"I've been Isekai'd and reborn as Supergirl! Wait!? Where are all the other super heroes?...Are those vampires Sparkling...Dammit! I'm in a Crossover!" (-A DC/Twilight/TBA crossover story) Reincarnated as Supergirl in a world where the other heroes don't exist yet. Self Insert.
I've always wanted to be a superhero. I think I'd be a pretty good one too! Would I be perfectly and morally incorruptible? Probably not if I was honest with myself. I never really understood why some heroes like Spiderman lived in absolute poverty when he was not only a genius, but he could have occasionally skimmed some money off some of the wealthy bad guys he captured. It's not like that money ever had any chance of going back to the people anyway. I also have never believed in killing unless absolutely necessary. Too often lethal force is used when not needed in subduing criminals. That's why I'd always respected the superhero no killing rule. Except for the Joker… Batman should have absolutely killed him a dozen times over.
It was irritatingly early in the afternoon as I sipped on some coffee trying to wake up. I'd spent the last night marathoning a bunch of Marvel and DC movies until the sun came up. I lived on my own and I was pretty distant from any of my family, so no one would judge me about staying up all night anyway. Sometimes (a lot of the time really) I just wished I could give up my current life of mediocrity and be reborn as a superhero.
I jumped up from my couch in shock as a loud voice boomed out nearby. Was someone in my apartment? I was about to rush to my phone to call the cops when everything around me started spinning. I felt really sick all of a sudden and my vision started to darken.
Those were the last words I'd ever hear in this world as I felt truly awful and then everything went black.
Everything around me was shaking violently, and my head was pounding relentlessly.
"Lady Kara, Lady Kara Zor-EL, please wake up," a robotic voice spoke out urgently. "I repeat, Miss Kara, you need to wake up. It is not advised to sleep with a head injury."
Ugh, I slowly woke up, grabbing my throbbing head in pain. "What the hell happened?" I grunted aloud in confusion. Also what was up with that robotic sounding voice. It was way too loud and irritating for my current throbbing head!
"Response: Our pod was trapped within the Phantom Zone for an unknown amount of time. Fortunately, it appears that the Phantom Zone has collapsed, which allowed our pod to escape and proceed to our pre-coordinated location," the robotic voice answered.
"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked, still in pain and groggy. "And who are you anyway?" Despite the excruciating pain, I rubbed my aching eyes, trying to get them in proper focus. Finally, I blinked my eyes a few times to somewhat returning clarity.
"Response: Lady Kara Zor-EL appears to have a severe concussion. She has forgotten about this designated AI that has been integrated into the escape pod. Request: This terminal requests that she receive medical treatment immediately upon landing."
"Holy shit!" I exclaimed as I took in my surroundings finally.
"Query: This terminal has no knowledge of any excrement that would be considered holy," the robot voice responded, sounding confused.
I was freaking out. There was fire all around me! And was that Earth?! I panicked internally. Momentarily too distracted to feel the pain, I quickly sat up and realized that I was inside some kind of space pod plummeting towards the Earth fast! The fire surrounding my pod was caused by our reentry into the atmosphere! Is this even real right now!?
"What is going on?" I exclaimed.
"Response: Our pod is now entering the atmosphere of planet Terra. The planet that your cousin Kal-El was also sent to an unknown amount of time ago. The time being unknown due to our entrapment in the Phantom Zone," the robot voice answered in the same monotone. "Warning: This pod's anti-gravity technology has been disabled. We will not be able to slow down."
"That doesn't sound good! What do we do!?" I screamed as the pod started plummeting closer and closer to Earth, now completely engulfed in flames from reentry.
"Response: This terminal recommends Kara Zor-EL straps in and prays to the great Rao to survive our impending crash," the apparent AI said in monotone.
"Aw, fuck," I muttered as I strapped myself in as tightly as possible with the seatbelts. I could see the ground clearly now; we were going to crash any second. "This isn't how I wanted to die... Wait, didn't I already die? What is happening!?"
The pod slammed into the ground...
My ears were painfully ringing, and if my head was throbbing before, now I felt like I was genuinely going to die—again! "Ugghhh, oh God," I exclaimed in pain as I unstrapped myself from my seat. My pod itself seemed to be completely destroyed, as no consoles or panels appeared to be on or lit up at all. 'At least it wasn't on fire anymore,' I thought to myself. The supposed AI also wasn't talking anymore so I assume it's drive or whatever got wrecked in the crash as well.
