
I am a genius,but I look like a brute

Daniel is a student with a vision of an ideal him. Strong, smart ,tall , and big. the Apocalypse is initiated, and he fulfills one of the criteria for an ideal him passively. join him on a journey with the insane. who else but the insane can survive a ruined world.

DaoistNii · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
35 Chs

Chapter 34

Daniel had expanded the space of a single Room of the 3rd floor till the point where it took 26 minutes for the average man to walk from the furthest wall to the one directly opposite.

Frankly, just this demonstration caused the new entrants to shiver in fear . In all of human cultures , the manipulation of space or time was considered greater than most .

They now understood the reverence afforded him by those normal people from before.

This demonstration toned down the arrogance in their hearts to a large extent. they were not really arrogant outwardly, as they already found the barrier that protected this site already troublesome, but to them it was a five versus two game ( they were unaware of Augustine, and the other leader was absent). but now?

they didn't even risk underestimating him by assuming he only had the ability to expand space.

" Excuse me' Your Eminence ' but I think you are vastly over qualified to conduct this test " professor Stanley lost the confidence in his work's might against that of a spacial manipulation chosen humans.

It was to the point where he acknowledged the title Eminence.

That was the power of shock .

" Though my spacial ability is far superior to most other methods, I will not be using it during this spar. For that I will make use of pure physical strength" Daniels announcement puzzled most .

But who were they to question, this might even showcase the superiority of the sentinel more . They all initially thought that Daniels power was related to strength due to his inhuman muscular physique. But upon recognizing his spacial power , they seemed to discount actual physical strength as a power Daniel possessed , there was no one that they had met with more than one ability.

The only exception might be those with entire physical mutations like professor Stanley himself, but then the increase in the other power was not too major.

" Do you want to conduct minor specified tests first ? like how much weight it can carry , how fast can travel etc.?" Professor Stanley asked from the sentinel's mouth.

Infact these were required tests that usual teams of researchers and buyers should be interested in .

Daniel was of no delusions that these sentinel units were going to be distributed freely at no cost , this meeting was a business deal of sorts , wherein the currency was no longer paper .

But he was different, or rather he and professor Stanley were different, as all of these specs could be inferred through engagement.

But professor Stanley was unaware that Daniel had enhanced intelligence hence the question.

" No need , all those tests mean nothing if it can not all be integrated to form a difference on the battlefield."

' as expected ' professor Stanley thought to himself.

His impression of Daniel wasn't bad , but it wasn't good either.

The process had constantly been accessing two of the tree leaders of the E³( a name ment for the leaders, but also the organization they run)

He disliked Jay's politicking. As a Youngman not even 20 yet , this particular youth had a nack for the field of politicians to an extreme degree. However , unlike his former heads, this young man saw the bigger picture a bit better than those sleezy 'elite'

The boy also had a good head on his shoulders asking the right questions. But his ambition was not small. Professor Stanley could see his mind working like clockwork trying to see loopholes where he could exploit to his own benefit .

It might not be obvious to ordinary folks , but to himself, a chosen humans whose power was linked to better processing, he saw right through the genial facade.

Then to the other Daniel . He noticed that the 'man' did not have a thought process as barbaric as his physical appearance.

His words were direct as could be , and he told no lies , his countance seemed to say

" You can try whatever method you like , but you'll never succeed against me"

That arrogance was so detestable, but also concerning, and when he witnessed his might , Professor Stanley understood the origins of that arrogance .

He was powerful. Soo powerful Professor Stanley assumed that if Daniel put his mind to it the entire city would have held for much longer than it did.

" So I guess we're getting right to it?" Jay asked

" Yes , I will not personally take over controls, what you experience now will be the true un-adulterated might of my sentinel design. " Professor Stanley said with pride .

Afterall , the chosen human before him promised to use only physical strength, his sentinel should be able to show its worth if that was the case.

" I see. Understood . Jay ?" Daniel said casually and soon a translucent energy barrier came into existence, encompassing all spectators apart from the sentinel and Daniel .

" Come at me"

And that was the last sentence before action .


The sentinel in the speed of 2 seconds unfolded a rocket jet propeller from its back that appeared harmless before, for a short moment instantly closing the distance that separated the two opponents.

Instead of a fist punch that would have required a pull back in the opposing direction to the forward momentum to be launched , the AI programming made use of its logic system , lifting the knee to be the impactor.

Daniel was not surprised by its frankly terrifying power . Rather he was happy that it met his expectations.

A collision between knee and palm met , unleashing powerful gales of wind .

This sentinel was good, the materials for construction though common , when integrated into Alloys produced amazing results.

The power was close but not the same as that of the blue bug .

If the extraterrestrial bugs where to be used as a measurement system for power

The sentinel's power stood between the strength of the golden beetle and red bug.

The difference between the strength of the red and blue bugs was actually not that much , the only reason the blue bug was considered more of a threat was due to its speed advantage and higher intelligence.

The current Daniel had reached the power that the blue bug held is also the red bug .

So even though it was weaker than Daniel , the gap was not as wide as it may seem . The only way for the sentinel to win though would be to make use of better technology or technique.

Because of the sentinel had the strength of a teen , Daniel had that of the best body builder on earth . Close , but not that close .

The first exchange shocked the audience.

