
I Can Actually Bring Out Game Items (I Can Bring In-game Items Out)

This novel is also known as I Can Bring In-game Items Out I am an ordinary person, just a supernatural being who has awakened my personal space. When the second world of the overwhelming holographic game hits, in the game, the protagonist took out the mineral water in his personal space and took a sip before covering himself up. This, this seems to be in the game? Since then, items in the game can be brought out, and items outside can be brought in, and the life of the protagonist has undergone earth-shaking changes. Flying into the sky and fleeing the earth, what is it like to cast beans into soldiers, holding a Pangu ax and stepping on the Zhuxian sword is nothing but ordinary.

HyperDragonSlayer · Urban
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100 Chs

protect my xiuer

Chapter Thirteen Protect My Xiu'er

With a full blow at the fifteenth level, Dai Shao's blood bar was instantly emptied.

He fell to the ground with an expression of disbelief.

"Ah! Did you kill someone?" Some of the other muscular kids were terrified, and some backed away.

"Playing and...!" Feng Chuipi Liang yelled.


The spear was thrown head-on, and there was no way to dodge it.

Then the blood bar was emptied, and the **** was really cold when the wind blew.

Immediately, the other players screamed and dispersed.

Drop: Killing a level 5 tribal child, gain experience: 1, spear proficiency +1, and the basic spear proficiency is upgraded to a major.

"It's done?"

"Hunting, you shouldn't have killed the children of the tribe." A middle-aged man wearing animal skin strode over.

"I admit that I was impulsive, but do I have a choice?" Xiaodao smiled wryly.

"I don't care if you have a choice or not. Since you killed two people below the tenth level, you will be fined 200 stone coins, or you will be imprisoned for two days." The middle-aged man said eagerly.

"Damn! This style of painting doesn't feel right, come here to talk about money aggressively?" Xiaodao was taken aback, and immediately laughed.

"Two hundred stone coins, no problem! The problem that money can solve is not a problem." Xiaodao happily paid the fine.

"I have been hungry for a long time, who is it for?" The middle-aged man muttered and left with two corpses.

"I'm smiling smugly, I'm smiling smugly." Seeing all this, Yuan Yuan's cheap mouth was immediately happy, and the anger in his stomach was gone.

Big boss, he avenged me.

Originally, his high price of one hundred soft sister coins and one stone coin was mixed, and it was all compliments from big brothers and big brothers. Then he knew that a richer one came, and he didn't treat the money as money, so he was tragic. A gold medal grinds the tip of a stone spear so much that his subordinates betray him.

The rich old man didn't know that he was going crazy, and he even increased the subsidy price. If you exceed the fifteenth level, you will get 20,000 yuan per month, and if you exceed the 20th level, you will be rewarded with more than 40,000 yuan.

I had planned to work hard myself.

However, it was still not enough to compete against that young master Dai, and he felt cold.

When he heard the news here, he planned to report it, but when he saw this scene, his boss was really awesome.

This thigh did not report a mistake, and he was still so wise and powerful.

Immediately refreshed, I am still the first brother.

Hmph, tell you to betray me.

In the future, the purchase price will be changed to one stone coin and eighty soft sister coins.

I smiled smugly, smugly.

The world is so bright.


Drop: You have died, you can choose to be reborn, or born.

Dai Shao, who was driving the sports car, was stunned for a long time before recovering from the panic of death.

"It's so real, his grandma's, it's so real, it's really exciting." He shouted excitedly, regardless of the wet pants.

Dai Shao, who was driving a sports car, laughed excitedly. Such a real game is much more enjoyable than playing sports cars and picking up girls.

Huh? Doesn't death mean that the number is deleted, why there are two choices.

Rebirth: Start fresh, randomly born (free).

Birth: Born in the original place of birth, inheriting the legacy of the original character. (10,000 yuan below the tenth level)

"It's interesting, that knife, wait for me, I will let you know what is the magic of money, hehe, dare to fight against me, Young Master Dai? I am not Young Master Dai if I don't play you to death."

Dai Shao, who drives a sports car, chose to be born without hesitation.

Drip: You were born in a small tribe in the wilderness, the Blackbone Tribe.

You survived and grew up healthy, finally turning six years old this year.

