
I don’t want to lose control In rewriting

An extraordinary and exceptional boy named Aim, well, it's how most people know him. After the sudden death of his parents, he found himself under the protection of his father's childhood friend, who guided him and helped him overcome his difficulties and differences. He meets four weird boys, who in some way are different from him, but each represents something positive that will help set in motion all the efforts his guardian has made to help him overcome his daily trouble. They participated in his fulfillment. And the day he crossed the path of Kenan... He is a young boy with an innate talent for classical dance and drawing, which has turned his life upside down with his physique, feline grace, and intoxicating beauty. His habits and desires have taken a turn that he never thought he could. With his intellectual heritage and enormous fortune, which threatens his life after living in hiding for more than nine years, will he make it or the same fate as his parents await him?

Quentin_ikanu · perkotaan
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51 Chs

Are You Going To Leave Like This?

He charged at me with such roughness and wrath that I was surprised. I shouldn't talk about him like that in front of his parents and Ewen. He must be very pissed off at me.

He must be a wrestler; he knocked me off balance in one try with such ease that I'm almost delighted. Arm wrestling with me requires a lot of energy. My potency is in my legs and my arms.

I fell into the void, but I took him with me in my fall.

My instructors always said never let your opponent stand when you're down, and it's only in practice that I've been down against an opponent. Usually, people underestimate me.

Maybe it's because of my gigantic height and the fact that I'm skinny, but I am all muscle, something they won't see if they're not good observers like Ken.

I don't have big, almost awful muscles like Ewe's dad and his grandfather do, but I do, and I like to be like I am instead of like them. Although Ken often tells me his dad would have wanted to have me as a son, that is not my opinion. Only Kenan attracts me to this family, and I respect his mother.

I rolled with him to give him a grip. He got away from it, and he's very skilled. I understand why other people don't want to mess with him when he's with Ken; he knows how to fight and is terrifying.

I put my knee in his ribs, making him writhe in pain for a fraction of a second before returning to the charge. He gave me a violent punch in the jaw, which made me free him, and I stood up again with an artful jump.

This sneaky bastard has a hell of a punch.

The advantage I have over him is that I am lighter than he is. He weighs a lot, but he is not too bulky. He must participate in clandestine wrestling competitions.

I kick him violently in the jaw as he tries to get up. It's not cool; I admit it, but he annoys me too. He knocked me down; it insulted me, and I'd wanted to punch him in that smug face for a long time.

He took it well; he didn't even bleed; the blow knocked him over. He fell backward, but this time he didn't take long to get up. I've never seen that he's an absolute beast.

He started to crack his neck and then his arms, throwing a murderous glare at me from side to side. And that's when the real fight began. We sent mortal blows without worrying about where we put them under the petrified gaze of Ken's mother, and all the others were watching us as if they were attending a professional and paying fight.

He must have broken two of my ribs at most. I feel a searing pain in my right ribs, but I don't intend to stop now when he can take my blows without problems, except that he is starting to bleed. His face is swollen and completely disfigured. He looks like a swarm of bees bit him.

It wasn't until I found myself kneeling on his chest and punching his face like crazy that Ken's mother rushed to pull my jacket back on top of him. She acts like Kenan. It's all him, but he doesn't stop me.

"Aim," she whispers softly as if she doesn't want the others to hear her. "Stop hitting him; that's enough, my boy."

The last blow hung in the air. Zack was ready to receive it without fighting back to protect himself. I got up quickly when I saw his disfigured face. I feel like I only see him now.

It's not just an impression; it's the truth. He was not Zack to me earlier, but a kind of threat to get rid of.

I turn to Kiara. She smiles at me weakly, her eyes filled with tears, and she nods, trying to keep her smile charming.

"Come on, big boy, get up; that's enough, my boy," she said, holding out her hand to me. I avoided touching it.

I shift my gaze back to Zack, who is challenging me, before a weird smile forms on the corner of his lips. Then I remember that Ken is also in the audience and is there to follow me, transforming into a monster under his eyes. I'm no better than his grandfather.

I panicked. I turned back to where he was standing; they had almost an expression of disgust written all over their faces, except Zack and Kiara, who this time had different expressions.

Zack was satisfied, and Kiara was relieved, indeed relieved because I could stop in time, that I didn't have time to kill this boy with my fist under the gaze of his parents like a common cockroach.

I got up at full speed and threw myself towards the door. I needed to flee from there. I needed to get out of here.

"Stop him," shouted Ewen's grandmother. "We have to call the police; don't let him escape." You have to lock this madman away from my husband and me. "

"Ask your security staff to prevent him from going out," shouted the grandfather to give strength to his wife's orders.

And I don't stop. I just want one thing to run away from here. I should never have come here. I should have listened to Cody.

