
Astral Lion 'cub'

The scenario that unfolded in front of me was something that I wasn't expecting at all. And here I was, thinking that first impression always last and that the Astral Lion Cub that came out of the Bad Egg would remain cute and cuddly for a long time. But I was mistaken, totally mistaken.

With a single roar, the Astral Lion Cub grew in size as its roar resonated all throughout the surrounding area, shaking the trees, making the skies groan, and shaking the earth as if a tremor just erupted. the Astral Lion grew so incredibly massive that it was probably one and half times the size of the White Pearl Snake I fought during the quarterfinals of the tournament. It was as big as the walls of the City Shelter, making it look more intimidating and fierce compared to its former look.

Needless to say, it looked formidable... as expected of a Mythic Beast.