
Thousand Hand Technique

On our way back. A few rabid humans attacked us but they didn't stand a chance. Ever since the Qi Current has disappeared from the face of the planet, there was a drastic change in the numbers of rabid humans that roam around the place. Since the Qi Current served as a guide for them, its disappearance made them roam all over the place, making it even harder to get a horde. And even if a horde were to form, they might disperse in a snap of a finger if there weren't any High-Leveled rabid humans to take charge over them.

Needless to say, the outside world has become safer compared to before.

"Are you ready for tomorrow? I think you'll be fighting the Immovable Sect's number one disciple in the outer court, Zeng Mehui." Liu Zhi asked after beheading yet another rabid human who was blocking our way.

Poor rabid human, he wasn't even doing anything.