"Run away from here," a small voice whispers once I find myself inside the house. It was her, the girl who asked me to help her, and the other staff also did nothing to stop me. I looked at them and kept running to get out.

"Mom, you have to call the police." This scumbag shouldn't get away quickly. He dared to strike a member of a prestigious family. Why isn't anyone doing anything? It's Zack; he's just been beaten to death. "

"No, he will not get away, dear sister; we will take care of him and destroy him."

"Calm down." Zack fought, defending himself. I don't see why you want him to be arrested. Why didn't you intervene when he was fighting? I saw you admiring the show and making bets against your brother, so stop acting and bullshitting now," shouted their father.

"Don't talk to them in that tone. After all, they have the right to do what they want. They have chosen to make bets, so that's fine. " intervened their mother.

"Yeah, if you say so."

I hear their footsteps in the hall behind me, but I don't turn around for fear of noticing Kenan.

Finally arriving at the big front door, I push it open with all my strength to find myself face-to-face with a herd of men in black. I can fight, but not against all of them.

I looked behind me. They were coming, but Kenan didn't follow them. He's not part of the crowd. Maybe he didn't want to see me running away like a coward, or he saw the monster that I was, and I made him nauseous.

I am such a fool; I should never have come here ever. I yell in my head.

"So, will you keep running, or will you let these gentlemen capture you gently until the police arrive?"This will teach you how to break into other people's houses and help you reflect on your behavior. "

"Father," Robin called to his father, but the latter didn't even let his son talk. He replied sharply, "Shut up, Robin." You don't even know how to run your own house. I wonder what took me to leave my dynasty to you. "

"Dad, are we going to talk about this now, and what does it have to do with my family?"

"Ah yes, what is the connection?" If you can't take care of a family of three, you're not even three, just two and a half since your son isn't one. How could I have thought you could take on such a significant task?"

"Dad, I remind you that you are still the head of your damn dynasty and I am here to ensure that your fleet lacks nothing, to make sure it grows bigger every day."

"So stop busting my balls with this story, and if your business suffers losses, it's practically your fault and not mine. Anyway, no one will be up to running this damn airline but you. I wonder why you always pretend it's a family affair."

"Robin, how dare you speak to your father in that tone? You're just an ingrate like your poor runt son. He should never have left you a place at the head of the company, to begin with."

"Yeah, it's not like I'm the one running this company too. You know what; you form a hell of a pair, you two. "

"Of course, that's how a family works. It's not some Eden's Garden where everyone is free to do what they want. There are principles and a hierarchy to follow, Robin. And yours... I don't even know what to call it; it's just a mess."

"Are you sure you know how it worked in Eden's Garden?"

"It doesn't matter. The main thing is that you understood. So are we catching this thing, or do I have to do it myself? Even your staff does not listen to you, what a shame! I thought you had changed so that I could get something good out of you, but in the end, you're still the same, damn softball."

Thus, Friedrich is still running the company, but all the files are signed and taken care of by Robin. What is going on here? What is he hiding that I don't know yet? I have to resume my investigation.

The Cliffords also stayed there to follow the progress till the end of this story. They were there bickering while watching me. I'm talking about the twins, their mother since Zack and his father did not follow this crowd that pursued me like a thief.

I have no problem with their bickering, but I thought they were more discreet in these prominent wealthy families, but it is not, so they miss no opportunity to put each other down.

And I am surrounded by bodyguards on one side and these people on the other. Ken always told me that his mother doesn't talk much and that she rarely gets angry. She gets mad when the situation exceeds all the possible limits she has set for herself.

Today I had the proof; she is a wonderful woman and a caring mother. She didn't look at me with disgust when I beat Zack like shit without any restraint under the gaze of his parents, she spoke to me with infinite sweetness, and her look was adorable. I can't say the same for Ken.

"Catch him, and we tie him up here, gentlemen, " shouts Robin's mother's rough, jerky voice.

I take a few steps backward, glancing a little distraught around me. I'm not ready for anyone to touch me; it could become an absolute bloodbath.

"What are you still waiting for? My wife ordered you to grab him and do your job, you incompetent." Yelled her husband waving his big arms in the air like a bogeyman. That old geezer is frightening.

As he comes dangerously close to me while making menacing gestures with his arms, three of the bodyguards rush to get between us.

Taken aback by their action, he jumped and took a few steps back, putting some distance between him and them, they were more frightening than he was, and they seemed like they could crush a human being with a simple punch as if she were just a typical mosquito.

"What are you doing? It is me you should protect from this dangerous person…" he turned to his son and shouted at him, "then all your staff is as incompetent and useless as you and your son. What exactly are you can help with? I can't believe my eyes."

"Don't worry about him, guys. I'm fine. He's just a frustrated old punk who's too full of himself. I just have to get out of here."

"Sir, I'm driving you back; you're in no condition to drive by yourself now."

