
I Only Tame Dragons

“Come not between the Dragon and his Wrath.” — William Shakespeare The year was 2140, and Earth was nothing but a distant memory. Humanity now drifted through the galaxies aboard colossal ARKs, massive skyships that served as the last bastions of civilization. Yet, these ARKs were more than just floating cities; they were humanity’s last containers, preserving what remained of their species. A century before Earth's final collapse, humanity discovered a gateway to a realm known as Eternia — a fantastical world straight out of myth and legend. Reaching this realm required more than just advanced technology; it demanded a complete departure from the physical body and entry into a mysterious process known as the Dream Weave. In the present day, Cloud lived aboard ARK NO. 427, where he had been training from a young age to step into the Dream Weave. He was a standout among his peers, excelling in every tasks that came his way. Everything seemed to be on track for him — until the pivotal day of the Class Selection process.

MiuNovels · Game
Peringkat tidak cukup
51 Chs

The Blondie in Distress      

Horizon was already thinking ahead. "We should set up a base here. A place to call our own."


He glanced at Von. "It's one of my goals to establish a territory in Eternia — somewhere to return to. I was thinking about joining a kingdom or guild, but after what happened in the ARK, that option seems . . . less appealing now. I'd rather have a place I can control. A sanctuary to go back to."


Von considered his words, rubbing his chin. "A home, huh? Not a bad idea, but . . . if you're always adventuring, is a home really practical?"


Horizon nodded. "You wouldn't get it. You're an elf. But for humans, having a home — something to return to — means everything. It's the one place where you can feel grounded, knowing there's something waiting for you."


Von's serious expression melted into a smile, one filled with understanding. "Yeah . . . I can see that. It sounds . . . comforting."