
I don’t want to lose control In rewriting

An extraordinary and exceptional boy named Aim, well, it's how most people know him. After the sudden death of his parents, he found himself under the protection of his father's childhood friend, who guided him and helped him overcome his difficulties and differences. He meets four weird boys, who in some way are different from him, but each represents something positive that will help set in motion all the efforts his guardian has made to help him overcome his daily trouble. They participated in his fulfillment. And the day he crossed the path of Kenan... He is a young boy with an innate talent for classical dance and drawing, which has turned his life upside down with his physique, feline grace, and intoxicating beauty. His habits and desires have taken a turn that he never thought he could. With his intellectual heritage and enormous fortune, which threatens his life after living in hiding for more than nine years, will he make it or the same fate as his parents await him?

Quentin_ikanu · perkotaan
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51 Chs


My mom and I hurried out of the house, leaving Zack puzzled and my father a bit confused. As I said earlier, he's acting suspiciously, I don't know what's on his mind, but I'm not ready to let him sabotage this new joy that's overtaking me.

Everything here is creepy today, but I don't care. My mom dressed like a teenager. She's wearing an ensemble that suits her perfectly. I was too busy thinking about my father that I didn't notice how young she looked in those denim shorts, a khaki tank top, and a long darker shade cardigan to finish with Puma fierce sky blue sneakers that we bought for our jogging and a small Dior bag that she wears as a shoulder bag.

Her silky hair loosely falls on her back in the wind without the strict buns she often wears as part of her work. Enhanced with brown glasses, she is resplendent.

I'm not bad either. It's not just my mother who woke up on the right foot this morning. Nobody would believe that my mother was accompanying me. When she goes out with me, she usually dresses casually, which makes us even closer, and people often turn around in our path. We form a beautiful couple.

I wore black Chelsea boots, ripped skinny jeans, and a more or less loose black t-shirt. Yeah, I'm dressed all in black. My mid-length hair that comes down to my neck and covers my eyes instead gives me the air of someone mysterious and beautiful.

They float slightly in the air, leaving a trail of amber fragrance that tickles my nose. They make me even more attractive than my outfit.

I put on a gold wristwatch and a small gold chain to highlight my all-black mood—a gift from my father when I was a child. As we said, no drivers; I am the one driving.

We took my car, which Edgar had brought back yesterday. My mother cheerfully whistled a melody that I know well, "4 no blond," "what's up?" Believe me, if you want, I want to shout with all my might, "What's going on?"

Once I started the car, my mother turned toward me with one of her big smiles, which indicated that she was in the game. It is only with me that she smiles like this.

"Stop with that; you make me uncomfortable, young girl."

She burst out laughing.

" So I'm making you uncomfortable now," she complained. "What did you do last night, you little rascal?"

Mom, stop! Can we avoid talking about this, please, hm?

* Hell no, no way! I waited for you all night long, and you didn't even show up. What time did you get home last night?

"I don't know. Your husband didn't discuss the time with you? " I asked her because he has always reproached my mother for anything if by misfortune I take a false step, and even more so if I come home so late.

* uh, no. Why?

* Because he was the one who was at the reception last night

* What?

* That's what you heard. I thought you sent me the signal, but to my surprise, no.

* What are you talking about? What signal?

* My friend and I were parked across the street, almost across the entrance. We talked before we separated, and then the SOS signal was made with the lights on the wall. I thought it was you who was crawling with impatience.

"So you find me impatient?" She asked in a sad and sulky voice.

* You know who you are; don't pretend to be offended. I told her in almost the same tone as her.

She burst out laughing harder before saying with a chuckle.

I don't know what's wrong with your father. I think he's acting very suspicious. He's way too nice. We have to watch out for him until we see what he's up to, ok?

* I was thinking the same thing; I thought I was the only one who noticed. I think he's possessed by something, maybe a benevolent spirit. A sentence that I finished with a small laugh that my mother followed.

* What did he do last night?

* Ah, this part is the most unpredictable of all, my dear. Imagine that he spoke to me in a soft and worried tone. The crazy part is when he put a hand on my forehead to take my temperature while wondering, "Are you okay, son?" Do you believe this?