"Don't worry. I can drive."

Speechless, they watch me talking to my bodyguards. I don't know why there are so many of them because I only left six outside. Did Cody want to bug me or what?

He didn't dare. I was there to see Ken; it's not like I was going on a suicide mission or something.

Confused by what they have in front of them, they start throwing confused looks at each other, they don't understand what is happening now, and the turn of events dumfounds the Cliffords.

"Robin, what is going on?"

"It happens, they are not my bodyguards or my security staff because I rarely use them, and I have nothing to hide, so I find it cumbersome to have hundreds around me day and night."

"Listen to yourself talk; you do whatever your wife tells you to do. If she asks you to put a bullet in your head, you will do it without hesitation, right? You used to always live with bodyguards around you, silly, and now you see what's going on under your damn roof?"

"I guess I didn't inherit this very far since my mother is the one who has always had a say in your family too. Don't tell me you forgot that, daddy, hm?" Robin said in an ironical and comical tone, making his father disdainfully glare at him.

"Shut the fuck up, you poor bastard."

"This is what they often say when we have no more argument; we go back to insults and..." the other replied to his father. He is in the mood to play with the nerve of his father.

He couldn't finish his sentence when his mother closed his mouth by giving him one of those slaps that can make your soul jump out of your body and make the assembly tremble.

"Holy shit!" shouted the twins with one voice. "She must have an iron fist, this old poodle."

She glared at them upon hearing their remark, which made them take a few steps back to slip behind their mother, who was following the scene with amusement and contempt at the same time.

"Forgive me for disturbing you, but if you don't mind me leaving here, I would like to apologize for the mess I caused your little family brunch, but now I'm going home."

"And he has some nerve on top of that, Ava. Who is this guy? Since when did Ewen have a friend who could show up at his house to stand up to his family and allow himself to turn everything upside down?" Aurelie asks her sister in an almost admiring tone.

"I told you, this little thing has tricks up his sleeve. You have to be very careful with him. Do you see this specimen? He looks hot, and apparently, he is wealthy when I thought they took him for a beggar." answers Ava

"We all took him for a beggar. I remind you because only these people do not know how to behave in society."

"Oh, I did that?" she said, pretending to think about it. "Well, whatever, you got it wrong this time, and when you're looking at him, how could you believe that?"

"We don't care what he wears and what he looks like. You saw Zack; he does everything not to tell the world he has money. When they see him, they don't say he's rich, yet he is."

"With the indigent, it's different they do everything to make others think they have money. Their manners and behavior in society will make others laugh at them and tell you they are just pretending."

"They lack class, are uneducated, and don't know how the bourgeois world works."

"If that's how you think about people, you should start looking for another endpoint because that's where you got your finger in the eye." A soft voice rose behind them. They jumped and turned toward the voice.

"Mrs. Schröder… we didn't want to be indiscreet. We were just trying to understand." they ended up saying in one voice by displaying a fake smile.

"Oh, I don't care what you try to do; it's your problem, but yes, my son has other friends, and it is with pleasure that I receive them, whether they are rich or poor, as long as they are not like you I accept them."

"Kiara, be careful about how you talk to my girls.."

"Otherwise, what?"


"Otherwise, nothing at all, Kiara, returns to your family. I will take care of my family's education, my dear. I apologize for all this. I'm sorry for everything."

"Come on, we're going home," he said to his wife and daughters in a harsh tone.

As the crowd seems a bit agitated and preoccupied on their side, I turn to my bodyguards, who step aside to let me pass by, revealing the car that was hidden by their silhouette, which raises even more murmurs in the crowd.

I think they just figured out that maybe I'm a gangster... and no longer a beggar, or some other fishy title they can conceive in their dodgy, twisted minds that see everyone else as trash.

They wonder who I am but that they will find out later because I'm not done with them yet. I think I hate the twins for real this time before, I only had the story of Ken, but now that I see them, he hasn't made up anything at all. I actually have a different opinion of Zack.

"So, are you leaving like this without saying goodbye to me? I thought you came to pick me up, right? after all the mess you've made, you're planning to get out of here like this, right?

Said a somewhat angry voice behind me. Finally, he's here; he's probably finished healing Zack and consoling him, even rocking him. Who knows what he did to comfort him? or blow on his wounds? tsk

I didn't stop or mind his voice. I keep walking toward the car, completely out of phase. The thought of him being with Zack this whole time makes me feel uneasy. He should have stayed with him until I left here. I didn't need to hear his stupid voice.

"Finally, someone who has a bit of common sense. So Sofia, you have come to your senses in the end?"

I don't know why those words felt like a cold shower poured on my heart in the middle of winter. But I stop abruptly, so my injuries from the fight with Zack grab me sharply in my ribs. I staggered a bit before turning back to them again.

