
I Cheated the Divine Rules and Reincarnated in Infinite World!

Ian was a mediocre college student, a convinced atheist, from a middle-class background, without ambition, and with financial stability provided by parents. He led a peaceful life until a pandemic broke out and turned his whole routine upside down... As you can probably imagine, the MC has an unhappy death, reincarnates, gains advantages, becomes an overpowering existence, creates a harem, and after defeating all enemies, the story ends with a happy final. A long dynasty is founded by his descendants from the twenty beautiful wives... Wait a minute! It's not quite like that. With the popular saying "Ian writes whatever he wants, be it in crooked or straight lines," meaning with a terrible sense of humor and a lack of common sense, the journey of our MC is destined to be a great circus of coincidences and mishaps.

IanMC · Fantasi
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32 Chs

Cold Dagger of Opportunity

The sensation of shaking, the muffled sound, and darkness were the perceptions felt by Ian in that moment. After being kidnapped during business hours on a public street, dragged into an alley, tied up, with his face covered by a rudimentary bag, and to top it off, placed inside a somewhat cramped chest, after a few torturous hours, he was finally seated in a narrow chair.

The environment he was in could be called damp and dark, perhaps even cavernous. Of course, Ian still had his eyes obstructed. Muffled whispers surrounded him, the soothing sound of running water, and the faint scraping of steel against rock, in a rhythmic manner.

Ian's heart was racing; this time, his life depended on the mood of others. Thieves? Hired assassins? Someone he had offended in the past? Maybe the Four Great Helis Clans? He couldn't think of culprits with 100% certainty.

Whether liked it or not, he had offended many people in this short period in Sombreal. His previous arrogant actions with important figures alone would be enough for a future calamity. There were also the bombs and innovative capabilities that would attract an unlimited amount of trouble. What power wouldn't be tempted?

Regret, not anger or fear, crossed Ian's mind. He let his guard down, the sense of danger and survival overshadowed by the supposed peaceful and "modern" civilization of the Gnomes. He walked alone through the city, once, twice, many times, until lost any sign of apprehension. If survived this episode, his future actions would be much more aggressive and cautious.

"Congratulations, you're one of the few people who stayed quiet after being kidnapped by me." A soft, seductive voice with traces of coldness reached Ian from the direction of the rough rhythmic sound.

Ian furrowed his brow; the woman couldn't be simple, the aura she emitted was minimal, with some traces of coldness. Although he didn't have the cultivation necessary to accurately determine his enemy's stage, some signs should have appeared.

The Helis, with their Corporeal Strengthening, created an invisible, involuntary physical pressure on the environment; the stronger the user, the greater the pressure. The Gnomes, with their mind-focused methods, still caused this phenomenon, although directly aimed at the head. A pinnacle of that race would give a headache at Ian's stage, just by spending a few hours in the same environment, despite controlling his aura.. Of course, mental and soul pressure could easily be bypassed due to the Blessing of the Soul Constitution, but for a stage 2 of the first realm of common cultivation, no.

In his intuition, the one in front of him wouldn't be weaker than the Patriarch of the Black Castle, an initial-level Gold Body.

"I appreciate the compliment, but I would like to see beyond hearing the origin of this beautiful voice." Ian flirted. After all, he was already in a delicate situation; things could hardly get worse. It was better to act more carefree and unconcerned to make the enemy lower their guard and offer some information.

"You...!" An enraged roar was heard behind Ian, followed by hurried footsteps, probably a guard or henchman who seemed somewhat affected by the disrespect shown to his boss. A more observant person would notice some hint of appreciation a little different from the usual hierarchical relationship. No matter where or who they are, a beauty always causes some emotional disturbances in the opposite sex.

"Number 9, don't alter yourself, remove his cover. I also prefer to meet the prey, face to face." In no hurry, only when her subordinate was about to behead Ian, with the latter feeling the wind of the blade on his neck, did she intervene.

"Yes, master!" The person responded in a servile tone and with great admiration. Ian had made a mistake; it wasn't just a common physical attraction, but idolization. Like the relationship fans have with entertainment stars on Earth, idols.

Sharpening a thin, sharp dagger, the holder of the warm voice, was a woman with light gray hair, in the form of Afro-Nago braids, pointed ears, red eyes, skin dark as coal, delicate and attractive features, and a well-sized body, quite flexible, with the stature was little shorter than Ian. Slender, agile, and with a full, curvaceous beauty. A Dark Elf.

