
I Made Enemies With Everybody I Know Now They All Want To Kill Me

Dark, twisted, natural, and fun. If you like the title, cover, or where this shi(cough) is going let me know.

amateur · Urban
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12 Chs

Blood-Red Moon

Dominic, a high-achieving college student, was in the process of finalizing his graduation forms.

His meticulous nature meant he had all the necessary details at his fingertips, from knowing which lecturers to approach for signatures to having contact numbers for those who weren't readily available.

After a single day of efficient form-filling, he found himself facing an unexpectedly long line outside the computer science offices.

As he joined the queue, he overheard Clay, a fellow student, making an inappropriate comment about someone's appearance.

"The ass-to-the-body ratio is remarkable. Weird you only looked at the ass (laugh), she's an eleven for sure!."

The atmosphere changed as those around him responded with lewd remarks and nervous laughter.

Dominic, oblivious to the topic at hand, couldn't help but overhear the discussion about a certain "perfect ass."

"If you hadn't said it, I would have. That's what a perfect ass looks like bro."

It was clear that the young men in the group were objectifying someone. A mysterious girl he must have missed.

Being one of the good ones, he didn't care much.

A moment later, a young woman, Charlotte, emerged from Mr. Michael's office. Dominic could tell she was prepared for unwarranted attention.

She took a deep breath before opening the door.

The onlookers stared at her with unsettling lust, and it was evident she felt uncomfortable. However, she held her head high and continued past the crowd.

Although Dominic had heard the disgraceful comments, he resisted the temptation to look.

Not for long!

He knew it was wrong to think like those around him, but he couldn't help acknowledging that Charlotte had a physique that could only be described as perfect.

However, her simple pink blouse, black pants, and sandals didn't seem to match the profile of someone who would seek to draw such attention.

She was way too young, although with a woman's body.

"Hey new girl! Wait... I'm Dominic."

Setting aside the purpose of his visit, Dominic decided to follow Charlotte and introduce himself.

"They're pervs, don't let them intimidate you."

He expressed his disapproval of the disrespectful behavior exhibited by the other students.

Men are obvious...

Although he didn't explicitly state it, Charlotte understood why he was walking alongside her.

As they continued their conversation, Charlotte mentioned that she was new to the college and already tired of the stares from everybody, boy or girl.

Dominic, always willing to help, not only provided directions but also went the extra mile by making phone calls to absent staff members to ensure Charlotte received the assistance she needed with lesser scrutinizing eyes on her body.

Charlotte thanked Dominic sincerely for his kindness as they parted ways, congratulating him on nearing graduation.

As Dominic thought back on that encounter, he couldn't help but reflect on the stark contrast between the Charlotte he met that day and the one he eventually married.

After graduating, Dominic couldn't shake the thought of Charlotte, who never attended his graduation ceremony.

Driven by his desire to find her again, he made multiple visits to the college in search of her.

On his thirteenth visit, during her graduation year, he finally spotted her on the college's backdoor balcony, and he couldn't contain his joy.

He rushed to embrace her, and they rekindled their connection, catching up on their lives.

Upon seeing him, Charlotte thought, what's he doing here?

Dominic proudly shared his achievements, boasting about his startup hedge fund company, while Charlotte attentively listened.

Dominic extended an offer to Charlotte: a position at his company. She carefully considered the offer and accepted it.

For a year, their relationship deepened..

She had found her passion in making money, which became her sole pursuit.

Dominic's heart continued to beat for Charlotte, even though she seemed absorbed in her role as the star trader at his company. She helped him attain the mainstream success, and reputation from prominent investors.

One night, she warned him not to become too entangled in their relationship.

Charlotte advised him to go on dates like normal people do, but he couldn't.

Dominic's eyes were only for her, and as time passed, he noticed her transformation from perfection to something akin to divinity.

Ignoring her warning, Dominic waited for the right moment. Then, one day, they slept together, and he couldn't hold back any longer.

He tasted that which was forbidden.

In the same night. He confessed his love, proposed marriage, and invited her to move in with him.

Filled with love and devotion, Dominic married Charlotte in an intimate wedding attended by his close friends and family.

Their relationship moved at supersonic speed, a journey destined to run out of runway sooner or later.

Dominic knew the risks, but he was willing to take them all for the love of Charlotte.

Lost in his thoughts, Dominic was snapped back to reality by Lena's voice, which seemed to drift up from downstairs.

He remained still, silent, as if frozen in time until Lena approached and stood right behind him.

Standing by the window, bathed in the eerie glow of the blood-red moon, Dominic stared out at this rare celestial sight. It was a moment unlike any other.

Behind him, Lena approached, her presence almost ghostly in the darkened room.

She reached out, placing her right hand gently on his shoulder. But Dominic remained as still as a statue, unmoved even by her soft touch.

Then, breaking the silence, Dominic whispered, making Lena know what she was entangling herself in, "I slept with Emily."

In the darkness, Lena's expression remained hidden, but her hand continued to move soothingly over his back as she took a step closer, standing by his side.

Dominic's voice was resolute as he continued in a hushed tone, "I'm going to fuck you, and then we'll figure out a way to remove Charlotte from our lives."

"I know," Lena replied softly, her hands now deftly unbuttoning his shirt in the obscurity of the room.

Dominic's love for Charlotte was a deep and complex emotion, something he struggled to put into words.

It had been there since the moment they first met, an indescribable connection.

But, is it one-sided?

On the other hand, Lena, Charlotte's sister, had harbored a desire for Dominic ever since Charlotte introduced them.

Dominic was well aware of Lena's intentions, and he had been known to engage in inappropriate and seductive conversations with her, making her uncomfortable on several occasions. It was a strategy, a calculated move to keep Lena at bay.

However, tonight was different. Tonight, Dominic was ready to fulfill Lena's desires, a move that would bind them together in ways they couldn't fully comprehend.

They were about to embark on a journey that had no reset button, a journey with a singular purpose, with loyalty as the only friend.

Lena wanted Charlotte out of her children's lives, and Dominic had his reasons for wanting the same.

These two shared a clandestine agreement, an unspoken bond that would prove stronger than the one they were about to sever: their connection through Charlotte.

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