
I Can Actually Bring Out Game Items (I Can Bring In-game Items Out)

This novel is also known as I Can Bring In-game Items Out I am an ordinary person, just a supernatural being who has awakened my personal space. When the second world of the overwhelming holographic game hits, in the game, the protagonist took out the mineral water in his personal space and took a sip before covering himself up. This, this seems to be in the game? Since then, items in the game can be brought out, and items outside can be brought in, and the life of the protagonist has undergone earth-shaking changes. Flying into the sky and fleeing the earth, what is it like to cast beans into soldiers, holding a Pangu ax and stepping on the Zhuxian sword is nothing but ordinary.

HyperDragonSlayer · Urban
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100 Chs


Chapter 5 Gou is Invincible

Combat skills, I really like this knife.

Especially if you can master it in reality, you will be excited just thinking about it.

This is a simple martial arts training ground, and there are fences and guards.

After entering with this ghost-drawing talisman stone, I realized that this is where the real torture began.

There is no chance to sneak away, and learn how to find and identify prey with the disabled old hunter inside. The most important thing is to practice hard swinging and throwing.

On this point, there is no way for Xiaodao to be opportunistic.

If you don't take it seriously, the relevant progress will slow down.

As a result, Xiaodao spent several days here, and the progress was less than half, because he couldn't leave without finishing.

"Brother Xiaodao, I underestimated you, come here faster than me." Jun Ba came, smiling and patted Xiaodao's shoulder, seeing the blisters on his hands, it seemed that the stone spear was finished.

This made Xiaodao feel a sense of crisis.

In order to complete the task as soon as possible, Xiaodao searches the Internet for throwing skills and information related to wild survival.

Even so, a few days later, the Army Assassin waved goodbye, having already completed the task and left.

This made Xiaodao work harder, and finally after three days, the progress bar was finally completed.

Drop: Congratulations, you have obtained basic skills: basic spear entry. (Including fighting, throwing.)

Xiaodao wants to cry but has no tears, why is it not a skill book, he let himself learn it abruptly?

The knife that came out came to the warehouse in a hurry, and exchanged ten low-quality stone spear points from the guard for a large piece of wild animal meat. There was no way, the wool that I used to hug in my personal space these days had already been eaten. The roast chicken, roast goose, beef and mutton brought can only fill you up, but they don't contain the energy of heaven and earth, and cannot be transformed into experience.

Even so, the level has been raised to level seven, and the law of leveling up has also been mastered.

Levels 1 to 5 require 10 experience per level, and levels 5 to 10 require 20 experience per level.

(Pocket knife) Grand Uncle Qiu: Young Hunter of the Black Bone Tribe: Level 7. Experience: 56|60. Health: 97%, Level Cap: 10.

Skills: Blank.

Basic Life Skills, Stone Weapons, Spears, Crafting (Beginner), 1%.

Basic Combat Skills: Getting Started with Basic Spears. 1%

Ability: Resurrection of Dry Bones (Beginner). Evolution consumption: 100 experience.

In particular, the dry bone resuscitation technique can evolve, which is the source of motivation for Xiaodao to work so hard.

No matter how hard and tired you are, just take a look and think about summoning skeletons yourself in reality, and learn more magical skills in the future, you will have motivation.

"Xiaodao, you're here! Work hard, level ten as soon as possible, and then you can go out hunting." He happened to meet Army Thorn, and he was hunting with a few NPCs, and he had already reached level ten?

At first glance, good guy, it's not level ten, but level eleven.

It's too fast.

"Going out to hunt? Are you kidding me? Is there a lack of food? Let alone such a dangerous thing, safety first." Xiaodao waved his hand and nodded, looking confident, but actually made a decision in his heart and never went out.

In reality, he directly approached the neighbor he knew, an old worker in his fifties.

The family situation is relatively difficult, but the person is very nice and optimistic.

Given some wages and materials, the old worker swiftly made the required stone-tipped spears for the small knife, which was ten times faster than the small knife. Under special request, the production was rough.

Even so, the worst ones are ordinary, good products, much better than the bad ones made by yourself.

Unexpectedly, the half-dead old guy guarding the warehouse has really sharp eyesight, and the prices given by different qualities are completely different. The higher the quality, the price doubles.

At present, there are fine products in the hands of small knives.

Unqualified ones are not accepted, and the others are divided into low-quality, ordinary, good, high-quality, and more advanced pocket knives.

In this way, the knife will not be short of meat.

I started eating meat again every day and practiced hard.

But it's no longer a foolish exercise of carrying stones, but waving and throwing wooden spears with stone tips.

In this way, you can also gain experience and improve your proficiency in combat skills.

Time passed day by day.

On the Internet, there are still all kinds of curses, sweeping everywhere. This game is simply used to destroy players. It is definitely a game to play people, not people to play games. It is a waste of such a real effect.

Anyone who can afford a helmet has some value.

Crying every day not to change or not to play, and as a result, it is still clamoring.

Finally, in the Black Bone Tribe, Xiaodao let out a long breath, put the spear on the ground, and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

The experience is enough to upgrade to ten levels, but Xiaodao didn't choose to upgrade.

At the tenth level, you will become an adult, and as a hunter, you must go out to hunt.

And according to the information on the Internet, the trial after adulthood, the player's death rate reached 50%.

I rely on! Safety first, safety first.

Passing by the totem pole, I saw that the coach was training those muscular kids. The skeletons had already been revived, and they were playing lively. It seemed that the new generation was about to graduate.

Several days passed without knowing it.

"Hmph!" A certain player walked past Xiaodao arrogantly, UU reading www. uukanshu.com unceremoniously raised his middle finger.

A posture that I just despise you, what can you do.

The once cheap mouth is now arrogant, and the player who follows a few slaves behind his **** can be regarded as a little boss.

Seeing Xiaodao's expression of ignoring him, he didn't leave today, but stood in front of Xiaodao, looking at him proudly.

"Little bastard, I'm already at level ten." Chizui lowered his head, gestured with his hand, he was a full head taller than Xiaodao, there was no way, Xiaodao at level nine was not yet an adult.

"I'm not trying to bully you. Bullying the weak is meaningless. I'm just telling you that if you don't have the skills, it's useless to rely on opportunism to become a hunter. Haha! The real skill is the strength."

The other slaves quickly laughed and flattered, even though they were playing games, they were reluctant to give up such a realistic world, so they naturally hoped that it would be easier.

Xiaodao is not angry at all. In reality, I rely on the meat of wild beasts, and I am getting stronger every day. I am afraid to go to the gym. I can only buy a dynamometer and come back. Looking at the numbers that are improving every day, this is the biggest motivation. Others , Hehe, I don't bother to pay attention to it, it will affect my ability to become stronger and take it away.

"It's okay to be cowardly, what's the point of being like this in the game, forget it, I don't bother to bully you, I will go out to hunt and try tomorrow, no matter life or death, at least live a wonderful life, this is life, this is It's a game." Chizui suddenly realized that bullying this kid is really meaningless, so he raised his head proudly and was about to leave.

Nowadays, a lot of information has been obtained on the Internet. This **** game not only likes to torture players, but also means deleting the account if it dies, or even being able to log in for a month.

At this time, a middle-aged hunter came over, looked at the knife and said loudly.

"You are too weak, from today onwards you will be reduced to...!"