
I Love You So Desperately

"I would rather never get forgiven by you, if it means I won't get forgotten by you" He said holding Kashish tightly in his arms. He felt like if he loosens his arms now he will lose her forever. When Kashish faces rejection her whole life she loses her faith in love; her anger and pain do not let her live her life fully. Her past always haunts her and her hatred for her past never lets her forget it. So when life plays with her again and brings her back to face her past; what will she do? Its a story about love and healing. And about how time sets everything right.

fAITHinmeQueenB · Urban
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17 Chs

Chapter 11

No ones POV

Ashvik is tired at the constant bantering of the girls trying to win his attention. He walks away to allow some space for himself. While pacing in the clear area of the garden, he perceive a loud laugh.

He caches a sight of a drunk man bullying a girl in broad daylight, the girl is covered in colour and is constantly rubbing her eyes. The drunk man with an grin extends his hand to touch the girl but Ashvik grabs his hand before he could do that "If I were you I wouldn't dare" Ashvik growls in anger, the drunk man now seems agitated after seeing the owner of the voice.

"Leave" Ashvik commands, the man hurtles away.

"Are you okay?" Ashvik inquires to the said girl, he then observes she is Kashish. Kashish doesn't reply rubbing her eyes trying to soothe the burn, she had already realized it was Ashvik with his voice no one can mistake his voice with someone else.

"Let me help" he offers politely, "I can manage" Kashish grumpily declines. At this moment she will let her eyes burn but not accept help from her past tormentor. Ashvik raises his brow as an confusion a girl has declined his help that is something very new.

Ashvik still decides to help against her signal, "There is a washroom inside it is not that far I can take you there" Ashvik politely suggest, "No" Kashish strictly refuse she will never set foot in that house she thinks mentally.

Ashvik gets annoyed with her stubbornness, her condition is worsening yet she is constantly rejecting his help. Ashvik ignores her persistence and heaves her in princess style, Kashish squeaks in surprise "What are you doing? Please Put me down" she voices tensely. He ignores her plea and walk inside the mansion.

He set foots on the bathroom and slowly settle Kashish to the ground, she stumbles back still her eyes closed. Ashvik wraps his hand around her waist to steady her "You are clumsy, I am here to help". He runs the faucet for her, the sound of flowing water signals Kashish to wash up. She splashes water in her eyes thoroughly finally soothing the burn, Kashish opens her eyes and washes off the gulal off her face. Kashish suddenly registers the presence behind her. Her eyes abruptly meets his in the mirror, he was watching her blatantly all throughout. The eye contact is broken by Kashish, "Thanks" she mutters ready to leave the close space with him.

"Your dori is open" he states making Kashish realize her previous almost disaster. She anxiously try to tie it but her self awareness is making it so difficult. She decides to hide it with dupatta for a while till she meets Babli, while she pulls her dupatta Ashvik stops her. Ashvik comes closer to Kashish and slowly pulls her dori. Kashish gets startled and looks at him again at the mirror, Ashvik continues not breaking the trance through the mirror.

"Ashvik bro" a loud voice breaks their little moment, Ashvik clears his throat awkwardly "Let me go out before you. You can come out after you finish" he exits the bathroom leaving Kashish to collect her thoughts.

Kashish's POV

I exhale as soon as Ashvik left I thought I would faint any moment with shortage of oxygen. My heart was drumming in my ribcage, I was worried Ashvik will be able to hear it.

I look at my reflection in the mirror, I look like a mess with all my hair and half of my face covered in gulal. The day could not have gone worse I state mentally.

I walk out of the bathroom to find two little girl standing at the door one has short bob hair while the other has long "Hi" I greet meekly. "What were you doing with my brother in bathroom?" shorter hair girl inquires with a dead glare, "Umm..umm" I stammer in giving reaction "Dumbo brother told earlier. He was helping a girl in distress" longer haired girl smugly comments her choice of words surprising me.

"Oho Gina and Bimbi. Stop disturbing the guest" Ashvik intervenes, he kneels down to meet their heights "Ma is searching for you guys. Go to her". The shorter haired girl pouts cutely "No brother we want to play with you", "Yes brother please play with us" another joins in the plea. Ashvik grins broadly at their cute request "Okay lets find mom together", he then gaze towards me "I have to go now my sisters demands my company. You can enjoy the rest of the party. And don't worry no one will pester you again" he leaves me behind holding both the girls hand in hand.

I join Babli, "Oh my god What happened? Where were you?" her voice rings in my ear. "I met some kids" I lie although meeting kids was not a lie.

Parvaan joins us along with everybody else, "Where were you?" Babli questions annoyingly. "Discussing about the deal?" Parvaan informs. "What deal?" Babli confusingly raises her brow. "Our deal for catering services in Ranvit Agarwal's marriage ceremonies" Babli jumps in response "Oh my god really? This is our first deal in event catering. I am so happy".

Ranvit Agarwal the name I have been ignoring this whole time the name related to me which I wont be able to deny till death. "Kashish; Are you okay? You don't look well" My mother worriedly inquires. "I don't feel well" I inform getting headache after trying to process everything that happened today. For more than a decade I have been running away from these names, I was even scared of mentioning these names but now it has become part of my daily lives. I am frightened to think about tomorrow.

Parvaan propose to leave early but Babli wanted to stay little bit more so I decide to leave alone with Parvaan. I insisted mother to stay behind as she doesn't get to go out much it will be nice change for her. And it was my personal issue that I couldn't remain more longer, I need more time to accept everything. Parvaan drops me off and drives back for the party. As soon as I enter the house I fall on my knees, I sit there on floor forgetting about the time