
I Cheated the Divine Rules and Reincarnated in Infinite World!

Ian was a mediocre college student, a convinced atheist, from a middle-class background, without ambition, and with financial stability provided by parents. He led a peaceful life until a pandemic broke out and turned his whole routine upside down... As you can probably imagine, the MC has an unhappy death, reincarnates, gains advantages, becomes an overpowering existence, creates a harem, and after defeating all enemies, the story ends with a happy final. A long dynasty is founded by his descendants from the twenty beautiful wives... Wait a minute! It's not quite like that. With the popular saying "Ian writes whatever he wants, be it in crooked or straight lines," meaning with a terrible sense of humor and a lack of common sense, the journey of our MC is destined to be a great circus of coincidences and mishaps.

IanMC · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Good Sales

Two months would be necessary for all prototype equipment to be ready and delivered to Ian, which was phenomenal given that they did not have molds. The efficiency of these Gnome engineers and craftsmen far surpassed their counterparts on Earth.

To be fair, Gnome technology was not inferior to that of Humans from the other world. They may have never thought of making a gear, something very basic for you readers, but their creations worked in the same way through matrices and mechanisms, performing the same tasks by different means. They may not have discovered gunpowder, but their cannons were quite powerful, amplifying and condensing the energy of cultivators, rivaling modern tanks and artillery. Of course, it all depended on who operated them.

Fifteen days production could begin, remembering that most orders with the Strong Hammer Guild anticipated future developments. In the period, Ian divided the company into three distinct sectors with their respective leaders that he trusted. The Workshop would initially be under his command, as would all technical topics. The Shop would be led by Shortyty, sales and contacts. Finally, Etri would be in charge of the Warehouse, reluctantly, and would be responsible for security matters. The three bosses would hold official meetings twice a week or more, if necessary, to report back and make strategic decisions.

"Sir, I am a Secretary-Guide, not an ordinary employee or part of your company." protested Shortyty, somewhat unhappy about being treated like any other resource. Who would do that to the precious Secretary-Guides? Besides, his contract was temporary and would end in less than 6 months.

"Shortyty, I thought secretaries assisted in management, but it seems you think you're some kind of teacher-servant. Moreover, I believe that dealing with problems directly and not just relying on theories and enjoying the position of a spectator can be an enriching experience!" The words somewhat alleviated the feeling of unhappiness, but deep down, Shortyty knew he was chosen for the position due to cost-saving, as his remuneration had been paid in advance by Marshal Javi.

The process of hiring employees was rather smooth. Because F11 was part of the Red Faction, they had access to the professionals of that power. As for the craftsmen, all of them were appointed by their old friends in the Guild and even convinced Master Gerto to join the company. Obviously it hurt Ian's budget quite a bit, but how many firms would take pride in having a Master in Matrices exclusively for themselves? Normally, these great masters would stay in their research groups and provide consulting or small temporary jobs. The reason for this? The quintet wanted to keep abreast of the good things that junior was constantly pulling out of their pockets.

To close with a golden key, the External Director of the Royalty Office summoned Ian for the purpose of meeting with those responsible for purchases related to national security. Business.

Seven Gnomes and one human were seated in a room with a glossy white floor, large statues of brave Gnomes, and a huge table with a complete map of the entire Sombreal Continent, including the Wastelands (regions not claimed by any recognized state). That place was in a secret basement of the Royalty Office, and Ian even had to sign an Aura Contract to ensure that no confidential information was leaked, including the location of the meeting.

Aura Contracts consisted of commitments expressed on special sheets of paper, fitted with complex matrices capable of creating an unbreakable bond between the parties. The "signature" would be made with the user placing his Aura on the document, thus releasing an incantation and a Spiritual Formation into the individual's soul. Breaking the agreement would be equivalent to death. The Jurists of Earth would kill for a few sheets of these documents, and at the same time, the smarter ones would target the holders of such means, because if such things existed, the amount of lawsuits and work for lawyers would be greatly reduced.

"Welcome, Mr. Haller. We are the Managers responsible for military procurement negotiations." The Gnome who spoke was the youngest among them and, strangely, seemed to have the highest status. He had a yellow face and wore thick-lensed glasses. As for his level of attractiveness, Ian had long given up judging that strange parameters of beauty.

"I appreciate the kindness and the attention of the Managers!"

"I won't take up much time. We are all very busy, and we don't want to raise suspicions. I took a look at your patents, and I was pleasantly surprised. As you know, Gnomes are not known for offensive cultivation, but we are one of the strongest races in terms of military strength, all thanks to our top-quality weapons. Your items please us, and we want to know their price."

"Before that, I would like to know why the interest in military equipment if there is supposed to be eternal peace in Sombreal? Gnomes are peaceful by nature, and I doubt the powerful ones are any different."

Ian's remarks changed the atmosphere among the Gnome Managers, and even Shortyty took a deep breath. They looked at each other, and one of them, the oldest and least important, spoke up.

"Humpf, you are just a businessman, this is a matter of political nature and belongs only to the rulers."

"I am a citizen of Gnel, I live in Sombreal and my line of business is strongly affected by this issue. How will I do my strategic planning? Will I be able to adapt to the scenarios in the dark?"

