
I am a genius,but I look like a brute

Daniel is a student with a vision of an ideal him. Strong, smart ,tall , and big. the Apocalypse is initiated, and he fulfills one of the criteria for an ideal him passively. join him on a journey with the insane. who else but the insane can survive a ruined world.

DaoistNii · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Chapter 33

"So, what exactly am I looking at? "Daniel asked as he attempted to glean as much information as possible from the fully artificial construct.

it was so well made and tightly secured that Daniel felt embarrassed. he mainly delt in biotechnology and one thing about dealing with living tissue was that they had the easiest risk factor to deviate from their design.

an example of such a flaw was the design of his biolab. the bio equipment was never supposed to become integrated, forming an entire organism. spreading flesh fungi all across the 14th floor. in the end he was happy with the surprising development. but as a scientist /engineer he knew this was a flaw he had to rid his subsequent bioengineering creations of.

and this was the area where conventional human technology had an edge against "Daniel's " form of biotech.

as Daniel studied it closely, he couldn't help but marvel at the sophistication of the design and execution. it really did not feel like something one of human intelligence could achieve.

But he knew he couldn't be the one to talk, at least this was a possible future that humanities current branch of technologies could lead to if there was no apocalypse for the next half a century. his branch however was so obscure and generally revolting to non-biotech enthusiasts, that there was slim to no chance of it every getting mainstream attention.

" You are currently gazing upon the future of humanities fight for survival against our extraterrestrial invaders. I call it the sentinel " Professor Stanley proclaimed though the 'sentinel'

"isn't that the name of the evil robots from the x-men comics?" Jay asked from behind Daniel. he might not be a novel reader, but he was once a comic enthusiast.

" I told you!" a female voice from the newcomers said. She looked human, apart from her third eye on the forehead that glowed red.

" You this young generations all have rotted brains. That isn't the origin of the name 'sentinel' this word represents, guardianship, and protection. It isn't evil in any way.

" I'm guessing, the reason you are here is due to the existence of this device?"

Daniel asked curiously.

" This isn't just any device, but a work of art! "

" Professor Stanley focus" the man with the swirling golden liquid said.

" Yes yes, that's why I'm here, would you be kind as to let us in?". The professor asked Daniel.

" Of course, but there are conditions. One, you are not to attempt to harm any within the building, we've already suffered disastrous losses, I will not allow you to add more to that list. Two do not attempt to bug the building with listening or monitoring devices. If I find out, you will be kicked out immediately.

Three, do not wonder around the place.

Four. Listen to him" Daniel pointed to Jay. " He runs the place. Five, do not pick anything up without permission, it will be considered theft, six, to not engage in coitus with the denizens, unless the offer it first. "

Daniel stopped and looked to them for an answer.

" As you say "

The man with the golden liquid circulating said on behalf of his team.

They wanted to see how the barrier would be removed only to be dumbfounded by the process.

'Jay ' the leader they had met first, gestured a lady with a missing eye to come forward. She did, standing right behind the invisible membrane that separated the outside word from the inside of the building.

The force that prevented intruders from getting in was not a simple membrane, like with Jay's barriers. Rather it was less of a wall that protected them than it was of they lived in the wall with no gaps or air pockets.

The lady with a somber mood, took out a knife and slit her left ring finger, she then mumbled something incomprehensible under her breadth and said to the team behind

" May name is Madison. Please step forward so I may bestow upon you a temporary pass"

Daniel smirked, Jay was too cunning, what was all these ritualistic shenanigans, when all they needed was to gift them a body part. In this case blood.

Jay had put all this in place to obscure the true means by which others could be allowed into the building!

Daniel was a straightforward person and would have easily severed his finger to give them. He was smart, smarter than all, no, most. If Professor Stanley was truthful. But it wasn't in his nature. Daniel was so smart he could probably live his full life in this apocalypse without anything falling out of place in his life by his own hands. And that was how he lived before manifesting his insane genius power. As a true rational being.

But now he really didn't bother much, he placed pragmatism down and picked up goals. He only has goals, and whatever means he had to use to get there would be used.

That was to say Jay's technique was probably the same one Daniel would have used if his mind was still" human"

The team outside looked skeptical but followed her instruction.

Madison raised her left ring finger very ceremonial manner as if it was filled with a lot of meaning, and it probably was to Madison. After all the only way to deceive others was to deceive oneself (in this case to deceive outsiders, his own turf had to be deceived.

Then with the most unstable of all fingers on a human palm she drew a long thick vertical line on the supposed 'leaders head, and used her fingernail which carried some blood, she drew a very thin horizontal line under it with care not to scribble it.

Feeling that the process was over for him, the leader tried to get in again, but this time around it was as if the barrier / membrane/ force that shot him back before didn't even exist.

He easily walked in, shocking everyone. The 'sentinel' even. Currently serving as a conduit / avatar of a Professor Stanley.

The shock came because what they assumed to be a scientific situation/ superhuman situation, had such an esoteric / mystical approach.

The same ' ceremony ' had to be performed 5 times for all members to gain access.

" Is this situation permanent? " Professor Stanley asked.

" Mm, nope, you have until the blood clots and falls of" Daniel answered. It depended on numerous factors, but that was 24 hours average.

