
I got reincarnated as a robot bird in marvel.

I got reincarnated as a flying death! predator missile, RCXD with wings, AC130, A-10 the destroyer! The world will kneel before me! *Chirp. Chirp Chirp Chirp!* "Aww. What a cutie you are." Unhand me woman! I got a universe to conquer! "See? I told you he likes to be patted" "You know that thing can level a city right?" "Ahhh Patato Patato" I- i will, once i am done here. I am writing this to just do what ever i like with stupid things with memes. I dont know about others but i am going to enjoy this more than i should have.

The_Puffer · Filem
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10 Chs


[Just the Two of Us - Bill withers]

'Juuuuuust the two of us. We can make it if we tryyyy. Just the two of us. Building castle in the sky. Just the two of us. ' I was singing one of the Best songs to listen while being on the road and Dancing. My body was in a perfect harmony. Head, wings, tail and legs, they all served one thing and one thing only, enjoying life.

"Only god knows what kind of music you are listening to right now Pumpkin." It was the first time I saw Agamotto this scared, Even if he wasn't showing on his face, I knew he was. Maybe seeing a bird dacing to a music is something he never saw in his life. Or, he is being intimidated by my superior Dancing skills! Yea that must be it! Muhahaha! Bow before me mortal for I, the great Pumpkin will show you power beyond your comprehension!

While enjoying the music. I looked at what I got for reward. Yes I might've beaten Agamotto but thats because he wasnt serious from the start and me being immortal.

[2x Leg with two repulsors {Iron Legion}: Standart Iron Legion leg with extra repulsors attached to the calves for higher speed while in action. Can be stacked with other upgrades.]

[High quality oil {Iron Legion}: Better oil for better performance. Helps the gears run smoothly to decrease turning time and decreases performance problems in harsher conditions. Can be stacked with other upgrades.]

I equip both of them and kinda feel the changes they cause. Its difficult to explain but if I had to, I would say that it feels like my organs are changing places while I can still feel everything. Exept it doesnt hurt.

We walk for a good amount of time and reach a big river. "It seems we are little off course. We need to walk upstream From here." said my magician friend.

We follow the river and see a village pretty close to it. we can see there is some kind of commotion and People are gathered in the Village green. The houses are small and few so its easy to see the other side of the Village.

Agamotto decides to take a look whats happening so we head to the Village instead of following the river which in my opinion is a good thing since I wont get bored.

[Music stops]


[General Pov]

"Kill it!"

"Burn the monster!"

"Thats what you get!"

"Kill it before Gods get angry!"

In the middle of the whole commotion was a little girl, crying. Her body is covered in bruises and blood. She had many broken or fractured bones. People were throwing rocks at her non stop. Some were throwing slow so that she can die painfully, some were throwing Fast as they could so that their gods wont get angry. After all that was done to the little girl, it was a miracle that she was still living.

"Mom Help Please!" the girl was crying while still hoping her Mother to rescue her. She was looking around to see even glimpse of her.

"HaHa! I found the Monsters Mother!" one of them dragged an middle aged woman to the middle and threw her next to the kid.

"Mom!" Even thought slow, the girl walked towards her Mother as Fast as she could despite the injuries she sustained.

When she reached her Mother, she could see that her Mother was not responding and has blood and something white on her face.

"Mom please wake up! Mom!" the little kid shook her Mothers lifeless body while tears running down her eyes. Then, one of the guys Who brought her mother, threw a Rock at her head for god knows many th time. The girl finally couldn't handle all those injuries and fell on top of her Mothers corpse. She was barely hanging on to life as she watched the crowd with half closed eyes.

"HAHAHA! The wich is dead! Burn her so she doesnt comes back to life!" one person shouted. They grabbed both from their hair, dragged and tied them to logs they placed beforehand to burn them.

*BOOM* suddenly a loud sound is heard. And Everyone at there looked behind to see what happened. There, stood a humanoid figure. Blue lights were coming out of its eyes and chest. It scanned the crowd. No body said anything. They were trying to figure out what that thing was. The the thing opened its mask and suddenly, screamed to them! Everybody got scared because they thought it was a monster. No human could've looked or made that sound. It raised one of its palms and a loud bang was heard. Next thing they knew, somebody's head was exploded. Everyone started to run for their lifes.

The thing slowly aproached the little kid, crouched and pointed its palm to her. 'Finally. I am going to join mom.' the girl though. She closed her eyes and waited for her death. But instead, something else happened. She didnt felt pain anymore. By the sudden relief of pain, the little girl fell asleep.


[Pumpkin Pov]

After I got rid of the fucking pests, I aproached the girl. I could see that she has suffered serious injuries and is barely alive. I scan her body and find out 15 fractures 3 broken bones with internal bleeding. I reach out and start to heal her. The little kid must've gone through a lot even before we came here, because I can see some old scars and burn marka on her skin. She had a tan skin color with straight black hair. It was something uncommon to see here. Maybe thats why she was seen as a monster.

After I healed the girl, I checked the Womans condition. She was dead. So I took the little girl and fly off to meet with Agamotto who was watching the whole deal from a hill.

"This is the first time I see you this angry." commented Agamotto. He was right. Seing that girl being beaten to death reminded me of some memories I wished to forget. Ugh even talking about it makes me angry... Damn when did i turned into an edgy anime character?

Well, everyone has hardships in their lifes. And lets just say, mine was pretty similar to this girl's. I put the girl down on the leaves Agamotto prepeared beforehand to sleep. It was not night or getting close to it. He just did it because he knew we were going for the kid to wake up. We decided to make a small fire and a tent while waiting for her.


It was currently night. I was sleeping near the little girl to make sure no snakes or bugs comes and bites her while Agamotto was sitting on the log we cut, cooking some meat to stay awake. The little girl slowly opened her eyes and looked around.

"Ah you are finally awake" says Agamotto while looking at the girl with a little smile. The girl gets scared and tries to back away and run but suddenly she cant move her body. "Dont worry. We wont do anything. If we were going to do anything, we would've done it before you wake up" after hearing this the girl relaxes a little bit.

"So, Whats your name?" He asks

"N- Nia" the little girl answers.

"So Nia, do you know why those villagers were attacking you?"

"I- I dont know" the little girl answers. Looking kinda nervous.

"Dont worry. I won't do the same as them. Infact, look I can do magic" Agamotto quickly makes a fire on the tip of his finger. And smiles at the girl.

After seeing that, Nia decides to tell him. "I- I can make my body glow"

"Hooh? Can you show me?" Agamotto looks really interested.

The girl raises her hand and it suddenly shines white.

"Wow. You can reinforce your body."

The girl quickly brings down her hand and deactivates her power.

'I know Pumpkin wants to take her with us but we need to give her a choise at least. Even if she is a kid. "So, what do you want to do from now on?"