
I Can Actually Bring Out Game Items (I Can Bring In-game Items Out)

This novel is also known as I Can Bring In-game Items Out I am an ordinary person, just a supernatural being who has awakened my personal space. When the second world of the overwhelming holographic game hits, in the game, the protagonist took out the mineral water in his personal space and took a sip before covering himself up. This, this seems to be in the game? Since then, items in the game can be brought out, and items outside can be brought in, and the life of the protagonist has undergone earth-shaking changes. Flying into the sky and fleeing the earth, what is it like to cast beans into soldiers, holding a Pangu ax and stepping on the Zhuxian sword is nothing but ordinary.

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Dai Shao, who drives a sports car

Chapter 12 Dai Shao who drives a sports car

Hey, the iron-toothed mouse, the hyena in the wild, the prey that players hate and love at the moment really appeared.

The reason for love is that this thing is valuable, the purchase price of that front tooth is 10 bone coins, and the wild chicken of the pocket knife only charges three bone coins.

The reason for the hate is that this thing is almost everywhere, at least in groups of three or four, and hunters go out in multiples, and they can't see it at all. It is easy to find it only when hunting alone or alone, and if they have not dealt with the **** smell of the prey. they.

Basically, the harvest is full, and the hunters returning home must guard against these guys the most.

Once you can't kill it quickly, be careful, especially when the iron-toothed mouse makes a sound, and more iron-toothed mice will appear soon.

The iron-toothed mouse quickly ran towards the skeleton, the target, the wild chicken.

"Damn! You're looking for death." Xiaodao rushed forward, brandishing the spear in his hand, and fought with the iron-toothed mouse.

The spear wielding in his hand was so powerful that it couldn't get close.

Xiaodao focused on defense, and after ensuring his own safety, it took nearly a full minute to draw a bloodstain on the iron-toothed mouse.

"Squeak!" The wounded iron-toothed mouse uttered a cry, as if it understood that it could not take down the target by itself, and began to call for its companions.

"I'm just waiting for you to call for help!" The attack of the fifteenth-level knife suddenly accelerated, stabbing it, and nailing it to the ground.

"Squeak!" The iron-toothed mouse struggled and let out a continuous rapid cry.

Knife was not in a hurry to kill him.

"Sure enough!" Soon, iron-toothed rats jumped out of the hole covered by the weeds and rushed towards the knife. There were six of them. Ordinary novice hunters were no match at all. At this time, there was only one way to escape.

So Xiaodao escaped, but unfortunately the speed was not fast.

Soon, the six iron-toothed mice were getting closer.

Turning his head, he held the village's homemade steel sand gun, commonly known as a sprayer, which was only suitable for melee combat. It directly sprayed out a cloud of sand, covering the six iron-toothed rats.

The screams became one piece, but none of the **** eyes were killed, and each of them let out a miserable cry and twitched.

Without hesitation, Xiaodao swung a stone-tipped wooden spear and stabbed them to death one by one.

Drip: Congratulations on killing the fifth-level iron-toothed mouse, gaining experience: 1.

Drip: Congratulations on killing the fifth-level iron-toothed mouse, gaining experience: 1.


There were seven of them in total, Xiaodao cheerfully and quickly tied their tails together, hanging all over the body of the little skulls.

"Go back, go back, safety first."

"The task is not in a hurry!"

This hunting operation took only ten minutes.

In just over a minute, they came to the entrance of the valley where the tribe was located.

The tall willows with human heads at the door, and the cannibal head fruits that don't know whether they are human heads or fruits are swaying in the wind.

As Xiaodao approached, his eyes opened, and his green eyes fell on Xiaodao.

here we go again.

Xiaodao looked over.

A head protruded from the hole where the weeds had hidden.

One, only one?

Carefully approaching the knife, he stopped approaching after reaching a certain range, and grinned at the knife.

Xiaodao, who was too lazy to pay attention to it, was upset.

I looked around, but no one was there.


The iron-toothed mouse, who thought it was safe, fell to the ground and died with regret.

Afterwards, Xiaodao petted it proudly and raised his middle finger.

It's just a level five iron-toothed mouse, too lazy to pick it up.

Bone meal was sprinkled, turned into bones, and combined by dancing, another level five skeleton appeared and went directly to the target.

