
I Love You So Desperately

"I would rather never get forgiven by you, if it means I won't get forgotten by you" He said holding Kashish tightly in his arms. He felt like if he loosens his arms now he will lose her forever. When Kashish faces rejection her whole life she loses her faith in love; her anger and pain do not let her live her life fully. Her past always haunts her and her hatred for her past never lets her forget it. So when life plays with her again and brings her back to face her past; what will she do? Its a story about love and healing. And about how time sets everything right.

fAITHinmeQueenB · perkotaan
Peringkat tidak cukup
17 Chs

Chapter 12

Ashvik's POV

I was sitting with my friends when I saw Kashish walking out with a guy. She was looking completely blank when she departed. "Hey?" Nihal waves his hands in front of my face. "What?" I blurt, "Where are you? We were asking Ranvit about Chandrika".

I nod in return, Ranvit grumbles " She won't come, she has a photoshoot". Nihal chuckles "Yeah right. Oh yeah I heard that canteen girl came".

"From whom did you hear it?" I ask in annoyance. "You're Grandma told me" Nihal points, " So did you ask her?". Nihal examines my expression. "It is a coincidence, I was probably wrong", I try to end this topic.

"Really? Is the great Ashvik admitting that he is wrong it is a rare scene" Ranvit joins Nihal and chortles. I don't wanna admit but I am probably wrong this time, the taste I have been so obsessed with may even don't exist. Maybe it is just in my mind.

Kashish's POV

It has been days since Holi, I have completely avoided anything related to that day the names the talk anything. I have been lucky enough not to come in contact with Ashvik in the company. My mother could see my uneasiness but I avoided giving her a clear answer, it was wrong on my side but everything is happening too fast for me to process I guess I am not as strong as I thought. Today I am doing my usual duty in the canteen when Dimple approaches me "Kashish, Can you deliver these boxes of a water bottles? They need one more staff".

I accompany my co-worker to deliver water bottles to the conference hall. "Thanks for the last-minute delivery, we will take it from here" a man I recall is called Manav takes the boxes. When I walk out of the hall to return I bump into a tall figure, "Sorry" I apologize directly without looking at the men.

"It's okay sweetie" I hear a jolly voice, I look up to see it is one of that Dil trinity, What is he doing here?.

"What are you doing Nihal? don't block the path" a voice interferes, I see Ashvik standing behind Nihal. "You can leave" Ashvik quickly brushes me out. I scurry off in hurry.

I leave feeling utterly moody, my luck never works for me at times like this.

No one's POV

"Hey man! Why such a scene spoiler? I was trying to have a moment" Nihal spews his ongoing train of fantasy. "Stop this crap. What are you a film writer or something?" Ashvik's disgusts is reflected visibly on his face. "Oh come on sour face. Stop being such an ass. No wonder girls run off as soon as they see you" Nihal raises his arms to make his point.

Ashvik just ignores his blabbering, "By the way who was she? I have never seen such a pretty girl in your office" Nihal questions seeming very interested. "She works in the canteen", sudden realization strikes him, "Oh the canteen girl. What a waste! I could have dated her but naah she is your fated so how can I?".

Ashvik frowns "What nonsense are you spouting?", Nihal laughs "Oh man how can you be so clueless? Don't you feel like it is predestined no food had made you feel so satisfied till date, but her food suddenly caught your heartstring". Ashvik was getting more and more annoyed with his words each passing second "Predestine my foot, you watch too many movies. Stop annoying me; go and fry someone else brain. I don't have time for this bullshit".

Nihal sighs "You are no fun, I am going to visit my Ranvit bro, at least he will listen to me. Bye sour face". Nihal walks off humming to a song, "Manav is everything done?" Ashvik inquires.

Kashish's POV

It has been weeks since my last encounter with Ashvik and Nihal, after that I haven't seen them anywhere in the office.

Today I am in Babli's house after work to spend some time with the Awasthi family. "So I decided it is better if I paint it white" Babli is going on her story about painting her room. When I am with her I forget about my anguish, I smile at her gestures which are trying to make her point clear. "Oh, right I forgot, ceremonies are going to start in Agarwal mansion. So my father and brother are gonna get very busy, Mr. Gill and father are partners so the father is required for many duties". I nod in reaction, "I am so excited to see rich people's ceremony. I expect the standard will be high" her joyful expression cannot be hidden. I inwardly sigh I just hope I would not need to be part of it.

