
I alone Level Up! [Gamer/Highschool of the Dead, World-Hopping]

To the world, the End happened suddenly. The Undead prowled the streets, while concepts such as Order was gone with it. In times like this, many will fall, but some... Some will rise. Ding! Congratulations Gamer, you have Leveled Up. Meanwhile, He inventoried his gun and smiled. Gamer OC/ Superpowers AU (World- Hopping, Multi-Cross)

vtorx_0867 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

The Gamer begins his final preparations

[Gamer has rested: HP, SP, MP, and QP fully restored!]

With a groan, Junpei stretched his hands up as he stood up from the floor. It wasn't an act of tiredness, but rather, an inclined habit. Looking at the System's prompt that appeared, Junpei smiled nodding.

"I suspected so. After all, I do have the Gamer's Body…"

And speaking of that. Junpei's cultivation session last night was quite an eye-opener. Junpei had many expectations in the process of cultivation. Mainly due to how Xianxias and Wuxia novels portrayed it to be.

A roar in your dantian, the appearance of magical runes in your soul-space due to the voice of Mana reaching you… Well, stuffs like that.

But what Junpei got was quite stale in comparison. While there was the admittedly cool visualization of his soul –something that should have staggered Junpei a lot, but didn't as a result of the Gamer's Mind- and also the Mana gathering and processing.

That's all there was to it.

There was no explosion of Mana, nor the roaring of a dragon in Junpei's soul. Neither was there a constellation of stars where he would pluck enlightenment from… Yesterday's cultivation could be summed into one word.

Grinding Levels…

Pull the Mana in, process the Mana, throw away the contaminated Mana, suffuse the soul with the purified Mana, repeat. There was even a System gauge that showed him how much he had left until reaching Full Completion for the Preparatory Stage.

12%... And when Junpei would achieve a Full Completion, the technique would automatically be running on its own, which meant that Junpei wouldn't have to actively cultivate when using the Soul Tempering Scriptures…

Kind of a letdown, candidly speaking.

"Well, all things said, I do feel great. Even more than that. I oddly feel clean and full at the same time."

Junpei dismissed the System as he didn't want to concern himself with Stats this morning, and went towards his mirror to check himself out. But then, Junpei suddenly paused in his stride. Nose enlarging comically.

"Wait a minute…"


Nose twitching, a putrid odor assailed Junpei's nose. It was an odor permeating the entire room. Gagging, Junpei hurried to open the windows and then darted for the fan to increase its ante.

"God, what died in here?!" Junpei wheezed, sticking his head outside while gasping in air.

Looking back into the room, Junpei could see some sort of dark smoke hovering in the air. Junpei tilted his head bemused, but decided not to focus on that due to the smell that the room and himself were currently emanating.

"Sheesh," Junpei said, making a face after sniffing himself. "I really need a bath, ASAP."

Junpei didn't bother to Inventory his nightwear. He'll need to wash them. Without pause, Junpei rushed for the bathroom and had a long fulfilling bath…

"Ah~ I'm not really a bath person, but that has got to be the most fulfilling bath of my life… However strange that is."

His rotund belly and fat ass in full display. Junpei sighed self-satisfyingly as he strode out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his neck.

Junpei wasn't really a bath person so to speak. If it weren't for his Mom's nagging and punishments, he wouldn't mind sitting in front of a computer, gaming all day long.

But with Mom around, it's either do or no more enjoyable luxuries for you.

Still for this one, Junpei didn't need Mom to tell him anything. He stank to the high heavens!

Whistling, Junpei hummed as he approached the sink to brush his teeth, when his whistling stopped and his mouth opened in shock.

"Ha? Wha?… Who the hell are you?!"

Pointing at the mirror, Junpei hollered unable to register what he was seeing. The image looking back at Junpei was certainly fat, but not the Junpei kind of fat.

The image's face was well shaped, and fat lessened abet with muscle definitions. All acne marks were gone replaced with smooth tan skin and hell, even the hair grew a bit longer!

What the hell?!

No one needed to tell Junpei the truth. Maybe it was as a result of the jibs, insults, slurs, and all sort of invectives heaped on Junpei, but he knew he wasn't exactly pleasing to the eye. Fat, narrowed eyes, mob-like hair, bronzed skin…

There were many words used to describe Junpei that weren't exactly… Nice.

But the image Junpei was looking at. The appearance reflected to him through the mirror was alien!

Junpei tilted to the side with the image doing the same, pulling his lips and making funny faces which the reflected image also mimicked. Junpei retreated back in astonishment while letting out a shaky breathe.

"It's just one night… How did I change in just one night?"

