"Okay, tell me about yourself." I looked at Murano and took out a notepad.
"Are you incapable of remembering this information without the use of paper?" Murano said slouching in her chair.
"Well forgot basically everything about myself when I got kicked out. So I may not be able to fully get everything right if I don't study." I said.
"Alright then." Murano said and twirled a bit of her hair around her finger.
I nodded and got prepared to write the information down. Yui and Hinari was playing chess and Yui was getting completely destroyed. Mikoko was laying on the bed, playing a game on her phone. Erin was reading a book while sitting on the couch that was beside the window. Suzumi..well she was just asleep, nothing new about her actions. Shizaki was watching TV while eating cookies that I bought for her.
"My hobbies are walking around for countless hours, staring at the sky at night, listening to music for hours on end, watching anime and reading manga. I love dogs, but I hate cats. My Zodiac sign is Aquarius. I was born on January 21. My favorite food is Tonkatsu and Fried Chicken. I hate eating Daikons and Broccoli. My favorite people are my family and the people I hate the most is Katsuguchi and Himiya. The thing I do at night to pass time is masturbate then fall asleep." Murano said.
"Was that last one necessary?" I asked.
"What? You've never masturbated in your life or something?" Murano asked.
"W-What does that have to do with anything?!" I blushed uncontrollably.
"Well how did you write the information down?" She sat up and looked at me.
I set the notebook down and showed her how I wrote it. It was in separate columns neatly and in order from most important to least important information.
Name: Murano Misaka
Age: 19
Birthday: January 21
Favorite People: Her family
People She Hates: Katsuguchi and Himiya
Favorite Foods: Tonkatsu and Fried Chicken
Least Favorite Food: Daikons and Broccoli
Favorite Animal: Dogs
Least Favorite Animal: Cats
Hobbies: Walking around for countless hours, staring at the sky at night, listening to music for hours on end, watching anime and reading manga.
Zodiac: Aquarius
"Why didn't you write my pastime activity?" Murano asked.
"I never wanted to hear your pastime..." I looked flustered and frowned.
"It was important information nonetheless. Besides masturbation releases stress." Murano said.
"I can second that." Yui said.
"What?! You do that too?!" I looked at Yui.
"Mhm, in the bathroom when you all are asleep." Yui said then moved her Bishop piece.
"Why is it a shock that we do? It's not unheard of." Murano said.
"I don't do it, but there were instances when I heard my sister doing that." Hinari said and took Yui's Bishop with her Queen piece.
"Whatever, I don't care." I blushed and picked up the notebook.
"Oh and I know you aren't using that information for yourself. I appreciate your concern to help Himiya and I get closer once again, but I have no intentions on making up with her under any circumstances." Murano sat back in her chair.
"Why? She genuinely seems sorry for doing such an action to you. She said she did it to get her sister back from Katsuguchi and she was rewarded with her sister in pieces." I leaned forward and looked at Murano. "She regrets it. I could feel the pain in her eyes losing you."
"If only she could have seen the pain in my eyes when I was beaten half to death by Katsuguchi and half drained of my powers." Murano closed her eyes.
"Murano...do you hear yourself? You are acting very self-centered." I said.
"Self-centered?" Murano opened her eyes. "I cared a lot for Himiya and her family. I genuinely cared a lot about her sister. I never knew her sister was even kidnapped. She could have asked me to help get her sister back, but she chose to betray me. Anytime there is two options, there will be a third. The Death Wish. Besides that story about her sister is all fake anyway." Murano said.
"What?" I looked at her.
"Her sister's been dead for years, she had a bad case of schizophrenia. It's fixed now, but the kidnapping of her sister was a lie. The reason why I hate Katsuguchi isn't because she attacked me, it was because she was able to manipulate and capitalize off of Himiya's schizophrenia. The reason I hate Himiya is because she chose to lie and deceive me." Murano said.
"When she said she got her sister back in pieces.." I started.
"Katsuguchi actually brought her sister's dead body in pieces. It drove Himiya in a Berserk State. Katsuguchi was able to capitalize off that as well...she is the entire reason why Himiya has a Demon Code. The entire reason why I can't trust people so easily. The reason I don't get so close to people...but you, Yufumi Zoko, you are different..." Murano got up and walked towards me and put her hands on the arms of the chair I was sitting on. "I feel like I can trust you with anything...your aura alone soothes me. Your presence alone, makes me see that there are actual good people in the world."
"Thanks for the nice comments, Murano." I placed the notebook in front of Murano's face and blushed a little.
"I want to do something...just the two of us." Murano lowered the notebook from her face.
"Like what..?" I asked.
"Let's go on a date." Murano said.
I looked at her bewildered on the proposal to go on a date. I shook my head quickly, obviously flustered. I was in clear disbelief and couldn't make a clear-headed decision.
