
I Can Rewind Ten Seconds At A Time

Time waits for no one. This a phrase that most of us have been hearing since our childhood but who would have guessed that an exception to this rule would also exist? In a world, where humans are fighting a battle of attrition against extraterrestrials, Andrey, a 17-year-old boy with not much to show for himself except his above-average grades gains a supernatural ability related to time. How would he use it? What will he encounter in his long and arduous journey? Stay tuned for the answers.

John_Titor234432 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
34 Chs

Future Sight In Action

After training for an hour which was his new limit Andrey felt very exhausted. He looked at the time at it was around seven in the evening. Andrey decided to take a bath and since he was not in the mood to make dinner, he decided on ordering it from outside.

After he was done with the meal Andrey felt revitalized and decided to continue with his training for another hour before calling it a day.

After another hour of exercise, Andrey felt that he had truly reached the point of saturation and could no longer absorb red energy.

There was still an hour left before his usual sleeping time so he decided to spend it on other recreational activities like catching up on anime.

He knew that he would be very busy when he entered the Academy and might have to give up on his anime watching. Therefore, he was savouring each and every episode to the last second so that he could recall them back in his mind during the dreary days ahead.

By the time he was finished, Andrey noticed that a message had come on his phone from an unknown number. He opened it up and realized that it was Instructor Zack.

[Save this number for future contact and keep on updating me about your progress,] Zack had messaged.

Andrey saved the number on his phone before replying to Instructor Zack on how he had solidified a small part of his inner core today and the benefits he gained because of it.

[Impressive, just don't overdo it or it might have adverse effects on your body.] A couple of minutes later a reply from Instructor Zack arrived.

Andrey reacted with a 'thumbs up' to that message. He was about to put down his phone but decided to check up on Lisa.

[Hey, how's your health now?] Andrey messaged.

He didn't have to wait for long as soon a message arrived from Lisa's side.

[My head doesn't ache anymore, so I'm good,] Lisa replied.

[That's good, but still rest well for today. Your body needs it.] Andrey advised.

[Alright! I'll go to sleep after watching just one more episode then] Lisa replied.

[How many you were planning to watch earlier?] Andrey couldn't help but ask. He already knew that she was very into online drama and all just like most of the girls her age.

[I was planning to binge it full…so 12 episodes] A reply from Lisa soon arrived.


[You rascal, let your eyes rest for a while!] Andrey rebuked.

[Okie, after this episode I will😊]

[Sigh…] Andrey could only give up.

He soon bid her good night and started preparing his bed. His father had already informed him that he would be busy during the following weeks so he won't be calling him every day like before.

The next day Andrey woke up early and began his day by working out. His workout lasted for an hour today because he wasn't in a rush for school like earlier.

 When he could no longer run, he would walk instead and that's how Andrey completed his target of five kilometres. His pacing was very slow but he didn't want to injure himself on the very second day of exercising itself.

He cooled himself down with some stretches and was finally back at home to freshen up. After he was done with the breakfast Andrey once again sat down to absorb the stones.

The process just like yesterday was monotonous but it was something that needed to be done so Andrey kept up with the practice that lasted for an hour before the point of saturation.

The feeling of saturation was similar to the feeling one would get after they had finished a meal. So just like in the case of food Andrey not need to wait until he feels empty enough to absorb the red energy again.

After finishing his one-hour practice Andrey decided to take a short nap because the exhaustion from the morning workout was finally taking a toll on him.

Andrey woke up at twelve in the afternoon and felt that he could absorb the red energy for another hour. He did so and prepared his lunch afterwards. He chatted with Jacob while eating and after he was done, he decided to laze around on the sofa while watching the television till four in the evening.

When the clock struck 4, he finally left his house to give Lisa a visit.

*Ring Ring*

Andrey rang the bell and waited for Lisa to open the door.

"You're here," Lisa said with a smile as she opened the door. She looked much better than yesterday.

"Looks like you've recovered," Andrey said as he followed her in.

"Yes, it was a good decision for me to not go to the school today and rest instead," Lisa explained.

"Good decision indeed, it definitely wasn't because you were unable to wake up early in the morning thanks to that 'last episode'," Andrey said in a sarcastic manner.

"…" Lisa was left speechless for a second and could only reply with a cold harrumph.

"By the way what series were you watching yesterday night?" Andrey tried to test the waters to see if Lisa would reply to him or not.

"I'm not talking with you anymore," Lisa replied as she went to the kitchen to fetch some water for him. Andrey could only chuckle to himself seeing her act like this. He knew that she was only acting to be angry with him.

"Thanks," Andrey said after finishing the glass of water.

"Did you test your power again?" Andrey asked.

"Not yet, I was waiting for you so that I could test it on you again," Lisa replied.

"But didn't you test it on me yesterday as well? It seems like a waste to me," Andrey gave his opinion.

"Well, I think you misunderstand something here." Lisa said and continued, "When I saw your future I didn't see everything that happened with you in the whole two weeks duration but rather only a few short clips of events that transpired…I believe it's random but I can't be sure unless I try it out again on you,"

"Oh, knowing everything that happened to someone in two weeks' time would indeed feel quite straining so it makes sense," Andrey commented.

"If you're ready, should I give it a try?" Lisa asked for Andrey's permission as she sat beside him.

"Sure," Andrey replies as he waits for Lisa to take action.

Lisa adjusts her state of mind before looking into Andrey's eyes as she mutters, "Future Sight,"

The whole world around her shifted as she found herself standing in a dark space where she couldn't move her body. A huge screen opened up right in front of her sight in that dark space. It was as if she was standing in a movie theatre with all the lights off and only the screen playing.

A few moments later a few clips started playing on the screen. She saw Andrey working out in the morning…..absorbing red energy from the stones while sitting on the sofa… She bidding him goodbye…Andrey flying to the main city….the appearance of the main city…an underground city.

That's when the screen turned dark and Lisa returned back to her normal state. As she came back, she immediately held her head as she was once again hit with a fresh pang of headache.

Andrey was quick on his foot and immediately brought a glass of water for her.

Lisa slowly took a few sips of the water while massaging her head but soon felt a pair of hands over her head.

"Let me help you with that," Andrey said as he started massaging her head gently.

'A-Alright," Lisa voiced out as an incident from the clips she just saw appeared in her mind and a red hue took over her face. Lisa's face was not visible to Andrey from his position so he didn't notice this abnormality and continued to massage her head for a while.

"Feeling better?" He asked after a minute.

"Yes, thanks," Lisa said. It took her a while but she had managed to control her emotions from going out of control.

"That's good," Andrey said with a sigh as he sat back down and continued, "It seems that you'll be suffering from this pain every time you use your powers…"

"I don't think so," Lisa voiced out her thoughts.

"Hmm?" Andrey looked towards her with an inquisitive gaze.

"Compared to before the pain now was comparatively less…I believe it will only lessen the more I use the skill as my mind will adapt to the load," Lisa said.

"I see, so what did you see? Was there anything different about my future this time?"

"N-no…" Lisa almost fumbled a bit but quickly recovered herself and continued, "It was the same just the images I saw were different, it showed you working out in the morning, doing something with red stones and going to the main city where the Academy is."

"I see," Andrey pondered over it for a while before standing up, "Alright then, I should be going back home. Remember to rest a bit and then start preparing for the interview,"

"Got it, I'll do exactly that," Lisa says as she drops Andrey out