[Apprehension lessened due to Gamer's Mind]

A cool chill washed through Junpei as his quickening heartbeat slowed down. Junpei's angst reduced to insignificant levels. It was still there but only by a negligible amount. Reduced to the point that Junpei could finally think clearly.

"The Soul Tempering Scripture did had a sub-effect for cleaning body impurities." Junpei said, rubbing the side of his cheeks.

"But even so, Mom and Dad are so gonna' freak out when they see me like this."


"Good morning, Junpeeeiiii?! Eh, Junpei what's happened to you?"

'Ah~ called it.' Junpei thought as Mom streaked towards him with a look of concern.

Dad on the other hand, stood in back while giving himself a light bunk on his head. "Whelp, now I know that yesterday wasn't just some freaky dream."

Typical Dad smoothly taking things in, whereas Mom on the other hand was the epitome of concerned…

"Tell me, Junpei. Are you hurt? Not feeling strange anywhere? Is your body suffering from some kind of side-effect? You aren't in pain and you're not telling me, are you...?"

Mom's outburst was certainly long. And if Junpei wouldn't answer back, Junpei knew that he would be here till 8:00. This is around 7:24. Junpei was 100%... Expecting his morning to go like this.

"Mom, I'm fine -better than fine- I've never felt better in my life! Remember, I did inform both you both at dinner yesterday, that I'll be doing something that will affect me physically, didn't I?"

Mom looked conflicted as she nodded. "You did tell us. But, I, well… I wasn't expecting the change to be so extreme."

"Are you saying you don't like how I look, now?" Junpei asked with stomach churning.

Mom hastily shook her head while waving her hand.

"No! None of that, Junpei! You look more handsome, than before. Not like you weren't already…" Mom slacked seemingly spent of her energy.

"I'm just feeling a bit… Jumbled, that's all. Your qualitative change is rather shocking in the least. But if you're happy about it." Mom rubbed Junpei's cheeks, silently noting that her son had grown an inch.

"Then I'm happy for you."

To Junpei, he felt like a weight had fallen off. Junpei wasn't blind. Throughout yesterday, while Junpei saw Mom joined both him and Dad in exploring the System, Mom didn't appear quite as excited as Dad. She looked cautious and wary.

Junpei could understood where Mom was coming from –anyone fears what they don't understand- and that was why Junpei was afraid to hear his Mom denounce his new abilities.

Junpei knew that he wasn't like those novel Heroes or badass MCs.

The first thing the protagonists would have doing would be to hide their abilities from their parents. But Junpei was different. Throughout his life, all he had and the only ones who truly loved him were his parents…

So even if it meant not using the gift that this System has provided… Before Junpei was a Cultivator or a Magic Magister. He was his parent's only child. Junpei didn't want to upset them.

[Alert: Gamer's Internal Declaration has gained the attention of the Divine!]

[You have received a {Divine Rune} (Inventoried) from the Goddess of the Hearth and Homes (Goddess % E #I)]

"… … Eh?" Junpei blinked, flummoxed at the sudden System prompt.

'Gods? As in the living Gods rather than manmade concepts? Wait a minute. Why am I even surprised? My powers doesn't look like something made from human hands… But still, Gods.'

Chanting a short mantra on how things ought to be treated one at a time, Junpei exhaled before rubbing his temple.

"You alright, Junpei?"

To Mom's question, Junpei waved languidly. "Yeah, it's nothing… Oh, before I forget, I need to inform you both on what I saw in My System Events. Something that is quite chilling and worrying."

Dad and Mom looked at each other solemnly, before turning towards their son. Seeing the grim look that their son was sporting, made them realize that they didn't want to stand when hearing this 'news'.

Dad moved to the dining table sitting down at the side of table for once. Mom sat a seat away from Dad, as she patted the space left in the middle.

"Come, sit, and tell us this worrying news, Junpei."

Rubbing the back of his neck, Junpei muttered as he went towards his parents. "This is gonna' be quite the morning."


The sounds of bones snapping under pressure echoed in the basement.

Junpei at the moment was in his briefs. His official training wear courtesy of Mom, was arranged on an iron vault bar some feet away.

Huffing and puffing, Junpei punched the air causing a loud *Thud!* as if a drum had been hit violently. Junpei had already consumed the Body Refining Tonic which was currently on coursing through his body invigorating his cells, while he was going through this masochistic exercise.

The Chaotic Virtues Combat Meridians…

Like Junpei had said yesterday. Unlike the Soul Tempering Technique, the Chaotic Virtues Combat Meridians was a High-Grade physical training manual for budding Cultivators.

It was a training meant to transform a body into a weapon of amazing strength, while granting the adequate precision to utilize the strength to its maximum effect!

