
I Can Actually Bring Out Game Items (I Can Bring In-game Items Out)

This novel is also known as I Can Bring In-game Items Out I am an ordinary person, just a supernatural being who has awakened my personal space. When the second world of the overwhelming holographic game hits, in the game, the protagonist took out the mineral water in his personal space and took a sip before covering himself up. This, this seems to be in the game? Since then, items in the game can be brought out, and items outside can be brought in, and the life of the protagonist has undergone earth-shaking changes. Flying into the sky and fleeing the earth, what is it like to cast beans into soldiers, holding a Pangu ax and stepping on the Zhuxian sword is nothing but ordinary.

HyperDragonSlayer · perkotaan
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100 Chs

A bit suspected of cheating

Chapter Six Suspected of Cheating

Before the other party finished speaking, Xiaodao was taken aback, and had already been promoted to level ten immediately.

Drip: Congratulations, the mission, Hunter's Road is completed.

Mission: The Hunter's Way.

1: Reach level ten. (Finish)

2: Own your own weapons. (Finish)

3: Non-consumable skill bar, getting started with basic skills (completed)

Drop: Congratulations, you have become an adult hunter, reward: skill bar, experience: 30.

Quest: Hunter's Trial.

Tip: You are an adult, but you are just a hunter who has not hunted before. Only when you go out hunting alone and bring back your prey can you become a real hunter.

Rewards: Unlock the upper limit of the level, and according to the quality of the prey, you will get additional rewards.

Failure: become a slave.

"Yeah!" The middle-aged hunter touched his head, a little confused, paused, pointed to the knife and the cheap mouth and said: "You two are already grown up, go to the trial tomorrow morning, there are no cowards in the Blackbone Tribe."

This made Xiaodao heave a sigh of relief, it's okay, it's okay.

"I can't do it anymore? Hehe, poor guy, with such a weak mentality, it depends on how you live tomorrow." Chizui snorted and walked away proudly.

He had to prepare well and come back alive tomorrow.

He has a reason to live.

Xiaodao also looked helpless, and wanted to continue to improve his supernatural powers, and his combat skills were about to be upgraded, so it seemed that he ran out of time.

(Pocket knife) Taishu Qiu: Adult hunter of the Black Bone Tribe: Level 10. Experience: 102 (cannot be upgraded). Life: 98%.

Skill 1: Blank. Skill 2: Blank.

Basic life skills, stone weapons, spears, crafting (entry) 1%.

Basic combat skills: basic spear entry, 96%.

Supernatural powers: dry bone resuscitation (entry 0%). Evolution consumption: 100 experience.

At first glance, experience is over 100? Why is it over 100?

I patted myself on the head and almost forgot that the task was rewarded with experience.

Without hesitation, upgrade to supernatural powers.

Avatar: Bone Resuscitation evolves into Bone Resuscitation.

Bone Resuscitation: Use secret bone meal to resuscitate a tenth-level white bone skeleton, or use ordinary bone meal to perform it, but the level of the resuscitated skeleton will decrease, and a fifth-level dry bone skeleton will be resuscitated.

Xiaodao is overjoyed, ordinary bone meal is easy, but secret bone meal, I managed to get a pack, and ran the task for more than a day.

After some preparations, the knife came out towards the exit very early the next morning.

The Black Bone Tribe is in the canyon, the only exit, the knife stopped, because there are two tall and hideous willow trees on both sides, with hideous human head fruits hanging on them, twisting, looking at the two greedily, drooling flowed out.

Willow, level? ? ? .

Looking at the weakest human head.

Cannibal Head: Level 10, Skill: ? ? ?

"Huh!" The cheap mouth also came, and snorted proudly at Xiaodao, and was too lazy to talk nonsense at this time.

After waiting for a while, the middle-aged hunter came over.

He took out the powder and sprinkled it on the two of them, saying: "The effect is only for three days. If you miss the three days, you can only wait at the entrance. You must not force your way."

