
i Reincarnated in a Spy novel

What if you died and woke up in a different body, with a system ? That's what happened to Lux, a businessman who was killed. He reincarnated as Lucian Ravenshadow, a computer science student in London, who used his new knowledge to create a successful game. But his game also attracted unwanted attention, as he found out that he had a hidden spy legacy that he couldn't escape . How will he cope with his double life and the dangers that lurk in the shadows?

LuxEnos · Urban
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Lucian Ravenshadow

In the London University Dormitory of England, January 2000

In Lucian Ravenshadow's University dormitory room, dimmed by the nightfall, he lounged on his bed, engrossed in a book, and occasionally taking sips of Strongbow. The room, sparsely decorated yet cozy, emanated a sense of comfort and intellectual curiosity. A slender desk against the wall held a disarray of textbooks and notebooks . Beside his bed, a modest nightstand hosted a softly glowing lamp, illuminating the pages of his current read. The walls, adorned with a few cherished photographs and inspiring quotes, . As Lucian's eyes danced across the pages, the room's ambiance blended the scent of books, the hushed rustling of pages, and the warm glow of the lamp.

Suddenly Lucian stared wide-eyed at the transparent screen that had materialized before him. His hands trembled with a mix of curiosity and anticipation as he reached out, attempting to touch the elusive interface.

"[Required energy for starting system has been met],"

the system message displayed, followed by the next prompt.

[Starting CoinSage system]

A surge of excitement coursed through Lucian's veins. He could hardly believe what was happening.

" What is happening "Lucian's was shocked

["Congratulations,"] the system message proclaimed, further fueling Lucian's astonishment. His heart pounded in his chest as the realization of the system's activation sank in.

[ CoinSage System now online]

[CoinSage": This system operates on a coin-based mechanism. Users can insert coins or tokens into the system, and based on the number of coins inserted, they receive random knowledge in return. The more coins a user contributes, the greater the chances of obtaining valuable information or items . CoinSage combines randomness and monetary input, making it an engaging and exciting way to access knowledge.]

[Coins: 1]

As Lucian absorbed the system's description, his eyes widened with intrigue. How could I earn these coveted coins? he asked

The system held the answer within its digital confines.

[Users can earn coins by achieving specific milestones or completing tasks within the system. These milestones could be related to accumulating wealth, participating in mission or challenges, reaching certain levels of expertise, or unlocking special achievements]

But before he could fully process his emotions, another popup grabbed his attention again.

"[Opening starter pack]," it declared in a melodic tone.

The distinctive sound of dings filled the room, capturing Lucian's focus. Each chime seemed to echo through the air, heightening his anticipation.

[Ding….Ding ….Ding]

And then, the moment he had been waiting for.

"[Congratulations, unlock knowledge of your previous life]."

Lucian's breath caught in his throat as a torrent of memories flooded his mind. The barrier between his past and present began to dissolve, and he could feel the merging of two distinct worlds within him.

Nineteen years had passed since Lucian's arrival in this parallel world. This world has lots of similarities to his previous world but there are some differences too, where his mixed heritage revealed a fusion of two rich and diverse cultures. His mother, Hana, and his father, Colin, had embarked on a serendipitous ski trip to Switzerland, a picturesque adventure spanning 14 days filled with romantic moments and shared laughter. Little did they know that fate had a tragic twist in store for them.

It was a clear day as Hana and Colin descended the mountain, carving their way through the pristine snow. Suddenly, without warning, the tranquility shattered as a colossal avalanche roared down the slopes, sweeping away everything in its path. Helpless against the force of nature, Hana and Colin were mercilessly carried away, engulfed in a sea of snow.

Miraculously, Hana managed to stay near the surface, buried under a shallow layer of snow. Her struggles caught the attention of the rescue team, who spotted the faint outline of her snowboard. With precision and urgency, they freed her from the clutches of the icy embrace. Hana's heart ached with grief and despair for her lost love, Colin, whose fate remained forever unknown.

Devastated, Hana returned to Japan, her heart heavy with sorrow. It wasn't until three months later that she discovered the precious life growing within her, a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness. Knowing that her own family would not accept Colin as the father of her child, she sought refuge in England, seeking solace with Lucian's paternal grandparents.

With open arms, Lucian's paternal grandparents embraced Hana as their own, enveloping her in a loving embrace that eased her pain. They recognized the connection between their son and her, Henry, father of Colin decided and vowed to provide the love and support he would have received if he had been by their side. Hana found solace in their acceptance, knowing that her son would grow up in a nurturing environment.

Lucian's childhood was marked by the strength and resilience of his single mother, who instilled in him a sense of determination and perseverance. Growing up in an English environment as a mixed-race individual, he often felt like an outsider, struggling to connect with his peers. The cultural differences posed challenges, but he found solace in his pursuit of knowledge.

His maternal grandfather, Henry, a distinguished nobleman, played an influential role in Lucian's upbringing. With a wealth of wisdom and experience, Henry became Lucian's guiding light, nurturing his intellectual curiosity and shaping his character. Together, they delved into history, philosophy, and literature, fostering a deep love for learning within Lucian's young mind.

Lucian's mother, Hana, worked tirelessly to provide for him, striving to create a secure and stable life despite the hardships they faced. Through her unwavering dedication, she ensured that Lucian had access to quality education, allowing him to excel academically.

As Lucian grew older, his physical appearance began to reflect the unique blend of his Japanese and English heritage. He possessed a striking combination of features that showcased the diversity of his ancestry.His most prominent feature was his flowing, wavy blonde hair that cascaded around his face. The golden strands shimmered under the sunlight, Lucian's fair complexion held a hint of warmth, His skin had a healthy glow, reflecting his youth and vitality. His eyes, a captivating shade of hazel, mirrored the fusion of his cultural background.Standing at an average height, Lucian possessed a lean and athletic build

As Lucian matured, his memories from his previous life began to emerge