I felt like shit all over my body. I knew I was hurt badly. I probably had internal bleeding, broken bones and torn ligaments all over my body. I needed immediate treatment, and that meant I had to get out of this freaking pod!
The pod's viewport glass in front of me was cracked, and I could see that I had crashed in a bright forest. 'At least the weather outside looked nice.' I joked to myself.
I seriously needed to get out of this pod and get medical help asap! Knowing this was going to hurt, I lifted my leg and grunted in pain as I kicked the cracked glass in front of me. The second my leg impacted the glass, I screamed out in agony as Newton's third law kicked in and all the nerves in my body chose that moment to flare up in maximum pain. I took a second to steady myself before lifting my leg and kicking again, followed by another scream.
I kicked and kicked the pod's glass viewport until finally it shattered! I was carried forward by my leg's momentum and fell out of the pod onto the nearby dirt. Finally, I had almost escaped this nightmare! Now I just needed to get some help. At least the sun shining down on me felt nice... Really nice, actually.
Wobbly, I stood up using my pod as a crutch and took a deep breath—except I couldn't breathe! It felt like I was inhaling poison! My lungs burned in absolute agony as I immediately collapsed next to my pod on the ground, gasping for air. Was this the end of the line for me? I still had no idea what was happening. The lack of oxygen caught up to me, along with my other injuries, and my world went black as I fainted.
My body lay there on the ground next to my pod, unconsciously gasping for breath through the foreign atmosphere, and my skin soaking in the warm sunlight...
I awoke feeling...good, for lack of a better term. I thought maybe it was all a dream. That is until I opened my eyes and found that I was still in the middle of a forest, and the pod I crash landed in was right next to me.
"So, that wasn't a dream," I spoke to myself out loud. I once again tried to sit up and found that my body wasn't in any pain anymore! My breathing was also perfect. I set my hand on the side of the pod and was about to use it to help me stand up when I felt something give way, followed by a metal crunching noise.
I glanced over to my hand on the pod and was shocked when I saw that the metal around my hand was warped! Cautiously, I set my other hand against the metal side and squeezed a bit. CRUNCH! The metal bent easily, as if I was squeezing some putty!
"Holy crap!" I leapt up to my feet. This was crazy. Did I have super strength all of a sudden? It was almost like I was a superhero...
What was it that the robot voice called me again before we crashed? Did it call me Kara Zor-EL? No, it couldn't have...right? No, that was impossible. My name was *^&!$!@ $%@%. I wasn't Supergirl...that would be impossible. I immediately scrambled to find any reflective surface.
I picked up a piece of shattered glass off the ground and held it up to my face. The sun was going down, but there was still enough light for me to make out my reflection. When I saw it, I gasped! Gone was my boring face with brown hair and even browner eyes. Looking back at me was an incredibly beautiful girl with luscious locks of blond hair and a face devoid of any and all imperfections! Her-MY eyes were as blue as the sky itself. I looked to be in my late teens, probably around 18 years old and I was absolutely breathtakingly beautiful… and I was now absolutely shredded if the muscles I could see and feel all over my body or anything to go by!
I squealed in excitement! "This is absolutely amazing!" I screamed out loud in joy! "Fuck my old life! I am a superhero now!"
If anyone ever asks, I didn't spend the last 20 minutes dancing around in joy at my apparent Isekai /Reincarnation. No, I did not... Okay, I did, but who wouldn't!?
Due to some minor time mismanagement from my excitement, the sun had completely set at this point. And now I was in the dark woods next to a crashed alien spaceship. I also had no accurate idea of where I had landed. When my pod was coming into the atmosphere, it sort of looked like I was crashing into North America, but I couldn't recall exactly where. But, judging by the dense forests around me, it was highly likely I was in the northern US or possibly even Canada.
I glanced all around. Everywhere I looked was forest. Maybe I could use X-ray vision to see through the forest and find the nearest town? I figured it was worth a try. I focused on my eyes as I stared out into the dark woods.
"I want to see through the trees, I want to see through the trees, I want to see through the trees," I kept repeating to myself as I continued staring. Slowly but surely, my vision actually started to feel different… and lasers fired from my eyes and blasted the tree in front of me!
