
I alone Level Up! [Gamer/Highschool of the Dead, World-Hopping]

To the world, the End happened suddenly. The Undead prowled the streets, while concepts such as Order was gone with it. In times like this, many will fall, but some... Some will rise. Ding! Congratulations Gamer, you have Leveled Up. Meanwhile, He inventoried his gun and smiled. Gamer OC/ Superpowers AU (World- Hopping, Multi-Cross)

vtorx_0867 · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Into the nightmarish Dungeon of abnormal Canines and… Werewolves!?

Saturday Afternoon…

The basement for once wasn't thrumming with the cogs of machineries being pushed to the limit. Lights were dimly lit as in the middle of the room were the entire congregation of the family.

Why are they here? One might ask. Well, the answer is quite simple and difficult to say at the same time…

But all in all. It could be summarized by the gold-lint System Prompt that was currently glowing before them.

[System Prompt: System Fairy {Peak Grade} Timer Cleared!]

[Summon 'System Fairy' is now available!]

Dad and Mom sat on stools picked up from the room's corner. Meanwhile, Junpei sat on… Nothing? Or at least what appeared to be nothing. From an outsider's perception, Junpei sat in lotus pose and both his feet were not touching the ground.

Junpei was hovering… Or so it seemed.

But in reality, Junpei's was sitting on a translucent platform. Invisible to most except the ones with the most deductive of eyes.

It was a new Ability, Junpei had self-developed. [Platform] A technique created to increase Junpei's mobility in disadvantageous places. Though Junpei's original intention behind the creation of this Ability was to create a Flight Ability.

But his Mana Manipulation is unfortunately still at a low Level. Still, Junpei will take what he can get. No need to scoff at small blessings, eh?

And now he's beginning to sidetrack.

Taking a deep breathe, Junpei said. "Alright, guys. I'll begin Summoning the System Fairy."

"Alright, if you insist." Mom said, a touch of concern in her voice.

Junpei's radical transformation into a hunk in 1 week was one thing. Junpei's glowing blue orb, circuit lit body, and floating platform was another thing. The mystical Items and dollars! –Not yen, clean minted dollars! - was also another thing.

But Summoning a Magical System Fairy? As in calling out a magical being? One that is actually alive and can think?

Mom was worried and had the right to be apprehensive about it.

'What if this Fairy decides to, maybe, ask for Junpei's soul or something?' Mom fretfully thought, as she rubbed her forehead, a sigh escaped her parted lips.

Because all in all, Mom just had a gut feeling that there was something that came along with having this System… Whether for good or bad is the paramount question.

Junpei in seeing that there were no –vocal- objections, said. "Summon, System Fairy."

A holographic golden egg with the look of an ornamental orb manifested in thin air. Signs of crack appeared on its surface as the egg vibrated and shook. The crusty sound of an egg breaking, was accompanied by a bright light that forced everyone to close their eyes. And when the light show was over…

There was a new member in their midst…

"System Fairy?" Junpei asked tentatively, towards the hovering being before him.

Unlike the myths and legends, the Fairy wasn't tiny in size. The Fairy was tall enough to be considered a teenager. But if that was all, then both Junpei and his parents wouldn't be so transfixed… Or stumped in Junpei's case.

'Is this Fairy, a girl or a boy?' Junpei thought in befuddlement.

Dressed in a robe of crimson and gold, reminiscent of Xianxia stories. The Fairy was an existence that couldn't be described in a simple word. It was like its entire being was created based on complications…

She, he, or its eyes weren't exactly normal. Its pupils were of ruby and gold spirals. The Fairy's facial feature possessed an alluring otherworldly look to it. Too beautiful to be handsome, and at the same time, too handsome to be beautiful.

The Fairy's long voluminous blood-colored hair, mixed in with its mass of clothes hiding its frame, which also contributed to Junpei's confusion about its gender.

To be honest, Junpei could say that this Fairy was absolutely beautiful.

The oomph Dad made when Mom dug her elbow into his stomach as a result of Dad's blank staring, complemented Junpei's assessment. This creature from the System could turn around eyes, and captivate people from either genders… Male or female.

But that is another reason on why Junpei was feeling disturbed.

'Why am I not feeling any sort of attraction towards it?'

Was it a creepy question to ask? Yes, it was. But it was one that had merit to it.

