
I Am Tony Stark Now

Maybe I would be panicking if I woke up as Tony Stark when Thanos was snapping his fingers, but since I was reborn when Tony was 7 years old, I can only offer my condolences to Thanos and my future enemies. Oh, I forgot to mention, being rich, smart, handsome, and not being a jerk can do wonders in a polygamous relationship. Unfortunately, Tony Canon didn't know this. Author's note: Normally, I only write for myself, but I decided to post it and see the public's reaction. I won't start another book until I finish this one. As far as this fanfic is concerned, in the first few chapters I rushed a lot as a novice author, but I think that apart from being rushed, they weren't bad quality. I've slowed down a lot in the current chapters. And in chapter 13, get ready for the cringest thing you'll ever see. Seriously, according to my readers, you'd better poke your eyes out, read that particular line, and then put your eyes back in. In that line, you'd better tell your mother to be prepared to call an ambulance, because it could be your last day of life. But in case you survive, don't comment that it's cringe, because I get it. And by default: I'm forced to say I don't have copyright on Marvel stuff.

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Author's Curse - Hiatus

Guys, the author's curse has struck me, and I'll have to put the fanfic on hiatus for at least 1 month.

There are several reasons for this. I tried watching Agents of Shield, and it took up more time than I anticipated. Consequently, in my free time, I ended up not writing to watch the series, which resulted in me running out of chapters.

And I'm not satisfied with the chapters I'm doing in a rush.

Moreover, my schedule has been quite tight, and without stored chapters, I have no time for other activities. Therefore, this hiatus is necessary for me to attend to my tasks while stockpiling chapters.

I apologize to all the supporters, but I have to take this hiatus, and I hope it's the last one.