
C (62) keep the secret safe!

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"How?" asked Wanda.

Tony nodded towards her. "You. Your powers come from the Mind Stone. I think you'd be quite capable of destroying it."

"Me?" Wanda's eyes widened. "I don't think I can…"

"You underestimate yourself, Wanda," said Tony quietly. "Your powers came from experiments on the stone. It stands to reason the same composition would be effective in destroying it."

"Mr. Stark, these things are ancient. Should we be messing with the very fabric of reality by destroying something so unique to the universe at large?" Vision asked, the concern evident in his voice. "What if in doing so it causes ramifications we cannot foresee?"

Vision did have a point.

Tony sighed. "All good points but I know for a fact destroying these stones will not cause lasting ramifications for the universe at large."

"You cannot know that," replied Vision.

"I can," stated Tony, determined to stay firm on this point. Thanos had destroyed them in 2018 after wiping out half the universe. Nothing bad had happened then but Wanda and Vision didn't know that.

"How?" Wanda tilted her head to the side, curiously.

Should I tell them? he asked thoughtfully. More people were coming to know their secret regardless. He wondered how many more people would learn his and Natasha's secret.

Let her read your mind…the voice suggested.

Tony winced at the thought of Wanda poking around his mind. He wasn't sure he wanted her to do that. What would she be able to see? If she reads my mind she'll realise I'm from the future.

Exactly, the voice seemed to be endorsing it.

Clearly the voice wanted Wanda to know.

Tony sighed. "Look into my mind and I'll prove it to you."

Wanda shook her head. "No. I can't. I've already imposed on your mind once. I cannot do it again."

He caught her gaze. "This time you have permission."

Wanda bit her lower lip. "Are you sure? What if I see something you don't want me to see?"

"Everything is there for you to see," he stated calmly. "Wanda, neither of you will believe what I say unless I offer you proof. The only way I can is for you to read my mind. Telling you may not be enough."

"Vision?" Wanda turned to Vision. "Should I?"

Vision locked gazes with Tony as he replied to Wanda. "I think if Mr. Stark is insistent upon having his mind read it would be discourteous to deny his request. We seek confirmation of his words, of his sincerity of this threat which faces us… If he can provide proof without resorting to his mind being read, I suggest it is our only viable option to comply with his request."

Tony wasn't sure if Vision was on his side or not but it helped he was trying to convince Wanda the only way was to use her powers on Tony's mind.

"Ok," said Wanda quietly, "I'll do it… but I don't want to."

Tony nodded and moved to sit at the edge of the bed as Wanda moved towards him, kneeling on the fabric of the bed, holding her hands to the side of his head.

Gently her fingers brushed the sides of his face before pressing thin fingers to his temple.

He felt prodding in his mind as Wanda's thoughts invaded his own. It was different from when Natasha was in his mind.

It felt right, connected as they were. With Wanda, it was an intrusion. It didn't feel right. He winced as he felt her probe further.

He threw up images he wanted her to see. He showed her Thanos, he showed her the Infinity Stones. He showed her the time he fought Thanos and lost.

He showed Wanda her own fight against Thanos during the battle where Tony had died. He showed her what she was truly capable of.

What she could do with her powers. And then he showed her his death before waking up in 2016.

She pulled back abruptly, falling back on the bed, panting heavily, her eyes wide.

"Wanda?" Vision leaned down concern written across his features. "What happened? What did you see?"

Wanda levered herself up onto her elbows, her eyes still focused upon Tony. "You… You…" she whispered, her voice soft.

"Now you know how I know."

"Wanda? What did you see?" Vision tried again.

She took deep breaths in. "We have to destroy it." She turned to face Vision, raising her fingers to hover before the Stone embedded in his head. "It's the only way to prevent what is to come."

Tony watched carefully. She wasn't telling Vision what she'd seen or what she now knew. "Wanda, you can-"

She raised a hand to stop him. "No. The fewer people that know the safer Tony will be."

"Know what, Wanda?" Vision flicked his gaze between Wanda and Tony.

"He speaks the truth," continued Wanda. "It is not in his interests for people to know, Vision. I'm sorry." Her lips twitched. "Can you trust me? Can you trust me to trust him?"

Vision floated away. "I've known Mr. Stark for years. I can trust both of you. But keeping secrets when we are a team is… We should be open and honest with one another."

Tony watched carefully. He didn't want to interfere. This was a discussion between Wanda and Vision.

"And if in telling you puts Tony in danger?" asked Wanda quietly.

"Why would telling me put Mr. Stark in danger?" Vision couldn't comprehend the logic.

"Because…" Wanda lowered her gaze, "the very same threat that is after your Stone will be after Tony too. If he gets you… and finds out what Tony really is… We'll lose the last hope we have."

Tony's eyebrows rose. Wanda was speaking prophetically as if he had some big destiny. He supposed he did have considering he had been sent back in time to fix things but to label him as the last hope was folly.

He decided to step in. "I'm not the last hope. There are the rest of you. All of us are the last line of defence."

Wanda shifted on the bed, twisting her body once more to face him. "No. What I see inside you is far more powerful than you can imagine. No. You are our last line of defence. You and Natasha… You'll be the last ones standing…" Then she glanced back at Vision.

"The only way to save Tony is to keep his secret safe. Otherwise… we'll lose…"

Vision floated backward. "There is much of the world I have yet to learn. Whatever you saw in his mind… It scares you."

"It did," admitted Wanda. "But I know what I saw was the truth. And if we are to survive this, we have to put our faith in Tony. We have to destroy the Stone. I know it without a doubt." She moved from the bed, towards Vision, resting her hands on his chest, looking up at his face. "Believe in me, please."

This time Vision didn't argue, only nodded his assent.


(A/N:Please drop some power stones.and add this fanfic to your library if you are new or you haven't.🐱)

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subaru_onicreators' thoughts