"Oh shit!" I exclaimed as squirrels and birds that lived in the tree fled in terror. Also, I may have just started a forest fire... "I'm so sorry!" I called out to the fleeing critters. I felt bad for wrecking their home...and oh right, that tree was still burning...
I decided to try out another iconic power, one that would hopefully be easier than my failed attempt at X-ray vision. I took a deep breath, inhaling as much air as I could. Then I exhaled at the flaming tree. A wave of ice blew out from my mouth, immediately freezing the tree solid! I swiped my brow at that success. Forest fire averted! Those critters are still holmes though because now their tree is a popsicle…
X-ray vision had failed me for the time being, and I figured it was probably better not to try it again in the forest! Maybe I'll wait until I'm near a large body of water to try it again. That left me with two options: either pick a direction and run, hoping for the best, or try flying.
...Of course, I picked option two! Who wouldn't? But how exactly did I go about flying? Did I just believe gravity doesn't exist or something? Sure, that works for me. Not having any better ideas, I decided to give it a shot. I crouched down before leaping as high as I could...which turned out to be pretty freaking high!
I shot off like a missile, easily breaking the sound barrier as my leap launched me thousands of feet into the sky! "Hooooooooollllllyyyyyyyyy crappppppppp!" I screamed as I reached the apex of my jump and started plummeting back towards the ground at high speed!
"Gravity is a lie, I can fly! Gravity is a lie, I can fly! Gravity is a lie, I can fly!" I chanted to myself as I imagined myself not falling. And slowly but surely, I started to lose speed until I stopped falling altogether. I did it! I was flying for real!
"Hahahhaha, this is absolutely amazing!" I cheered hundreds of feet in the air as I gazed down at the absolutely breathtaking view from being this high up above a lush forest at night. Looking around in every direction, I still didn't see any signs of civilization, though...which meant my pod had truly ended up in the middle of absolutely nowhere. I thought that was probably for the best. No secret government agencies had so far swarmed my crash site to seize my pod and me while they were at it! Not that they'd succeed...unless they had kryptonite. I'd have to watch out for that evil green rock from now on!
Succeeding in flight, I soared back downwards towards my pod to scavenge for anything useful. I hopped right in through the broken viewport and looked around.. There wasn't much; everything in the pod just looked like future tech I had no understanding of, and it was all destroyed anyway…
Was there nothing useful left? I took one last check behind the pod's single seat and was surprised to find a box, a cool-looking future tech box. But how exactly did I open it? There were no handles. I placed my hand on the top of the box, which suddenly lit up with a faint blue glow upon contact. I guess it was touch activated. With a hiss, some invisible seal I couldn't make out before released, and the top of the box slid open.
I gasped at what was inside. In the box was not one, not two, but three brand new superhero outfits! What's more, they actually looked functional and not like the slutty skirt/half shirt comic book Supergirl costume! These outfits were full black skin-tight bodysuits with a bright red "S" stamped right over the chest area. There were also matching pairs of red gloves and red boots. And finally, there were three bright red, absolutely amazing capes! To test the costume's durability, I pulled on one of the outfits a bit with both hands, and to my relief and surprise, the outfit stretched and proved it could actually handle my strength without getting damaged! Whatever crazy Kryptonian science made these outfits, they made them borderline indestructible!
I absolutely loved the entire outfit combo! I was also glad there were three of them in case one ever got too damaged, though that was highly unlikely… Did I just jynx myself there?
I decided to change out of my all-white jumpsuit that I had arrived in this world in and immediately donned one of the hero outfits. Mostly because the jumpsuit was basically covered head to toe in my blood from the crash... I packed it away in the box with the other two hero outfits. I mostly just didn't want to leave around an outfit covered in my blood and DNA. I didn't need any Powergirl clones running around anytime soon, or hopefully ever...I figured I should probably come back for this pod too and hide it once I find a safe place to stay.
Donning my Supergirl outfit made me feel powerful and free, like there was nothing holding me down, and I could go and be whatever I wanted!
*Growl* And right now, I wanted some food, as my stomach was clearly grumbling...
I decided to head towards the sun that had set a while ago. My reasoning? There were always towns on the west coast, so I was bound to find civilization that way. At the very least, I should see a highway or something at some point...
I slipped the box with my spare outfits under my arm and, wearing my Supergirl costume, I took my first real flight in this new world, in search of some sign of civilization... *growl* ...and food.