"You two go and accompany Parvaan for shopping?" Jamuna auntie's voice awakens me from my deep introspection.

"Did you bring us along to torture us?" Babli angrily pouts at her brother for making her carry all the bags. Few of them were handed to me too "Don't complain. We are short in hands. The engagement date has been advanced. It will be held by next week" Parvaan briefly explains the situation. "What?" Babli's surprise is openly visible.

I am in Awasthi's house at this moment and we are going to Agarwal mansion, to start the arrangement for the functions. I sigh Prakash's uncle told me it will be better to have more helping hands and I couldn't refuse. My canteen duty has been shifted to Dimple who was utterly annoyed by it, but in the end, she had to accept it. After Holi, I decided to never set foot again in that colony but life is playing a joke with me, I can't just blatantly ignore it anymore I will need to face it. I put on a brave face and leave with Babli and Parvaan to have a terrible day.

"Wow my god, is this even someone's home," Babli beams looking around the house as soon as we entered. I peer at the place I once wanted to call my home. "I am so excited, I can't believe we are working for such amazing people" Babli's reaction is making me feel worse. Amazing people or more like stuck-up humans with a truckload of ego. I exhale and try to control my bitterness, it shouldn't affect my work at any cost. I remind myself and start my allotted chore if I am fortunate enough I won't come across the owner, while I am busy in the dining maze area, one of the worker's requests for help in the hall. I accompany him reluctantly, he assigns me with hanging the ribbons he needed a partner so he approached me. I hang accordingly with his explanation.

"So are you Prakash's uncle's daughter?" he tries to indulge in conversation, "No I am his neighbor" I mutter blankly. "Vinay, the truck came", he runs off giving me a few instructions. I continue to work alone, he ditched me after requesting help himself. I ignore my worsening mood and do the left-out work. I tiptoe to reach a little higher than my height was not reaching, I feel a presence behind, "Is this a work for a girl to do?", I quickly spin to see an old man with completely gray hair and a beard. His gaze stares right into your soul, his face has toughened more with time.

"Why are you alone? Aren't you supposed to finish this by afternoon? Work efficiently" he walks off.

I stare at his retreating back. I just met the owner of the house in person, the man with rules and regulations who disregards the feelings of the people who he considers inferior. Blood relations matter the most, yet there is also a condition to be entitled to that. The man of pride Yash Agarwal, his words are the ultimate truth of this house so how can I forget him, I will never forget him even if I close my eyes. A woman walks towards the man I recall her name too it is Padma Agarwal the woman mentioned with virtues but all I see is the fake mask of elegance. "Ma" I hear a familiar yet so unfamiliar voice, I turn immediately but I still catch a glimpse of two figures walking towards the old couple.

My breath hitches I lean on the nearby pillar to stable myself, my head feels light. I promised myself to be stronger but the reality is dawning on me. I can never face the harsh truth, my eyes become blurry. I clutch my salwar in a desperate attempt to control my emotions. "Are you okay?" a worried voice rings, a figure looms in front of me, I can't pick up the features but I remember this voice clearly.

I open my eyes and see the white ceiling above, I get up hurriedly. Where am I? I remember losing my consciousness in the hall and a voice asking about my well-being. "Thank god, you are awake. I was getting worried" I look at Babli.

"Where are we?" I inquire nervously. "We are in Agarwal mansion"; I sigh I caused a commotion yet again, " Are you okay? You just fainted" Babli looks at me concern reflected in her face. I smile meekly "I am fine".

"Have you been sleeping and eating well? The doctor said it was due to fatigue" she bombards me with queries, " I am okay, it just happened I guess". She stares at me doubtfully but doesn't pry further, "What room is this by the way?" I quizzes glancing around. "Oh, it's a common room for female workers" I nod in response. Suddenly her face brightens "Do you know who carried you here?", my face falls in realization. Suddenly I remember a vague figure carrying me to a room, "Ashvik" I state.

She nods enthusiastically "Oh my god it was once a lifetime sight. A handsome hunk was carrying my beautiful damsel friend in his arms. I swear I could hear romantic music playing in the background", my mood degrades more but it goes unnoticed by my delusional friend. "Leave those dramatic dreams limited to yourself, Babli" I see Parvaan standing at the door glaring at his sister for sharing her weird thoughts.

"Here" he hands me a glass of juice, I accept it smiling. "Mrs. Binita Agarwal specially made this juice for your fatigue", I stop my hand in mid-air while drinking.

