by her side and lost their lives. ,,I wish you could see this, Kazuho.'' were her thoughts.

The man took off his robe and showed himself. He was tall, muscular and had short white hair. His face was covered by wounds from the fights. His black mark, which looked like a star, showed that he indeed was a mage. ,,He looks just like you, Yello!'' said Pollo. The man welcomed them and allowed them to join. As they stood infront of the village gate, they saw that it was protected by a transparent barrier. A sphere that looked like a bubble covered the entire village.

,,To enter again, I will have to open the barrier. As soon as you see it disappear, please enter quickly.'' the man said as the folded his hands together.

When he opened his hands again, a blue matter stuck between them. He formed to flat circles out of it and touched the barrier. As this contact happened, the barrier suddenly burst into nothing - just like a real soap bubble. It left shiny particles that flew into the sky which left a colorful trail into this grey, dark area between the mountains. The village was worn down and almost all houses had holes and were destroyed. It was a very small place with about 40 other mages living there. Without the bubble barrier, the protection would have been very poor.

,,You said you are seeking for shelter and help. Do you want to stay here? What is your plan?'' the man asked Yello.

,,We have two other member that we left back. We are the only survivors in our region. If you would allow us to stay in your village for some time, I would be very thankful.'' Yello answered.

,,For so many years we lived here in isolation, with the fear to even step outside. We were left in believe that no one survived, but seeing another one of us is a blessing sent from a god. You may stay for how long you want, you belong here and we are delighted to have you here. My name is Ozuko.'' the man said. Yello couldn't believe her luck. Her eyes were sparkling again for a long time. Ozuko showed them the rest of the village which wasn't much but they were happy to have some shelter.

,,Yello, I want to show you my family. Here are my wife and my newborn son.'' Ozuko said as he brought the three to his house.

,,He already has his mark at such a young age, that's amazing!'' Yello said astonished.

Suddenly the newborn slowly started crying.

,,He's probably hungry or something.'' Pollo said.

,,He just had food, I'll put him to sleep.'' Ozuko's wife answered. The baby started to strech his arms out and pointed to the sky. Everyone turned their heads to where the baby pointed and they noticed something.

,,What the hell is that?! Is that a bird or something?'' Lyca screamed at a dark silhouette flying above the village high up in the sky. They all stood there wondering what they are witnessing right at that moment. The strange creature suddenly started to move and approach the bubble barrier that was activated once Yello and the others entered the village. As it came closer, Yello and Ozuko already knew who payed them a visit.

,,T-that is an Angel.'' Ozuko said with a shaky voice. The others were terrified once they heard him. Yello, Lyca and Pollon prepared themselves for a possible fight. The Angel, who now could be seen in his true form, stood over them and just looked down. His eyes, flaming yellow, were locked on his prey. His face pale and shiny and his blonde hair was blowing in the wind. Usually Angels from the Great Empire have worn black robes with a red belt and military boots - not how you would imagine an Angel. But this one wore a white robe with a golden belt and white boots which meant that he was an Angel of higher status, a commander or general of the army.

The Angel put his arms in the air, took all of his power and slammed the barrier. His punch lead the barrier to shatter into piece like glass. The mages started to panic and run into their homes. Cries and screams were heard all over the village as they faced death eye to eye with no protection. Only a few of the mature mages stayed with Yello and the group to save the village.

,,I came to kill you all. Every single one of you filthy creatures.'' the Angel said. His voice was so deep and distorted that it hurted their ears.