"He managed to block that?!" Cole yelled in surprised . After all they assumed spacial manipulation was Daniels main power , but to block that attack , so casually , was superhuman ! Basically it looked to all present that Daniel had two powers!

After blocking the first attack , unlike humans who could be 'shocked' this program run sentinel only knew to continue until the opponent was defeated.

Right hocked punch left upper cut , circle propulsion movement attacks from behind below and above . Daniel could dodge it all , but chose to block or resist with his flesh.

The gales of wind where unending, but didn't affect the spectators under the barrier of translucent blue .

The spectators witnessed the exchange in awe .

In real world fights , fights were very different between professionals and amateurs. And clearly Daniel was a professional.

The sentinels program allowed it to assess and learn from the exchange with Daniel. This kind of function was definitely a kind of advantage that could turn a drawn out battle

Into a decisive victory , and professor Stanley was counting on this , bug imagine his surprise when Daniel adapted to the adapted sentinel in real time!

When the exchange begun , the sentinel seemed to have already learnt from someone else of superior fighting technique.

It wasn't jerky or anything it's movements flowed and it displayed a humanlike approach to engagement. And to Daniel who displayed even better technique, the sentinel begun to incorporate his patterns into its own and unleash even better attacks, to which Daniel evolved his technique alongside it .

Once the sentinel realized this fact , it changed its method it's punches morphed into stabs and slashes , the hand structure of a palm with blades emerging from all edges .

Daniel stopped throwing punches. That was because with each punch either he wanted to or not , a sudden contraction and expansion of space took place . That was the origin of his power of impossibility, just like he had to manually control space around him for it to remain stable.

So anytime he threw a punch without that effect , it was infact him holding back his natural self .

So when he went from punches to palm strikes , the sentinel experienced true push back .

Pow pow pow

With each consecutive strike the sentinel was forcefully pushed away, only for Daniel to close the distance with a 360 clockwise gliding rotation, stoping at the right distance to deliver even more force by the physics of momentum.

But the sentinel assessed the three strikes changing its response from what it did before while receiving heavy hits to using its propeller at the moment of impact , refusing Daniel the advantage of circular buildup of momentum and striking human the nape .

Throughout the exchange Daniel had never used his feet , but he had become ' excited' literally. He couldn't hide his blooming smile.

If not for the consistent nagging feeling he was having , Daniel would be at true peace and happiness in this exchange.

Suddenly the sentinel found itself flung into the high ceiling

BOOM!* Thundering * and * vibration * throughout the 3rd floor .

And when the spectators looked back to see what happened they saw the half naked man doing handstands, with his leg positioning giving understanding to what really occurred in those blurry moments.

The sentinel as a non sentient being could not be stunned by the attack, coming back to continue . But the spectators could be shocked , and they were.

How did he do it Soo quickly ?!.

The exchange begun yet again , and this time the saw it , Daniel got down on his two hands mid flight over the sentinel, constricting it from behind like a predatory snake , and using directional force flung the sentinel Soo hard it created a minor wind explosion before hitting the ceiling , almost breaking into the 4th floor.

The form was soo beautiful it was seductive. That should say a lot , considering Daniel did not look seductive in the least . Attractive yes , but even in his 'almost nude' state he couldn't be attributed with the concept of seductive at all .

So one would wish to know , if a truly seductive being where to perform such a movement, what exactly would the results look like ?!

With the inclusion of his feet into the equation, the sentinel just got beat up from them on . Even the fake skin coating had peeled beyond recognition.

But that did not last when instead of closing in , the blades on the palm retracted , and the entire hand went through a mechanical transformation to become a gatling gun barrel.

Professor Stanley watched from within the sentinel as Daniel escaped bullets shot at the speed of sound .

Ratatataratatata ratatata ratatataratatata ratatata ratatata ratatata ratatataratatata

This lasted a while before professor Stanley realized that the test could have ended long ago , but His Eminence Daniel was not ending it.

When the load finished , the sentile' wanted to switch weapons systems again, only for the professor and spectators hear the next words

" It's my turn"

Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam

All they could see was Daniel flicking objects the first few hit the sentinel squarely in the chest plate causing visible dents!

But unlike the blue bug , or sapient creatures the logic machine did not give into emotions like them . If successfully escaped Daniels rock projectiles after the first 9 shots hit

" I call off this test. " Daniel said with a longing sigh.

"I have been thoroughly impressed, professor Stanley , this truly is a work of art. Had all humans had this level of power , we wouldn't be in this state right now ."

" Hahahahah, I see that my work did its job . " Professor Stanley said proudly. In fact he hadnt seen this coming, this 'man' basically had two powers. Just this demonstration was enough to fully establish the superiority of this being.

"I prevented the use of certain weapons systems, but I'm still sure your Eminence would have easily felt with them like with the others" he added , trying to prove to Daniel that the sentinel still had much more to it than demonstrated , yet still making sure not to infuriate him by making it seem like He'd have lost had they been demonstrated .

" I'm already fully impressed by what you've been able to accomplish in a month, you are a talented person. Not only it's hardware , but it's software functionality is epoch changing. " Daniel voiced his heart . This was the power of science, the power of mechanical engineering.

Those protected by Jay's barrier however couldn't let go of the pure shock they experienced. Especially the new entrants as they themselves had faced the sentinel before.

" This man truly is deserving of reverence"

thank you for reading this chapter:)

DaoistNiicreators' thoughts