"Come on, it'll be fun. Trust me." Murano pulled me out of the chair.
"But I promised Himiya.." I said.
"She'll be fine. You've got us covered right?" Murano looked at Hinari and the others.
"Yep." Hinari gave a thumbs up.
"Mhm! Leave it to us!" Yui smiled.
"Whatever.." Mikoko said, still looking at her phone.
"Mmm." Erin turned the page of his book, still reading.
"Yeah sure, Just lie to Himiya. Gotcha." Shizaki said, dismissing whatever Murano just said.
"Yeah...We..zzz.." Suzumi couldn't even finish her sentence without falling asleep again.
Murano looked at me and smiled then dragged me to the door. I tossed the notebook on the chair and grabbed my light jacket as I was dragged out the room then closed the door.
"Would you wait up?" I said and put my jacket on, following Murano.
I've never seen Murano so excited to do anything. I was always curious on why Murano even took a liking towards me. I don't even know what I did for her to like me. We got in the elevator and as the door was closing I saw Himiya walk pass. Murano pressed the button to the first floor.
"You aren't gonna use your warping abilities?" I asked.
"The places we are going to are places I've never been to before. I wanna make this date special." Murano smiled.
Himiya looked at the text message and knocked on the door. She hoped she had the right room number.
"Coming!" Yui called out and got up from her chair then went towards the door and opened it. "Oh, Himi-chan! Come in!"
"Thank you." Himiya nodded and walked in the room then looked around. "Hm? Where's Yufumi?"
"She had to run a few errands." Shizaki said.
"Oh..do you know when she will be back?" Himiya asked.
"Nope. She didn't specify the errands she was gonna run." Shizaki said.
Himiya looked upset but she wasn't too upset since she knows things do come up at inconvenient times. She just sat down and talked with the others, just simple small talk about their days and things like that.
"Alright, I'm driving." Murano said and got to her car which was a White KIA.
"You walk fast." I said and finally made it to the car.
We got in the car and closed the door. Murano started the car and backed out of the parking lot. Our first destination was a restaurant. It was called The Divine Paradise. It was some extremely nice restaurant that just opened in Lakeport City.
"It's a new restaurant and apparently there are already a bunch of five star reviews. I can't wait to try their dishes." Murano said.
Even though her voice is cold and she seems to not care about people as much and under her cold interior she is a nice girl and wants to experience happiness once again. She's definitely a Kuudere, no doubt about it. We made it to the restaurant within 25 minutes. Murano parked the car and we got out then closed the doors behind us. Murano locked the car doors and a little beep sounded as she double clicked the button. We walked to the doors and I looked at her and noticed she still had her horns showing.
"Are your horns like...permanently showing?" I asked.
"Mhm." Murano nodded. "Don't worry about it though. I'm just here for a good time."
I decided to dismiss the topic and we walked in the building and saw a waitress at the front and the woman smiled and nodded.
"Welcome to Divine Paradise, a place where the food is at it's finest and you'll believe it is from the Divine Gods. Today, we have a special for couples called the Valentine Special. Are you two a couple?" She asked. "If not that's alright because everything 25% off, but if you are couples the bill will be 50% off."
"We are infact a couple." Murano smiled and held my hand.
"Ehh..?!" I looked at Murano and blushed.
"She's easily flustered." Murano said.
"It's understandable. Please follow me to your table." The woman walked off.
"Murano..." I looked at her.
"Don't worry...it's just for tonight." Murano said.
We got to our table and sat down. The waitress handed us our menu and smiled.
"Today's special is the Buttered Crab with a side of golden brown dinner rolls." She said.
"We will take that." Murano said. "Is that what you want, babe?"
'Babe?!' I thought to myself. "U-Uhm yes...b-baby."
Something please end my life here and now. I've never wanted to die so badly in my life but now I wish to face death in the eyes and have the Grim Reaper take my life in an instant. The waitress giggled and took the menus.
"Oh can we also have strawberry lemonade?" Murano asked.
"Of course. By the way, my name is Diane. I'll be your waitress for anything you need." Diane smiled and walked off.
"Dear Gods and Goddesses, strike me down with your most deadly and holy attack that would incarcerate me in an instant.." I said.
"You've never roleplayed before?" Murano asked.
"No...and especially not as a lesbian either." I said.
"I can see it within you that you have much to learn as a demon. You're still pure." Murano smirked.
"Pure..? What's that supposed to mean? Just because I haven't sinned like the rest of you, doesn't mean I'm pure." I said.
"That's the issue. You haven't sinned as a demon. You haven't experienced a powerful sin called Lust nor Pride..you haven't got a bit of envy in you nor gluttony. You do have Fury..but that's not enough to call yourself a real demon." Murano said.
