

A transmigration story of how I became Harley Quinn

P_Quinn3 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
6 Chs


I woke up the next morning feeling better than yesterday, I had secretly wished for my experience to be a dream but it turns out I was wrong, I sighed as I stood up from the bed, I went to the bathroom and freshened up, I wore a pair of jeans and blue cropped top and made my hair into two pigtails using her signature pink and blue make up, I walked out of the room and walked around looking for Frost, as I walked I noticed the number of Joker henchmen had reduced significantly, I spotted Frost talking to a clown masked henchman, the man walked away and Frost saw me almost immediately, he walked over to me and said "Good to see that you are doing fine, your injuries seemed to had healed a great deal" I smiled and said "Thanks for your help yesterday I really appreciate it, but why has the number of henchmen seemed to have reduced?" "Well that is because Joker left this morning to a remote island he has a meeting with Penguin there, he'll be back in a week or so" I was happy when I received the news but off course I masked my emotions and said " So Mr.J left without me?" I asked teary eyed "Use this time to heal and plan your way out of here, you can do that right?" I nodded and didn't say anything.

       I spent the rest of the day resting, reading the newspapers because I need the information when I get out of here and eating I needed to gain some weight, poor Harley is really skinny, i slept soundly that night and felt even better the next day.

      The next day I went to Frost to train I needed to get in shape and at least know some moves, Frost made sure I was feeling all better before he allowed me to train, as I trained with the guns and bats and various weapons it felt like my world had changed, it felt like my eyes had opened and I saw what I missed, I felt ecstatic as I played with the guns shooting like there was no tomorrow and laughing at the same time, it was like I was a different being, Harley's past gymnastic skills really made her body flexible and made it possible to move around in a very fast mode so one on one combat was a breeze, it was like I had been doing it for years and it was thrilling, when I saw the hyenas, they were rare albino hyenas, I absolutely couldn't help falling in love with them, their laughter really got to me although I knew their laughter was more or less a means of communication, I couldn't help but laugh alongside them, "My babies" I called them, they were really adorable, I decided to name them Bud and Lou which was the name Harley called them in the comics, I thought about adding them to my escape plan, Joker had sent men over and by men I mean prisoners, people who owed him or betrayed him or annoyed him in one way or another, I smiled as I tortured them it really brought up something I never thought I had in me, I could be imagining things but I could almost swear I heard a voice in my head which said 'you and I are one.'

     The week went by fast, even faster than I anticipated and the next thing I knew Frost came to inform me that Joker was back, my body shivered with fear but I was already good at masking my emotions, my heart was pounding, "That's good news Frost! Where is he? Where is my Puddin?" I said excitedly, Frost looked slightly irritated and confused "You seem to be reconsidering your decision" 'Damnnit! Seems I took my acting a little too far' I quickly changed my expression "You don't have to worry Frost, my decision still stands, but since that's the case, I just want to enjoy my limited time with him" He seemed to understand and nodded, he got a call almost immediately "okay" he said and hung up "Joker is here" he said and I smiled "I'll be there" and with that he left my room 'What the hell? How am I supposed to face him now? The last time we met, he hit me and now I have to welcome him?!"  The thought of it just sent shivers down my spine, I just couldn't wait to leave, 'No don't leave him' was what I heard that made me stop on my tracks the voice seemed to come from my head or was it just my imagination? I shook my head 'should be my imagination'  and with that I braced myself as I walked down to meet Joker.

