
I don’t want to lose control In rewriting

An extraordinary and exceptional boy named Aim, well, it's how most people know him. After the sudden death of his parents, he found himself under the protection of his father's childhood friend, who guided him and helped him overcome his difficulties and differences. He meets four weird boys, who in some way are different from him, but each represents something positive that will help set in motion all the efforts his guardian has made to help him overcome his daily trouble. They participated in his fulfillment. And the day he crossed the path of Kenan... He is a young boy with an innate talent for classical dance and drawing, which has turned his life upside down with his physique, feline grace, and intoxicating beauty. His habits and desires have taken a turn that he never thought he could. With his intellectual heritage and enormous fortune, which threatens his life after living in hiding for more than nine years, will he make it or the same fate as his parents await him?

Quentin_ikanu · perkotaan
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51 Chs

The Hunt Has Just Opened

After the irruption of Aim at the Schröders, which some of them took very badly, they began investigating to find out who this person was, whom their good-for-nothing grandson had brought to their house. Who put them to the shame of their lives in front of the Cliffords, who only live for gossip when they are no better than them.

Without knowing it or thinking about it, Aim woke up a nest of vipers that began to slumber some time ago but who had not forgotten who they were and were not stopping looking for any traces of this boy. This boy risks being a pain in the ass for them if he learns the circumstances in which his parents were killed when he grows up.

While he is at his penthouse in a dead calm with a goddess in the skin of a shy and cheeky boy at the same time, imagining ten thousand ways to make love to him without ever implementing them, or rather without ever going to the end of his crazy fantasies.

Other people with much more demonic and wacky fantasies have taken it into their heads to find out who he is and his background because they have a lesson to teach him for his rudeness and arrogance.

Kenan's grandfather, a veteran of the Air Force and the German Army, has a very different and fixed vision of the question of being a man. For him, any living being who carries male genitalia must be impressive, gruff, stoic, built like a rock, and strong either physically or mentally without weakness.

While no man is without weaknesses, there is no perfect man either.

The pillar of any society that respects the norms enacted centuries ago is a dominant male who decides the yes and the no of others. For Friedrich, a man is a representative of the law, his law, of course.

This is his perception of a man, which means no man should look like his grandson, even by accident. It is a very erroneous perception of his vision of a man. A man can be anything he wants, depending on his tastes, expectations, and needs.

A man can be strong or weak, handsome or ugly, muscular and chubby, effeminate, or very manly. And regardless of the category, he finds himself in; he remains a man like all the others; he is neither a wreck nor an abnormality.

Unless the person decides what gender they want to belong to, you must respect their choice and not ridicule them.

"You must report this to me as soon as possible on this young man." I want to know everything about him, where he comes from, when he goes to the toilet, and what color his excrement is."

"So get to work. I would not allow a little shit to come and shame me at my house without moving a finger. I had to be killed for this disrespect to go unpunished. "

Friedrich sneered on the phone, pissed by what had just happened. He asked his men to follow Aim's car when he left with his unconscious grandson without anyone having the presence of mind to stop him.

He may have hated Ewen, but he is not ready to see him being kidnapped before his eyes by a kind of delinquent with no education or respect for himself or even less for others.

That's the pretext he used when he dialed that number, but he's not fooling anyone because they all know he doesn't care what fate this boy has in store for his grandson. His ego worries him, which has just taken a hit, and he does not intend to let it pass like this.

His wife tailed him, and he headed for the exit where his driver was already waiting for him, almost at the spot where Aim had left his car a few minutes ago.

He left without saying goodbye or glancing at his son and daughter-in-law, who watched him go, seething with anger and rage, his wrist supported by his left hand.

"Why should a person as healthy and wealthy as this boy be interested in this runt of Ewen? Nature's mistake should not exist, yet someone is not afraid to put his life in danger to protect him. What's the deal between them? " He grumbled through gritted teeth as he sat next to his wife in the shiny new Maserati that his driver had pulled up to pick them up.

