
Dungeon? Like an actual Dungeon?

So far everything was going pretty well. The defenses have been expanded, with the Kobold's help we have basic facilities. Now the Kobold's were continuing to dig around. Gather stone, clay and surprisingly some iron.

Though the surrounds have been a little more violent. Orcs had to start patrols to prevent Kobold's from being killed or dragged off. That stopped the surrounding clans from attacking temporarily. However there have been a lot of scouts passing in and out of other territories.

HM came into the room and saluted. "Sir! I have something to report!"

"You don't have to call me sir, but what is the news?"

"Kobold Group 3 has found something buried in the rocks. Guardian Merli is at the dig site right now. I was told you should hurry over as it may be of upmost importance!"

I nodded, "Thank you HM, How is Group 2 doing with uncovering that bunker at the old Farm?"

She shrugged, "They have dug out its walls. Other than that no progress has been made, Sir."

I patted her head and I begun walking out of the camp. My hooves clicking on the stone floor was rather peaceful. I opened the front gate it towered over the kobolds, but for me it was my exact height. Stepping out of the base I begun to the dig site we had found iron at.

When I finally got there HM ran over to gather the kobolds to clean things up. Most of the kobolds acted the same. It seemed subservience really was built into them. Looking at Merli I spoke, "What's up?"

Merli pointed down with the biggest smile on its face. "You won't believe it!"

"Believe what? Is it like mythril or something?"

Merli shook its head, "No, also we can't use mythril. This is a dungeon! A Divine Dungeon at that! Which means it was created by a god or was created naturally and then blessed by one!"

I raised an eyebrow, "A dungeon? Like a real Dungeon?"

Merli nodded, "Yeah, a real one. So this could be better than mythril!"

Thinking for a second I paused, "Is it still blessed or does that run out or something."

Merli made a motion that indicated it had no clue. "Blessing on dungeons don't really run out. However they enter a sort of hibernation. All the iron is actually due to this, The iron we found is actually the front door and its just corroded."

"So we can't lock it then?"

Merli shook its head, "Sadly no, so if there are dungeon beasts we could be fucked."

Dungeon beasts, they were essentially like copies of normal creatures. Essentially all of them are mimics, slimes and doppelgangers. Taking the shape of Monsters, Undead, and even humans. The difference was that they all had hardened mana crystals in their skulls or chests. Making them completely unintelligent.

"Merli can you figure out whats in side with your magic? I don't want the kobolds encountering something stronger than them and dying. If we can find some kind of tools or weapons we can speed up our plans immensely."

Merli smiled, "Not to mention level up!" Merli pranced around in a circle, "I might be able to finally undergo an evolution. So heck yeah I will find out about the dungeon! Though I may need some help so I think Gnar should come over to help."

I nodded, Gnar did have the Mana transfer spell so if they work in tandem they can get it done. "I'll head back to the base and tell Gnar. HM, You and me will go to the Holmstead farm. I want to see the progress on digging out that bunker."

HM nodded, "Right away! I will head over first and review the scene!"

HM ran off, Merli looked over at me. "Didn't she just come from there?"

I nodded.


It was time... Walking into the pelted tent I marched along the chairs. Each one had a body within them. This was the first gathering of tribes since a long time. I can barely remember the last one. I sat down on my throne and stared at the varying leaders and their families.

Raising my hands to my head I took of the bony golden crown on my head. Placing it on the table, "I AM TARLUK! OF THE ODIN CLAN!"

All the leaders raised their arms and followed my lead. "I AM GARG OF LEAD MOON! I AM ERIC OF THE WESTE- Shut up we know you Trog!"

Eric was cut off looking a little sad. The leader who cut him off, coughing he continued in his low tone. "I am Malaphete, of the Stone-breaker clan."

The others followed suit, "Heh, I am Tide of the Naphite clan. BAH! WHERE IS YOUR SPIRIT TIDE! I AM GOM GOM OF THE DAH CLAN!" I rolled my eyes as the last clan head spoke. "I am Kurd of the Landering Clan, Why have you called us here Tarluk?"

I nodded to Kurd, he was the least trusting. I didn't have hopes for him to join my proposal. "To begin, I am sure you all know of the recent... changes in the forest." I emphasized changes, but sadly Gom didn't get it.

"What changes? Tarluk?"

I shook my head, "The Tauren and his actions, That is what I am referring to Gom Gom." He nodded and made his sound in understanding. So I continued, " The Tauren is named Akira and he is trying to conquer the many clans. I do not know about you lot, but I do not like the idea of working with an outsider. I dislike that they even exist in OUR HOME!"

I slammed my finger on the table. "This Tauren is an invader that had usurped the throne of one clan. While enslaving another! What is worse is the Queen of the Red wolf's is missing."

I shook my head, "Who knows what they could've done with her. What if they attack us next? What dishonorable methods will they use? Assassinations! We are not monsters! We all have our rules and methods. Yet this Tauren disregards all this simple because the ruler of the forest is unclear.

Truth was that it was clear. Most of this lot knew it was me, only I had the power to gather them. Only I had the strength, the numbers, and the weapons. However I treated them as they wanted, "I call you here to form a union. An alliance and a temporary truce."

It was Garg who responded, "I do have to agree that one is needed. This Akira had evolved incredibly quickly. It took many of us years to reach this point. Breaking through each obstacle with our willpower and resources! I do not like this intruder treating our forest like a play house."

Tide was the next, "Not to mention they seem to have some kind of human connections. The forts, the walls, even the paths they walk all have the look of a human settlement. Before the Red Wolf clan was conquered I had heard from them they planned on attacking the West Trog Tribe."

Eric slammed his fist down. "I am not a TROG!"

However everyone knew he was in fact a Trog. He had the clear signs of Troll blood in him Not to mention his larger size likely meant he had some Ogre or Oni in him too. I shook my head Eric was indeed a Trog, he just refused to believe it.

I lowered my hand, "No need for insults. We all understand the strife this invader is causing. So Who is here to stay?"

Most of the hands raised up all except Kurd. Nodding I motioned, "You may leave then Kurd. We wish you luck."

Kurd shook his head, "I will not need it."

Raising my hand, "Let us discuss operations now."