
I don’t want to lose control In rewriting

An extraordinary and exceptional boy named Aim, well, it's how most people know him. After the sudden death of his parents, he found himself under the protection of his father's childhood friend, who guided him and helped him overcome his difficulties and differences. He meets four weird boys, who in some way are different from him, but each represents something positive that will help set in motion all the efforts his guardian has made to help him overcome his daily trouble. They participated in his fulfillment. And the day he crossed the path of Kenan... He is a young boy with an innate talent for classical dance and drawing, which has turned his life upside down with his physique, feline grace, and intoxicating beauty. His habits and desires have taken a turn that he never thought he could. With his intellectual heritage and enormous fortune, which threatens his life after living in hiding for more than nine years, will he make it or the same fate as his parents await him?

Quentin_ikanu · perkotaan
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51 Chs

The Obstacle To Overcome

Since I decided to get a little closer to Ewen, it turns out that he is always accompanied by this pot of glue, which kneads him under any pretext, and the worst part is that he allows himself to be done without any shame.

If Cody hadn't filled my head with this story, I wouldn't find myself watching this stupid boy. What is surprising is that these days, we often meet as if by magic. To be honest, I'm not too fond of that feeling rising inside me, and I don't like this guy either.

He's not a beauty like Ethan or Jade, so he's far from looking like a custom doll. He is virile, exudes a strong masculine presence, and is strong and dominant. He is rough without grace and can inspire fear and comfort in anyone. Anyway, he is not too hideous to look at, but that's not what matters since it comes to the same thing for me. He is an eyesore.

I don't know why, but looking at him makes me want to smash him like an ugly slag. He's a common cockroach that I want to burst without any accommodation. Still, each time I see him with Kenan, he gives me a bad feeling.

I can't see anything good from him, no matter the angle from which I analyze him. I enjoy attempting to read their eyes, even if I am unable to decipher their feelings and emotions. Usually, it's the first thing I see in others before going any further.

He certainly annoys me, but why? When I feel these evil thoughts rising in me, I do my best to remove them from my field of vision or find something interesting to discuss with others to distract myself. I don't want to lose my control either and leach my wrath...

Why do I have to listen to Cody's whining? It was all rubbish. How can Ewen's presence make my nerves and personality feel better, huh? Whatever, I still wanted to try it.

Since that famous day I spent with Nodge, I have felt danger or something of the kind that awaits us. So I looked for where this feeling of discomfort that I perceived in his voice could come from. I did not expect at all what I discovered.

With this discovery and Kenan's sidekick, I don't know which one makes me want to dismantle it the most and then put it back together in the correct order.

So, as I feel myself cringing under the weight of my homicidal thoughts, I look for my companions to escape. I need to tell them about myself, Quincy, my life, and who he is.

They were observing me, probably wondering why I hadn't tried to run away to our nest in the last few days since it's no longer my secret nest. Sometimes they text me: "You know where to find us." Without explaining further, as they say, I know where to find them, so it's OK.

A few days ago, I refused to go up there. I wanted to find an opportunity to cross paths with Kenan and talk to him. I met and saw him, but there was no way to speak to him. He is always getting all intertwined with this guy.

When I brought my attention to them, they quickly looked away, pretending to be busy doing something other than staring at me.

"Who do you think you're fooling?" Those lads are so silly. They turn to me with stupid smiles like clowns.

"I need to talk to you, guys, so it's a little tricky. I'm inviting you all to my house this weekend. "

A proverb says, "you have to strike while the iron is hot." I don't need to invite them to a restaurant or anything since I have to tell them the truth as much as they have a direct idea of ​​everything. I would have to make less effort to explain the whole story to them and save myself from stupid questions.

There is a silence that falls over them. They look at each other to be sure they heard the same thing. "Are you at least aware of what you just said?" I nodded yes, but they still looked at each other questioningly. As always, Jade is the first to break the ice.

I will send you the address this evening. I stood up to leave, dragging my feet warily, having asked Cody ten minutes before to send me my driver.

As this year's gray Flying Spur parked right in front of us, they stared at me in astonishment without saying a word.

The five of us have been friends for almost six months. I always decline their invitations and have never asked for such a request.