"Stop making lousy blood about that thing; you've already put someone on the spot. We'll soon find out who this young man is and his relationship with that damn Ewen. I can't believe he dared to do that today. Did he lose his mind dressing like a prostitute when he's a man? "

"What did you expect from him?" He's no better than that; since he was enrolled in this girl's dance school, I knew we couldn't get anything good out of him, and he had had two years since he started to dance. "

"Damn, how can I have such offspring? What have I done to deserve this?"

"Come on, darling, don't worry. You just have to disinherit him; not even Robin should touch a penny of your inheritance. Let them manage with their runts as best they can."

"Did you see that he didn't even try to help you capture that little low-level thief that his good-for-nothing son brought under his roof?"

"He has always been like this, a flabby ball with nothing in his stomach. To say that I am his father is disgusting. "

"If these two think they can take advantage of the money from my hard work, then they've been screwed. I prefer a thousand times to donate this money to an association supporting the Army instead of letting these less than nothing use it for their good pleasure."

" Well, that's said, make him work like a beast in the company; he owes you that for all these years you spent watching over him, and when the time comes, he will have the surprise you have reserved for him. You should block his son's cards. "You can't block Robin's access now, so he doesn't suspect anything. "

"You know what, honey... I don't know what I would have done without your help. You're my thinking brain, and once I get there, I will take care of all these changes."

"First, we have to take care of your wrist. It's starting to swell like a balloon. It would help if you didn't have these kinds of injuries at your age, but look what he did. " She scolds her husband as if she cares about him, so he doesn't say anything. He just takes a look at his swollen wrist and sighs.

"He must have quite a grip to screw up your wrist like that, honey, with one hand." That boy isn't bad, don't you think? He is wild, has devastating sex appeal, and exudes such confidence and masculinity that he gave me ideas. "

"Yeah, he's got a hell of a grip." He finally resigned himself to answering his wife since the latter changed her tone by evoking the characteristics that make Aim a sex bomb.

"I was taken aback. I didn't expect that one day someone would dare to stand up to me to defend the honors of Ewen. Did you see Zack? He became docile as a dog. You want me to save him for you before I take care of his case once I get my hands on him?"

When Robin pointed the finger at him as the one who gave him his submissive genes, no one believed him because Friedrich was the one who directed everything. Nothing goes unnoticed under his supervision.

However, it seems that it is only a facade. His wife appears to have the upper hand on him and his brain. And when you think about how he mistreats others and treats them like dirt because they are in no way like the ideal man he knows, it's kind of confusing. And he, then, what is he?

"It would make me happy, my man." I would like to see how far he can go and his stamina and if he will still be arrogant and proud when I am done with him. "

"My dear lady, we will do so. Your wishes are orders, milady. "

After all this scandal that Ewen alone caused at this brunch that was supposed to be a peaceful moment, the two families have a subject of conversation for the coming days. Ava and Émelie have enough to write a whole book with several volumes or to make a television series with endless seasons like The Walking Dead.

But we're not going to think they can write a book without getting confused about storytelling and everything. They're just good at dancing when Ewen isn't around, shopping all day long because it was their favorite subject at school, not to mention slandering others, which is their profession, after which they're no good at anything.

If Ewen is his mother's son for what he represents and is, we cannot say otherwise except that there is nothing good about them. They are lazy like their mother and have nothing that can make people applaud them just by looking at them. But if you like gossip and your passion is to hurt others by making up degrading stories about them, then it's without a doubt that you have found your favorite. They are perfect.

They have a wild imagination to invent things that don't even exist, so what will happen after watching such a show live? They could have recorded videos to spread the good news better and make fun of Kenan, but they are not allowed to film the Schröder family, which is a shame, and that too would have prevented them from adding their two cents to the story.

The fallout is likely to cost them far more than they have, so they refrained, but if this story only included Kenan and his friend outside the villa's walls, they would have had a blast filming it.

And Zack dropped the bomb on their heads by admitting that Aim is indeed Ewen's boyfriend. They still can't believe the latter's response and the calm with which he announced it. as if it were normal for him to admit that his lover had found another lover.

"He's kidding, right?" I thought they were together. Did we make movies for nothing? So our brother isn't a fag, and he's not one of those sick people who think it's okay to sleep with the same sex. Hm?

