
I Create The Strongest Eldritch Realm

At the end of the apotheosis, there are Gods that fought for power and reverance. Otherwordly beings that lived millenias beyond any mortal understanding, Warriors seeking to challenge those very understanding and throw themselves to be part of that apotheosis, Aldritch and Laplois wearing the mask of tyrant, standing on the side of The Eldritch Realm. Will they be consumed by the perpetrators that created the cycles of conquest? Or will they become the creator of their own fate, consuming the apotheosis to be the ideal god of them all?

SnowCrow · Fantasi
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43 Chs

A New Star Arise

*Munch* *Munch*

A certain white haired figure was munching on the provided rations, some given the academy - but some being natural edible fruits handpicked by one of the Neophytes,

which had been given the role of looking out for any danger.

To draw a clearer picture, practically everyone in the war had been given a role - as he had pondered on how everyone could contribute,

the solution becomes clear, as the Neophytes acted as an anchor in case any plans went awry.

'No.3 will be wearing my costume and controlling the movement to act as my "proxy". This unit will be following Booboo, who will then lure out all of their main forces and stall them,' 

'As long as the enemy "knows" I'm there, they won't try to change tactics.'

'No.2 will be assisting as a scout forward in the enemy lines. Julie will have to deal with any obstacles blocking her path.

Her main goal is to prevent the enemy sporeling from being able to cover the entire battlefield with its bacteria, which would put us in a disadvantaged situation.'

'No.3 is going to be my companion while I hide myself in a stranded area of the realm - I will be bringing the rations by myself. Just in case, I'll rely on my knowledge to teach No.3 how to forage edible plants.'

'And of course, Jigash will stay behind as a support - he will be acting to support all of these roles in case anything happens.'

'He is also serving as our central communication.'

And so, the Rapid Dominance was born as a result of a wide range of research and discussion between Aldritch and his Major Units - a stratagem that relied on the fast execution of their roles.

On the occasion that any of the steps were ruined, it would be instantaneous to plan ahead accordingly.

After a couple days of camping in the jungle, Aldritch was met with a surprising reception.

' A dominating victory.'

There were no unexpected variables, and everyone had executed their role perfectly, resulting in the enemy being completely crushed.

And thus, he was teleported out - decked in his jet black identity, finding himself at a platform where he was initially going to greet his opponent from before.

He sighed to himself, a breath of relief.

There wasn't a guarantee that everything would have gone smoothly, no matter how well prepared he was.

But the worst did not come and now he could rejoice in the fruit of his labors.

One of the benefits of winning a duel was to encourage such fighting spirit and have the students gain some practical experience outside of theoretical study.

Just as he was about to approach the awarding ceremony, his opponent glanced at him, only to snicker at him and leave - without any words to exchange. 

His opponent glanced at him, only to snicker at him and left without any word to exchange. 

'I suppose I've really pissed him off this time.'

Aldritch deliberated before taking the prize from the two teachers that awaited his arrival. He left the scene, the place filled with awe and quiet whispering of the new challenger that had won against the academy's top student.

'Who is that?'

'Is this a change in the ranks so soon?'

'Why have I not heard of them before?'

The direction of the quietly-spoken topic was closely related to the identity and the change approaching - the confusion of the meaning of the name, "TyrantFTW".

None of the newsmongers were willing to approach an unknown individual with such an undetermined attitude - no one wished to antagonize the new variable in the academy.

of course, this excluded the other rankers - the passersby were only going to spectate the clashes between behemoths.

While currently unknown to students, there were some inconspicuous cluster of people observing this entire phenomenon unfold.

The evaluation room was built for experienced teachers that were gifted in terms of observation,

They had been given Association's degrees similar to Earth's PhDs. To put it simply, they were not ordinary in any way.

" Principal Zaelus, where did you find this talented specimen? "

A cloudy-eyed teacher with a violent scar winked and approached the mafioso-attired man, aone who was smirking with a reticent gaze at the footage recorded by the Feylight technology.

The identity of this man was 'Neifisos Zaelus' - well-regarded as the principal of the prestigious northern academy, 'Fallen Academy'.

It was brought upon with the Zaelus's leadership and was sponsored by the Northside Federation of nations, which meant that he was well-acquainted with many and had incredible connections.

"My, you don't have to flatter me. Teacher Malow, this student is the one I've been keeping an eye on for a while, "

" It would be more surprising if he didn't show any result."

Neifisos just brushed it off with a small humble brag - although he had been expectant of Aldritch due to a gesture that Stellaria had shown that aroused his interest, he was even more interested in this student after the battle.

The other teachers who were also in the room shared Malow's sentiment and nodded - aside from the other geniuses in the academy, a first year student acquiring 3 Orange-grade summons and have a deep profound understanding of strategies were rare.

