
I Can Actually Bring Out Game Items (I Can Bring In-game Items Out)

This novel is also known as I Can Bring In-game Items Out I am an ordinary person, just a supernatural being who has awakened my personal space. When the second world of the overwhelming holographic game hits, in the game, the protagonist took out the mineral water in his personal space and took a sip before covering himself up. This, this seems to be in the game? Since then, items in the game can be brought out, and items outside can be brought in, and the life of the protagonist has undergone earth-shaking changes. Flying into the sky and fleeing the earth, what is it like to cast beans into soldiers, holding a Pangu ax and stepping on the Zhuxian sword is nothing but ordinary.

HyperDragonSlayer · perkotaan
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100 Chs

Domineering next door Wang Ma

Chapter 65: Domineering Next Door Wang Ma

I wondered if there was anything wrong with my arrangement. There was absolutely nothing wrong with it. That kid looked uncomfortable, but he was the benefactor of his family, and this couldn't be changed.

If something goes wrong, the father who can't find a chance to repay his favor will kill himself.

Drop: The knife transfers to you the real currency: 5,000,000.

"Damn! The budget has increased again?" Looking at the string of zeros, Er Gouzi wanted to vomit blood.

The preparatory plan is going to start again?

Five million five million.

Resentment, if it was other customers, I would have been greedy.

"Calm down, calm down, we must have a good talk with him tomorrow."

He looked at his trembling hands.

Well, I'm not trembling at the money.

But really rich.


"After the money is spent, why do you feel a lot safer? Hehe!" Xiaodao laughed, feeling a lot more relaxed.

It seems to remind me of a saying that only those who can spend money can make money.

I spend money neatly, so I don't feel much.

There is no need to open the door, the black king made a leap, his skills rushed to the food, he flew directly, crossed the stone wall, and returned to the courtyard with infinite scenery.

Seeing the startled expressions of Xiu'er and Da Bing, he was even more satisfied with this pet that can be used as a mount.

He directly took out the limit-breaking witch medicine (level 20) he had just bought, which was of ordinary quality, and rewarded it to the black king.

If money can buy it, it is not a problem.

Then he took out a large handful of limit-breaking witch medicine.

Soldier, come and rinse your throat!

Feed the rest of Xiu'er to your pets, let them become stronger and protect you.

Xiu'er happily accepted it.

"Thank you, brother master." The voice was sweet and comfortable.

Drop: The soldier took the limit-breaking witch medicine (level 20), broke through the bottleneck of level 20, upper limit: level 30, favorability +1, current: 98.

"It seems that the full value is not far away!" Xiaodao muttered casually without caring too much, and didn't care too much.

"Thank you, master brother!" I don't know if the friendliness is high enough, but the soldier also said this in a rough voice.

The knife trembled, and goose bumps appeared on his body.

He glared directly at Da Bing and said sharply, "Just call me Master."

"Yes, master?" Da Bing was a little puzzled.

"What did these two people do?" At this time, the military assassin was still leading many players to hunt, and found that there was only Wang Ma next door, a big shot, pointing east and west to show off his presence.

Really added a lot of confusion.

The army thorn seemed a little absent-minded.

The pet king dog ordered today arrived, but it was worth a million real coins. Even if it was a friendly price, the military assassin didn't plan to come out.

However, money is really a good thing, people directly offer a high price, and I can't refuse it.

Especially in the case of massive bleeding.

If it wasn't for earning 10,000 bone coins, even if the recovery fee on the account exceeds one million, I would not be willing to buy it.

It's also an investment!

Although he is not as good as the legendary god, he is not bad. In this regard, the military assassin who was born as a soldier is still confident.

This is also the reason why he bought pets, not just for playing games, but for investment.

Therefore, the siege army assassin was a little absent-minded this time, and felt that the time had passed extremely long.

Especially now, those two second generations who also love to show off are gone? It was completely different from usual, which gave him more thoughts and guesses.

It was not easy to survive until the end of the hunt.

Finally going back, with the improvement of everyone's strength, more and more gains will be made.

"Look, there's someone there." A player called out.

Army Assassin looked over, and a man in leather armor appeared in sight.

"Injured? Isn't the injury serious?" The players immediately reacted.

"There is a mission."

Jun Ba's eyes lit up, but someone had already shouted.

"There is a mission, go ahead."

Hula, rush forward.

"Damn, the task belongs to my brother, whoever dares to **** it, kill him." Wang Ma next door roared loudly, her momentum was like a rainbow.

Some players flattered and yelled.

Most of them are unhappy, but there is no way, those who signed the actual contract can only express their opinions loudly.

This time, the shouting accounted for the vast majority.

The other casual players immediately stopped hesitantly, they didn't want to be killed.

This is a **** lesson. Two players were killed by this uncle, which made everyone very upset, but it can only be unhappy.

"Haha! Accept the mission, who else would I have?" The Wang Ma next door roared loudly, directly venting the anger of the past two days, and immediately felt refreshed.

"Whoever is not convinced, stand up for me."

Wang Ma next door, who was in a bad mood, yelled again.

Naturally, no one spoke, but the expressions of many players were not very good.

Now, no one dares to mention some **** in front of Wang Ma next door, the legendary fairy?

As for what happened that day, no one talked about it.

Because the two who chewed their tongues in the morning have become corpses.

"I, Wang Ma next door is just so domineering."

Boy, one day, I will step on your dead body.

The Wang Ma next door was self-yy, and her self-confidence has increased a lot, and her mood has also improved a lot.

"Others are not allowed to approach, those who approach will die."

After another voice.

Surrounded by the surrounding players, Wang Ma next door proudly came to the NPC dripping blood who came with difficulty.

"Is there anything I can do to help you?" Wang Ma next door squeezed a smile, planning to approach and say so.

But far away, the npc raised his head, and shouted with joy on his face: "Go and inform, Langyakou needs reinforcements, a fierce beast appeared there, Master Wu was seriously injured and barely repelled it, and most of the tribe died in battle."

After finishing speaking, the npc sat on the ground and gasped for breath.

Di: Congratulations, you have received the task, and Langya asked for help.

The first step is to notify the tribal witch.

Reward: Unknown.

"Continuous missions, I like it." Wang Ma next door laughed, but he didn't notice that the expressions of the players around him changed slightly.

The Wang Ma next door didn't play games before, and the beauty of the car is not good, what's the point of the computer screen, so he didn't know that at this time, the players around were all receiving such a task.

The free players have already left quietly and quickly.

Although they responded to the hunt, they didn't intend to sell themselves to the three alliances.

"Teacher back to the camp!" Wang Ma next door waved her arm, like a general commanding thousands of troops, and went back.

There are many subordinates surrounded.

The only regret is that the crotch lacks a mighty mount.

Subconsciously, the tall figure of the Black King appeared in his mind.


Sooner or later.

"Is this the end of the hunt?" Army Thorn suddenly asked.

"It's over, it's over, you're doing well." Wang Ma next door nodded arrogantly, and forced a little smile.

Then, like a leader, he patted the shoulder that was afraid of being stabbed by the army, expressing his satisfaction.

Drop: The player in front of you will transfer real currency to you: 100,000.