The System Fairy was a being of captivating beauty. Possessing an appearance that should be drawing Junpei's eyes and male instinct to at least feel something towards it. But Junpei had no such inclinations.

At first, Junpei wondered if this was the Gamer's Mind in play, but then he remembered; Junpei's feelings of love for his parents hadn't changed in the slightest.

One can argue that both version of affections weren't exactly on the same wavelength. But Junpei knew deep in his heart that this wasn't the Gamer's Mind effect. This was something much more… Personal.

Meanwhile, the System Fairy's eyes gleamed under the dim light as it bowed to Junpei.

"Serial No: 0001. Designation, 'System Fairy.' Greets its Master."

For a fleeting moment, Junpei commented to himself that even the Fairy's voice sounded androgynous. It was emotionless but at the same time smooth and soothing like a song. It was a voice that honestly sounded enchanting.

Dad and Mom's transfixed state was all the confirmation Junpei needed.

Subtly narrowing his eyes, Junpei said, "Observe."

[Name: (Blank)]

[Karmic Alignment: True Good (Blank)]

[Species: System Fairy]

[Grade: 1] (Progress: 0%)

[HP: -/-]

[SP: -/-]

Apart from the fact that the System Fairy didn't have a name –as disturbing as that sounded- Junpei was confused about the (-) symbol located at its HP and SP section.

It could actually mean two things. One, the Fairy's HP and SP were both so low that it basically doesn't have a fixed value added to it. Two, the Fairy's HP and SP were actually infinite.

Like both options weren't daunting in their own ways…


Blinking, Junpei's pupils constricted. The face of the System Fairy was within Junpei's close proximity. Its breathe caressing his face. It smelled of sweet flowers… Not like Junpei had any idea on how sweet flowers smelled like.

[Shock lessened due to Gamer's Mind]

Shaking his head, Junpei said. "No, it's nothing. So, erm, nice to meet you, Fairy."

The Summoned being retreated back a bit, before inclining her head.

"No, it is my honor to serve you, Master."

Meanwhile by the side, Dad and Mom, the spectating parents were having a little conversation of their own.

"So, erm, honey." Dad asked, trying hard to focus on his wife while his eyes were –by some higher power- being drawn to the 'Magical Creature' currently calling their son, Master.

Dad would like to call himself a faithful man, as not once had Dad ever looked at any woman since his marriage to his wife. After all, Dad would be feeling quite irked if he sees his wife admiring the body of another man. So Dad in turn would endeavor not to look at the body of another woman the same way he would his wife.

Dad was quite proud to say that not once in their twenty years of marriage, has he ever broken this self-imposition… At least, until today that is.

'What the hell, is she?' Dad thought in awe and a little bit of guilty attraction.

This System Fairy is quite the beauty. One that had actually sparked feelings of 'attraction' within him. Dad had thought something like that wasn't possible anymore!

Laden with guilt, Dad glanced at his wife… Only to realize that she was looking at the Fairy with eyes similar to his own.

She was also attracted to this otherworldly being!

What's going on?!


Mom felt her skin prickle, and shivered at her husband's voice. Suddenly aware of her surroundings, Mom turned to apologize for her elbowing. She wasn't any better. But then, Dad placed a hand on Mom's shoulders stopping her from doing to so.

"Don't worry, it is okay." Dad said with an assuring smile.


Mom's objection was cancelled by Dad placing a finger on her lips.

"Look, how about we just sum this up as one of Junpei's new… Quirkiness. We both didn't mean for this to happen, so let's both forget about it, eh?"

Mom nodded, one part of herself half-resigned and other, half-relieved.

Turning back to where her son was, Mom said. "But still, this Fairy. Let's at least be careful when interacting with it."

Both their reaction to just her appearance warranted that there was more to this teenage being than meets the eye. Who knows the Fairy has in store. It didn't hurt to be more careful around her.

Dad nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, I know that. But before anything else, let's just wait and see what'll happen later on. Let's not make any hasty decision."


Later on…

One could say that the family as a whole weren't expecting the Summoning of the Fairy to go like this. Well, Mom did had an inkling but that was just her normal paranoia in effect as always.

Lunch was eaten with a sense of tenseness in the air. At first, Mom had invited the System Fairy to come join them, but the Fairy refused, saying that as an ' Immortal Item,' it had no need to eat, drink, or even sleep.

Sheesh, must be tough.

