
I Made Enemies With Everybody I Know Now They All Want To Kill Me

Dark, twisted, natural, and fun. If you like the title, cover, or where this shi(cough) is going let me know.

amateur · perkotaan
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12 Chs

Bad Education

Charlotte's presence in Prof Michael's office made a lasting impression on anyone who encountered her that day.

Naturally, Prof Michael was as impressed as his male students were.

Charlotte enrolled in college, selected her courses, and continued her studies.

In her first week, students swarmed her with absurd requests and ogled her as she walked by.

Freshmen like her felt intimidated, sophomores wanted her at their parties, and juniors and seniors sought to date her.

Charlotte declined every offer.

Despite the prying eyes and constant scrutiny, Charlotte refused to hide.

She walked with her head held high, found a quiet corner to sit in, and left campus when she had no classes.

This approach minimized her clashes with lecturers and thirsty students.

It took Mr Michael two semesters to encounter Charlotte again.

Upon their meeting, they recognized each other instantly, her confident demeanor indicated that she remembered more about their first meeting.

Throughout that semester, Charlotte kept her distance in lecture halls as usual, but Mr Michael had a plan in mind.

He scheduled the Continuous Assessment Tests (CATs) in the middle of the semester, which was unusually early.

Charlotte breezed through the assessment, finishing in minutes, then patiently waited for her classmates to complete it.

Two weeks later, everyone's marks appeared on the virtual campus, but Charlotte's were conspicuously absent.

Impatient, she approached Mr Michael to inquire, only to find out that he couldn't locate her paper.

She suggested a retake, or even completing a random paper, but due to campus policies and more, he advised her to wait for the next semester to retake the exam, as it would be marked as incomplete without the assessment scores.

It was a delicate situation, one that a professor of his caliber should have known how to handle.

He sat in awkward silence, not offering a solution or making eye contact.

Charlotte understood the unspoken message and proposed to do whatever it took to retrieve her marks.

Whatever it takes?

Within Michael's mind, the word "everything" echoed persistently. Hearing it, he walked over cautiously, locked the shared office door, and approached her.

They were alone... together.

Charlotte was observant, and the thought of what he had in his shameless mind was terrifying to her.

Without making eye contact, he extended his hand to touch Charlotte. Despite her discomfort, she allowed him to touch her shoulder and neck. Irritation fills her body.

His breath quickened, and Charlotte discerned his intentions. She wasn't in a hurry to remove his invasive fingers from her neck as he moved them back.

Excited, Mr. Michael moved his fingers toward her cleavage, causing her to react in irritation.

Charlotte swiftly retrieved her phone and snapped a couple of pictures.

Seeing this, Mr. Michael aggressively attempted to seize her phone, demanding, "What do you think you're doing?"

Stepping back, Charlotte, now furious and with reddened eyes, retorted, "What did you think you were doing?"

Her voice was resolute.

Mr. Michael's face turned flush as he contemplated the potential repercussions of those photos on his reputation, career, and personal life.

He wanted to snatch the phone from her hands, but Charlotte had the camera trained on him as she spoke.

"I took your damn exam, Michael, and attended your senseless classes, and for what? So that you can violate me?"

Mr. Michael was too ashamed to meet the camera's gaze; his face was averted towards the wall as he pondered his next move.

"How many other girls have you tried this with? How many girls have you violated, you sick fuck!"

Charlotte closed her phone's screen. "Turn around; I want to see those perverted eyes when I say this."

Out of sight of the camera, Michael looked around in terror.

When he saw Charlotte's murderous expression, shame flooded his face, and he looked down.

He was not afraid physically.

"How many?"

With painful honesty, Mr. Michael admitted, "Only you."

Although Charlotte didn't want to believe him, that was his truth. She was his first victim.

"Listen carefully now, you moron.

Before I decide what to do with you, I want straight A's in all my exams, which you will be teaching, perfect attendance.

Oh, wait, I want your assurance that you'll never touch another girl.

Is that too much to ask?"

Mr Michael's misery started that day. Charlotte had the keys to his career, personal life, and reputation.

She had the final say, which haunted him.

From that day forward, Charlotte never attended Mr. Michael's classes, but she never failed them either.

She kept the footage, occasionally revisiting it while contemplating all that could have gone wrong that day.

And more, she thought about her beloved sister and all the other girls who would be too afraid to act on it.

The knowledge of the footage tormented Mr. Michael. He had no idea what she might do with it or when she might use it.

Wherever he went, whomever he spoke to, the idea that someone knew about his actions consumed his thoughts.

Guilt plagued him, and Charlotte was well aware of it.

Before graduating from the college, she paid a final visit to his office. What she said and did during that visit haunted Mr. Michael for months, until he felt compelled to seek revenge.

Amid his thoughts, as he sat in his car across the street, Michael's mind briefly shifted from the chilling memory of his encounter with Charlotte to a more sinister and vindictive thought that brought warmth to his eyes.

He knew that Charlotte had the power to destroy what was left of his life. That's why he decided to take measures to ensure she could never harm him that way.

Now, he had done the unthinkable, and Charlotte would never haunt his life anymore.

He looked at Madison, a young woman he saw having the same sinister thoughts about someone, and wished he would have told her what he did to help her find a way to take revenge on who victimized her as well.

The audacity to count himself as a victim.

Madison stays with the books all day, she must have come across something she is capable of doing. He hoped so.

From Mr. Michael to Madison, it's goodbye for now.