"I am fine now. Let's go there must be a lot of work pending" I try to slip away leaving my glass unfinished. "No no you are not going anywhere. Finish the drink" Babli forcibly makes me gulp the whole drink "And you are not working anymore. We'll pick you up once we finish" she softly pushes me to lay back on the bed and tugs me in.

Parvaan also dismisses my protest and leaves me alone in the room. I sigh and try to console myself, I recall the two figures that cause me to lose consciousness, the arrogant Abhigyan Agarwal and his wife Binita Agarwal. Life is sure unpredictable and what awaits me in further future is also unknown. The sunset by the time we leave.

Today is the last day for the preparation, the ceremony begins in the evening so the last arrangements are being made. The mansion is in a very hectic stage, the cooking area is full packed. "Yeah what is the status of the main course, what about the appetizer?" Prakash's uncle is in full work mode, he is not tolerating even a slight mistake,

"Aaaaah" a scream catches my ears, I run to see the situation. A cook has burned his hand "What are we going to do? We are already short on hands. Now, who will prepare the deserts?" Parvaan questions agitated looking at Prakash's uncle. I peer at the ingredients and register it's for moong dal ka halwa. "I can help" I lend a suggestion, "But will you be able to do it? You'll need to cook for hundreds of guests" Prakash's uncle worriedly asks me.

"I do have few experiences cooking for functions in my neighborhood" I imply informatively. "Then there is no issue, let her handle it. And we already know Kashish is a wonderful cook" Mr. Gill has joined the conversation and gave his honest opinion.

"Our lifesaver. How many times have you already saved us from disaster?" Babli indulges in small talk keeping me company while I cook. I laugh "Come on. I didn't do anything" we converse throughout my cooking. I finish cooking my first batch of deserts then I let out a breath.

"Oh my pretty friend, you still look awesome even after sweating in front of a fire", Babli claps lightly, "You should go and enjoy the function, why are you stuck with me?", she sighs "How can I enjoy without my miss chef!".

After a few more batches," Kashish, Kashish oh my! the engagement has started. Come let's go" Babli comes running back to me from the hall.

"No I can't there is still a lot of work left," I say out loud "Plus I would prefer to not see their faces" I murmur to myself the latter. But she grabs my wrist "No you are coming with me. No excuses. Parvaan will take care of it", Parvaan nods in my direction "Go Kashish, nothing much is left to do. And if you won't go, this woman will eat half of my brain".

Babli pulls me and I hesitantly follow. We reach the venue to see rings are already being exchanged "Congratulations to Ranvit brother and our new sister-in-law Cherry", loud claps booming in the room.

"Cherry" I stare at the girl who has just been officially introduced as the new bride. "It's her" I murmur, "Cherry Chowdhury is Chandrika Chowdhury". Her face is filled with pride and her body is adorned with luxurious dress and accessories. "We are lucky to have such an amazing woman as our daughter now" Abhigyan Agarwal announces "Now I shall have two daughters. Rashmi and Cherry" he proudly smiles.

I smirk looking at the happy scene unfolding of all the families together with the Agarwal, the Singhania, the Chandekar, and the Chowdhury. It sure looks elegant moment. It's true the saying that birds of a feather flock together, the accusations made by Cherry in that mall are still fresh in my mind and all those horrid words of Agarwal's is also perfectly saved in my brain. And everyone included in that picture-perfect happy scene is part of that horror.

I leave the scene in anger, how can they be so happy after spoiling my life don't they have the slightest remorse. How do they sleep at the night? How can they celebrate when the daughter of their family is suffering for all these years? How? They forgot everything then why am I the only one who can't forget? Why am I the only one hurt?.

Tears prickle in my eyes, I enter the washroom letting my tears fall. Why? Why am I even crying? I promised myself to never shed a single tear because of them. Then why am I still so pained? All my bottled feelings burst out in the silence of the room.

"Is someone inside?" a voice breaks my moment, I don't know for how long did I stand in the washroom. I wipe my tears with my dupatta in hurry "Yeah just a second". I casually walk out lowering my head to not let my swollen eyes be visible. "Are you okay?" a voice asks softly, "I am fine" I reply.

"You don't look fine. I am Rashmi Agarwal, if there is any problem you can tell me" I look up registering her name, and my eyes widen, "It's okay" I swiftly walk past her. "Wait" I hear her voice calling out but I don't stop my pace.