
I Just Want To Retire Peacefully, But My Apprentice Is A Regressor

Nathan never considered himself a good person; he just had his bottom line. Therefore, when he did not have much time left to live and met his benefactor's son in a difficult situation, he could not bear to leave the child alone. He raised the child as if the child was his own. He hoped that before his imminent death, the child would be able to survive by himself. However, What went wrong? Why was everything different from what he thought at the beginning? ... Theodore's life was never easy. He was just an abandoned child. He spent his life attempting to go further on the path of mana user. He did not regret dying without reaching the peak. When he closed his eye to accept his death, his last thought drifted to his childhood with that person who cared for him. When he opened his eyes again, he really did return to when he was a child. ... This story is about a mysterious retiring teacher and his not-so-simple apprentice. ... Update: Every Sat and Sun Note: Extra chapters depend on the situation I will try my best with the update; Thank you very much.

SleepyCultivator · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
45 Chs

Chapter 30 - A Trial? (3)

After going through that uncomfortable situation, the remaining patrol of the day for Theodore's team went without any further dilemma.

The team soon returned to the training ground, one of the gathering places for the city guard.

After arriving, Lucas signaled his team to a corner without people before he opened the pouch he received in front of everyone.

Theodore saw several coins in the pouch; most importantly, they were all bronze coins!!!

He roughly calculated. The monthly salary of the city guard he received was five hundred copper coins, or five bronze coins if he exchanged it. In short, the money in the pouch was worth several months of his salary.

The more Theodore looked at it, the more he did not understand.

With this much money, that young master Chasin could casually buy some beautiful women who would accompany him willingly. Instead, he would force someone reluctant to be with him and give money to the city guard to shut them up.

์No matter how Theodore thought about it, he could not comprehend what that young master was thinking. He could find no benefits in doing such a thing; instead, there were losses in various forms.

The money loss was light, but the damage to reputation was not worth it in Theodore's opinion.

He could only smile wryly at his absurd thinking. It was ridiculous that he even tried to understand what a noble was thinking. He quickly recollected himself and focused on Lucas.

Deep in his heart, although Theodore was disappointed by the action of his team leader, he also knew that if he was in the place of Lucas, there was also nothing he could have done better.

He looked quietly at Lucas with the others, curious about what he would do next.

Lucas calmly took out the bronze coins and split them into two equal parts. He then composedly kept away one-half before he divided the remaining equally for the rest of the team.

Theodore received his part of the share in surprise. He initially did not think that Lucas would give him anything.

After dividing the share, Lucas told them about the schedule for the next day before he dismissed everyone in the team and left indifferently.

The recruit blankly stared at Lucas's back. They then decisively hid the money and started gossiping.

"What is he acting generously about? What good is there in doing such a thing?" A person complained unsatisfactorily.

Another person who seemed to agree also added, "He even took half of them by himself and only gave us the rest; what does he think we are?"

The more these people criticized, the more ridiculous and the more out of hand the topic got.

After listening quietly for a while, Theodore could not bother paying attention to these people anymore, so he left silently.

When he left the training ground, he went to a market to buy some ingredients to supplement the house.

As Theodore walked, he could not help but occasionally look at where he kept the money he had received; he genuinely felt uncomfortable.

The thought of the tragic situation of the miserable father and daughter came to his mind from time to time.

His concern remained even after he finished buying everything he needed at the market. In fact, it was even worse after he used parts of the money he received from Lucas.

Finally, Theodore sighed; he quickly returned to his home and hurriedly but quietly arranged what he brought.

After Theodore finished, he silently came to his teacher's room. He inaudibly opened the door and saw that Nathan was still resting.

Theodore breathed a sigh of relief. He then peacefully closed the door, went to his room to change his cloth, and left the house.

'I will just go and check them out; I will not do anything that will harm myself and my teacher.' Theodore reflected, trying to comfort himself.

What Theodore did not know was that when he came to see his teacher, Nathan was already awake.

After sensing that his disciple had left, Nathan slowly opened his eyes and got up to prepare food for Theodore.