It quickly approached and grabbed the mouse corpse.

Suddenly, a gray figure jumped out from the grass and went down in one bite.

Click! The skeleton's neck was broken, and its head gurgled and rolled off.

"Damn! Got tricked by a mouse?"




Di: Congratulations on killing the tenth-level beast, the elite iron-toothed mouse, gaining experience: 500, awakening comprehension related skills 10%.

"Damn, good experience, and an elite?"

Drop: Obtain the hidden task, the first player to comprehend the skill.

Reward: The first person to comprehend the skill independently, the comprehension speed increased by 300%! , Comprehension reaches 90% and can be completed directly, and the second place will increase by 200%.

If it fails, additional rewards will be deducted.

Di: Congratulations, the skills related to awakening comprehension have reached 30%.

Wei Wei was taken aback, "Very good!"

After hesitating for a moment, the knife took out a pinch of bone meal and sprinkled it down again.

Shaking his dizzy head, he was very exhausted.

This time the recovery point is the tenth level bone skeleton.

Bone Skeleton approached carefully, good guy, there is a hole hidden in the grass where the elite iron-toothed mouse jumped out, no wonder.

This time, the bodies of the two iron-toothed mice, one big and one small, were successfully brought back.

The big one, the elite, weighs sixty or seventy catties.

I saw the iron-toothed mouse poking its head in the distance again.

"Damn, I can't afford to offend you, flash."

The small knife flew back with its prey.

Iron Tooth Rat followed.


A man-eating head suddenly flew down from the tree, bit the iron-toothed mouse in one bite, split its mouth to the base of the ear, swallowed the man-eating head abruptly, it doubled in size, and then flew back slowly up the tree.

Seeing the knife, he swallowed.

It's too dangerous outside, so there's no rush for this task.

Huh? Looking at the mission, Xiaodao was a little dazed.

Mission: The Wild Hope of the Old Hunter. (submittable!)

Isn't the mission requirement a level 20 beast? what happened?

After thinking about it, it seems that the tenth-level elite is also fine.

Without hesitation, Xiao Dao took the two skeletons to the old hunter's residence.

"Damn, there are so many prey, and the bone resuscitation technique." The exclamation sounded, but the knife ignored it and strode away.

Soon, more than a dozen players came in a hurry, blocking the path of the knife, and they turned out to be all muscular children, UU Reading www. uukanshu.com doesn't even have an adult.

"Brother, is the prey for sale? The fifth-level iron-toothed mouse is one thousand soft sister coins." A muscular kid said proudly.

"Young Master Dai is generous, Young Master Dai is bold. Brother, the opportunity to make a fortune has come, and I don't want to thank Young Master Dai. This price means that Young Master Dai can afford it." The little kids next to him immediately flattered. Why is it so nasty?

"Give way, don't sell." Xiaodao frowned.

The leader, Young Master Dai, is only level six. He is called Young Master Dai who drives a sports car, and he sounds rich.

Xiaodao is really a bit jealous of the rich, and it makes him uncomfortable to watch.

"Look, Young Master Dai, this kid likes to act like a military assassin, and he thinks he's great." Feng Chui Pi Pi Liang said loudly beside him.

"Hmph, you don't want to save face?" Young Master Dai was upset in front of so many subordinates.

"Get out of the way." Xiaodao didn't bother to care about it. In reality, the second generation is also afraid of being photographed with human flesh. Is it so unscrupulous in the game?

"If you don't dare to give Young Master Dai any face, the brothers surround him." Feng Chupipi coolly said loudly.

All of a sudden, more than a dozen muscular kids surrounded Xiaodao, eager to try and stare at him.

"Young Master Dai, if you want to dominate the black bone tribe, this kid and the military assassin must be dealt with." Feng Chupipi said loudly, and shot a smug look at the knife.

"Kill!" Dai Shao shouted loudly, but it was embarrassing, no one did it.

"Really kill?" someone hesitated.

"Damn, it's just a game, you think it's reality, don't worry about killing it, Dai Shaoneng has lost our brother." Feng Chuipitiao yelled.

"Whoever kills will be rewarded with five thousand...!"


Before he finished speaking, a wooden spear was thrust into Dai Shao's face.