
Growth 2

Year 5

It has been 5 years since I was reborn into the HSDK world. And it has been 6 months since start training in my clan styles.

I believed that one of the talents that went unexplored in my previous life, or maybe I have explored it, but I just didn't realize it, is the talent of martial arts. How do I know? I have mastered all the basic styles of my clan styles in the six months I have trained. My wish also strengthened my talent, so it showed that I have a very good talent as a martial artist. I don't know whether I could be classified as a genius, but I have a high talent for martial artists.

Unfortunately, despite the mastery of my clan style, my age and body are still not strong enough to execute it perfectly, so my training, for now, is to strengthen my foundation in martial artist, develop my body as strong as possible and develop the instinct of a martial artist.

What is martial artist instinct you asked? Just think kenbunshoku haki. It's simple as that right?

There is also something I realized through training. My clan is after all a clan of martial artists, where every single member is a martial artist, so they demand to take training and martial artist seriously. So since I have started training my clan styles, I cannot laze around. But I do get free time and 1 holiday.

All free time is usually spent on drawing. I have been considering what should I do in the future. When I choose to be reborn in HSDK, all I can think of is becoming a grandmaster. And it has not changed. But, to live peacefully in a modern world, it's not enough to just become a martial artist. I need another job when I did not receive any mission. So for now I tried several other activities that suit me. And apparently, I have a good talent for drawing and singing. So when I have free time, I usually spent it on these two. Maybe I will become a mangaka and singer.

Besides that, I have also decided on my life goal. To become strong enough and rich enough so I can have an early retirement and laze around. Maybe married the woman I love and have kids with her? hmm. food for thought. So I will train diligently now, and laze around as much as I want later in my life.

What about my education? my clan and my mother that I have yet to meet decide I will be going to school either directly into middle school, or high school. Up to me, they said. So whatever my decision is, the responsibilities of my medication until then will be held by my clan and my mother.

Back to training. Right now I laid on my back, after being bea.. ahem, I mean I just finished my spar with my father. for the rest of six months, until I met my mysterious mother, I will be focusing on training my body and sparring with my clan member. Knowing the styles and executing the styles while fighting is different things after all.

Anyway, there are several classes in martial artists. Disciple, Expert, Master and Grandmaster. Each class is further divided into Low class, Middle Class and Advanced Class. My grandpa is a middle-class grandmaster and My grandmother is a Low-class Grandmaster. But because my grandparents are getting old, and not as monstrous as Fuurinji Hayato and silkwad jenazad, both are getting weaker as time goes on. Both my father and uncle are Middle-Class Master. Because my grandparents are getting weaker, and my father and uncle are not strong enough, they do not go after Silkwad Jenazad anymore.