
I Became a Male Gong with a Peach Blossom Face

What!?! I Became a Male Gong with a Peach Blossom Face! Alternatively, how I transmigrated into a fairy immortal. Being on top of everything in her life, her classes, her relationships and her job she has to now deal with drama and romance. Can she survive this world that is keen on punishing her for breaking it? Started April 6, 2024

Elriejn_Eternal · LGBT+
Peringkat tidak cukup
3 Chs


Cory looks down at herself.

"Oh, I'm naked! No, no, no." Cory mutters to herself.

She looks down.

'Wow, that is big.'

"Can you stop staring you're freaking the poor guy out." Yan Ling adds disgustedly.

Cory snatches the clothes from off the table and pulls on a robe.

"See look, I'm dressed now." Cory says.

"Who are you?" The young man interrogates.

"Say you are Hei Yan Ling." Yan Ling hisses in her ear.

"I'm Hei Yan Ling."

"Are you a demon?" The young man questions.

"Do I look like a demon to you? I am a fairy immortal." Yan Ling scoffs with a tch.

"No, I'm a fairy."

"I think I can believe that." The young man says relaxing.

"I am going to go find my clothes." Cory says as she leaves the room.

Once outside Cory takes a deep breath of air through Yan Ling's lungs.

"You are going to need to do some explaining of how things work."

"Okay. What would you like to know?"

'How can I speak Chinese now. Not too long ago it was Greek to me.'

"My body is translating for you and filtering what you say into Chinese."

'Is your world in my world's past?'

"No, we are in my world's present. Things run differently here from your world's history."

'At the beginning, that bird woman said you broke time and space.'

"Oh that. I made a spell that would cause the world to end for funsies and I used it as a prank and I saw past the realities. My mother didn't take it too well."

'Are you omnipresent?'

"No, but I can say that your life was probably more boring than mine. You need to spice up your life a bit."

Cory rolls her eyes and takes Yan Ling's body out for a walk around the small manor.

"Is that it?" Cory points to robes in the middle of the shallow pond.

Cory wades through the water and pulls off her old robe and pulls on the wet robe.

"You're gonna get me killed." Yan Ling's apparation appears with a hand to his face.

"What are you doing in there!" An older man yells.

"Uh... Getting out." Cory stutters, tripping on the stones in the water on her way out.

'It is unfair you can see my mind I

And I can't see yours.' Cory laments.

"That is just life." Yan Ling quotes wantonly, shrugging his shoulders.

"Father wait! He is my new friend. He must have fell in the pond." The young man pants, running up.

"Your friend is very dark. He must be the new servant."

'B!tch don't start.' Cory thinks.

Cory is dragged into the young man's living quarters again and undressed.

"Here are some dry clothes. We can't have guests getting sick." He says tenderly.

"Thank you." Cory says looking at the man. "What is your name?"

"My name is Lian Jun."

[His name really could be face gentleman if I wanted. Now think about that.]

"Lian Jun." Cory repeats, messing up the name.

"He's so cute." Yan Ling adoringly says with a mocking voice towards Cory.

Cory feels her new face burn up.

'Shut up, you birdturd.' She promptly swats his apparation away.

"Lian Jun." She says getting it correct this time.

Lian Jun is a beautiful man, silky long black hair that tumbles down his waist. Soft facial features that make him look like an idol. Large doe eyes solidify his young appearance. He couldn't be older than 21.

"Hei Yan Ling." Lian Jun says, cutely remembers.

Cory feels something well up inside them, something deep and it says; 'I need to pee.'

"Where is the bathroom?" She asked hurriedly.

His eyes light up. "Don't you worry, I will take you."

He is so innocent and pure. 'I must keep him stainless and untarnished like my favorite white tee.'

He walks her to the little outhouse they have and he gives her a bucket filled with water and hemp cloth.

Cleanliness be damned.

When she pees, she looks down at her new organ. 'I now have an unwanted little brother.'

Despite being tan all over, their nether regions where cream colored and the tip was a light coral pink.

"Why do you stare?" Yan Ling's voice scares the crap out of Cory who snaps back into action and tries to aim properly.

"I'm sorry." She says immediately.

"It is fine, it is a foreign body to you afterall." Yan Ling makes a strange face. Even if she couldn't see it, she knew Yan Ling was blushing.

"Are you almost done?" Lian Jun's voice waver from outside.

"Almost." She says.

When Cory exits the bathroom there is a wide eyes Wu Lian Jun standing outside with a smile on his face.

The Wu family is a well off household. What good fortune it was for Cory to live in this new body. It's just that, she was a man now.

Of course it didn't change her preferences.

'Men and women.' She thought. 'Beautiful.'

"Of course, we come down the path of 'Is it gay?'"

'I'm bi though.'

"What's a bi?"

Cory grimaces.

Just then Lian Jun grabs her hand, pulling her out of her thoughts.

"Are you alright Yan Ling?"


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