"Of course, if you can't come back before dark, it will be difficult to come back."

Drop: You are contaminated with mysterious witchcraft, within three days, Willow will not take the initiative to attack.

Drop: Quest: Hunter Adult Trial, reminder, you have three days to complete the mission.


The two strode out.

"Coward, don't die, I won't get used to it if no one scolds me in the future." Broken Zui added one more sentence before leaving.

Xiao Dao unceremoniously raised his **** at him.

Xiaodao stood on guard carefully, there was no one else, he looked around carefully, it was relatively desolate, the plants were not very luxuriant, and some of them grew strangely, then he stretched out his hand, and a high-end imported telescope appeared in his hand.

Be careful to look around a large area.

The prey in this world is obviously very rich. Not far from the gate of the tribe, three Gale Rabbits, one big, two small, were found grazing. The big one weighed at least thirty or forty catties! The whole body is white.

This big guy must be at the tenth level.

No, the other two small ones are also level ten, and this one.

Elite Gale Rabbit: Beast, level ten.

Skill 1: Wind and grass move. Skill 2: Gale Speed.

Tips: It is common to see the rare evolved elites of the Gale Rabbit, but it is also one of the most difficult beasts to hunt. It is often used as one of the trial mission targets of the 20th-level elite hunters.

"It's just you."

Xiaodao's eyes lit up, and he approached carefully.

As Xiaodao approached, Haifeng Rabbit looked towards Xiaodao, glanced at him, and then quickly started to eat grass.

"You found me?" Xiaodao was startled, very inconceivable.

At this distance, the naked eye can only see a small spot. If it weren't for imported telescopes, I wouldn't be able to spot it at all.

Every time he ate two bites, the tenth-level Gale Rabbit would look at Xiao Dao. There was no doubt that he had been spotted.

"If you find out, you will die if you don't escape."

With a smirk in his eyes, he reconfirmed that there was no one around, and then Xiao Dao directly took out a sniper rifle.

Yes, a sniper rifle.

It's unbelievable.

But in fact, in some countries, as long as you have money, you can buy it, but only a knife can be brought back safely.

I used to use my personal space to make money and gained some knowledge, but that is all in the past.

At this point the scope is aimed at the head.


One shot down, the head will explode.


With a flash of white shadow, the Gale Rabbit disappeared.

Xiaodao rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and all three were gone!

No way? Is this too fast?

I rely on.

He held the binoculars resolutely, and was overjoyed when he saw it.

This stupid guy actually bumped into a tree more than 20 meters away. At this time, he was convulsing there, and he was not dead yet.

The knife immediately rushed forward.

Due to the long distance, he ran up to him out of breath.

Not dead yet?

He picked up the wooden spear and poked it at the head.

Suddenly a scorching hot current poured into the body, and the whole body was like a fire.

Drip: Congratulations on killing the Elite Storm Rabbit, gain experience: 500.

Drop: You use a stone-pointed wooden spear to kill the tenth-level elite Gale Rabbit, basic spear entry, 96%, proficiency increase, proficiency increase...!

In the end, it turned out that the basics were small, 96%, which was a full upgrade.

No way, eating meat and cultivating for a day only has eleven points of experience, killing a rabbit is equivalent to more than a month of hard work?

Knife was completely shocked by this experience.

But the personal space of this prey can't fit.

Forget it, let's go back and complete the mission first, this prey should be enough.

It seems that we must come out to hunt in the future.

Immediately camouflage the wounds of the prey!

Hey, what is this? A cyan diamond?

Wind Crystal: A spar containing a touch of wind element.

Tip: For the first time hunting, the probability of getting it will be greatly increased.

"This thing! What's the use of bringing it back to reality?" Xiao Dao said arrogantly.

When I picked it up, it was heavier than expected, weighing more than fifty catties.

At this moment, I heard something and looked over quickly.