
I Can Actually Bring Out Game Items (I Can Bring In-game Items Out)

This novel is also known as I Can Bring In-game Items Out I am an ordinary person, just a supernatural being who has awakened my personal space. When the second world of the overwhelming holographic game hits, in the game, the protagonist took out the mineral water in his personal space and took a sip before covering himself up. This, this seems to be in the game? Since then, items in the game can be brought out, and items outside can be brought in, and the life of the protagonist has undergone earth-shaking changes. Flying into the sky and fleeing the earth, what is it like to cast beans into soldiers, holding a Pangu ax and stepping on the Zhuxian sword is nothing but ordinary.

HyperDragonSlayer · Urban
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Bean buns are not suitable for dry food

Chapter 64

It was only at night that Xiaodao felt that he had almost recovered, and his bones no longer felt drained.

"I'm fine." Xiaodao came out to greet everyone, had dinner together, and then practiced martial arts.

The effect of this exercise is surprisingly good, and you feel hungry again in a short time?

And he made the boys practice martial arts hard, but they haven't consumed their dinner yet.

The pensive knife stretched out his hand, as if instinctively, the blood in his body burned, and traces of faint and undetectable blood condensed on his fingers.

Just like that, I felt a little empty in my body, so I stopped quickly.

The game is extremely real, mastered the method of burning blood, condensing and extracting blood gas, can it be used directly in reality?

When a large number of players reach level 30 and master the method of extracting blood energy, it may cause an uproar.

Shaking his head, Xiaodao didn't think too much about it. After all, such a real game is obviously black technology, which has already aroused too many players' shocking comments, but is it useful!

The car is naturally straight when it reaches the front of the mountain, so it's not for me to worry about it.

Xiaodao entered his personal space with a puppy in his arms.

After entering the game and opening her eyes, Xiu'er was already waiting with eggs.

The knife immediately took out the pup.

"This is for sale." Looking at Xiu'er's eyes, Xiao Dao hurriedly said, after all, her skill bar is full of pets, even so, there are still some that are similar to the wild state.

But it feels similar to a pet, and they all listen to Xiu'er.

Seeing that Xiu'er nodded obediently and didn't plan to raise her by herself, she was relieved.

"If you want, I'll bring it to you."

"Well, raise more chickens in the future, the ones that lay eggs are not pets." Xiaodao added.

After eating and drinking enough, the appetite in the game is five or six times larger.

After digesting it like this, it's not like I don't know. After a calculation, it seems that two or three hundred experience is no problem.

Xiaodao, who felt in good spirits, looked at himself, and the weakness had not completely disappeared.

Forget it, he was not in a hurry to practice martial arts, he set off directly riding the black king.

Soon came to the cave.

The old witch was taken aback when he saw Xiao Dao and said, "That's right, he actually comprehended the power of blood energy and became a glorious warrior."

Di: Congratulations, become Zhan, and get the benefit of buying a bone knife with 10,000 bone coins.

Hint: this one time only.

Xiaodao smiled, ignored it, and looked at other items.

Sure enough, it has become a battle, and many things that must be exchanged for can be purchased directly, such as blood spirit witch medicine, a bottle of 1,000 bone coins.

For example, limit-breaking witchcraft can be purchased with bone coins.

As for the price, does the knife need to care!

There are quantities on them, the more precious the less the quantity, making Xiaodao think about it, but there is no hurry now, the level of other players is far away.

Afterwards, Xiaodao made some purchases, and then strode away.

After leaving the cave, he rode the black king and ran towards home, but saw very few players along the way.

"Brother Dao, wait!" Xiaodao was stunned, because it was the golden thigh Dai Shao who called him, and he was alone, without being surrounded by others, which is really strange.

But for the big money, the knife still stops.

"Brother Dao, hehe, let's discuss it. You can sell me a pet at a low price." Dai Sha laughed, and it was a bit flattering.

"This thing really can't be cheap." Xiaodao waved his hand.

"Okay, then I'll buy one, that one, as mighty as the Black King?" Seemingly not good at negotiating prices, Dai Shao nodded heartbroken and asked again.

After all, three million is a hemorrhage for him now, and he couldn't get it out a few months earlier.

"Guaranteed one variety, one quality, if you want it, pay in advance." If there is a business, Xiaodao still has a good attitude.

Dai Shao gritted his teeth! It is estimated that there are absolutely not many such pets, this one should get a litter.

Be the first to strike first.

Drop: The player in front of you transfers real currency to you: 3,000,000.

Xiao Dao is happy, it is right to kill the rich. This price was originally a small knife's anger, and it feels a bit up for grabs, but now it has indeed become a fact, and the price is general.

"I knew it." A sneer came, it was the low-key brother, and he also came alone. At this time, he was panting heavily, his head was covered with sweat, and it was very hard to catch up.

Today the large army went out to hunt and organized a large number of players. Dai Shao sent the prey back earlier, and the low-key brother felt that something was wrong.

This is not coming.

"The money has been received, come to me to pick up the goods tomorrow." Xiaodao didn't bother to pay attention to the filth of the two.

Competition is better.

"Brother Dao, I want one too." Brother Low-key shouted quickly, feeling a little worried.

"Money first, three million, no bargaining." Xiaodao didn't stop, but slowed down.

"No problem." The low-key brother's heart is bleeding, but Dai Shao bought it, and fortunately it is still available for sale. He must not do without it, otherwise what other players think, the Taishang Gang will be overwhelmed by the Tongtian Gang.

Absolutely not.

Drop: The player in front of you transfers real currency to you: 3,000,000.

"Come to pick up the goods tomorrow, I need to recognize the owner on the spot." Xiaodao's mood became happy and anxious.

Six million in hand.

"Brother Dao! How many more?" The two asked subconsciously at the same time.

With a wave of his hand, he rode away on his cool mount, the Black King.

Naturally, this question will not be answered.

You can't say billions of points.

Dai Shao and Brother Low-key looked at each other.

"We can't have civil strife, and absolutely can't give Wang Ma next door a chance." Dai Shao sighed and spoke first.

"Then you still come to eat alone?" The low-key brother sneered.

"I just want to earn a little money from the Wang Ma next door. It will not affect the cooperation between our brothers. You should understand that we are different from the Wang Ma next door."

The low-key brother is also silent. They are the second generation of Fu among ordinary people, but they are nothing in the circle. They are just illegitimate children who will compromise, have suffered, and have no status.

The Wang Ma next door was different. The only seedling in the family was spoiled by his mother, and she didn't know how to compromise.

"Money is a bastard, is it useful for me to ask for so much money?" The cheerful Xiaodao was thinking about how to spend the money on the road, but he didn't come up with it.

All of a sudden, the money is not fragrant.

"Safety first, safety first, Er Gouzi, don't let me down. Your mother, father, and brother owe me life-saving grace. You can have a complete and happy family because of my help."

Muttering, the knife only left one million, and the others were turned over.

Di: Xiaodao left a message for you, "My safety depends on you."

During the game, Er Gouzi shivered and was woken up. He was busy all day with his benefactor during the day, and fell asleep during the game at night.

The sudden message woke him up.

"Resentment! This kid is sure of me, he knows that I am a handsome guy who knows how to repay kindness and repays kindness." Er Gouzi shook his head.