"Dear Mr. Haller, we respect you and want your products. We promise to place our orders in advance whenever we need them. This way you will be able to deal with the situations that may arise. More than that you will not get, regardless of whether you have signed the Aura Contract." Once again, the young Gnome took the floor and left an explicit warning in the air, as if to say that they would make trade agreements, however, limited to that.

Shortyty was nervous. He knew well his boss's temperament. If treated well, he would respond kindly, but if not... It was better not to think about it, especially since the lowest-ranking person present was a level 5, and the highest-ranking was the Fifth Prince, a level 7. Gnomes valued "order and progress", so hierarchy carried enormous weight in their society

"All right, I understand. But I won't limit myself to you. Any buyer that I approve will have access to my weapons."

The grumpy old Gnome stood up abruptly and when he opened the mouth to curse, the youngest pushed him back into his seat. After that, Ian confirmed that the guy must be very important. Unfortunately, he didn't yet know all the social runes, which could take on 2,000 different forms.

"It's all right, I understand the nature of the industry that F11 is in. Let's change the subject now, I want to know about prices."

"It depends on the quantity you intend to order. Initially, how much are we talking about?"

" 30 000 explosives A, 10 000 B, 5000 C and 500 D." Ciphers could be seen in Ian's eyes at that moment, but deep down he knew that for the size of this race, the quantities were minimal. As for the names, in the patent registration, a code was chosen for each bomb. Since our MC didn't like beating around the bush, he simply used the first letters of the alphabet, without numbers or other commonly used elements. From A to D, in increasing order of lethality.

"Explosives A, 1 C; B 2.5 C; C 5 C; D 20 C; Each unit, totaling 90,000 C. I can get 15% discount on the purchase of 25% more or 20% on the purchase of 40% more, for each category." To give you an idea of the profitability, the costs in inputs for this venture, would be: 0.2 C for A, 1 C for B, 1.5 C for C, and finally 5 C for D, totaling 26 000 C. Even discounting the human resources there would be a profit, and more importantly, it underutilized the company's current capacity, so Ian would be able to pursue other simultaneous projects.

"Acceptable, then let's go with the 20% discount." The Prince was ecstatic. It might seem like a huge expense, but if they were to purchase the equivalent technology from the Gnomes, the cost would be several times higher and would limit the user based on cultivation.

Keep in mind that a Gnome could live without luxuries on 50 C per year.

"Then let's toast to our agreement!" Ian raised his glass of cultivator fruit wine and toasted with those present. Both sides were happy, and if all else went well, there would be many transactions in the future.

F11 closed the contract with the Royalty of Gnel for a value of 100,800 C, resulting in a profit of 64,400 C, which, after deducting government taxes and Faction fees, amounted to 57,960 C. Of course, this was just a drop in the bucket compared to Ian's enormous debt, but grain by grain, he would build a castle.

"Ufffa, this time you were playing with fire, sir." Sighed Shortyty after the meeting.

"Why do you say that? I don't think I offended anyone, except for that grumpy old Gnome."

"Your "grumpy old Gnome" is a level 5, with a rank higher than my Master's. But the great danger was the confrontation in front of a level 7! The Fifth Prince."

"Prince?! So that young Gnome guy was a direct member of the Royalty?"

"That's right. If he had been offended, not even Marshal Javi would have the face to save you. Fortunately, the Prince is open-minded and prioritized your strategic value over other variables. In Gnel, the Royal family must always be treated above all and be flattered, even Grand Masters need to consider their actions carefully."

"It seems I overestimated myself this time. To avoid future problems, I want your help in memorizing each of the Gnomish social runes." Inside his heart, Ian was breaking into a cold sweat.

After two days of preparing inputs and training workers, Ian was free, since the actual management of the factory was in the hands of Master Gerto. Of course, the justification for this special treatment was to allow Ian to focus on Research and Development. He took the opportunity to make progress in the legacies and cultivation of the Librarian's Dao, combining the useful with the enjoyable. From time to time, he visited the Guild to ask some questions and exchange ideas with his knowledgeable companions.

"It seems I've gotten used to the presence of Shortyty and Etri. Walking alone in this city feels very strange... " Ian was riding on Ongmar when the beast roared and reared up, throwing him off. Before he could hit the ground, he was pulled by someone with abnormal strength, leaving him no chance to resist. But what frightened him the most was the cold blade of a dagger pressed against his neck.

"Be quiet, if you make any noise I might let my hand slip." An icy female voice came to his ear.


F11 Financial Summary:

Debts: Total of 5,280,000 C to be paid starting in 1 year and 11 months (22,000 C monthly installment for 240 months); One-time payment of 25,000 C for 1 year.

Cash: 57,960 C.

Employee Summary (annually):

Craftsmen: 10, with a total salary of 2,500 C.

Security Guards: 7, with a total salary of 1,050 C.

Salespeople: 2, with a total salary of 250 C.

Loaders: 4, with a total salary of 400 C.

Masters: 1, with a total salary of 1,500 C.

Total: 5,700 C.


A: Hand Grenade, Gunpowder. B: Hand Grenade, Gunpowder + Radioactive Compound. C: Super Hand Grenade, Gunpowder + Radioactive Compound. D: Barrel Bomb, Gunpowder + Radioactive Compound.

Any grammar or consistency errors, pls, point them out in the comments or private message. I'm not a native English speaker, so I might make some mistakes. Thanks for reading!

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