"Truly a good sight. My dear, do we have unfinished business?" Ian flashed a small smile, as if he were calm and enjoying the company. But, inside, he was sweating cold. The person in front of him exuded an unprecedented sense of danger.

"Some little rats told me that you can produce special weapons that allow for a high degree of power without direct relation to cultivation. Is that true?" Directly, with a slightly disdainful expression, a dangerous beauty.

"That's no secret."

"Did you sell some batches to the Gnome Royalty?" Ian simply ignored the statement, not even blinking, further infuriating the sasaeng behind him.

"When the Master asks, you answer!" Once again, the Black Elf named Number 9 roared.

"Number 9, I believe he signed an Aura contract, just forgive him this time." At the last instant, again, for a head rolled.

'Damn it, this maniac woman is playing with my life!' Thought Ian, terrified and angry.

"So, Mr. Haller, are you capable of producing many batches of these goods?" Inquired the calm and erotic Elf.

"With resources and time, any quantity can be supplied." Ian responded in a strict and professional manner.

"Would you sell them to me?"

"To anyone who has money."

"Hm? Didn't you sign an exclusivity contract?"

"My company is free to trade with everyone, including civilians. We have a store in the center of Gnel, or if you want something more discreet, there's also the option of visiting me at the clan headquarters. I don't understand your approach, miss... What can I call you?" If she really just wanted to sign a supply contract or something similar, why did need all this show?

"You can call me Number 0, or simply Zero. I represent the interests of my race. If the Gnomes bought, logically, we want to as well." Zero continued with a flirtatious tone, but now the aura of danger diminished considerably.

"I understand, the same old Cold War."

"Cold War?"

"The balance of power must be maintained, even in Sombreal."

"It seems you understand. As for kidnapping, it was to steal and take you to our domain. Exclusivity contracts are usually made with products of this nature. There are some ways to break aura contracts or at least partially bypass them. However, since that didn't happen, I can release you after signing a few things... After all, the costs for that are significant, and the risks and losses involved in keeping you in captivity and working for us cannot be ignored." To Ian's surprise, the Elf was extremely honest. She didn't bother hiding her true intentions.

"I don't accept any restrictions on transactions with third parties under any circumstances. And I believe you can understand why, given today's incident. And believe me, Dark Elves are not the only ones keeping an eye on me. If I happen to disappear and the products show up in your lands... Everyone will know." Ian was no fool; in fact, was quite astute. Relying on his mental capabilities had kept him alive until now; otherwise, he would have died long ago.

"Alright, let's get down to business."

"What do you need?" Ian took copies of the patents and presented the projectiles in a very didactic way. Not that he was forgiving or without pride, just that at that time, it was the best course of action. In the future, would have his revenge.

What a favorable situation! Those who confronted him were also sponsoring at the same time? Time and money, that's all he needed to maintain his life peacefully in this strange world. Time to develop his personal and clan strength. Money, to streamline and turbocharge everything else.

At the end of the conversation, Zero ordered the same quantity as the Gnomes but paid 30% more unknowingly, as her spies managed to understand the production volume but not the exact prices, since everyone had signed confidentiality agreements, and the money was transferred through the Royal Vault, a rudimentary kind of bank or pre-modern bank. Ian would be kind and accessible to people who showed him respect; otherwise he would somehow find a way to bleed them a little.

Ian had to get on the ark again. The trip this time took less time and he was dropped off near the Ongmar, who was apparently tied up in an alley near his abduction site.

He mounted up and returned to F11 to organize the manufacturing of the new order.

In that occurrence, the revenue was 163,800 C, 129,400 C in gross profit, and 116,460 C after obligations to the Faction and Royalty. Ian took the opportunity to prepay the charges for current employees for one year. This way, they would be more motivated, he would gain their trust, and create an advantage for attracting new professionals in the future.

He didn't tell anyone about the incident with the Elves, not only due to aura contract limitations but also out of shame. From that moment on, he would work even harder. Survival was not guaranteed.


F11 Financial Summary:

Debts: Total of 5,280,000 C to be paid starting in 1 year and 11 months (22,000 C monthly installment for 240 months); One-time payment of 25,000 C for 1 year.

Transactions Chapter:

Sale to the Dark Elves. (+116,460 C)

Ian paid his employees 1 year's salary in advance to motivate them. (-5,700 C)

Cash: 168 720 C.

Any grammar or consistency errors, pls, point them out in the comments or private message. I'm not a native English speaker, so I might make some mistakes. Thanks for reading!

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