I had no idea nor did I want to know what Murano was talking about. A few minutes passed and our meal had finally came. Diane brought it alone with the Lemonade. I noticed her hair was in the shape of hands and it set the items down.
"You're half demon..?" I asked.
"Mhm, my father is a demon, a weak one though. He's weak enough to pass as human but not too weak to where he isn't a demon. My mother is 100% human. I can only imagine the pain she went through giving birth to me." Diane giggled.
"These kinds of demons are called Hybrid Devils. They are able to pass off as a human and a demon, the catch is they can not survive in the Underworld nor the Nether Realm." Murano said.
"Unfortunately." Diane smiled. "Well I hope you enjoy your meal."
Diane bowed and walked off as her hair turned back to normal. This restaurant seems to be very accepting of all kinds of species. There were Wolfkins, Kitsune, Harpies, Nyx, you name it. This was a universal place and I can see why the rating was so high. There was no discrimination.
"Well let's eat." Murano said and took a piece of crab meat off the tray and put it in her mouth and chewed. After a couple of chews, she swallowed the food. "Goodness...it's so delicious."
I took her word for it and took a piece of crab meat as well and ate it. I blushed at how delicious it was. My legs tingled a bit and my heart was beating fast. I had never eaten anything so wonderful before. Murano and I spent an hour at the table chatting and eating. Murano had ordered some wine to finish off the meal and we spent an extra 25 minutes sipping out wine. Once we finished, Diane came back with the bill.
"Here you go." Diane smiled.
"Thank you." Murano smiled back. "Only $97.45. For food like this I'd pay thousands."
"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." Diane giggled softly.
Murano paid the bill and we got up to leave. Murano left a $20 tip on the table. We went back to the car and got in. Murano started the car and drove out of the parking lot and we cruised down the highway with the windows down. Soon Murano stopped at a secluded area where no one goes.
"This is my secret spot. No one in the whole universe knows of this place." Murano said.
"I have a question...Why are you so nice to me? We barely know one another, and you seem to have serious trust issues but you choose to be so nice with me." I said.
"There's a mysterious aura about you I don't understand...a hidden past I wish to know...You seem like you come from a different reality altogether. It just drives me wild that I don't know it." Murano looked at me.
I looked at her and blushed a bit then turned my head to look back at the stars. Murano looked at the stars as well. We stared at them and pointed out constellations for a few minutes then Murano asked a question that I was baffled by.
"Are you still a virgin?" Murano asked.
"W-What?!" I sat up and looked at her.
"It's a weird question to ask but just the topic earlier took you by surprise and I just want to know if you are a virgin or not." Murano said.
"I-I am. What does that have to do with anything..?" I said looking down.
"You haven't even experienced your first time, experimenting have you?" Murano asked.
"No...It's just I don't know how. Sometimes I hear Yui going at it and it turns me on but when it comes down to doing it...I get scared." I said.
"Why are you afraid of?" She asked.
"Bleeding to death." I said.
"What? You won't bleed to death." Murano laughed. "I mean yeah, you'll experience some form of blood but that's really normal for first time female masturbation. As long as you're safe, it'll be better and you won't be bleeding at all unless you're just destroying your vagina."
"Easy for you to say." I said.
"Let me show you. Come to the backseat." Murano got out the car just to go to the backseat and I did also. We sat in the backseat of the car and I felt my heart racing a bit. "Have you a clue what to do?"
"I understand the fundamentals." I said. "Like the fundamentals of being...horny and "feeling sexy"."
"At least you know the starters. Do you want to try it?" Murano asked.
"I do." I said embarrassed.
"Come closer then.." Murano said and I did as she sat.
We leaned closer to one another and our hot breath hit each other's lips. I was blushing out of control and Murano's cheeks were rosey as well. I closed my eyes and so did Murano. Our lips soon met. Tiny kisses soon turned into full on making out. I didn't expect my first time to be with Murano of all people. Murano pulled back a bit and grabbed my hand and put it up her shirt. I felt her breast and could definitely tell she was a 32C. It was a perfect size for anyone, not too big and not too small either. They were very warm and soft.
"Don't be shy.." Murano said and took her shirt off then tossed it to the front. "Fondle with them...suck on them...play with them..I don't care."
My breaths were quiet and soft as I brought my face to her breast. She watched me and I licked her pink nipple on her right breast while squeezing them. She bit her lip and moved my hair to the side. I began sucking on her breast and she closed one eye, making tiny noises of pleasure. She stopped me and pressed a button on the backseat and the seat was put down then she laid down. She began unbuckling her belt then unbuttoned her pants. She slid them down along with her panties. I admired her naked body and she pulled me on top of her. I felt my heart racing more and felt a bit of sweat forming on my head.
"Even though we both are female..we can still make it work." Murano said.
