
I Became an Extra, and to Survive, I Must Kill the MC.

Jin Wei, a Mafia leader, dies during a gang war. However, right after his death, he opens his eyes and finds himself inside the body of a young vampire who came to Earth for exploration. As he accrues the memories of his previous owner, he realizes that he is in a novel world he used to read in his free time before his death. In this world, the MC considers anyone besides humans as evil. In the future, the MC will destroy the entire vampire race. Since Jin Wei was a vampire, he needs to do everything in his power to kill the MC, or he is screwed for sure. --- (Author's Note: Jin Wei is not a hero who will go around saving the world for justice. He is a villain that might destroy the whole world if he thinks it's necessary. Jin Wei will have a big harem as the story progresses. If you're not a fan of this type of MC and story, it might not be the right fit for you. Keep in mind that this is a work of pure fantasy, so our usual common sense might not apply to this novel.)

Stellar_NYX · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
133 Chs

Chapter 51 Kaiya saving the day (Bonus Chapter)

"Arghhhhhhhhhhhh...!!!" The goblin screamed in pain as he didn't even see that attack coming, and it felt like his balls had been crushed. So now, even if he got out of here alive, he would never be able to use his little brother anymore.

Seeing this, Jin Wei quickly freed himself. Just when he was going to land his finishing strike to end the enemy before him, he stopped. He felt a strong golden aura coming from the goblin, and his current beastly instinct was telling him not to mess with this goblin.

And just as he expected, the goblin again got up from the ground. But this time, he looked completely changed. His face looked like it had aged countless years in just a matter of seconds.

Now his full hand and shoulder were covered with golden armor. His eyes now looked completely hollow without any light in them, as if he were some kind of walking dead. His broken teeth once again regenerated, and even his balls, which were crushed by Jin Wei a moment ago, regenerated back to normal. But now his green skin had turned pitch black with golden cracking lines all around his body.

Jin Wei's current mind didn't have the time or capacity to think about what happened. But he knew one thing: he was in trouble. This was the last thought that entered his head before he felt a strong kick to his face.

"BOOMM!!!" Jin Wei suddenly flew away from his location and clashed with a tree. Before he could get up, he saw the goblin right in front of him. Suddenly, a barrage of fists began to rain down on his body from all directions.

The punches were so strong and fast that Jin Wei could neither see nor defend. So all he could do was sit on the ground while the goblin finished his rampage.




Due to the goblin's current strength, the punches were causing him some serious damage, which even his regeneration speed couldn't keep up with.

After three whole minutes, the goblin finally stopped and backed away a bit. Seeing Jin Wei's disfigured look, which was barely breathing now, the goblin smirked, happy with his accomplishments. Almost all of Jin Wei's bones were broken. One of his eyes was puked out, while the other was too swollen for him to open. Now almost all of his teeth were broken, except his fangs, which were almost indestructible.

His once handsome face now resembled a gruesome, bloody mess, rendering him utterly repulsive. The sight was so ghastly that any onlooker would struggle to keep himself from vomiting.

Suddenly, the goblin, who was about to celebrate his victory and finish Jin Wei with his last move, felt something like a slight pain in his chest. As he looked around to see the cause, he noticed an angry and crying woman who had just used the sword Jin Wei had thrown away before and stabbed him from behind, destroying his heart. That woman was none other than Kaiya.

After beating Jin Wei to near death, the goblin was also at his weakest at this moment, so he didn't even sense Kaiya approaching him, or else she would have never been able to successfully attack and kill him. Now, after his heart was crushed, he could not even extract his strength to kill Kaiya. So he could only let it go.

And it's not like he would have survived after this day anyway, because of the mysterious ball he used to get his strength. It was an item that one can use only three times, and after someone uses it the third time, they won't live to use it a fourth time. The goblin knew this but still used it during this fight three times, fully prepared to die with the murderer of his brothers.

So he wasn't too sad to die. At least he got to kill the guy who killed his brothers. But what he didn't know was that Jin Wei was still alive, even though he was barely hanging on to his life. As long as he drank enough blood, he would be back to normal once again. So his revenge was not a complete success.

"Cough… Puukee…" The goblin let out a mouthful of blood, which had turned golden due to some unknown reason. As he fell to the ground lifeless, again a golden light appeared on his body.

But this time, the goblin didn't get up like before. Instead, his gauntlet began to turn back to its previous form until it returned to the same golden ball-like object. After that, the cracks on the goblin's body began to widen, and his body turned into nothing but ashes, until it completely disappeared into the air, leaving nothing behind.

But Kaiya didn't care about the goblin's situation. The only thing she cared about was Jin Wei, who was now at death's door. Now, even his transformation had returned to normal, as he now neither had any blood energy nor star energy left in him. He was now truly at death's door and was going to die soon if not given blood soon.

Kaiya quickly got near Jin Wei, trying to see if she could help or not. She now truly blamed her weakness. If only she were just a little stronger and had helped Jin Wei in the battle just a little bit, this wouldn't have happened. As she touched Jin Wei's disfigured face slowly and saw that his red aura was nowhere to be seen, she could tell that Jin Wei was beyond saving.

Tears began to flow from Kaiya's face, and while crying, she blamed herself nonstop. "Hick… Sniff… I-i … am s-sorry… If only I-i was a little bit help…"

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