And when added with the gains of yesterday…


A few centimeters away from Junpei's fist, the air displaced. His eyes could spot the air ripples that his fist produced. The power behind that punch was clearly peaking the reaches of humanity!

Pausing, Junpei felt the familiar nauseating sensation of his SP reaching a low number, -Junpei had been training for over 9 hours, nonstop- Junpei took this as a sign to take a break.

Junpei drew up his Status Screen, marveling at the numbers and what they presented.

[Due to performance of strenuous activities, 5 to STR, VIT, and AGI]

[Basic Mission, (The Preparation to Becoming Powerful): Complete!]

[Gamer has received 100exp, 3 Stat Points, Iron Rank Loot Box {Inventoried}]

[Name: Junpei Asahi]

[Karmic Alignment: True Good {40%}]

[Job: The Sole Gamer]

[Species: Human] (Progress: 0%)

[Ascension Stage: 0] (Progress: 0%)

[Level: LV 2] (Next Level: 47%)

[Title: Mommy and Daddy's Boy/Delusionist]

[HP: 220/220]

[SP: 60/220]

[MP: 210/210]

[QP: 210/210]

[STR: 22 (0)]

[VIT: 22 (0)]

[AGI: 20 (0)]

[INT: 21 (0)]

[WIS: 21 (0)]

[LUCK: 12 (0)]


[Stats Points: 16]

[Skill Points: 4]

[Evolution Points: 0]

[Karmic Points: 0]

The sharp increase in Junpei's physical specs was mainly due to his Marebito Gene, which gave him more returns the harder he works out. Then, there was the additional 2 to STR and VIT with an exception of AGI due to yesterday's cultivation session.

Junpei's jump in his INT and WIS Stats was also as a result of his yesterday's cultivation session. At the sight of his LUCK lagging behind, Junpei decided to close his eyes and will 6 Stats Points to it bumping his LUCK to 18.

"While I would like to save my points for raining days. Just hoarding it like that isn't my style… And I feel like later on, I'll be needing all the LUCK that I can get."

Smirking, Junpei ignored the sudden golden dust that caked him and subsequently disappeared. It seems like every Stats upgrade is always accompanied with visual effects.

But Junpei wouldn't complain… They were cool after all.

⸢Passive Skills⸥

[Gamer's Body] (MAX)

[Gamer's Mind] (MAX)

[Icon of Sin {Pride, Envy}] (MAX)

[Physical Endurance] {Stage 1}(28/100)

[Mediation] (LV 8/100)

[Body-Fitness] (LV 10/100)

[Danger Intuition]

[Low Mana Affinity] (MAX)

⸢Active Skills⸥

[Observe] (LV 9/100)

[ID Creation] (10/100)

[Unarmed Combat] {Stage 1}(5/100)

[Skill: Mana Manipulation] {Stage 1}(LV 10/100)

In his Passive and Active Skills section. Most of his existing Skills had increased in Levels while there were new additions Skills to both categories.

Nodding, Junpei said. "Looks about right…"

Junpei walked to where the barbells were, attaching more weight plates to them. Increasing the weightlift from over 100 to 1500 ibs. Looking at the daunting weight before him, Junpei paused for a bit before he smiled.

What Junpei was going to do was insane. But if having 25 in physical specs meant carry more than a ton. Then with 22 in his physical specs, Junpei should be capable of achieving quite a lot.

Taking a deep breathe, Junpei griped the barbell… And lifted it up, easily. All 1500 ibs, approximately 600 plus kg was being carried without any form of strain. Once again, the potential of an overpowered System in full display.

Junpei performed over 50 sets, using one hand occasionally, but he still wasn't tired.

"This is so cool…"

While one avenue of increasing his Stats was slowly becoming obsolete, Junpei wasn't worried. Opening up his System, Junpei went to the Shop section. With more than 10, 000 dollars, there were sure to be some items Junpei could peruse for his purpose.

Browsing a bit, Junpei quickly found it.



[Miscellaneous Items]

-Low Class Full Body Weights {700kg-7tons} «500 dollars»

(Purchase: Yes/No)

It had the appearance of a stylized prisoner jumpsuit. Orange with strips of black, and there were large shackles around the arm, wrist, neck, torso, and legs area.

It appeared daunting. Though at the sight of the price, Junpei let out a whistle.

"I know that the money I have triples that, but 500 dollars… That's a lot of money, especially when converted to yen."

But even so, that didn't stop Junpei from selecting yes.

The item disappeared, with the System informing Junpei that it was now in his Inventory.

Junpei wouldn't equip that yet, at least for now.

