
i Reincarnated in a Spy novel

What if you died and woke up in a different body, with a system ? That's what happened to Lux, a businessman who was killed. He reincarnated as Lucian Ravenshadow, a computer science student in London, who used his new knowledge to create a successful game. But his game also attracted unwanted attention, as he found out that he had a hidden spy legacy that he couldn't escape . How will he cope with his double life and the dangers that lurk in the shadows?

LuxEnos · perkotaan
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2 Chs


Lux, a 30-year-old businessman from the year 2029,His life had been anything but easy. As an orphan, he had faced countless challenges, working tirelessly as an ordinary employee, saving every penny to fulfill his dream of starting a successful business in the tech industry.

He reminisced about the day he graduated from college, filled with hope and determination. By sheer luck, his business took off unexpectedly, and he found himself riding the waves of success. The money poured in, and with it came the complexities and problems he had never anticipated.

Lux's thoughts turned to his childhood friend and fellow business partner, Damien. They had grown up together, relying on each other for support in their darkest days. Lux had entrusted Damien with an important role in his thriving company, believing in the loyalty of their friendship.

But envy can transform even the closest bonds. Lux's success had drawn the attention of others, causing jealousy and resentment to fester in Damien's heart. Lux had noticed the subtle changes in his friend's behavior but dismissed them, never suspecting the extent of his hidden intentions.

On that fateful day, Lux returned from a crucial business meeting, unaware that his life was about to take a tragic turn. He stepped into his office

Lux entered the room, a spring in his step. "Hey, Damien! Great to see you. How are things?"

Damien nodded, his voice tinged with a hint of jealousy that Lux failed to recognize at the time. "Good, good. Busy as always. But I'm glad you're back. We need to talk, Lux."

Lux, unaware of the storm brewing within his friend, took a seat opposite Damien. "Sure, what's on your mind?"

Damien hesitated for a moment, his eyes darting around the room. Then, he sighed, as if grappling with an internal struggle. "Lux, I've been thinking about the direction of the company lately. Your success, it's remarkable, but..."

Lux leaned forward, concern etching his face. "But what, Damien? We've come so far together."

Damien's tone turned colder, resentment seeping into his words. "I can't help but feel like I'm being overshadowed. It's always been about you, your vision, your success. I've contributed just as much, if not more, to this company."

Lux's brow furrowed in confusion. "Damien, that's not true. We've built this together. You've been by my side since day one."

Damien's voice grew sharper, the mask of friendship slipping further. "Have I? Or have I been living in your shadow all along? You've made all the decisions, received all the accolades. It's time for things to change, Lux."

Lux sat back, stunned by Damien's sudden outburst. He had never expected such bitterness from his closest friend. "Damien, this isn't like you. We've always supported each other. Our success is intertwined."

A sardonic smile played on Damien's lips. "Is it? Tell me, Lux, how would you feel if the roles were reversed? If the tables were turned, would you share everything so willingly?"

Lux's eyes widened, realization dawning upon him. "Are you saying you want to take over the company? That you're willing to throw away our friendship for personal gain?"

Damien's gaze turned cold and calculating. "Sometimes, Lux, ambition surpasses friendship. This business is my opportunity to finally shine, to prove that I can succeed on my own terms."

Lux felt a knot form in his stomach, a mixture of hurt and disbelief. "Damien, I can't believe what I'm hearing. This isn't the person I thought I knew."

Damien's voice dripped with disdain. "People change, Lux. Circumstances change. I'm tired of living in your shadow. It's time for me to take what's rightfully mine."

Damien extracted a Taurus G2C from his coat pocket,and pointed it at Lux, his finger tightening on the trigger.

Lux's heart raced as he watched Damion take aim at him. His mind raced, trying to find a way out of this deadly situation.

" FUCK "

"Damion, put the gun down," Lux pleaded, his voice shaking with fear. "We can talk this out, find a way to end this peacefully."

Damion let out a crazed laugh, the sound echoing through the room. "There is no other way, Lux. It's too late for redemption. I'm taking control of my destiny. And you...you're just a pawn in my game."


Damion shot the bullet

Lux's survival instinct kicked in. He quickly scanned the room, searching for anything that could help him. His eyes landed on the leather belt he was wearing.

Lux's hand darted to his waist, unbuckling the belt with a swift motion.Without hesitation, Lux snatched it up, the leather coiling around his hand, transforming into an improvised weapon.

Damion lunged forward, a primal roar escaping his lips. But Lux was ready. He swung the belt with lightning speed, the leather cracking through the air with a resounding snap. The belt struck Damion's outstretched hand with precision, causing him to cry out in pain as the gun flew from his grasp, clattering onto the hard floor.

Shit "Damion shouted in pain

Lux gritted his teeth, his voice filled with determination. "This is how you're repaying my kindness? So be it."

Damion's eyes narrowed, his voice laced with madness. "Violence is the only language you understand, Lux. You left me with no choice."

Damion launched himself at Lux, fists flying. The sound of bones colliding filled the air, punctuated by grunts and growls. Lux blocked and countered, his movements fluid and calculated.

A fist swung towards Lux's face, but he ducked, narrowly evading the blow. He retaliated with a swift jab to Damion's gut, eliciting a pained gasp

But as the fight continued, Lux realized he was no match for Damion's brute strength. With a sudden burst of inspiration, Lux looked around the room and spotted a nearby rolling chair. He quickly grabbed it and used it to block Damion's incoming punch, causing the chair to spin and hit Damion in the face, sending him sprawling across the room.

As Damion staggered to his feet, Lux seized the opportunity to strike. He leapt onto a nearby desk and launched himself at Damion, his feet connecting with Damion's chest and sending him crashing through a glass partition.

"You want to bring pain, Damion? I'll give you pain," Lux said

The fight continued, each move more creative and unexpected than the last. Lux grabbed a nearby stapler and flung it at Damion, who deftly caught it and hurled it back. Lux used a computer monitor as a shield to fend off Damion's attacks, before hurling it at him like a frisbee.

After that Lux launched himself at Damion, delivering a flying kick that sent him crashing into a wall. Damion slumped to the ground, defeated.

But fate, in its cruel twist, granted Damion a momentary advantage. He seized the opportunity, swiftly retrieving the fallen gun, his eyes gleaming with a vindictive triumph.

"I'll make you regret every damn thing, Lux!" Damion's voice seethed with a venomous hatred, his grip tightening on the gun.


Lux's eyes widened in a mixture of fury and desperation. The realization of his impending doom ignited a final surge of rage within him.


But before he could act, the room was consumed by the explosive sound of the gunshot, followed by an eerie silence.

Darkness enveloped the room, the anger silenced forever.