Not that it was the first case, nor was it glaring in term of talent - it was definitely rare and it could be enhance even further with the right teacher for Aldritch.

'That's right, such an amazing student surely deserves a master that is not out of the ordinary.'

'I wonder who their family is. We can try to communicate with them and maybe we can earn them that way.'

'They are a summoner, right? Oh, how lucky it is for Ms. Aetherline!'

'Ah, if only they were in our class.'

Murmurs stirred as greed and envy were intertwined with every breath that were uttered in this evaluation square.

Only few kept their silence, not giving any heed to the unprofessionalism that was displayed in the open as the scarred, blind man continued his remarks.

" Ahahaha, as expected of you. But I'll sincerely ask you as I respect you as the principal, "

" If I were his Master, I would train his body until even the Magmalodoan couldn't even melt his skin - that I swear! "

The old man with a scar was emanating his own aura of mana instinctively upon imagining his training routine with the new disciple - as one became a powerful warrior they will slowly turn their body stronger akin to their summons.

Due to him being a Fighter class warrior, he could even crush a red grade summon without any sweat at all.

However, upon hearing such a statement - the smirk had turned upside down as if Christmas had been canceled for the principal of the Fallen Academy -

The merry mood of his eyes was instantly becoming a predatory owl that felt an irritation by having its territory being invaded by a scum.

"Ahaha, I did not know you're fond of such satirical jokes - Mister Boulderfist,"

" i'll have to remind you that this student has an incognito identity. And as such, I will have to respect their privacy, "

" That's the rule I have set for this academy, therefore I will have to refrain and terminate your wish to acquire them. "

He paused.

" As for the reason why I cannot allow this to happen… they already have a master. "

" Please respect my position as principal and let this go. "

With that calm and yet methodical speech, everyone in the room froze stiff as if they were stared down by their ancestors condemning their actions thus far. They could only nod in response and pretend to agree to his terms.

After all, the one who had the authority to fire them and make their lives miserable for causing 'damage' - the smiling joker in front of them - was highly respected in the Northrend Federation.

Even if they resisted, he was stronger than any of them combined - as such going against such a person can be described as throwing their worthless lives away without any cause.

"I see, if you say so. Then I will have to back-l off - if there is a teacher more suitable than I, there will be no complaints here. Forgive my insolence, principal Zaelus. "

Boulderfist Malow spoke softly as he understood the principal's temperament - he had been working with him for a while now. There were lines that he shouldn't cross and it was one he shouldn't have stepped on.

Some may have believed that he would have doubled down and perhaps had defended his pride, yet that may be as a yellow grade and someone who had experienced a lifetime in these fields - pride was nothing in front of maintaining relationships, if he sincerely believed that pride was worth more than his gains, he wouldn't have become a yellow grade warrior in the first place.

After his sincere apology, Neifisos's expression melted into the mellow reticent face from before and ignored everyone else to focus on his own thoughts.

'I did you a favor now, Lamity - I wonder how much you're willing to do for him.'

Naturally, unlike what he had told the others, there were only two people in the academy who had known about the identity of "TyrantFTW" - The Principal and Stellaria.

Both of which are also wearing an identity to conceal their true selves. Sometimes this would rouse a thought within him - 'Is this also fate? 'Are we forever concealing ourselves, so that her disciple would be doing this as well?'

He quickly shook his head. Perhaps he had been reminiscing too much recently after finding out about Aldritch,

As he had once promised himself and Lamity in past that they would be living like this for a single 'purpose' in life.

He soon would turn his back on the screens and look upon the teachers that were expectant on his next command.

"Spread the rumors, since this student has not requested us to remain low-profile - we will naturally do our job to promote this, "

" A new star has arisen in the academy and we will reward the student by updating the rankings,"

" He will be the 8th Rookie of the first years, on top of the current rewards they were given - as is procedure."

A pause.

"Any objections?"

All the teacher naturally would budge and affirm the principal's words. As Aldritch has naturally demonstrated the capabilities that surpassed Vicuel,

It would be foolish to not give the position as the news was still hot.

"Good, then this match evaluation has been dismissed with no fault!"

An insight into the academy's faculty structure, this was quite a long chapter even after some consideration to the length, i felt as though this was necessary.

And yes, as you all may know i have been gone for some time.

Yet again, i have to remark that i have been attempting to be dilligent but it only ended in me becoming sick and unable to write chapters while having a fever.

I will refrain from disclosing what it is due to personal information, but it is similar to a chronic lassitude.

I will be changing my schedule as planned with my editors, we will be uploading daily if my health is better, which it is now.

I hope you all enjoy this and is not too regretful about my inconsistencies regarding chapters releases. Really appeciated all the support,

See you all on the next chapter.

Farewell and Caw Caw.

SnowCrowcreators' thoughts