My mum can't keep it straight today. Instead of being in the same frame of mind as me right now, which means a little worried, she's pretty much completely on cloud nine, and she can't stop laughing at my story with the padre. She made fun of me.

* You're kidding me, mom, right?

* But darling, he's your father; he also has the right to be a little bit worried about you from time to time because you are our only son, after all. Maybe he realized how much you didn't care about his opinion, and now he's trying to get into your good graces.

* And this morning, what was that again? Can I be the driver? Do you believe that hm?

My mother giggled even more. Frankly, there is something fishy with them.

What happened? Did you have sex? I asked her out of the blue because it was clear that there was something wrong.

She jumps and blushes from head to toes.

* Gosh, well, well. This is interesting, though. I see why a particular person is walking on cloud nine, and I thought you smoked cannabis in secret.

* Since when do I smoke?

"Who knows what can go through that little head of yours?" I replied.

* Stop, I feel like the kid here in this situation, and you then?

* ah, ah, so that's why you were touching his face this morning like a dove in love. Ah, the naughty girl, it's been a long time. I imagine that you enjoyed your trip. You are radiant, my dear.

* Ah no, no, we'll stop that immediately, ok, and it's not me the subject of study this morning. So you tell me everything.

* But how exactly did it happen? I continued, ignoring her complaint.

* Wen!

"For once, mom, just tell me." * Dream, boy. If you think I'm going to tell you about my sex life, you're insane. I'm not going to tell you anything at all.

* So, it goes both ways, my dear. I won't tell you anything.

* Come on, darling, for you, everything is new. It's a new world that opens before you. Do you understand, honey?

* Yeah, I understand. It's just like I would like to understand what made you have sex last night after such a long time.

* Ok, you won, she said wearily.

After a few minutes on the road, I park at one of those luxury stores, Harrods, in the car park. We have fun browsing around a few times, acting crazy without forgetting to buy many things where everything is costly.

If there's one thing my father doesn't care about, it's when we spend his money; he doesn't care how much we use, and my mother has her own funds, so it's almost a game for them. Most often, it's the card she gave me, but I never use the one my father gave me for my fifteenth birthday.

My mother took the opportunity to check the light makeup she had done, and here we go. Our day begins here. It will be a long day.


Why do you say nothing?

I was a little worried on the other end of the line. After this long moment of silence, I was afraid Aim had found it absurd that I asked him to go out for a bit with his friends or alone in crowded places with Wolf and some bodyguards, of course, who would have to follow him from afar, to intervene at any time.

Aim never risks going out except to go to university since he has to or to go to the mansion. Most often, he does it in the evening.

All he does is through the internet and his medical checkups. He got Cody.

For those countless suits and fancy clothes he never wears because he doesn't go out, they come from his designer, an Italian. He makes special trips for measurements every year because he keeps growing and growing. He also takes care of my wardrobe, but I feel he has a weakness for Aim. I have to travel to see him most of the time, but he is ready to travel worldwide without complaining or making the slightest comment for Aim.

A day passed when there was talk about the famous billionaire he cared for. Despite his worldwide fame, he never disclosed the information. He's reliable, creative, fabulous, and, above all, very understandable.

This discretion also earned him the privilege of working with Aim on his biotechnology project with spider silk for its texture: supple, light, recyclable, and superior in resistance to steel.

This earned Aim to breed it, which is very expensive, but that's not important in all of this. It's the result that comes out of it. So far, they both agree that it was indeed a genius idea.

As a result, Aim's clothing, no matter how simple or mundane it may seem to you, protects him from projectiles. His clothes are made with the same spider silk as his costumes, all without exception, and with the same raging trend that implies his eternal joggers.

From this side, I have nothing to fear. The tests have been very successful and are one hundred percent safe.

Aim is a big stickler for safety. I don't know if it's trauma from his parents' accident, but he doesn't do anything that doesn't include some high-level security. He's my little genius. But I need the child to live his life, to see the world in another color since he is not all the time and only black or white.