As I traveled along, I chose to fly relatively low to the ground, and just under the speed of sound. I wasn't too keen on being picked up by any government radars at the moment. No need to be chased by any F-22's on my very first day in my new life. Dealing with all that would probably have to wait for the future—I just wasn't up for it today.
Flying over the dark forest at night was surprisingly peaceful. I had been flying for about an hour now, covering what I figured was probably a few hundred miles, and finally, I started to pick up the scent of an ocean...although, being a Kryptonian now, it could still be a hundred miles away for all I knew. Super smell, just one more power to add to my growing list that would need training.
"Hoooooowwwwwlllll!" I stopped my flight when I heard the distinctive howl of a wolf. "Rooooooaaaaaarrrrrr!" Followed by what sounded like a bear. Focusing my hearing, I heard the two animals snarling at each other and actually fighting! That must be one brave wolf to pick a fight with a bear…
My stomach was still growling, and I was hungry, but as an avid fan of Animal Planet in my previous life, I was super curious about seeing such animals in real life! Plus, what could they do? Bite me? Those animals were basically overgrown kittens to me now.
I flew down towards the sounds of the scuffle in the forest below, and what I saw shocked me. "Holy shit, that's a big wolf!" I said to myself outloud. The wolf was literally as big as the bear that it was also currently thrashing! I flew a bit closer to get a better look when I witnessed the wolf lunge forward and sink its massive jaws right into the bear's throat. The bear let out one last whimper before it collapsed down dead.
I let out a whistle when the fight was over. That was way crazier than anything they show on Animal Planet. My whistle must have spooked the abnormally large wolf because it immediately perked up and growled. It started looking around, almost intelligently trying to search for whatever made that noise…
"Ah, isn't he an adorable little murder beast?" I floated twenty feet above the beast and cooed. I wondered if the giant wolf could be my Krypto. "If only this wolf was white and not jet black..."
Suddenly, as if almost hearing me, the wolf looked up at me floating in the air above it. It then surprisingly yelped in surprise at spotting me and lost its balance, falling over on its side! I giggled at the silly animal as I flew down, box still in hand, to see if I could pet it. Or if it could attack me immediately. I set the odds at about a 95% chance of it attacking me immediately...
Surprisingly, I was wrong. As I landed in front of the big wolf, it just stared at me wide-eyed. It didn't try to do anything as I reached out my hand and gently pet the huge doggo. "Awwww, aren't you just an adorable big...girl?" I asked as I kept petting it.
The wolf barked at me in what seemed to be indignation! "Pfff, did I say girl? I obviously meant boy. You're such a cute big boy." I smiled as I continued petting the wolf. It just surprisingly gave me what I could only describe as a look of indignation, which may have raised a flag or two in my mind.
"Wait, can you understand me?" I exclaimed in shock as I removed my hand from the fluffy fur. I didn't really want to keep petting a sentient being...that would be weird. The wolf then actually barked at me and shook its head up and down, which pretty much meant "yes" in universal communication.
I dropped my box and spread my arms wide. "Woah, that's so cool!" I exclaimed. "So, what are you? An alien?" I asked.
The wolf just shook its head no and then gave me a look, which I mentally translated as "Are you an idiot?" And hey, that was a valid question! I myself was technically an alien. Not that I was gonna go blabbering about that.
"So, are you a secret government experiment?" I asked, to which it once again shook its head no.
Damn, I was 0 for 2 on guesses so far. "Are you a werewolf?" I asked. This time, it barked in affirmation. "Huh," I said as I looked up at the sky. The moon was out, and it wasn't full... "The moon's not full, are you defective or something?" I asked the wolf. The large black wolf barked at me in obvious indignation.
I just giggled at the absurdity of this situation. An Isekai alien and a defective werewolf meet in the middle of the woods at night! *Grumble*... and I was still hungry. And no, I stopped my weird thoughts. I wasn't gonna eat the dead bear right over there. That would be gross...even if I'd never tried bear meat before and was a bit curious about its taste.
The wolf was giving me a curious look and I realized that I had spaced out a bit. "Well, can you change back into a person?" I asked him.
It shook its head no.
"Why not?"
It just shrugged—or at least, I think it did. Who knows what a werewolf shrug actually looks like.
"Well, how long have you been a wolf?"
This time, it tapped its paw on the ground loudly. Ten taps.
"You've been like this for ten hours?" I asked. That didn't sound so bad.
It shook its head no.