" I see, but what are the principles that govern this barrier of entry. It seems hardly scientific "

" Mm mm, it's nonreplicable, so I don't mind telling you. But also, a very long story" Daniel answered honestly.it didn't matter if they knew the origins, at the end of the day knowing resulted in nothing of applicable value.

Suddenly Daniel felt his heart throbbing very loudly , something was happening, but he didn't know what .

At first his mind moved towards the recent entrants , but he somehow knew it wasn't due to them . It originated from far away . Within the state of Kansas , but still far from where he was currently. He did not understand what was going on , there was no danger , there was nothing out of place . Then his mind traced all actions had taken up until this moment , sifting through memories at inhuman speeds. His second thought was it was the actions of one of the people he met in the warehouse.

There were two with esoteric powers . One that made you forget , a power so broken , even though he was certainly a god compared to them , he was helpless to .

And the other that heightened your arrogance to the point of making clearly stupid decisions.

But he still didn't feel it was them . Something was ' not wrong' but ' not right either' but was happening. He also instinctively felt that he should be in control of the situation, it was his right , but he wasn't.

" That sounds interesting." The 'leader' said

" Trust me , it is"

Jay chipped in as he led the procession .

Seats were distributed to all the guests with upside-down" T " on their heads representing the building and the ground on which it was placed.

" So what is it that you came to us for?" Daniel asked very directly as some three stood behind Jay , while first lieutenant Madison, corporal Jace and private Augustine stood behind Daniel.

Madison was acting, Daniel could tell. She just wanted to burst out laughing at any second , but held herself In . Maybe she was proud of her acting skill. Jace seemed to be composed inwardly, neither hating or liking the position he now stood in

Jay's ' suggestions' . really were tethering on the line that Daniel didn't want to cross. Everyone just looked like sycophants now .

Part Daniels brain power was here while part was still trying to deduce what was happening. It could also not be ruled out that one of the new entrants was the cause of this feeling in his chest.

" Humanity faces a very serious issue, extraterrestrial melovus. Giant bug creatures with thick carapaces and incredible strength and speed , bent on earths mass genocide."

" We are well aware of the threat, and are taking steps towards preventing the worst case scenario."

" Oh ? What kind of steps?" Professor Stanley asked mildly surprised someone as young as Jay could see the bigger picture at play .

" Don't worry about that , I'm more interested in what you are about to say."

" I understand, when you are ready , you can share your thoughts with me. My power makes it easy to judge these things and their overreaching effects when combined with other elements "

" I see, so continue where we left of. If you don't mind . "

" Yes , as I was saying, we face a very terrible threat . Our population begins to decline as our mortal enemies are constantly expanding in number and even power . Have you seen the golden beetle?"

Professor Stanley asked.

" Yess , it's a part of the interesting story my friend spoke of earlier."

" I see, I really want to hear this tale. But let's be done with this first. Due to our consistently declining population, and the decrease in safe areas like with your base humanity must rely on more external power than chosen humans "

Really it seemed like everyone had their own name for superhumans, but at least they grasped the intent imbedded in the speech.

" Hence your 'sentinels' ? " Jay asked the obvious.

" Exactly. With the red gems located in our enemies, we can endlessly gain the power source and resources to manufacture thousands of sentinels to fight off the melovus in humanities place . Dare I even say golden beetles ."

" The sentinel design is very complex , do you think humanity has the heavy duty machinery and precision tools for such a mass production?" Jay asked .

" You musn't think like a human of pre Apocalyptic times , there are chosen humans with the ability to perform in place of heavy duty and precision tools. All we need to do is bring them together .".

They went on to talk about many things such as resources acquisition, distribution , power supply , construction methods , design processes , development etc. . Jay was very thorough with his questions , why Daniel kept tabs on all the new entrants and his memories , trying to decipher what was going on with him.

" I see that you have really been thorough in your planning. " Jay said at the end

" If I wasn't , I'd be embarrassed"

" I see , then do you mind if I test the abilities of your 'sentinel'? " Daniel asked .

" Hmm? , sure I'd also like to see the strength of Mr. Daniel "

Professor Stanley was not going to turn back the offer that gave him the opportunity to study one of the apparently three powerful leaders of the E³( Elevation , Engagement, Elite; turned into the name of their organization by Jay )

" Follow me "

Daniel didn't waste time leading the procession up towards the relatively empty 3rd floor .

It was big , but the room walls on it were obstacles.

" Mr. Daniel , I don't think this space is big enough for the sentinel to truly demonstrate its power. " Professor Stanley said .

" No problem"

CLAP Daniel slapped his left and right palm in perfect symmetry then slid the right palm all the way down , leaving the left hand pointing to the ceiling and the right pointing to the ground .

Then he slowly pried them off one another creating a square hole with the space in between. A simple action , that all humans could do

But Daniel made the transition so smooth and flawless that it appeared beyond human to the spectators.

The foreign team gaped in absolute awe as the found the room expand in a silent and natural manner . As if it was meant to be .

It expanded past a mile . As Daniel in fact found that he did not have consequences, or rules he had to abide by. He was an existing flaw . What more could he screw up .

The fact that his spacial perception was a mile wide did not mean he couldn't affect what was outside it , as stayed in previous chapters .

" Let's test your work professor, I'm interested in the tech you've managed to stuff into that tiny metal can"