
I own an Island in an apocalyptic world

Kael while he was still a child , a fire broke out at his home and his parents sacrificed their lives to save him , even though he survived the fire accident , he was disfigured and looked ugly. He was betrayed and killed by a guy , he thought he was his only friend. “ If there is a next life i want to born in this planet after humans gone extinct “ [ Host was discovered, integrating the system with the host's soul….. integration is completed…. Beginning the reborn process….. reborn is completed ]

LuoFeng915 · Fantasi
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73 Chs

Painful life

" Ahh…."

" Kael…."

" Waahhh….waaahhhh"

Young woman placed her baby in the officer's arms and took her last breath.

The baby's half head and face were burnt.

The baby kept crying due to pain and hunger.

Five years after the incident…

The little kid wanted to interact with other kids in the orphanage, but everyone avoided him like he was some kind of plague.

Every day, he was constantly bullied. Since he was very kind and innocent, he didn't even know how to fight back, so he always took the beating and slept with wounds all over his body.

He was hated and despised by everyone at the orphanage for his ugly looks.

He grew numb to everything and started hating himself for being born as a human.

Amidst all the chaos he was going through, he saw someone approaching him and giving him candy.

Kael looked at the boy with an absent mind. He never thought there would be someone who would approach him and even offer candy to him.

"Are you really giving it to me?" asked Kael in disbelief.

"Yes, take it," the boy said with a gentle smile on his face, but Kael didn't recognize the disgusting look in that boy's eyes.

"Hmm, thanks," Kael said as he put the candy in his mouth.

Ptui… ptui…

Kael felt mud and sand in his mouth after savoring the candy.

"What happened? Don't you like candy?" asked the boy with an innocent look on his face.

Kael thought that if he said sand and mud stuck to the candy, the boy would get angry and avoid him like everyone else, so he forced a smile and said, "No, no... the candy was so good. It just slipped into my throat while I was savoring it."

"Hmm, okay," the boy said, smiling evilly as the edges of his eyelids curved upwards.

A few minutes earlier...

"Brother Rey, where are you going?" asked one of the boys.

"I'm going towards that ugly monster," said Rey, looking in Kael's direction.

"Why are you going towards him?" asked another boy, looking confused.

"We're all eating candies, so he also has to eat one, right?" asked Rey, then he dropped the candy on the ground, stepped on it, and picked it back up.

Seeing what Rey did, all the boys close to him understood and smiled with sadistic smiles on their faces.

Cough… cough…

Kael ate the candy while coughing relentlessly.

Seeing this, those boys kept smiling while Rey smiled with his arched eyes.

Bullying and beatings happened secretly, but this situation was occurring openly. One of the girls couldn't take it anymore and brought a glass of water to Kael.

"Thanks," said Kael.

The girl nodded her head in response to his words.

"Sorry, my throat feels uncomfortable. Can you please wait? I'll be back in a minute," said Kael, looking at Rey, and walked away from that place.

After a few minutes, he was back and gave the glass back to the girl. Rey looked at Kael with a jealous yet angry look in his eyes.

No matter how hard he tried to interact with that girl, she didn't even spare a single glance at him, but she brought a glass of water for this ugly bastard? The more he thought, the angrier he became.

He came back to his senses when he heard the words said by Kael.

"Hello, my name is Kael. What's yours?" He extended his hand to shake.

Rey looked back at him condescendingly and walked away.

Kael smiled dryly and slowly took his extended hand back.

"My name is Sisili." The girl reached out her hand to hold his and shook it with a gentle smile on her fair-looking face.

At the beginning, Sisili also avoided him like everyone else. She hesitated to have a conversation with him because she feared that everyone would treat her differently, like they did to him.

She is a good girl and sympathizes with him.

She took the initiative to introduce herself solely due to sympathy towards him and nothing else. Kael also understands this and knows his place, so he didn't have any thoughts on her and just treated her like everyone else.

But it appeared different in the eyes of Rey. He clenched his fist tightly with bloodshot eyes.

He had never thought of killing someone in his life, but at that moment, he wanted to kill Kael very badly.

"My name is Kael. Nice to meet you," said Kael with a dry smile on his disfigured face.

"Nice to meet you too," Sisili nodded and walked away.

"Sisili, don't tell me you're interested in that ugly monster," asked one of her friends after she returned to them.

"Shut the hell up. Even pigs wouldn't be interested in him. Don't mention me. I just felt bad looking at how he was treated by those hooligans, and out of sympathy, I just had a few words with him, that's all," Sisili said with an annoyed look on her face.

Kael, who was close to them, heard the entire conversation.

Everything around him became blurry in his eyes, and he reached out his hand to wipe his eyes before silently walking away.

Soon, he came close to his bed, reached out his hand to gently caress the burnt part of his face, with a painful yet inexplicably sad look in his eyes.

Rey, who was with his group, looked at Kael and said through gritted teeth, "He dared to touch my goddess. I want his right hand disabled."

One of his bootlickers intervened, "Brother Rey, we considered him an eyesore the moment we saw his disfigured face. It would be best if he disappeared from the orphanage completely."

"Disappear," Rey murmured, a ruthless glint flashing through his eyes.

He moved close to one of his bootlickers and whispered in his ear. The bootlicker's eyes lit up brightly with excitement.

"Ok, brother Rey," said the bootlicker, then walked out of the dormitory.

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