Without paying too much attention to them, I head towards the car, which attracts more than one glance. Today I feel empty and devoid of strength. I am not in the mood to do all the walking. Usually, I get off halfway to walk a little, and the same when I have to go home.

Wolf has already positioned himself in front of the door, one hand behind his back, the other holding the back door. A few feet from the car, I felt a small, soft, slender hand slide over my index finger like a child and grab it tightly. I guided my gaze to the hand holding me and then to the person it belonged to.

"I need to talk to you fast, please; I don't have enough time before my friend returns." I don't know how to describe the surprise I had when I saw this beautiful face with the most beautiful eyes I've ever had to admire in this world. All my instincts push me towards these lips that are offered to me. I only have to bend over just a little, and it will be mine.

" Hey! " Are you listening to me? " The force he exerted on my finger snapped me out of my twisted thoughts. I think I'm obsessed with his lips. What's happening to me? I dragged him to the car and pushed him inside before rushing into it myself without looking at my shocked friends.

"Take us back to my apartment, Wolf." The small figure next to me straightens defensively. I watch him amusedly as Wolf wordlessly drives us home while glancing at me worriedly in the rearview mirror.

" Don't be afraid; I can't, and I don't want to hurt you."

"Who said I'm scared? A harsh voice yapped next to me.

"There's no need to be aggressive," I told him, smirking. He moved away from me, avoiding my gaze with his cheeks on fire.

He stared at me like he wanted to eat me alive like a damn cannibal when he's spent the past few days ignoring me. Every time I try to walk toward him, he walks away, glaring at me like shit. He must not be well in his head.

Is he ignoring me because of his friends, or does he not want them to know what happened between us? Is he bipolar? Shit! I like the way he looks at me sincerely. I don't know what I'll do if he happens to have one of these problems, but once I'm there, I might as well go through with it.

Is there anyone else he looks at the same way he looks at me? I suddenly feel a pang in my heart at this idea. I look at his face, his head resting on the red leather backrest. He goes very well in this frame. The luxury of the car and his commanding posture complement each other perfectly.

His jawline and delicate features are youthful. This is the first time I've noticed that side of him. I didn't think he was so young. He must be younger than me; this giant who troubles me is none other than a kid. Oh, damn it! What the fuck?

"Father, you know what gets ready to insult me," I mumbled between gritted teeth.

Despite myself, I spent the last few days contemplating him. Zack pointed it out several times, asking me if I knew him, and I always answered, "no." Whenever I return home, my mom is eager to hear from us. Sometimes she even runs to meet me, or I find her waiting for my arrival on the balcony. She even comes back home very early from the office.

I have the impression she has found a new passion in addition to caring for all these people in need. I'm her new passion. Let's say my love life is her latest fascination.

I'm as amazed at her attitude as you might be now. With an excited voice, she always asks me: "So tell me, did you see him?" Did you talk? " I am both happy and worried to see her in this state. And sometimes, I was afraid of not being able to give her good news. I've never seen her enthusiastic, and I didn't think she would take the news so well.

As I was lost in my thoughts, I did not see the car engulfed in the parking lot of a luxurious complex. Three sports cars were parked there: a Porsche, a Bugatti, and a Lamborghini. One is as elegant as the other, and all three are recent models.

I was amazed when I saw these three jewels smiling at me brightly. I opened the door on the fly and jumped out of the Bentley without giving the driver time to open it for me.

Timidly, I returned to close the door I had left open in haste. When I realized my out-of-place behavior, it was already too late, and two pairs of bewildered eyes stared at me with astonishment. I kept my eyes riveted on my hands for fear of meeting Aim's gaze.

He must be wealthy, was my last thought. Before he leads me to a private elevator, there is so much luxury before my eyes that I become blind; everything is refined and stylish—a two-stop home elevator with a hydraulic drive. Two cabin walls are painted RAL 9010 (pure white), and the entrance walls are polished stainless steel. COP in polished stainless steel with gray knobs. Mirror, super-panoramic hinged door (GRETA) with transparent glass, integrated handle, and steel finishes in polished stainless steel. False ceiling in RAL 9010 with 4 LED lights.

On the security side: alarm bell, cabin lighting with standby energy-saving mode, auto releveling, and return to floor functions without power: infrared barrier, command, and signals.