"Ten days!" I exclaimed in shock. This poor guy had been trapped as a wolf for ten whole days!? 'He probably hasn't bathed in all that time either...' I looked at my hand that I was petting the wolf with—gross! I was gonna need to wash it…
The wolf nodded in affirmation and let out a sad whine.
"Well, have you tried not being a wolf?" I said jokingly. It barked at me once again in annoyance. "Hey, I'm just saying." I started to float off the ground a bit. The wolf eyes gaped wide open at the sight. The werewolf had seen me flying initially, but it was still clearly shocked that I really could fly.
"It could be kind of like my flying," I explained. "When I want to fly, I have to absolutely believe I can. Which became much easier after I succeeded the first time. Now I can easily float with just the slightest thought." I elaborated as the wolf listened attentively. "Why don't you try really imagining yourself as a human again? You have to really believe you're no longer a wolf, you're a person!"
The wolf sat still for a moment as I observed. Suddenly, there was a flash of light, and where the wolf once stood was now a young man! The man looked at his once again human hands in joy! "It worked, thank you so much!" he exclaimed in happiness.
I, observing his form, suddenly blushed heavily and covered my eyes in surprise! "OH MY GOD, YOU'RE NAKED! WHY ARE YOU NAKED!?" I exclaimed super quickly and loudly.
"Huh?" the man asked before he felt a bit breezy and looked down at himself...he was indeed naked. "Why am I naked?" He exclaimed before hiding his genitals with his hands.
"How should I know? I asked you!" I exclaimed embarrassingly. "Where are your clothes!?"
"I don't know," he said. "I think they ripped apart when I turned into a wolf?" He questioned himself out loud.
"Well, you're naked, so turn back into a wolf!" I said.
"Turn back into a wolf!" I exclaimed.
"I just spent 10 days as a wolf! I don't wanna be one again!" he said dejectedly.
"Too bad. We're in the middle of the woods at night, and you're naked now, so turn back!" I demanded.
"Fine," he spat before he went still for a second. There was another flash of light, and when I turned around, I was once again face to face with the wolf. It was just staring at me expectantly and a bit upset at immediately losing its freedom again.
I smirked. "See! Just like my flying. Once you do it the first time, it becomes super easy to repeat." The wolf just nodded haphazardly.
My stomach growled once again in hunger for being ignored for so long. "So, is there any food around here? Also, I don't have any money..." I whispered that last part.
The wolf barked at me and gestured with its head to follow him. It then took off at a borderline supernatural speed through the forest. I figured it was hauling at well over 100 miles per hour. Not exactly super fast for me, but much faster than the average wolf!
After I chased after the wolf for about 15 minutes, we finally reached the end of the woods and ventured into a small town. I could also hear the waves now and I tasted the salt in the air which meant we were close to the ocean.
The wolf walked up to a specific house, and there was once again a flash of light. The naked man was now looking under a flower pot for a spare house key. "This is my house. Come on in," he said as he went inside. 'Hopefully for some clothes,' I thought.
The man headed upstairs, and I heard his shower start to run. I, meanwhile, headed for the kitchen and immediately washed my hands in the sink! I didn't forget that I had pet a wolf that hadn't bathed in 10 days...
Finished with that, I went back to the living room and sat down on the couch next to my only possession in this world, my box of two spare superhero outfits. I would need to get some money soon. Maybe I could find a secret warehouse full of cash like all the villains and gang members in comic books have? It might be worth a shot. I was in a comic book world, after all...
Was that something a hero would do? Steal from bad people? Batman and Superman would say no, but one grew up filthy rich, and the other was Superman. I figured that at least in my hands, the money would be spent and end up back in circulation instead of sitting in some gang vault for however long.
A few minutes later, my pondering done, I heard the shower stop, and the man came downstairs clean and fully dressed!
"Sorry about making you wait," he said. "I haven't bathed in a while."
I noticed.
"Anyway, it's nice to meet you..." He paused.
"I'm Kara," I said. "Kara El." I know technically I'm supposed to be Kara Zor-EL, but honestly that last name with the hyphen and everything always irritated me a bit. Why did Clark get to be an EL no questions asked and Kara had to be Zor-EL!? Screw it I say! From now on I have decided that I will be just a regular old EL now as well. Plus, it's not like I even have any of the original Kara's memories so it hardly matters.
He smiled at me. "Nice to meet you, Kara. I'm Sam Uley."