"You..want me to strip down as well..?" I asked, shyly.
"It would be recommended if you did." Murano said and blushed.
I nodded and began taking my sweater off with my shirt and exposed my cleavage that was squeezed inside a white bra. I moved my hair to the side and unclasped my bra then allowed my breasts to bounce as they were released from being enclosed in my bra. I unbuttoned my black jeans and unzipped my pants then slid down my pants and panties, exposing my vagina that was cleanly shaved. Murano pulled me down then sat up and looked in my eyes. I was visibly shy, but I wanted to do this so I can get rid of any fear I had of this.
"Be gentle..okay?" I said.
"I will." Murano said and rubbed two fingers along the lips of my vulva.
My body began reacting in away it's never reacted before. My body shivered and I bit my lip. She kept rubbing before stopping to ask if I wanted to take it a bit further. I nodded and she carefully slipped one finger inside my vagina and I made a tiny grunt. She fingered me with one finger for a while before asking if I wanted more. I closed my eyes before answering yes, enjoying this moment of lust. She began fingering me with two fingers whilst rubbing her own clit. I covered my mouth and grunted and lightly moaned.
"M-My...b-body.." I struggled to speak past my grunting and moaning. "P-Please...more."
Murano began fingering me faster and my body quickly grew accustomed to this and I jerked my head to the right and I moaned a bit more in pleasure. My eyes watered because I was enjoying it so much. I clenched my butt and grabbed her arm with my hands, arching my back. I panted and Murano saw how wet her fingers were as she was fingering me. She was pretty wet herself at this moment as well.
"Do...you wish to keep your virginity..?" Murano asked.
"N-No." I answered nearly immediately. "Do what you must to take it away.."
Murano nodded and she summoned a strap on dildo and put it on. I looked at her and saw the strap on. She placed her hands on my hips and pulled me towards her. I watched her as she rubbed the tip of the dildo against my vulva. This was the first she'd ever done this as well, so she wanted to be careful. I nodded and she nodded in response then slowly the tip of the dildo entered my tight vagina. I groaned and arched my back once more with my eyes closed. Bit by bit the dildo entered inside me and the walls of my vagina tightened around the dildo.
"Does it hurt..?" Murano asked.
"I've had a knife in my back, and was beat up by you...this isn't anything compared to that." I said and smiled. "Just fuck me already...I need it so much right now."
Murano nodded and began moving her hips. I whimpered in pleasure as I felt the dildo moving inside me. There was some device to the strap on where Murano was feeling the sensations of an actual penis. I raised my head and groaned as she began moving faster. She grabbed my breasts and squeezed, adding more to the sexual pleasure my body was experiencing. She began thrusting and I gasped and couldn't make a sound. I rolled my eyes back and she gave one good thrust and stopped then I groaned and panted. I sat up and pulled her down then kissed her lips passionately. She kissed back and I pushed her down then pulled back and looked back as I began moving my hips slowly along the dildo.
"Who knew...this could feel so good.." I said and kept moving my hips.
"M-Mhm..!" Murano blushed and held back her moans as the sensation was getting stronger for her.
I held her shoulders and began riding fast and hard. We both were panting and moaning at that point, mostly me. I could feel the dildo deep inside of me and I loved every bit of it. I wrapped my arms around her nape and bouncing up and down. She smacked my ass and that gave me more of a driving force to keep going for as long as she wanted me to. I kissed her again then she wrapped her arms around my waist and began thrusting her hips up and down quickly and hard. I moaned loudly through the kiss and pulled back, moaning loudly.
"M-Murano!!" I moaned and panted. "F-Fuck I'm cumming! K-Keep going!"
Murano panted as she kept going and my body was moving forward and back quickly and my eyes were rolled back and I kept moaning like a wild woman. I began cumming and tear rolled down my cheek because it felt so amazing.
"G-Get off..!" Murano said. "I'm about to cum..!"
I did as she commanded then Murano pushed me down and got on top of me and stroked the dildo quickly and moaned then came all over my breasts and face. She blushed uncontrollably and panted then laid beside me. I panted and kept laying where I was. My legs were numb and I couldn't feel a thing.
"Whoa." I said, still panting.
"You can say that again.." Murano said.
"No like seriously...that was so amazing. I didn't think my body could ever feel like this before. That was so...I can't even explain it.." I said.
"Now you can proudly say you aren't a virgin." Murano smiled.
"I won't be saying who I lost it to so proudly." I giggled softly.
"It's best you don't say it at all...I didn't think it would get like this, but I don't regret it." Murano said.
"I didn't either.." I said.
"We are still friends...nothing more, but you are my close friend. I trusted you enough to do this.." Murano closed her eyes.
"We have a mutual understanding then.." I smiled and closed my eyes. "I need to rest after this..so good night."
"G'night..." Murano said.