"Junpei! Come on up, dinner's ready!"

At Mom's call from up the basement, Junpei rushed towards his training clothes Equipping them. A glance at the clock informed Junpei that he had spent a greater part of the day training.

And apart from the lethargy, there was nothing else. Junpei wasn't even feeling hungry in the slightest. Junpei could only sum it as the wonder of the Gamer's Body.


"Ah, right... Coming Mom!" Junpei replied and darted for the main house with a speed comparable to gold Olympics runners.

For Junpei, the week passed by as follows. Sleep, wake up, eat, train, eat, cultivate, search for cool items in Shop, buy any interesting item if funds are available, cultivate, sleep, and repeat.

Junpei had already expended his Soul and Qi tonics, to which he had to buy again. Their prices were manageable, but only for Low-Mid class. The tonics of a Higher Grade almost gave Junpei a heart attack with their prices!

What a hedonistic System!

School for the week was cancelled for Junpei by his parents. As the things they heard made them almost decide to press charges against the school.

The bullying, and the teacher who encouraged such miscreant acts were nuisance to the society and were the main reason for most delinquents doing whatever the hell they want… After all, it was the adults who ought to correct them that supports them in their black-hearted endeavors.

But honestly, Junpei wasn't satisfied with just that.

While as a result of the Gamer's Mind, Junpei wasn't a ball of torrential edgy revenge. That didn't meant that Junpei didn't want to exact it. It was only natural after everything he had experienced in that godforsaken school…

Though when Junpei told his parents about his intentions, he was half-expecting to be told down. But no, Junpei was pleasantly surprised when his parents declared their supports.

"As long as you don't take it too far, Junpei… At least, send all those bastards to the hospital for 1 month. Mom's got your back in this."

The shocked look the males of the house threw at Mom didn't bother her much. As a family-woman, there were only two people she would love above anything else in this world.

Her husband and her son.

It would be totally asinine for anyone to expect for her to take things lying down. Mom might not be as brutish as her husband, but she would fight like a mother bear against any bastard who touches her family.


Junpei was honestly quite ecstatic at that.

Later on, both Junpei and his parents decided that he'll resume school on the exact date of the Event. As Junpei wouldn't be spending much time in school, and he wanted to close a chapter of his life on the day he would be beginning a new one.

It was a poetic idea… But Mom and Dad couldn't agree more.


On Friday, morning…

[Gamer has rested: HP, SP, MP, and QP fully restored!]

Grey eyes once again opened up to the sight of the peaking sun. The windows were prudentially opened for ventilating the room. The dollars made from the System rewards were used to pay for the electricity bills for the house and more importantly, to make sure that the AC always stays on.

Doing a turtle roll, he used hands to perform a kickstand. Performing a graceful twirl in the air, he landed some few feet away, in front of the mirror that layered his wardrobe. His feet making no such sound as he landed.

At the sight his reflection. The Gamer, Junpei Asahi, nodded while cupping his chin. "Another qualitative change, I see."

Though that on its own was a big understatement. During the course of the week, Junpei had been gaining Stats. And increasing his Stats meant altering his appearance. So it was obvious that the Junpei before him was totally different from the Junpei from before.

Junpei's now thick jet black hair grew pass shoulder level, his face became finely shaped with thick eyelashes and brows. His chassis was devoid of fat replaced with tanned muscles that rippled with power. At the height of 5.9ft, Junpei could be described in one word.

Roguishly handsome…

Junpei's appearance wasn't at the kyaa! level, and if Junpei could have it his way, he would prefer it not to be so. It would make him feel a bit too pretentious… Not like he wasn't feeling pretentious at the moment.

As while Junpei liked, or rather, loved how he looks like now. Junpei couldn't stop the itching demeaning feeling when he looks at the mirror. The feeling that he was a fraud who was lucky to hit it big…

After all, that is what Junpei is…

A lucky fraud…

Shaking his head. Junpei expertly ignored the feeling, thankful once again for the Gamer's Mind that mitigate such toxic mindset to non-existent levels.

" Status." Junpei said.

It was once again time to check out his growth.

[Name: Junpei Asahi]

[Karmic Alignment: True Good {40%}]

[Job: The Sole Gamer]

[Species: Human] (Progress: 0%)

[Ascension Stage: 0] (Progress: 0%)

[Level: LV 3] (Next Level: 18%)

[Title: Mommy and Daddy's Boy/Delusionist]

[HP: 470/470]

[SP: 470/470]

[MP: 400/400]

[QP: 400/400]

[STR: 47 (0)]

[VIT: 47 (0)]

[AGI: 41 (0)]

[INT: 40 (0)]

[WIS: 40 (0)]

[LUCK: 25 (0)]


[Stats Points: 18]

[Skill Points: 4]

[Evolution Points: 0]

[Karmic Points: 0]

Raising a muscle as Junpei clenched his fist, Junpei could feel the power of that Stats being reflected on him. Junpei was already a genuine superhuman. Just yesterday, he had lifted Dad's truck with one hand and even spun it for jokes.