                 "Puddin!" I rushed to him and hugged him, he hugged me back, It wasn't surprising he had times when he was sweet to her and not a toxic douchebag, if he wasn't toxic he was really sweet maybe that was why Harley never left him, she probably hoped he'd change, I must really thank Ivy for helping her escape that abyss that threatened to swallow her, now that is what I can call true friendship, a true ride or die, "Puddin why didn't you take me with you, I really wanted to go with you" he smiled and said  "oh Sweetcakes I didn't need to involve you it was just a simple meeting between Penguin and I, nothing  you should bother with baby, I sent gifts instead did you get them?" By gifts he meant the men held hostage " Yes Puddin I made sure to really let them know the meaning of hell on earth I even made a masterpiece from their faces now they look real adorable"

            Of course if anyone would call a face which has been disfigured due to scaring them using a hot knife to make them look like a clown adorable it was Harley I was beginning to really like her to really be her, Joker just smiled but said nothing he kissed me with a little bit of force and walked away "Come to my study after dinner" he said to me and walked away, I felt like my heart was going to burst, it was beating really fast and I couldn't stop it 'Harley I know how much you love him but I can't let you ruin your self I can't let you go through self damnation, I'm here now and I'm you and I say we are leaving, this was still going to happen the sooner you accept it the better Harley, we either leave or we die here and I'm not ready to die over something as fickle as love especially when the guy isn't even worth it, so stop beating for him just because he was nice to you just this once, he is still going to return back to his usual toxic self, we are leaving and that's final, it's what Is best for us whether you like it or not' 

            With that my heart stopped beating fast I knew it wasn't me falling for him but the remnants of her soul, I was about to walk back when I heard a sharp scream in my head 'DON'T LEAVE HIM! HE WILL CHANGE!' I held my head for my life as her voice was so loud and it made my head hurt and I almost fell, Luckily Frost caught me on time as he was heading out and the voice disappeared almost immediately and my head stopped hurting, I staggered a bit but was soon able to stand properly, I smiled at him, "Thank you Frost" "Are you ok?" he asked worried "yeah I'm good, just felt a little bit busy there?" "I see" "I'll be going to my room now" I said and left.

   I couldn't explain what happened but I knew what it was, remnants of Harley soul which desperately tried to cling to the Joker, I sat on the bed and said out loud "Harley I know you're scared, but you will have to give us a chance, a chance at being happy a chance to find purpose so please let me just go please" I didn't get any response, it was so silent you can hear a pin drop, I shrugged and left the room.

     Dinner time came sooner than expected, of course I wasn't happy about that but there was nothing I could do, I ate, rested a little and finally made my way to Joker's study, "Come in" a cool voice was heard as I knocked, I opened the door and he ordered me to sit on what looked like a new chair I suspected something was going on but I had to go with it either way, I sat down and he handed a box to me which i opened.

           I expected a boxing  glove to pop out and hit my jaw  but it was something worse, never ever did I expect it to be Tarantula spiders tons of them, they were fast and walked all over me, I tried to stand but I couldn't as the chair already had a belt hooked around my waist and arms, I struggled and screamed but he only sat down, laughing hysterically, the spiders walked over every single part of my body I was already weak from struggling, I didn't cry but rather for the man in front of me, I found it immensely pleasurable and laughed hard as I felt my senses break and my body ached from struggling, when Joker was satisfied he took out a remote control and tapped the one of the many buttons as soon as he did, the spiders ran back to the box, seemed like a chip has been planted into them, he tapped the another and the belt on the chair was unhooked, I tried to stand but I slumped back on the chair, that only made Joker laugh harder "you should have seen your face, it was all shocked oh I wish I had a camera" he said between laughs, I laughed along, if I couldn't laugh I'd have to fake it else I'd be beaten for not 'getting the joke' My body ached badly I had to leave "umm Puddin can I leave now I need to feed Bud and Lou" he stopped laughing and looked at me puzzled "you named the hyenas?" he asked and I nodded "Okay go do what you will Harley" he said as he relaxed, I in turn sprinted out of the office, I got to my room and began to laugh and cry at the same time, it seems my sanity was already leaving me.

        In the office, Joker opened a drawer and pulled out a necklace box from it, he opened it, the silver necklace glimmered around the room he touched the silver necklace lovingly "you are my weakness Harley.....pity but the Joker mustn't have weaknesses" he said as he placed the necklace lovingly back into its box and into the drawer, he chuckled to himself but didn't stop as it turned into an hysterical laughter.