Émilie asks her sister, who opens her eyes wide in amazement. Despite having left the Schröder home, she still hasn't been able to digest the shock.

"Ava, I'm talking to you, shit. Did you hear me? What are you thinking?"

"They are not sick people. Everyone has their needs, and they have theirs. They are neither an anomaly nor whatever name you call them. You who think you are the queens of normality."

"So I advise you to stop saying ill words about Ewen and his appearance, his gentle and fragile ways. I no longer want to hear discrimination and judgments about his lifestyle and everything that makes him the person he is. From today you stop all this nonsense," intervenes their father, not far from her.

"Homosexuality, that is to say, the desire for a person of the same sex, is not a choice, as for our food preferences, our musical preferences, or our sports preferences. It is not something we can decide. It is something beyond us. Just as we can choose not to fall in love with someone, we do not determine the physical pleasure that we will feel in contact with such and such a person.

It's much more complicated than that; it involves billions of neurons and connections between the reasoning area, the neocortex, the emotional area, and the limbic system. Sexual orientation with humans happens in the head when we love someone or have a physical desire for someone. The motor behavior directs erotic behavior, and the sensory regions—the sense of smell and hearing—will be stimulated by certain aspects of the person we desire.

It's not just a perverse and aimless game. It's a whole physiological and psychological process.

"But what's gotten into you? What's wrong with raising your voice against my children, and why are you defending these perverts? Do you think it's normal for two boys to be in a romantic relationship, too? Where is my husband, who always minds his business without getting involved in other people's stories, huh? " His wife screamed like a hysterical madwoman.

"How can it concern you to get involved in their story, and why can't two boys be together if they want to if they are attracted to each other? I remember you had a lesbian experience with your best friend when you were young. Their age, I would say, right? Just because your parents and siblings were way too protective to let you hang out with a male presence, right?"

"Was it disgusting? No. Did you like it? Yes, because you took more pleasure in the act than you expected and did it three times in one night, and you hardly fought that urge to not dip headlong into the matter for the rest of your life, except that it's not degrading and it has nothing to do with other people since it was you. You have the right, but others, no. "

"So, leave him alone and get involved in what concerns you once and for all. In this story, you have the right to do stupid things when you want and where you want, and while no one else can't do the same, it should stop now. It would help if you stopped it immediately, leaving them alone. Damn you, hypocrite. "

"Oh!" exclaimed his wife, surprised and scandalized by the tone and way her husband had just spoken to her. The latter just voiced her experience as a common subject without considering why he would have asked her permission because of a story that does not even concern her family.

This husband, who is hers and does everything to see her smile every day, has shown up on his bad day today, and she doesn't like it at all.

She took a few steps back, glaring at Richard from head to toe. This person in front of her now was a stranger. She had the impression that she had never known Richard.

After the pain that Richard witnessed in his son's eyes, something clicked in his head, and he could no longer bear the hypocritical behavior of his wife and daughters. It's time for him to take control of this family and make sure his son knows he's not a burden or whatever his sisters put in his head, and above all, he wants him to see that he is there for him.

He thinks he had something to do with Zack's inability to tell Ken his feelings. It is time for him to take care of his son and ensure he does not sink into grief and despair. It is time to accompany him properly, as any self-respecting father would have.

"You don't talk to me in that tone, Richard. I remind you that I am your wife, and I also have the right not to accept these things that you describe as relationships. God didn't create them to be that way, so yes, that's a problem for me, and my children have the same damn right to criticize and oppose that too. And when did you turn into a guardian and protector of fags exactly?"

"Celine barked like a mad woman, the one who most often behaves like a saint incapable of hurting even a fly. Here she is out of her hinges, screaming at her husband's head like a possessed under the gaze of her beloved daughters."

"And who is going to make love to a girl because she couldn't have a boy on hand to calm her sexual ardor and blame it on the experience afterward, hm?" Zack intervenes in a tone full of innuendo.

"It is often said that the worst people are often the most pious when you look at them. They allow themselves to lecture others on wrong and good, to give their opinions on everything and life lessons to others when you don't even ask them."