As someone who had raised Theodore and had lived in this city for so long, how could he not guess what his apprentice had gone through?

Nathan believed The environment in the city guard was not very suitable for his inexperienced disciple.

Although he disagreed with Theodore taking the city guard position, he sincerely hoped it could help his apprentice grow up.

Nathan understood his situation well; he had little time left to live.


Theodore soon arrived at the place where he saw young master Chasin persecute a pair of father and daughter taken place.

He saw no one there, and there were only traces remained. Theodore was not surprised; he randomly asked some passersby if they knew about the situation.

Because Theodore did not wear the city guard's uniform, the people quickly and naturally answered his question without much discomfort.

He shortly figured out what had happened after he left. That young master, Chasin, forcefully took Jasmine and left her injured middle-aged father on the ground behind. Luckily, someone took pity and already brought him to see a physician.

Theodore hesitated before looking for Jasmine's father to see if he needed further help; there was nothing else he could do.

He felt that if he remained doing nothing, this distressing feeling would stay in his heart for a long, long time.

With this thought, Theodore left for the clinic that the passerby pointed out when he had previously asked.


When Theodore arrived at the clinic, he did not rashly enter. He first peeked from outside behind a tree to see what was happening inside.

What he saw was an unexpected screen.

He caught Lucas consulting with the doctor as he paid the recovery fee with the money from the pouch.

Theodore recognized that it was the pouch that Lucas previously received from Chasin.

He continued to hide and observe.

After paying the fee, Lucas walked in to visit the sleeping middle-aged man who was still in a coma and left the pouch on his bed.

As Lucas left the clinic, he lightly glanced at a particular place before returning his gaze and walking away.


Theodore breathed out a deep breath when Lucas walked away.

'Did he notice me?' Theodore thought when he recalled his previous feeling that Lucas's gaze lingered on where he hid.

He then disregarded the thought and shook his head, thinking it did not matter, even if Lucas knew.

In any case, Theodore felt it was really the right decision to come here; his team leader, Lucas, was a much better person than he initially assumed.

He also entered the clinic and left part of the money he had previously received on the unconscious middle-aged man's bed before quietly leaving.

Although the uncomfortable feeling still remained, the restless alarm in his heart subsided a lot, and he also felt much better.

Theodore secretly decided to quickly save enough money to heal his teacher before quitting the city guard job. Since he felt uncomfortable with what he had to do, he found no reason to insist more than necessary.


When Theodore returned to the house, he saw the food made from the ingredient he had recently brought prepared on the dining table and his teacher sitting silently, waiting.

He greeted his teacher with a smile before they started their dinner together.

Nathan did not take the initiative to ask what Theodore had gone through. He believed it was better to let nature take its course.

If his disciple wanted to disclose something, he would tell it himself; there was no need to force it.

Nathan asked Theodore about the trivial topic and did not ask what happened on Theodore's first day of work.

Theodore was also relieved Nathan did not inquire about the weird action he believed his teacher noticed.

He worried that bringing up these troublesome topics could upset his teacher for nothing and worsen his illness.

Theodore and Nathan soon finished their dinner.

Theodore then asked Nathan to return to his room to rest and that he would clean the dish.

Nathan shook his head helplessly but still followed his apprentice's advice.

Just when Theodore was preparing to clean up the dish, he heard someone knocking at his house's door.

He frowned as he walked to the door to peeked at a small hope to see who was outside; he saw a very unexpected guest.

What Theodore did might not be the best and might seem a hypocrite, but there was not much he could do in his position. He somewhat had a bottom line, but he was also not a selfless person; Lucas was the same.

There was also a question that I always had when reading some novels. Are you not curious why the young master character liked to force innocent commoner girls when he had so much money? Even if he really liked the girl, there was no need to make an ugly screen out of something. Why not make a screen more subtle but do it in broad daylight and announce to everyone that he was the one who did it? It was one unsolved mystery for me; if you know the answer, please tell me as well. (^w^;)

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