Cabin: call and alarm buttons; STOP emergency stop and overload signaling; illuminated buttons in the cabin: call buttons, "present" and "busy" signals, and an alarm bell.

Eyes half-open, Aim scrutinizes my every move and wild behavior with amusement, leaning against the sides of the elevator as I scan every nook and cranny of the device with great care and enthusiasm.

I try in vain to hide my excitement without success. When faced with such splendid architecture and advanced technologies, I am in all my states.

"What fascinates you so much that you keep looking around with wide-open eyes?" He asked me; maybe he couldn't stand my excitement even longer.

I hear myself responding to him eagerly: "Who designed this elevator?" He opened his eyes wide and took off from the wall without giving me an answer.

At the same time, the doors opened in front of us. I couldn't believe my eyes, and I held my breath. I felt like I had gone through a portal; I was amazed by what I had before my eyes.

How could it be possible? It's not the sumptuousness of the apartment that attracts me the most; it's the finesse with which it was designed. It must be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars.

I must stop acting like a child in front of my new toy. I don't want misunderstandings about my intentions and what's got me in all my states. Oh, what if he thinks I'm a diamond digger? This thought made my blood run cold, and I avoided looking in all directions at all costs, but I wanted to take a close look at the architecture of this imposing penthouse.


The way he touches the contours of the walls, his face's expression, and the wonder spreading all over his face with each detail he notices are so childlike and... I don't know, but it isn't comforting.

"I don't need to show you around; you'll see everything yourself at this rate." I tried intervening in his world because he had long left me behind. "I'll see the rest later," he said, ignoring the tone. I want to be sarcastic or something. I think I failed again.

I am at a good school; it's just that sometimes I fail to put my lessons into practice. So I tried again. This time I will make some naughty jokes. "Oh, at least I have something I'd love to show you." "What?" he replied eagerly.

"My room," I said, not taking my gaze away from him. He blushed and looked down at his hands. He shuffled from one foot to the other and brought his hands to his cheeks. The gesture is so childish, cute, and innocent that I feel myself melting like ice cream in the sun.

So far, Cody hasn't shown up; he probably concluded on his own that it was best that we stay alone. As he is, "Sir, I know everything."

Last week, I had three swings delivered to my apartment and a dozen to the mansion so they could place them in places where I spend a lot more time. Nodge and Cody made my party.

I shouted, "Cody." Ken jumped a little and stared at me with questioning eyes. "Cody? Is anyone else here? " He ended up asking anyway. "My assistant, Hold on; I'll do the introductions. Do you want to drink something? " Pointing to the bar on the right, "Help yourself to what you want, and if there's anything else you want, say it aloud."

Ewen jumps when Cody walks in like a diva. The other laughed before apologizing for his lack of tact. But he did it on purpose.

"Cody, this is Ewen. He's Cody, my assistant." He doesn't like me calling him that. He gave me a murderous look. Ewen peered at Cody and looked at us in turn before asking the question that was burning his lips. "But it's you, right?"

At the same time, we answered: I said no, and Cody said yes. He gave me one last look before answering.

"I am indeed him, but more efficient." "I am happy to fin..."

I scratched my throat to keep this jerk from saying anything stupid; otherwise, Kenan would think I was always talking about him. He corrected the shot.

" Can I touch you?" Ewen asked him in wonder. Once again, we answered yes and no at the same time. I said, "No, it's not a toy." The two turned to me with two different expressions. Surprised by my tone, Ewen began to apologize, and Cody glared at me with that look that said, "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"You don't have to apologize; you can touch him. Go ahead," I told him. Cody smiled, a freaking big grin as big as the room we were standing in. I want to tear that smile away from him. Ewen begins to touch him and circles around the happy and enchanted Cody. I let him chat with him and headed for the stairs that led me to my room.

I head to the bathroom, where I shower and change my everyday clothes to something less rigid: my black t-shirt and joggers against navy Bermuda shorts and a white shirt, with my loose hair falling down my back in a supple and silky cascade.

I put on a Guerlain vetiver Eau de perfume before I go to bed for a nap before dinner.

"When you're both done, ask him if he wants to stay for dinner with you," I said to Cody before falling asleep as if I had spent a few whole years without being able to rest a second.

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