Mom could only blink flummoxed, while Dad just shrugged and went back to eating. Typical Dad. Junpei, on the other hand, just focused on demolishing his food rather than paying attention to the ambient tension at that time.

Junpei will get to ask his own questions, either way.


It had taken Junpei some seconds later, to realize that he had allowed someone into his room. Someone other than his parents. Someone who could either be an it, a he… Or a she...

A she… Now that could be a problem…

"Hmm… … … …"

[Hysteria lessened due to Gamer's Mind]

Thank you very much, System.

Junpei reclined on his gaming chair beside the bed on which the Fairy sat on. Junpei was still quite uncomfortable with the alien presence in his room, but thanks to the Gamer's Mind, his emotional torrent didn't prevent him from asking questions.

"So," Junpei began. "Why aren't you smaller?"

The Fairy tilted its head. "I don't understand."

Waving his hands airily, Junpei explained. "You aren't exactly what I thought of when the word 'Fairy' comes to mind. If it weren't for the Observe Skill, then I wouldn't even know that you are a Fairy."

The Fairy was silent for a moment, bearing a contemplative look on its face, then it nodded. With a white glow, its form began to shimmer. It was shrinking. Before Junpei's eyes, the human sized Fairy was gone, replaced by a little sized person.

"Do you mean like this, Master?" The Fairy asked.

Its voluminous robes were gone, replaced with one more form fitting. Crimson long hair was cropped into an asymmetrical bob, while its other features remained the same. Rather than it looking like something out of a cultivation novel, it now looked like those Fairies in the western movie, 'Tinkerbell.' It even had the butterfly wings to accompany it.

Junpei's jaw dropped for some second, before nodding enthusiastically.

"Yes, exactly like this, Fairy! But… Why didn't you appear like this in the first place?"

"I wasn't sure of your preferences, Master. So I assumed that you would be comfortable with a more 'human' form. But if you prefer it like this…-"

"No, please you can assume your bigger form back." Junpei interjected. "I'm more comfortable with that. I just wanted to confirm whether Fairies looked like the way you are looking now."

After the Fairy had come back to normal –or rather assumed its bigger size- Junpei cleared his throat, raising a hand.

"So, how about we do this again. I'm Junpei Asahi. Nice to meet you."

The Fairy stared at the hand, before looking at Junpei. It might have been a trick of light, but Junpei could have sworn that the Fairy's eyes looked more animated.

Slowly, the Fairy took in Junpei's hand, shaking it.

"I am Serial No: 0001. Designation, 'System Fairy.' Nice to meet you, Master."

Junpei shook his head. "Junpei. Call me by my name. Master sounds feudal, and barbaric, not to mention that I don't like being referred to that. So please, call me Junpei."

Nodding slowly, the Fairy replied. "Alright Junpei."

"Alright, so what should I call you?"


"Well, 'Serial No: 0001. Designation, System Fairy'. That sounds too tacky to say. Don't you have another name apart from that?"

The Fairy shook its head.

"Serial No: 0001. Designation, 'System Fairy is the name given to me by the Myriad Realms System. I was only conceived just some hours ago, so I have no other name to give."

"Ah… Right."

Junpei winced, bonking his head in self-admonishment. Of course idiot, it doesn't have a name. In fact, it would have been strange if it actually had a name.

Faux coughing, Junpei pushed on.

"Alright… How about it, what name do you want me to address you with?"

The Fairy froze for a split second before it said. "Junpei, are you saying that you want to give me a name?"

"If you'd want me to. Or if you want, you can pick your own name."

"No!" The Fairy said waving her hands wildly, before she caught herself. Red dusted her cheeks as it looked down, muttering demurely. "Please, I want you to choose my name, Junpei."

Nodding, Junpei's mind went to work. Actually Junpei already had a name in mind. It was a name Junpei was supposed to give his late baby sister. The one who died in a miscarriage four years back.

The family at that period was at an all-time low. Dad couldn't do anything for more than a minute before becoming a grumbling mess. Mom for almost a week didn't put a single morsel of food in her lips. It was only through Junpei's teary pleas and cries that Mom could finally eat again…

It was truly a hell Junpei never wanted to experience again…

But that name, his younger Sister's name, had been locked in Junpei's heart –as Junpei hadn't told his parents the name, yet- But maybe, the Fairy could use the name for his little sis.

For that was Junpei's selfish wish…

"How about… Makima? It means 'to take control of your destiny.' To not let yourself be dictated by anything or anyone. To truly be yourself."