When I should be on my way home and let him handle this with Zack and his grandpa since Zack matters more than me, here I am on the verge of meddling again in his business while he doesn't care about my fate.

"You knew what? You're really in the dark, but I forgive you since you didn't have the eye to discover beautiful things. He's ten thousand times prettier than that Sophia or whoever you compare him to. To be honest with you, I don't believe that one day there will be anyone to compare to him on this earth because he is special and unique, and his beauty has no equal."

"But I forgive your ignorance, old fool, since you had no other more suitable reference to compare him with. And if you put yourself a little in the bath and make a little more effort, maybe you will find another person who comes closer to his beauty. This generation to which you compare him is no longer you old asshole."

The twins and their mothers, who were going to laugh at the situation, stopped just in time; they swallowed their demonic laughter, they didn't expect anyone else but Kenan's mother to take this question of Sophia seriously.

"old schnock, it is necessary to change disc because this one is not any more topical. He's the way he is, and he's good like that. If you don't like him the way he is, who cares? But find someone else to try to lessen because it doesn't work for him."

"You had known him for so long; how did you not understand that he didn't care about the way you see him, you who are such a reasonable observer?"

He glared at me before turning back to his wife, who shrugged her shoulders in surrender, and the others waiting for that insult to get the best of Kenan had the opposite result.

They started buzzing with looks of disappointment, a little scowling. In the audience, I caught the eye of Zack and his father; he had an ice pack gel that he dabs his wounds with difficulty.

Then I look back at the person who matters to me the most in this circle. I jumped when I met his gaze on me. I looked away, moistening my lips, which suddenly became dry. Then without a word, I turned around and continued on my way to the car.

"So, are you really leaving? Didn't you come to get me, didn't you tell me?"

"That's what I said, but you reject me already, no?" I throw it at him without looking at him.

"What did I say?" He cried outright, forgetting that we weren't alone.

"Unfortunately, I don't intend to go anywhere with you," that's what you answered me.

But all I just wanted was to talk to you and have dinner together, but I should never come to your house. But I called you, and you didn't pick up my call; you know me, I do stupid things when it's about you. You are driving me crazy, Ken.

"Holy shit, holy fucking shit, but what's going on, Ava?"

"I also wonder, is he his…"

"Yeah, it's his boyfriend," answers the deep voice of Zack, which is a little distorted by the physical and emotional pain he is going through at the moment. His father patted him before they stepped out of the crowd.

"You're indeed just an idiot, I'm not telling you, but you did well to come here. And I'm not the one making you stupid, either. You take care of it on your own."

"I'm glad to hear it, Ken, I'm just an idiot, and you're not responsible. I'm doing it alone." And again, I turned to continue on my way, but the cry of fear that Kiara gave when calling her son's name made my blood run cold.

And my bodyguards all deployed in his direction since they were all looking at him. They rushed towards him to prevent him from falling to the ground and hitting his head. When I noticed his lifeless body, I gasped. I was the only one with my back turned.

I rushed toward them, forgetting about the pain in my ribs, and took him from the arms of one of my bodyguards. Without a word, he gave him back to me, nodding his head in respect. And without a look at the audience, I carried him to my car under his mother's gaze, who followed me, running in her high heels.

"Aim watch over my son, please. He will be safe with you until his father understands the whole situation. I don't want you to take your eyes off him for a second. Thank you for coming today, my boy, she whispers to me."

Even if I hadn't had her blessing to take him with me away from them, I would have done it anyway, even if I still had to fight against a horde of rabid dogs.

I installed him in the car comfortably while taking care to fasten his belt. A lock of hair covered his little face, and I pushed it aside with a finger to look at him for a moment, but I realized it was a mistake. I shouldn't have done that either.

I hurry to put it back in place so as not to succumb to the temptation to imprison his pretty cherry-red lips in a rather wild and fiery kiss by passing a nervous hand on my neck while focusing my attention elsewhere.

He must have spent these two weeks without eating anything solid and healthy that could give him strength; that is probably the reason for his fainting.

When we had our first kiss, he went three days without eating, we weren't even close, and he was just disturbed by my act of imprudence and selfishness.

I kissed him without his permission and rejected him right after, and still, today, I continue to hurt him, except he has practically become my getaway.

I go to the car's trunk to get my first aid kit. Each of my cars has one. I must wake him up before hitting the road; otherwise, I risk racing like crazy. I want him to come with me and not take him to hell.

hello my dear bunnies, I'm sorry for the last few days. I couldn't post or write a new chapter, I made a mistake that cost me a lot. I messed up my knee playing dumb but I'm starting to get over it.

I will continue to take care of it properly so as not to limp and take care of you at the same time, it is no longer as painful as before.

good reading big kisses, leave comments I want to know your thoughts on the story.

Quentin_ikanucreators' thoughts