Due to your father's accidental death, you inherited his legacy, you are exempted from the novice trial, the level cap is unlocked, level 10.

Before the fifth level, you can enjoy meat under the totem pole for free, and before the tenth level, you can receive two corn breads every day.

And there's your father's relic, a wooden spear with a stone point.

"Not bad! Saved a few days of suffering." Dai Shao breathed a sigh of relief, those few days were really difficult, if not for the strategy, he might have become a slave.


He strode out.

The new batch of muscular kids soon began to practice hard. Only he, Dai Shao, a first-level player, walked around swaggeringly, and the novice instructors didn't pay attention at all, which really attracted a lot of amazed and jealous eyes.

This feeling is very cool.

A couple of dejected muscular kids approached.

Recently, the authenticity of the twentieth world has been spread. They are all determined to buy game helmets extravagantly. They didn't expect to encounter golden thighs and a way to make money. It's a pity that they accidentally killed the golden thighs.

If I do it again, I will definitely cherish my thighs.

"Ah! Golden thighs, no, Young Master Dai, you are not dead."

Immediately one by one jumped up.

Here, the cheap mouth who got the news quickly was dumbfounded.

Suddenly feel that the world is so dark.

Xiaodao paid the fine, and then successfully found the old hunter to deliver the task. Naturally, he chose the skill reward, and there was a blackened bone in his hand, covered with mysterious lines.

Drip: Congratulations for your excellent completion of the task. You have received an extra thank you from the old hunter. Favorability: +20.

Xiaodao was just about to see what was the difference with so many more favorability points, and whether he could receive more tasks.

The old hunter had already picked up the elite iron-toothed mouse and walked away briskly.

He didn't even say hello, and just killed the donkey.

At this time, the knife carefully looked at the black bone in his hand.

Skills: continuous shooting, active cast, long-range attack will form a second same attack, the consumption of energy varies according to the power, and can be learned after breaking through the fifteenth level bottleneck.

Reminder: This is an elite hunter who cannot become a warrior. Before he died, he condensed his hard work under the totem pole all his life. It is the wealth left to future generations. As time goes by, the descendants will regard becoming an elite I hunter as their ancestors. Legacy.

Seems to be taking advantage of yourself?

This made Xiao Dao happily go back with the two skeletons carrying the heavy prey.

The petite Xiu'er is busy cultivating the field in front of the door, shedding drops of sweat.

"Xiu'er!" Seeing her slender and beautiful figure, UU read www. uukanshu.com pocket knife does not have a heat.

"Master is back." Xiu'er ran over happily, like a cheerful little rabbit.

"Didn't I say it before, we eat meat and don't need to farm." Xiaodao cheekily helped her wipe the sweat off her forehead.

"Master! I have to work hard, otherwise I will lose my duty as a slave, not to mention that I like to do something." Xiuer Nuonuo said with a blushing face.

"Your task is to practice eating meat, um, forget it." Thinking of the muscles all over the child's body, Xiu'er couldn't help but shudder, it's better not to exercise the muscles, and there will be a brother to take care of them in the future.

"I'm back from hunting, you can deal with it, or don't want anything except meat." Xiaodao waved his hand.

"Yes, master." Xiu'er immediately got busy.

Sitting on the sidelines proudly watching, pleasing to the eye.

"Boss, I'm living a happy life." The voice sounded, and when I turned my head to look, the cheap mouth came, looking at me and smiling, no matter how you look at it, it's so lewd.

This made Xiaodao frown.

"Extreme lolita, Brother Dao, how did you get it, teach me some experience." She wiped her saliva from her mouth, and it seemed that Xiaoli was not very fragrant.

"Xiu'er, it seems that you still need to have the power to protect yourself, and the tribe is not very safe." Xiaodao thought about it, not afraid of thieves stealing, but afraid of thieves thinking about it.

"Go, go, you have the face to see me if you haven't reached the fifteenth level yet?" Xiaodao immediately chased him away.

"Boss, I am the old reporter. That young master Dai who drives the sports car has come back to life."

Damn! That kid can do anything.

I am not afraid.

Thatched huts are no good, they must be upgraded!

Xiaodao looked at the thatched cottage.

Thatched Cottage: Level 1...!