
And the best part of this plan is... No one can stop me~

Viktor cut the arm in half long-ways as he said seriously "I'm only hiding my powers and wife, okay? I really am a kind hearted doctor." Nick didn't even blink at seeing his arm severed and asked "Then what about those goons?"

Viktor sneered "Were they here for treatment? They became stray dog food." as he turned the arm over, piecing bones back together. Nick chuckled "Doesn't sound that kindhearted of you Doctor."

Viktor retorted "Somebody comes to kill you and your family, are you going to ask them why they're here? Speaking of which, HYDRA agents came after me a few days ago." Nick didn't even ask, but Sam did, "And?"

Viktor laughed "And? And they turned to meat paste. The last one to survive lost his mind and only said SHIELD sent them. Idiot. Really, Project Insight? What a big joke. Even if you didn't stop them, they would've failed."

Viktor snorted with laughter "If the Guardian of Earth lets 20 million people die, then she should bang her head against the wall. Don't look at me like that, I won't tell you, and even if I did, you won't remember anyway. I don't want to waste my breath."

Nick asked seriously, "What does that mean?" Viktor said "Exactly what you think it means. She's a Telepath." before putting the arm back together and sending it back to Nick, adding "Don't worry. She won't pry into your original memories, only the ones here and a few about strange phenomena around the compound."

He paused and continued apologetically, "I'm sorry, but this is something I have to do to keep my family safe. You won't like Plan B." Nick looked into Viktor's sincere eyes and asked "What's Plan B?"

Viktor scratched his neck and said "Mutant acceptance plan. Slaughter every government on Earth, create a unified board of trusted people and force Mutant-Human breeding everywhere until everyone is a Mutant."

Viktor tilted his head and smiled "If everyone is a Mutant, will people still hate Mutants?"

The 3 were stunned into silence, Steve on the ground suddenly said "That sounds dangerous." Viktor looked down and took his foot off him, saying "Sorry, Cap. Didn't mean to step on you."

Steve stood up and dusted his shoulders looking at his body, saying "Thanks." Viktor smiled and nodded, turning back to Nick and saying "Your wounds have been healed completely."

He looked at Sam and asked with a smile "Do you want a check-up? It's free." Sam swallowed and asked "Do I have a choice?"

Viktor scratched his head and said "I'm not a bad guy, okay? Don't look at me like that…" before stabbing him and starting treatment.

Nick frowned and said "Your plan wouldn't work." Viktor was surprised and asked "Huh? Why not?" Nick pointed out "Your plan assumes that Mutants will want to 'breed' with humans. Plus, people will fight back. I assume Charles Xavier doesn't like this plan either."

Viktor shook his head and said "I'm not going to do it unless it's a last resort. Absolute last resort, as in my wife and family are about to be killed. To be honest with you, while it is sad and frustrating that innocent Mutant children are being captured to be lab rats, it's really none of my business. I can't help them and I won't. Getting into trouble for some brats, god knows if they'll be good people in the end, the losses outweigh the gains."

He paused and thought about it before replying seriously "Charles does think I'm a radicalist, you're right. And it's true. Maybe Mutants won't want to comply and maybe some people will fight back, but does it matter? The question really is… Can they make a difference? Magneto wouldn't have any problems with my plan at all, even Charles isn't that opposed to it."

Viktor smiled and added "A few changes here and there, less deaths, more diplomacy, and Charles would be on board too. The Government simply doesn't know that it is because Charles Xavier loves humans that they are still around. He can connect to any mind in the entire world, or even all of them at once. If he brainwashes them even a little bit or tells them to commit suicide, there wouldn't be ANYONE on Earth."

He shook his head and explained "He always fights for Mutant-Human peace and coexistence. He even broke relations with his best friend and brother, Magneto, because of this issue. If Charles can save one more life, even at the cost of his own, he will. That's the kind of person he is."

Steve gasped and said "This world gets crazier everyday! I really wanna meet this guy." Nick frowned and said "It's inevitable that Humans and Mutants will be on different sides." Viktor nodded and said "I agree with you. Which is why Magneto left and split the Mutants in two. All the Mutants currently being tortured for no reason, where will they go? The rest are found by Charles and protected by him, he teaches them kindness and how to use their powers without hurting anybody."

Viktor continued "Both sides continue to grow making the government anxious, they even dream of eradicating the mutants! From a certain point of view, Charles is the enemy of Mutants. Instead of fixing the problem with force, he's very gentle. Magneto is the opposite."

He pursed his lips and asked "What do you think, Nick? I bet I can guess what you would do." Nick fell silent before replying "There's no other way. It's been that way for thousands of years."

Viktor nodded and chuckled, "I'm not saying you're wrong. There's always bad people everywhere, Mutants are the same. Not every single one of them is a saint, many of them are bad guys because they have the power to be bad guys, but let me ask you this. Why don't you hear about it?"

Nick asked with surprise "They handle it?" Viktor nodded and said "Yes. Mutants handle Mutant problems. Very quietly and very fast. Oftentimes before they make a splash. Nobody knows because no matter what Mutants do, they are always feared and hated."

He shrugged and chuckled, "Not that I care, really. As long as it doesn't affect Emma, I really couldn't care less." He took out Kikoku from Sam's chest and let out a breath, saying "Anyway, I have something for Natasha and Steve. Uh… If you guys want to come too, you can." before he walked away, sending their weapons back to them.

[Congratulations you treated Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow)- 1 lottery ticket]

[Congratulations you treated Steve Rogers (Captain America)- 1 lottery ticket]

[Congratulations you treated Nick Fury- 1 lottery ticket]

[Congratulations you treated Sam Wilson (Falcon)- 1 lottery ticket]