Life has even more cheerful colors when you live it to the fullest. I want him to experience it. I want him out of his lab on the weekends, devoting his life to doing something other than worrying about the people around him.

Oh, my suits and my shirts are also made of the same material as his.

I want him to know that he can't save the world; if the world doesn't want to be saved, what he has to do is go with the flow, trying to minimize the damage without letting the problems of others and those he has to face personally eat him away and make him bitter.

I don't want him to stop working. What would we do to keep him in sound mind? I want him to take a step back and remember he's just a kid and needs entertainment. That is what I am saying.

If he has to have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, he must know how to treat him and where to take him. He will not stay locked up with him for days and days without doing anything. They will choke and be fed up with each other without being able to accomplish anything out of this relationship.

If the presence of this boy can help improve his relationship with humankind, then we must try to ensure that he does not get bored of him too quickly.

And if he is to have a romantic relationship, it must be beautiful, filled with laughter and beautiful memories and even tears too. There is no one without the other. Love is like that.

I want him out of his comfort zone. After all, I have to put him to the test. He has made much progress recently, something I didn't think was possible. So now I need to know how long he can last in an unfamiliar environment. Only then will I know if the signs of progress he has shown are accurate.

* Aim, say something. I'm not saying you must go out without that awful, creepy thing you call a wig and your contact lenses. I'm just telling you you can always try without the wig and keep the lenses. Only your boarding school friends would recognize you without the wig, and there are none here, as far as I know. What do you think, hm? I think your eyes are the most important thing after all.

As you should know by now, Aim hasn't let anyone cut his hair since his parents died because his mother did it when he was little.

And today, they reach his lower back, which is very long in the back. Sometimes they make him look like a savage. He only lets Geuniève braid them to hide them because they attract too much attention. And it took him a long time to accept her touching them; if they didn't tend to mingle all the time, he wouldn't have let Guenieve near them.

Since his return from this training camp, he has become more and more independent, and he has withdrawn a lot from us. He has also been living alone. And now he takes care of them by himself, washing and drying them. And to top it all off, he learns to style them all by himself.

Soon he will want to do everything on his own. We can feel that he is asking for our presence less and less. We think we are almost useless these days. Our baby is growing up...

It's a good thing and also a bad thing. We don't want him to stay alone. He has some of his staff at the complex, but they are not Guenieve and I. He has reserved a whole floor for them, well equipped with everything they need without exception. We never get bored when it comes to him. In a way, he's our son.

I think I get emotional.

All people involved in his life are treated with respect and equality. You already know how he is with feelings, but never, ever did he raise his voice at a staff member. Maybe it's because he doesn't like people yelling at him or stuff.

We are always amazed to see how much he avoids scaring them or making them uncomfortable, but we all know that's his strong point.

I can assure you that if all the people who work for him find out he can't take care of them anymore, they're not going to leave anytime soon and leave him like this alone without anyone. I tested them many times after the incident to know who I could trust. They were flawless.

And I can assure you that there are numerous people on his staff, so there are many things to take care of too. Typically, there are many of them, after all.

The mansion is vast. There is a lot of work with fifty bedrooms, not to mention the golf course, a mini airport, two gardens of exotic plants, and this gigantic heated overflowing swimming pool, which he recently incorporated into the decor.

His grandmother's ten salons, where she gave all kinds of receptions; the library, which is my favorite room; and the tech games room, which is also one of his contributions to the mansion.

He made it modern while keeping the contemporary side, which surprised me; he has extraordinary exquisite taste when he invests in the realization of a project; it is for the best.

So when you arrived at the mansion, you had the impression of living a dream. It is even more extraordinary than in time. Aim knows what he wants, and you can only sing about his common sense when he gets down to it. It's rare for someone so young, but not impossible.

I'm sure he will do more renovations. He completely changed the veranda recently, making it more glamorous and cozy. I think it's because of his friend. He says he's exotic and gorgeous, making the place less austere. The mansion looks more like his young master; everything is cheerful, softer, and ten times more luxurious.

Many rooms have changed appearance; some walls have become glass, and rocks have replaced bricks. It's downright insane, and the security system is the most sophisticated.