"Makima…" The Fairy said. Whispering the name for some seconds, as a beautiful smile spread across its face.

"Makima. I like the name!"

Junpei paused at the bright smile before shaking his head. Junpei was still at loss what having a System Fairy entails, but for now, he was satisfied with Makima.


Some discussions later, Junpei would awkwardly ask Makima as to what its gender is.

Makima looked dumbfounded as it replied, 'Unidentified.'

"Hmm… Since you're now, Makima, that means I'll be referring to you as a girl from now on. Are you alright with that?"

"Yes, Junpei. I would like that very much."

Thankfully, it ended without a hitch.


Sunday Morning,

"Dungeon?" Makima asked in bemusement.

Junpei huffed under the intense wind pressure, generated by his movement.

"It's something I'd been putting off for quite a while.That and another thing. My intentions was to grind my Stats to an acceptable number."

They were in the basement. And like the now norm, Junpei's body flowed to the rhythm of the masochistic physical training, the Chaotic Virtues Combat Meridians .

Makima hung at the edge of a vaulting equipping in her pixie form. Her long legs swung languidly while Makima dabbled with the HUD screen before her.

After some moments of consideration, Makima nodded.

"With your present Stats, I'm more than sure that you are up for a LV 10-15 Dungeon… Also Junpei, with the way your Stats are layered, I'm guessing that you're after a Physical Build, right?"

A kick cracked the air, as Junpei nodded without pause. Though, Junpei's cheeks colored a bit.

"Got me. I don't really dig into being a mage. Magic and spells is cool and all, but I prefer the more physical approach to things…" Throwing a high kick, Junpei continued.

"Besides, that doesn't mean I won't be focusing on magic. Just that it won't be my first choice."

"Took the words out of my mouth, Junpei." Makima bobbed her head. "Your decision to focus on a Physical Build is good, but you should endeavor to take advantage of the System's Magic… You'll need them for the dangers and opportunities of the otherworlds."

'The otherworlds, huh." Junpei mumbled. A kick shot upwards while his body was supported on one leg.

"I did have my suspicions, but going to worlds apart from this one… That's insane."

Preening a bit, Makima said. "Of course Junpei, it is spelled by the name of the System. The Myriad Realms. Obviously, you'll the touching Worlds, Cosmologies, apart from this one. And the higher you ascend, the higher or rather, the more powerful the World, you'll be taken to will be."

Halting, Junpei turned to Makima with a worried look in his face.

"Just to confirm, I can come back to this World if I want to, right?"

"Of course, Junpei. The Myriad Realms System ultimate goal is to grant you your heart desires. Whatever you want to do, be, or become… As long as you keep on desiring for more Power, then there's nothing impossible for you."

"… … You could just say, Yes or No, you know."

Blushing, Makima faced the other side.

"A-Ah, forgive me, Junpei. I was getting too absorbed in our conversation. But to answer your question. Yes, you can always come back."

At the sight of the blushing beauty, Junpei kept his teasing to himself, while he focused on Physical Training. He has to be ready, after all, today's the day…

Junpei enters his first Dungeon.


Some hours later,

Junpei was at the backyard with his family, as he prepared for his little outing trip.

"Equip, Artax Armor Set I."

Junpei's weight clothes vanished, replaced with a battle attire. Greaves, bracers and breastplate made of an aluminum-like metal, to which Junpei didn't bother to investigate its nature. Dark fur was at the rim of upper body portion, giving him a thuggish look.

[Artax Armor Set I: A self-repair Uncommon Rank Armor Set. Cool in appearance, while providing the minimum amount of protection for its bearer. 33% Blunt Resistance, 12% Piercing Resistance, 15% Magic Resistance. (Bloodlust Ability)]

"Are you sure that you are alright in that?" Mom asked.

Junpei gave himself a cursory check. The armor set was a gift from the System, one of his Copper Loot Box rewards. When Junpei had shown Makima the armor, the Fairy commented that the Artax Set was a Peak Grade Uncommon Set.

Junpei was truly lucky to get it, as it originally costs over 27,000 dollars in the Store!

Its price was higher than even higher ranked armor sets!

Although, now that Junpei was looking at its effects for the third time. Junpei finally understood how lucky he is to get this.

Towards Mom, Junpei replied. "Don't worry, Mom. It fits me like a glove and its effects are sweet."

