
I Became BIG MOM!?

A scientist merged and became the young Charlotte Linlin, how will the pirate world change? No system, MC does not know about the pirate world at all initially. This story may have differences from the main line so if the information is not exactly the same, dont ask me to change it. It's part of the story. If you'd like please join me at https://discord.gg/ExVsGCqg9Z to talk about the book or fanfic discussions and make a friend (PS I'm the only one there currently, PSS It's the best way to 'ask' for more chapters or catch me being lazy.) Disclaimer: This fanfiction is a creative work of fiction inspired by the One Piece universe created by Eiichiro Oda. The characters, settings, and events portrayed within these pages are products of the author's imagination and are not intended to infringe upon any existing copyrights or trademarks associated with One Piece. This work is created out of love and appreciation for the original series, and any deviations from the source material are meant for storytelling and artistic expression. The author acknowledges and respects Eiichiro Oda's incredible contribution to the world of One Piece, and this fanfiction is offered as a tribute to his work. Readers are encouraged to support the official release and enjoy the original content provided by the mangaka and associated publishers.

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26 Chs

Chapter 21

Note from the author: I have only finished the Big Mom arc and have not watched the Kaido arc and above so like mentioned in the description, this story will not be accurate, I will not change it so just take the story as it is and enjoy it sheesh.

God Valley. 

The sapphire sky above God Valley showed an incredibly beautiful sight. Lush meadows, once a haven for nature's bounty, now reeked of blood and despair. The annual hunting game had begun, transforming paradise into a gilded cage for Akiko and her fellow villagers and many other participants who were captured from different places.

"Pariahs! You all are participants in the greatest game handed down in history so be proud! In ten minutes you will be hunted down and what you have to do is do whatever it takes to escape! If you manage to survive for three hours, you will not only be released but be granted fifty million belis! So do whatever it takes to survive this great game!" 

Hope, a fragile flame in the wind, flickered in their hearts when they heard this. The nobles had promised freedom to any who survived the hunt and a generous reward to the survivors.. A cruel game, Akiko knew that they were unlikely to keep their promise but this was the only lifeline thrown in this sea of fear.

'Survive! Survive! I will survive!' Akiko hypnotised herself and prepared herself mentally and physically. A fierce look was in her eyes despite her small stature. 

Once the chase started, it was like a stampede of people who were rushing out as fast as their legs could carry them. Many people fell because everyone was pushing and pulling just to get ahead. After all when being chased by a tiger, one does not need to be the fastest runner but they just need to run faster than the person next to you! 

The chase was relentless. The hunters, their faces twisted with sadistic glee, wielded their blades like paintbrushes and guns ablaze, staining the emerald valley crimson. Their hounds, with jaws dripping with bloodlust, tore through the undergrowth, their baying a chilling lullaby of death.

Akiko, her lungs burning, her legs screaming in protest while she ran for her life towards the forest and after fifteen minutes of non stop running she stumbled upon a familiar landmark - the gnarled oak, its branches reaching towards the sky like desperate pleas. It was the gateway, her grandmother had said that this rare tree actually had a large space to hide underneath and if she ever was in a situation that she had to hide, this would be a good hiding place. 

With trembling hands, she pushed aside the curtain of vines, revealing a narrow opening, barely visible in the fading light. Hope, once a flicker, flared into a beacon. This was her chance.

Inside the hollow oak, darkness cloaked them like a shroud. Akiko's heart hammered against her ribs, a frantic drum solo in the stillness, praying that no one saw her go in and the hounds that were chasing did not pick up her scent. 

 She tried her best to reduce her breathing that was causing her chest to rapidly expand and contract but it was a futile attempt because it was simply impossible, at least in that very moment. 

As the barking and footsteps got closer, she covered her mouth and tried her best to keep silent. 

"Hahaha, where are you pariahs!" A very arrogant voice rang out and Akiko had fear in her eyes. 

'Please move on, please please please…. I just want to live.' 

Perhaps it was her chaser's impatience, within a minute he really left, well at least she thought so. She didn't dare to leave and she was at a loss on what to do. The marines who she thought were just suddenly surrounded her village and forcefully moved all of them towards a large ship like cargo and when they arrived on this beautiful island these nobles told them to play such a disgusting game. 

'What should I do….' A desperate situation that she had never thought would ever happen to her. But as she was thinking of what to do next, she saw a pair of scary eyes suddenly looking at her.

"I . Found. You. <3" < p>

"Heeeek!" Her reaction was incredibly fast, she immediately crawled through the other side and once again ran for her life. 

The man behind her started laughing wildly and chased her with a disgustingly sadistic smile on his face. He didn't use his gun but simply chased her with his hound beside him. 

He didn't care about the score of the game but just wanted to enjoy this game to the fullest. What's better than chasing the victim to despair? 

The two figures constantly flashed through the jungle, one running and the other chasing.

Akiko's lungs were screaming, her legs burning like embers, but the glint of that sadistic smile fueled her every step. She weaved through the dense foliage, the emerald leaves blurring into a dizzying kaleidoscope. Behind her, the heavy thuds of the hunter's boots and the guttural growls of his hound echoed through the undergrowth.

She wanted to give up so desperately, her body constantly told her to just stop but her mind constantly reminded her that if she stopped she would be dead. But soon her strength was completely sapped, her legs were like lead and she finally fell to the ground, completely desperate and without any strength left.

"Ahhh you finally gave up, how boring." 

Her pursuer finally caught up and his blade was nearly near touching her throat when suddenly the blade stopped perhaps two centimetres away from her. 

"Why….. Why are you here….!?"

Akiko who had her eyes closed slowly opened her eyes to find her pursuer shaking in fright. 

"How can you possibly be here!? Rocks D. Xebec!!!!?"