
Stronger (3)

In a clearing in the forest stood a young man, his bare upper body showing off his toned muscles, wearing a skirt at the bottom, made from the skin of an unknown beast.

He wielded a sword, exchanging blows with mastery against an enormous three-meter-high boar.

He moved like a dance, only afterimages could be seen, like a ghost as his blade left several deep cuts in the boar's body.

After a few minutes of fighting, the boar fell to the ground, panting deeply and taking its last breaths.

[ Congratulations on the kill +20 XP ]

[ Collecting spoils... Strength +3 ]

[ Collecting spoils... Stamina +1 ]

"I've really become very strong compared to before, now I can deal with beasts up to four meters long easily, without suffering any injuries.

"Unfortunately, my sword seems to be on its final journey..."

Looking at the sword that was missing half its blade, Alex decided to learn how to throw.

The bones of the giant animals on this island were more resistant, sharpened like a blade, perfect material for making weapons.

Alex kept to a strict routine during this time, hunting animals and practicing his swordplay for three months.

His body now had a low level of beast resistance, from the system he had learned that there were five levels of resistance.

Human level (low, medium and higher)

Beast level (low, medium and higher)

Mutant beast level ( low,medium and higher )

Colossus level ( low,medium and higher )

Titan level (low, medium, high and God)

He was currently at beast level, each level doubling the amount of points, to rise to medium beast he needed two hundred resistance points.

Even if he killed four or five meter beasts, only one or two points of stamina would fall off, so perhaps it would take him until the year of the monkey to rise to titan level.

Putting these thoughts aside, he focused his gaze on the system's interface, wondering where to invest the points he had acquired over the past few months.

[ Attribute extraction system ]

Host: Alex Carter Nv 7 (5 /640)

Lineage: Human

Summary: Can survive a King Kong spire

Points : 40,00

Strength: 35.60 ( Adult male tactical strength is 5 )

Speed: 43.30 (Adult male tactical strength is 5)

Endurance: Low beast level (21/200)

Mana: 80

Multiversal travel: blocked

Store: blocked


Pyrokinesis Nv23 - ability to generate flames, the fire generated can be shaped or used in various situations.

- Able to generate a five-meter flame (consumes 70 mana)

- Able to generate a torrent of flames (consumes 150 mana)

- Able to cover his limbs in flames, making him momentarily able to fly and spout flames from his hands (consumes 100 mana per minute)

Observe Nv30 - This skill helps gather information, beings with attributes far superior to the host display "?".

Fencing Nv27 - Skill and proficiency with swords, divided into three levels.

Nv 20 - Small success, great success is expert.

Ghost move Nv 24 - His movements are unpredictable, reducing the enemy's hit rate (currently able to emit a mirage of himself).

Night vision (passive) - your eyes can see in the dark just like during the day.

Sixth sense (passive) - his body will emit a signal when in mortal danger.

Looking at his current attributes, Alex smiled with confidence on his face, even though his strength is small compared to true giants, he is already one step up the food chain.

His strength and speed are almost on a par with Captain America, who had the strength of ten men.

After a few tests, he managed to lift a ton and two hundred kilos of weight, as well as being able to shoot at 65 mph, a frightening speed that made him a ghost during fights.

Alex frowned, noting his low mana, an issue that greatly hindered him, since he could only cast one fireball before running out.

Realizing this flaw, he invested twenty points, resulting in two hundred and sixty mana points, enough for several fireballs.

"I can never get enough of this feeling..."

Alex thought, feeling his energy overflowing, for a moment he almost sprayed several fireballs through the forest, but held back so as not to cause a fire.

Focusing his thoughts on the idea of forging weapons, he collected the boar's cardaver and headed for his cave.

His new cave had several basic, but crude, handmade utensils.

Alex took a bath, using the bitter water in his inventory, and quickly began gathering materials to start forging.

For the next two months, Alex hardly left the cave, forging various weapons made from bones and claws all day long.

After several failed attempts, he succeeded in making some weapons that would surely make any forger drool.

[Congratulations on forging a rank C bone sword]

[Congratulations on forging a D-rank bone shield ]

[Congratulations on forging a pair of C rank daggers ]


"Finally some success"

Looking at the pairs of dagger, sword and bone shield, Alex smiled with confidence, these weapons displayed an ancient beauty.

Testing the blade, it seemed to cut through stone like water, surprising Alex. Looking at the system, he realized that his forging skill had risen to Level 17.

However, he felt he had reached a bottleneck in terms of materials, he needed high-level bones and claws to continue forging better weapons.

Gathering all the equipment into his inventory, Alex wondered how long it would be before they had to search for Kong, the giant gorilla who spent the day resting and rarely left his territory.

"Given Kong's size, I must be at least two years away from the start of Kong vs Godzilla..."

Alex sighed as he walked into the forest, time was tight, he wanted to have at least enough strength to survive in this world infested with beings like the Skar King who planned to take over the surface, the Zoospora that even Godzilla feared...

After walking for a few hours, he arrived at a green marsh full of beauty, from a distance he could see a strange huge tree in motion.

If you looked closely, it appeared to be a giant buffalo, thirteen meters tall, walking slowly along the edge of the swamp.

Alex knew that this giant was one of the few peaceful animals on the island, but for him, it was an easy source of experience and attributes, sometimes being kind isn't a virtue, it's foolish!

Approaching the animal from behind, he stopped ten meters from it, which seemed oblivious to his presence, continuing to munch on the vegetation.

Raising his hand slowly, flames began to form in an oval shape, while a huge five-meter fireball that burned the ground around it exploded towards Buffalo.


A huge explosion erupted, followed by a cloud of smoke that prevented Alex from seeing the result of the attack, a few seconds in silence until his sixth sense began to emit signals.


A huge Buffalo emerged, running from the smoke, its body showing several burns and a horn missing from its head, the result of the explosion.

But this seemed unable to affect the onslaught of the giant animal, which was enraged at being attacked, its high speed belied its size, seeming to ignore physics, as the huge animal sped towards Alex

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