His grandparents are surely turning over in their graves, but his parents look at him with a smile and pride. They were always people with extraordinary spirits. They accept and understand people with their differences.

His grandparents were conservatives, but they will recognize that he did an outstanding job because he is exceptional. He drew everything himself in 3D, with Cody doing the estimates so that he wouldn't demolish everything without control and put him in danger.

He has the ideas; he puts them on paper and looks for the best-qualified experts. That's how he works. He presents it to his architectural firm for realization and supports it with experts. With him, it's everyone in their place, everyone playing their role, and I feel sorry for those who think they'll be able to manipulate him when he takes the helm of the Kenbes Empire.

This boy will never be an outcast or a laughing stock because there is no way he will ever become poor, either in his soul or in money.

* So, shall we give it a try, big boy?

* I'm going to try

And he hung up without adding anything more. This idea must not please him, but I know he will make an effort.


* Are you really going to try? Cody asked me, a bit alarmed. You don't have to if you don't feel it. Although last night you drove, it was wonderful that you got back behind the wheel. I thought you'd never touch one after the...

* Stop bothering me with that. I don't want to go back on this. And you don't want to help me think about where I can go instead of acting like a mother hen?

* Ok, it's okay, he grumbles, so you're going to go alone?

* Well, yes. I have to do it myself first, and I plan to walk a bit to participate in the crowd, like when I'm on campus. Besides, I don't want to embarrass myself in front of others. It's not a bad idea. Besides, I have a boyfriend, and I have to take care of his emotions, needs, and desires, right?

* Exactly, he answers by opening his eyes wide. I saw that he was a little surprised by this Aim, who thought of something other than those gadgets he always tinkers with.

* First of all, I have to find him a gift that we will share to represent our relationship.

Aim's attitude again amazes Cody, who can do nothing but smile. He moves his head from left to right with a thoughtful air. Hm, Aim really cares about this budding relationship. Usually, when he's interested in something, the thing loses all interest once he's finished analyzing it. It must be said that this little human has the gift of capturing my friend.

* Cody, You're thinking now, what's new, huh?

* I was just doing a little analysis, am I not allowed? And I found something you both might like.

* That's it, whatever, so what is it?

At first, I thought of identical tattoos, but I said, "You will not let a stranger touch you or mutilate you." Am I not right?

* Good deduction, huh! I say this ironically, but I don't mind the tattoo idea either. I have always wanted to do things out of my reach and experience other ways of living, but given my reality and my problems, I know there are things I can only learn by researching after my therapy sessions. So what else do you have?

* Uh, identical jewelry? You like to wear rings on your thumbs, index fingers, and little fingers. Why not offer you one for the ring finger? It would be like a pledge of your budding friendship, hm? But the most important thing is that I noticed Wen often pulls you by the index finger like a child, so I thought that should not change.

* Uh, says Cody, aren't you leading me on, by any chance?

* No way, why?

* Do you realize the meaning of a ring you gave someone?

*The ring is the ideal gift for a woman or the person of your choice, regardless of gender ... It represents a period of love, commitment, and loyalty. They are offered as a token of love. Is it not that?

The promise ring is often offered at the beginning of a romantic relationship. This type of ring is perfect for couples who want to make their engagement public but are not yet ready to get married. This jewel also represents unbreakable bonds of friendship between two people. And if the left ring finger bothers you, you can wear it wherever you want. I was kidding, but you can still wear it on your right ring finger.

* Hey, silly, he's half German. It means marriage to him, even if I don't know what custom he will adopt.

"Oh!" exclaimed Cody, reflective. "So what will we do to prove our love to him and that he's ours alone?"

* He's mine and mine alone. There's no "us" in this matter. Hands off, Cody.

Oh, he he he! "No need to be aggressive," replied the latter, rolling his eyes, "so what are you going to do, then?"

I see him roll his eyes, but he thinks I'm not looking at him. But it's not a bad thing for the rings either. After all, I want him, right? Would it be a problem if I also wanted to tell everyone he was mine by wearing promise rings or whatever it is called?

And his friend will surely stop hovering around him at that.

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