"Well, you certainly are rocking the armor if nothing else, son." Dad said, stroking his bearded chin.

Looking towards the pixie, Makima, Mom said in a pleading tone.

"Please, watch after my son, will you. I don't know what's he is going to be facing that Dungeon. And even if I ask him to postpone it till he's stronger, he'll just refuse me. So please, take care of him."

Fluttering towards Mom, the inhumane beauty said, reassuringly. "No need to worry about that, Mrs. Asahi. I will take care of him with my life. I am his Fairy, after all."

To the pixie, Mom looked at her for a moment, before a small smile sprung forth.

"Then, I'll leave him to you."

Makima nodded, "You can count on me."

The uncomfortable Junpei couldn't take in the heartwarming scene any longer.

"Alright, that's enough embarrassment heaped on me for one day," Ignoring his chuckling Dad, Junpei said. "Makima, come let's get going."

After receiving a small nod from Mom, Makima flew over to Junpei and landed on his shoulders. With Makima secured, Junpei pulled out a small golden key from his Inventory, before facing the clearing in the backyard.

"Special Class Dungeon Privilege. Door Summon."

This was also another reward bequeathed to Junpei by the System. A special key that grants access to Dungeons with special characteristics. The adversaries in these kind of Dungeons were much tougher than the even Elite Class Dungeons.

But that was what makes the Completion Rewards sweeter to obtain…

Junpei never did tell his parents about this part. Only that he was entering a Dungeon, that's all.

So Junpei is greedy, sue him…

The key splintered into particles of light, and with a loud *Dum* a 5 meters jet black door manifested in reality. With an aged groaning, the giant door cranked opened revealing a dark void. It was a portal to the Dungeon.

Taking a deep breathe, Junpei sauntered to the portal before he stopped turning to his parents.

"Mom, Dad. Remember what we talked about; the Evolution stuff. The portion and a letter on how to use it is on the dining table… Just letting you know if you perhaps make up your mind to use it."

Without waiting for a reply, Junpei stepped into the portal. The door clanked shut and fizzled away… Leaving behind a pair of bemused parents.


[Special Class Dungeon (Inheritance Type): The abode of the Hróðvitnir Shard]

"Ok, that's quite the impressive name." Junpei commented as the darkness disappeared while finding himself in a new location.

It was an abandoned railway station. No, it's more than that. Rather than abandoned, it appeared to be destroyed. The florescent bulbs flickered on and off, while occasionally Junpei could spot wires sparking off, Junpei's sight obscured by the air tinged with dust.

Honestly, Junpei could liken this to a sight straight out of a horror movie.

[Fear nullified due to Gamer's Mind]

[Panic nullified due to Gamer's Mind]

The calming sensation that was always associated with the Gamer's Mind, washed over Junpei. Only this time, it was stronger than before. At once, the budding fear, terror and all sorts of distracting thought were gone, leaving only… Calmness.

"Nullified not Lessened. Whelp, even so, thank heavens for this Passive Skill. Cause, I'm sure I'd be wetting my pants if it weren't for it."

It was at that moment, Junpei's enhanced ears picked it up. Movements. Heaving * Thuds* hitting the ground, approaching at a speed faster than a car. Whatever the things that are coming are. They were fast, they were huge, and…


Eyes narrowing, Junpei sighed. "And of course, they roar."

Gesturing to Makima to stay under the protection of his armor. Junpei disregarded the approaching beasts, spreading his arms wide.

"Equip… Bastard –Shing- Sword… Houtain Jade Sword."

A large bastard sword, and a green tinged large sword rested on both Junpei's palms. Grabbing the hilt, Junpei spun both weapons with a flourish unable to stop himself from smiling.

Yes, Junpei was about to enter a battle with unknown opponents. Opponents that were probably dangerous, but Junpei couldn't bring himself to care about that, thanks to the Gamer's Mind. As of this moment, Junpei is only focus on one thing… And that is to win.

"Qi Body Refinement."

Ignoring the sudden light show his body was currently giving off. Junpei whipped the earth with the Houtain Jade Sword, carving a clean chunk out of it.

"You're ready, Makima?"

From the protection of the armor, Makima nodded determined. "Yes."


Red predatory eyes ravenously glared at the duo from the darkness.

"Let's cut some to size, shall we?"

With a glisten of steel, and the pounce of an abnormal canine…

Junpei's first battle has finally begun.