
I Am Uchiha With A Son System

He thought he could prevent madara from leaving the village, but even after he manage to save Izuna they still defect from Konoha. So Setsuna (MC) ran away from Konoha after his system was activated. Living with Uzumaki members. He then married wives and after a few years, he return back with his family. How could Sharingan red eyes colour turn into white? Hyuga Clan tried to seal birdcage on my son, they ultimately failed.  My red-haired son has awoken Rinnegan and Mangekyou Sharingan.  Other villages tried to destroy Uzumaki, but Uchiha Setsuna launched his GUNDAM SUSANOO.  Madara and Black Zetsu tried to find nine tails but didn't find them until they were actually sealed inside Uchiha Setsuna. This novel is not chinese fanfic, but inspired by their genre. 

ZoroTraineeWriter · Komik
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81 Chs

Chapter 80: Camera Invention Bloom The Market

To read advance chapter please go to my link



"This small thing can capture real-life images?" asked Uzukage.

"Yeah," replied Setsuna. "You should try it, father-in-law."

Uzukage then held the camera and tried to use it. After a while, he asked Setsuna, "So how do I use it?"

"See these glasses? Put your eye on them, and after you've framed your shot, click this button."

"Kachak," the sound of the camera, followed by the flash.

"Where's the picture?" asked Uzukage after waiting for a while.

"There's a film inside. After you've used up all the film, you need to come to my shop to get it developed."

Setsuna made a version of the Kodak camera, not a digital one, because there was no electricity available in every household of Uzushiogakure. So the best option was to use AA batteries and Kodak film, allowing normal users to operate it without needing to recharge it.

Even though it's a Kodak version, the camera quality is very high, almost on par with digital versions that capture 4K images.

"How many pictures can I take with each roll of film?" asked Uzukage.

"Around 25 shots. Let me hold the camera and take your picture," suggested Setsuna. He then stopped and thought about how to promote it effectively to the local citizens. "Father-in-law, let's go meet the other elders."

"Why?" asked Uzukage.

"I want to show off this product to them," Setsuna grinned while answering his father-in-law. Hearing this, Uzukage felt helpless. This son-in-law had become bolder.

Meeting other elder...

"Uzukage-dono and Setsuna, welcome to my place," greeted Uzumaki Denjirou, one of the elders in Uzushiogakure.

"Thank you for your hospitality," smiled Setsuna, waiting for the right time to introduce the camera.

"Haha, Denjirou, my son-in-law wanted to show you something," said Uzukage, getting straight to the point and throwing the ball to Setsuna.

'Wait, what?' Setsuna was stunned. This wasn't how it was supposed to go. Usually, people would talk for a few minutes before introducing a product to the customer.

"Denjirou-sama, I created a new product that can capture real-life images," explained Setsuna while showing his camera to Denjirou.

"Real-life images? Show me," ordered Denjirou.

"There are 24 shots left on this film. Each shot captures a single image. I'd like to take a picture with you and Uzukage," said Setsuna. He then set up a tripod and asked Uzukage and Denjirou to pose with him. He activated the timer mode and took their picture together with him.

After that, he repeated the process with another elder until the film ran out. That night, he spent time developing the film and making prints. He enlarged the pictures and framed them.

The next day, he presented the pictures to Uzukage and the elders of Konoha. He also helped them hang the frames in prominent and conspicuous places.

Because of his actions, many people became aware of the existence of the camera and started buying it. Setsuna, being a good marketer, knew that introducing the camera could impact the painting industry. Painters typically drew family portraits, which took a lot of time and provided them with a livelihood.

So, he gave the camera and film for free to painters so they could continue their business. Only professional painters and hobbyists showed no interest in the camera.

As a result of his actions, the camera was introduced early and quickly spread to the Daimyo and other villages.

Madara and Hashirama....

There were only a few days left before the wedding. Because of Madara's actions, leaving Konoha with his brother, he had also left behind the clan and his position as clan leader. This meant he no longer had access to the family vault and didn't have enough money to hold the wedding for his little brother.

At first, he was quite worried, but then several people who were indebted to Madara began to help him. They offered to cook the wedding food for his brother.

Madara only needed to hunt the animals in the jungle, which was very easy for someone like him. Unknowingly, his prey reached the astonishing amount of 200 animals, including deer, goats, cows, and rabbits. The animals were captured alive so they could be cooked one day before the wedding.

Hashirama was very happy after receiving an invitation to Izuna's wedding. Because Izuna was the same age as Tobirama, he felt kindly toward him like a little brother. So, he offered to build a house for Izuna for free.

This was a kind gesture, and Madara welcomed it. With Hashirama's strength, it only took a few days. He didn't need any extra cost because he had the Mokuton bloodline.

Of course, while some were happy, others were not.

"Tobirama Sensei, what are you doing here drinking alone?" asked Hiruzen.

"Oh, Hiruzen, nothing. I just wanted to sit here alone," said Tobirama.

"Can we sit beside you?" asked Danzo. Tobirama nodded, agreeing with Danzo.

"Sensei, do you have something on your mind?" asked Utatane Koharu.

"Nothing, I'm just happy about Izuna's marriage," Tobirama suddenly shared with his students.

"Do you mean Uchiha Izuna's marriage?" asked Uchiha Mitsuri, the female Uchiha student who replaced Kagami.

"Yeah, we have fought for a long time since we were kids, and now suddenly I hear he's getting married," said Tobirama.

"Do you feel sad, sensei?" asked Utatane Koharu.

"Sad? Not really. It's just... I don't know, but at the same time, I'm happy for him," said Tobirama.

"Sensei, why don't you get married?" asked Danzo suddenly, which made Tobirama stunned.

'Should he get married? But he finds women troublesome. Look at his brother, always getting hit by Sister Mito,' thought Tobirama.

"Married? Maybe one day, I will get married," said Tobirama.

"Hooray! We will attend your wedding, Sensei," exclaimed Uchiha Mitsuri.

"Yeah, Sensei, we'll attend your wedding too," they all said.

"Sensei, do you have someone you like?" asked Utatane Koharu.

"Not yet, why do you ask?" replied Tobirama.

"What does it feel to love and like somebody?" suddenly Utatane Koharu asked the question which the mighty Tobirama couldn't answer.

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