
I'm Somewhat of a Swordswoman Myself

Lilith's freezing field managed to catch about a dozen or two soldiers; however, it quickly stopped expanding.

"Oh! So you must be that Lilith that Gawain was talking about?" The Paladin, the one who captured Nayta the first time, stepped forward. "*Whistle* You're as hot as Gawan told me!"

His armor was releasing golden particles of light, which were able to push back the encroachment of Lilith's icy domain. Seeing this, Lilith's frown deepened.

"God's blessing..."

"Oh, so you even know about the secret of our artifacts! I'm getting more and more interested in you..." The Paladin said with a grin. "Too bad that you'd have to die. Ahh, this is why I hate this job sometimes."

As he was speaking, Lilith erected a barrier. Something sparked as it bounced back, blocked by the barrier. "What a paladin, using surprise attacks."