"Dear Mother, I knew you were bitchy, but I didn't expect you to be so stinky and foul. The Lady of Experiments." Without waiting for an answer, he left them and headed for the stairs.

"Did you see how your son talks to me now because of you?"

"Did he say something that wasn't true, darling? Didn't you always make it clear to me that you could easily repeat this experience again and again? So why did you spend your life making his life a living hell just because he has a heavenly beautiful friend that you named sissy, pussy, and such? Hm? A friend whose beauty and heart have no equal and who is as pure as light itself."

"Richard, I forbid you to talk to me like this in front of my daughters. I told you these things to whet your curiosity a little and spice up our lives. So I wanted to be more attractive in your eyes, so don't use them to silence me. It was just an experience, nothing more. I don't see what that has to do with this story. We weren't talking about me, but our neighbor and his life choices."

Richard ignores his wife's protests since they don't make sense to him and continues lecturing them about what he has to say. He makes them understand he does not accept they behave despicably with his son and Ewen.

This time, he has decided and intends to keep it and support his son. He no longer turns a deaf ear to the insults of his daughters towards him. He will be his shield from now on, and if the girls and their mother are not ready to lay down their arms, he is prepared to use vital means.

"So starting today, I want you to take your life and comb it through before venturing into other people's stories. First, check if you are eligible for such a role and if everything is okay before making hurtful comments about others' lives."

"And you two, why don't you try to see if you can compete with him for once instead of focusing on his life, which has nothing to do with you? I never saw him look at you, whether as a person or as a dancer worthy of his rank. He's never paid much attention to you, not even once."

"If it weren't for Zack, he would never have known you, even if you're from the same dance school as him. So think about it and at least try to reach his level before making degrading comments about him. "

Then he, too, headed for the stairs where Zack disappeared, leaving behind him three angry girls ready to pounce on him and devour him like hungry vultures.

He doesn't care a bit about the state of mind he put them in because he should have done something a long time ago to stop this. He should have intervened to help his son and then helped him to understand his feelings so that he could follow the path of his heart, but because of what he lived and endured in his past, he thought it was the right thing to do to stay out of it all.

He remains silent and watches them laugh at Zack without saying a word when they never had proof that he loved Ewen until Zack dared to put aside his fears and confess his feelings for Ewen.

But this one never did. On the one hand, he had his family, who only took a dim view of romantic relationships between boys. On the other hand, the parents of the object of his desires are even worse than his, and their social and economic influence far exceeds his.

Zack had no support from anyone to help him stand up to them if one day he came to confess these disturbing desires that inhabited him to this boy, who was the only friend he had ever had.

He did indeed have other friends, but for them, it is only this friendship between them that is worth having, so for fear of losing the right to see him and putting Ewen in danger, he kept this feeling in him. He knew how to manage it nicely without ever letting it interfere between them.

But today, because of his fears, he has been stolen from him by someone else; someone who has a lot more guts than him; someone who has known what he wants from him just by laying eyes on him; and someone who is ready to take risks for him, even if he knows very well that it could bring him harm.

And for this reason, he is also ready to let him live this love without overshadowing him, suffering in silence every day from this loss, losing the special attention that the latter gave him.

He is ready to watch him live and be happy with someone else because he tells himself that a coward like him does not deserve him and that Kenan is too good for him.

Not to mention that everyone lives their life doing things in the shadows that no one would suspect, while he is forced to bow to their needs and live a joyless life for their selfish pleasure, to appease the oversized and misplaced egos of his grumpy elders.

It's time for him to get out of their sickly influence. It's time for him to fly on his own and taste the wonderful and languorous pleasures of feeling good about being himself.

oh, I have to tell you I read an article by Stephane Clerget on sexual attraction to better write this chapter and I took some of his words to corborate my chapter.

Thank you, to those people who try by all means to give much more information to people looking for an answer to their question, and those who ignore how people they find different think.

They are not perverts, they are people like all the others. I'm not a moralist either, I don't write to harm people but to have fun when I'm not well and to express myself.

thank you for all of you reading my work, besos

Quentin_ikanucreators' thoughts