
I am The Last Prime

Behind the scenes of the Transformers, a dangerous person lurking in the shadows came to life. Megatron, Star Scream, even the Fallen couldn't match his power. Heck, even Optimus Prime couldn't harm this guy. Come one, come all as we witness the growth of a being who is born a monstrosity but with a sense of self justice. "I am the Omega Prime!" DISCLAIMER: The Author of these fan-fic doesn't intend to be disrespectful to the original authors. The fan-fic only has the purpose of entertainment only. The author of the fan-fic gives all the credits to the original authors.

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2 Chs

Chapter 1: The Beginning of a Monstrosity

In a planet that looked that it was on the verge of destruction.

In a bloody battlefield where corpses of machine organisms were wasted everywhere.

"Retreat!" A group of thin looking steel machines were running and shooting back at its pursuers.

However, their pursuers outnumbered them 10 to 1 and with how many of them one by one the retreating machines fell down to their pursuer's weapons.

Looking at their fallen comrades, the leader of the machines took out a large pod that could contain a whale.

"We must not let Megatron get his hands on you or our sacrifices will be in vain." The leader said while tapping coordinations on the large pod.

The moment he finished encoding the coordinates, a large metal rod pierced his very core. The large pod fell down with his body.

"Ungrateful worms! You could have lived if you just surrender but your foolishness knows no bounds!" A raspy voice said as a huge tall machine with fierce spikes on his face appeared revealing his scary appearance.

The huge ugly machine placed his arms with a cannon and aimed it at the leader holding the large pod.

"Any last words?" The huge ugly machine said as it had an evil smug on its face.

"Haha! Prime will make you pay, Megatron!" The leader said with all his strength as he could fell the energy within him fade in an incredible speed.

"Who? Prime? I'll admit his strong but what can he do with so little of your remaining army?" Megatron said with confidence on his face as he fired the cannon as it ended the leader of the machines.

"Now to get my prize!" Megatron laughed as he approached to get the large pod but in a quick turn of events, the large pod immediately launched itself towards the atmosphere of the planet.

"No!" Megatron shouted as he commanded StarScream to shoot down the large pod.

"Yes, Master!" A smaller machine immediately turned to a jet and chased the large pod immediately.

StarScream fired his guns and cannons towards the large pod however, none of it could reach the large pod.

"Curses! StarScream, come back! It doesn't compare anyways to the All Spark. We'll find it after we track down the All Spark." Megatron shouted as he accepted his loss and turned his head towards a different matter.

As the war on the planet was still heated, the large pod was travelling to a certain part of the universe in an incredible speed.

Within the large pod, a figure of a human shaped robot was sleeping peacefully on its incubator. If one could look closely, one could see a strange light coming from the center of the figure's body.

The length of time the large pod arrived to its coordination could be counted by weeks or even months maybe even years.

Soon, the large pod arrived at the exosphere of a planet that looked that it was full of life. A planet we all know.


The pod began to descend in an alarming rate as it soon reached the litosphere.

The speed of the large pod caused the large pod to be lit on fire as it crashed into the ground like a meteor.

Trees and plants was burned as the large pod paved its way on the ground like a bullet.

After a while, the crashing pod soon slowed down as it landed at the foot of a mountain.

The mountain was full of openings, caves of course. The sound of the pod crashing was heard by the king of the mountain as a loud roar came from the insides of the mountain itself.

A large mountain bear bigger than the average ones began to show itself from the shadows of the mountain.

As the predator in top of the food chain, the bear showed dominance as it roared like a dog barking.

The bear went near the pod as it sniffed it crazily like an average user of you know what.

The bear instantly became intrigued of the pod the bear clawed the surface of the pod but not even a dent was placed on the pod.

Somehow the strength of the claw activated a 'certain' function of pod. The pod opened as a figure of a humanoid shape came to light.

The humanoid shape soon revealed as a machine in a humanoid shape stood up covered in green liquid.

"Where am I?" The machine spoke with curiosity in its face.

The bear felt an aura of death came from the machine as it ran like a little girl.

But the machine immediately pointed its hand to the direction of the bear as the machine's hand transformed to a laser cannon.


The bear's blood and organs splattered on to the trees, ground, and just everywhere.

"Where is this f*cking place?" The machine retracted its laser hand as it transformed to a machine but human like hand.

"More importantly who am I?" The machine placed its hand on its head as it tried really hard to remember what happened to it.

The machine began to remember things but it was all in fragments. It remembered that it was placed in the pod but he couldn't remember the reasons. The next flashback it saw was that a machine with spikes on its face began to attack the lab with his company.

The last flashback that it remembered was a tall machine saying something but then it became blurry as the machine's head began to hurt. Despite, it was a machine it seemed that even a headache couldn't stop entering its head.

"Megatron? Optimus?" The machine placed its hand on its head.

"Who are these people?" The machine continued.

As if like a newborn baby the machine fell down as it couldn't control its body properly.

The machine stood up slowly as it stabilized itself. It began to analyze its situation as it looked around its surroundings. The machine used the large pod like a mirror to look at itself.

The machine saw 2 badges on its right and left shoulder. On the right he saw a badge that looked similarly to the person who talked to him in his memories. While on the left he saw a badge similarly that the person with the spikes on his face.

The machine saw its face as on the pod and it began to remember things slowly.

"I am the Omega Prime!" The machine shouted as its memories began to return to its head or to 'his' head.