Junpei's thought speed and intelligence processing had also increased dramatically, as even the hardest equations at any level simply felt like 1 plus 1. There was nothing mundane about Junpei anymore…

For now, the only Stat Junpei had been assigning points to would be his LUCK. Junpei simply couldn't think of a way to increase that.

⸢Passive Skills⸥

[Gamer's Body] (MAX)

[Gamer's Mind] (MAX)

[Icon of Sin {Pride, Envy}] (MAX)

[Physical Endurance] {Stage 1}(70/100)

[Mediation] (LV 20/100)

[Body-Fitness] (LV 33/100)

[Danger Intuition]

[Low Mana Affinity] (MAX)

⸢Active Skills⸥

[Observe] (LV 20/100)

[ID Creation] (10/100)

[Unarmed Combat] {Stage 1}(15/100)

[Skill: Mana Manipulation] {Stage 1}(LV 30/100)



[Juggernaut] «STR»

[Regenerator] «VIT»

[Fleet] «AGI»

[Eidetic] «INT»

[Thought Acceleration] «WIS»

[Golden Hands] «LUCK»


[Qi Body Reinforcement] {Stage: Acolyte Stage} (Progress: 15%)

[Mana Bolt] {Stage: Acolyte Stage} (Progress: 8%)

" Qi Body Reinforcement."

Junpei's grey pupils turned blue as circuit like veins coated his body, lighting it up. With his Qi Points he could maintain this form for about 20 minutes. And for that fleeting 20 minutes, Junpei would be a genuine superhuman –not like Junpei wasn't already- but this just gave him an artistic flair… And increase his Stats by 25%.

A System prompt informed Junpei that tomorrow would be the last day, The Preparation to Becoming Powerful Mission would be in effect. While that was quite a shame, it wasn't that much of a loss. The Marebito Gene more than makes up for it.

Watching as the glow died down due to Junpei cancelling his Reinforcement Spell. Junpei cracked his fingers leaving his room. Nowadays, Junpei didn't need his parents to wake him up, for he had to do so himself being busy and all.

"Morning, Mom."

Junpei greeted Mom who smiled back.

"Morning, handsome."

Junpei also greeted with Dad who mumbled a reply, as he was deep in reading his newspaper. How typical of him…

Watching as the breakfast was beginning, Junpei suddenly had a thought. He was changing. That was an undeniable fact. From a fatso to a macho, and that wouldn't end there as long as Junpei kept on pushing forward.

There was no such thing as a limit. Especially with this System…

But what of his parents?

Junpei would admit that he was doesn't want to share this ability with anyone else. The Icon of Sin Skill had already said enough about that. Junpei doesn't consider himself as a bad person, only a stingy one. But such parsimoniousness will never extend to his parents.

If possible, Junpei wanted to show them his appreciation by helping them grow as well…

'Hmm… Seems like I'll have to peruse the Shop later on, today. I did remember seeing an Evolutionary Pill, somewhere. Which only leaves the question of whether Dad and Mom would want such a thing.'

Junpei observed his parents with a light smile –something he seems to be doing nowadays- Mom sharing the breakfast, while Dad mumbling at any piece of news he sees.

'I'll ask them later on, today.'

With that decision, Junpei settled down to eat his breakfast… Only for a sudden System prompt to obscure his vision.

[Basic Mission, (Rise above the Limits of Humanity): Complete!]

[System Rewards: 1000exp, 10 Stat Points, 1 Voucher Card, Copper Rank Loot Box {Inventoried}]

[Bonus Requisite: Achieved!]

[System Rewards: … …]

The toast about to enter Junpei's mouth froze. Jaw hung open as the bread fell back to the plate.

"It's here. Finally it's here!"

Though just as Junpei was about to open his System, Mom bonked him in the head.

"Don't you start such unruly behavior here, mister! Eat your breakfast first, then check what you're supposed to check!"

"Eh~ but Mom~!"


"Eh, I meant, I will certainly do so. Ahahahaha…"

At the sight of his traitorous Dad who was busy chuckling behind the newspaper. Junpei pouted, picking up his bread and cream cocoa, ready to devour breakfast.

'Well, it isn't like it going anywhere.'

[Congratulations Gamer! You have Leveled Up!]