"Get the fuck outta here!" I blurted out before I slapped my hands over my mouth from that unplanned outburst! Sam looked taken aback, but I didn't care. I was too busy just realizing that I was actually in Twilight! I should have figured it out from the naked werewolf before, but I'd had a long day!
Also, was I not in the DC universe!? Was I gonna be stuck battling sparkly vampires as my only nemeses till the end of time!? I needed information!
"I'm sorry about that." I collected myself. "Can I ask you a question?"
Sam was initially taken aback by my weird outburst, but then again, I was a flying girl in a superhero outfit, and he was a werewolf... Life was just weird in general apparently now. "Sure, go ahead," he responded.
"I just wanted to know exactly where we were," I said, and then I added at the end, "and how far we are away from Gotham City."
"Oh yeah, no problem," Sam said. "This is La Push Reservation, located in Washington, just outside of Forks. And I'm not 100% sure on how far away Gotham is. That's all the way on the other side of the country, so it's got to be at least a couple thousand miles. I don't really know how fast you can, erm... fly."
"Easily faster than the speed of sound when I'm in a planet's atmosphere," I interrupted him.
"Oh wow, damn, that's fast," Sam said, looking at me pretty impressed. Little did he know that I was actually severely underplaying how fast I actually could go. There's honestly no human plane that could ever hope to catch up to my speed.
Meanwhile, I took a moment to sigh in relief. I was, in fact, in the DC universe since Gotham City existed, even if I was in some kind of Twilight-DC amalgamation universe...
"So, what are you gonna do now, Sam?" I asked. "Are you gonna continue taking jaunts through the forest as a wolf, or are you hanging up your pelt forever?" I joked with a laugh.
Sam laughed as well. "Nope, I'm officially done with being a werewolf. I don't even know how I became one in the first place, but since I can now control it, no more shifting for me! I was actually planning on proposing to my girl, Leah, soon and starting up my own auto shop." He seemed to have his whole life planned out, and he was acting as if him wolfing out was just a minor speed bump. You poor bastard…
I felt kind of bad for Sam. Here he was, planning out an entire life that fate was about to take a metaphorical crap on! He would imprint on Emily, ruining his relationship, and the constant vampires in the area were going to force him to become a wolf far more frequently than he'd like to... which was never. And that auto shop business…nope it's straight up werewolf gang life for him from here on out sadly. Not that I'd tell him any of that. I'm a firm believer in Isekai rule number one: 'Don't talk your Isekai ever!' That includes any future knowledge also.
"And what about you, Kara? What are your plans for the future?" Sam asked.
I looked down at the bright red "S" on my chest, and then I looked back up at Sam and smiled proudly as I declared, "I'm going to be a superhero obviously! Can't you tell from the 'S'?"
He just gave me a puzzled look followed by a shrug. Did he seriously not recognize Superman's symbol? He clearly didn't live under a rock, considering I'm literally in his living room.
"I figured it was something like that from your outfit. It's honestly pretty amazing that you actually have superpowers. But then again, I guess I kind of have superpowers too. I wonder if there are other people in the world who do as well, and they've just been in hiding. Wouldn't that be a trip?" Sam contemplated out loud jokingly. I nodded along, now confused a bit myself.
"You know, you could absolutely be a hero as well, you do have a cool power." I said not seriously. However, what I didn't expect was that Sam actually had a contemplative look on his face at my statement. Holy crap, did I just ruin Twilight canon by turning one of the main wolves into a potential superhero!?
Thankfully, the look just faded away from his face. "No, that's alright," Sam said. "I'll admit that it's every guy's dream, but honestly, I'm happy with my life right now, so I don't think being a hero is for me." I put on a sad face, but on the inside, I was relieved I wouldn't have to do major damage control if the wolves lost their leader off rip.
"It's pretty late now and though," Sam said, "why don't I treat you to a meal? I still remember your stomach was growling pretty loudly." I laughed and thanked him. "After all, it would be an honor for me to treat the world's first-ever genuine superhero to a meal. I couldn't wait to brag about it to my friends in the future."
"Huh," I said in confusion. "What do you mean, 'world's first'?"
Sam just looked at me, confused. "Well, I haven't heard of any other superheroes," he said jokingly. "They've always just been fantasy, you know."
"W-what about Superman and Batman?" I stuttered out.
"Who?" Sam asked.