
I’m Iron-Man and I’m Back (MCU)

Tony Stark dies October 17th 2023. And wakes up on the 30th April 2016, three days before Lagos. Three days before the breaking of the Avengers begins. But now he has a chance. A chance to do it all over again. And not die trying.

subaru_oni · Filem
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55 Chs

C (28) Meeting with President

Thursday 2rdJune 2016

Tony had a meeting with the President, a request he had put in himself to discuss the Accords and the Avengers concerns over Ross's appointment to the role.

Movement on the changes of the Accords had begun to shift before Ross had clamped down on them and no new progress to legislation changes had been made.

Ross was proving to be problematic for Tony, still attempting to block any changes he and Nat wanted to put through, though the other representatives from the continents were more than happy with the changes.

Ross was still able to block them because the panel had to be united in order for changes to be made to the draft document.

This had frustrated Tony's attempts to get the changes into law before the signing date. He was running out of time to keep the team together.

He pulled a few strings at the White House to get a meeting with the President. He did owe Tony for helping to save his life a few years ago.

"Mr. President." Tony held out his hand and the President shook it, indicating for him to sit down in front of his desk.

"Mr. Stark," President Ellis greeted. "It is good to see you again and to hear good reports from the negotiations with the Accords citing your agreement with them."

"In part," Tony clarified. "The Accords are what I need to discuss with you."

President Ellis placed his hands in front of him. "Oh."

"Specifically it is about the representative for the United States of America," began Tony cautiously. "I remember your speech when you announced Thaddeus Ross to be our representative on the panel. You wish for the Avengers to collaborate with governments worldwide and yet Thaddeus Ross is the sticking stone to bringing in all the Avengers on the Sokovia Accords. He may have experience with the Hulk but the fact his own involvement in that disaster has been covered up is inherently wrong. Are you aware, Mr. President, that Ross believes Bruce is the property of the Armed Forces? The only reason he is leaving him alone is that the Hulk saved his life, yet he would do anything to be able to control the Hulk. You're confident he would be able to work with allies abroad and the Avengers, however he is doing everything in his power to block changes the other representatives wish to make. Those changes were brought before the committee by myself and Natasha Romanoff and they were agreed. The rest of the countries took these amendments back to their governments and there is support for them. Has Ross spoken to you about the changes we requested?"

"No… he has not," the President frowned. "Ross told me the Accords were accepted as they are."

'That bastard!'

Anger coursed through him. "He's trying to sabotage the Accords because he doesn't agree with the changes put forth."

"What were the changes you requested?" Ellis grabbed a pen and a bit of paper. "If they are reasonable I will accept them."

Tony sighed. He hadn't expected Ross to not take the changes back to the President. No wonder there was a delay in inputting the changes.

The President had never been informed. He ran over them in short detail. "The tracking bracelets should only be implemented if there is a requirement for it, not to be tracked constantly from day one of the signing. Secondly, detaining us without trial? That is illegal. We all have a right to a trial if we arrested. Not surprisingly, that was Ross' specific piece of legislation. A lot of other countries are not happy with it. It was agreed that we could be held if awaiting trial, either in a secure prison or house arrest, depending on the severity of their crimes. And, finally, in the face of world-ending threats, the Avengers should be allowed to intervene without permission, providing we notify the country in advance as we travel there of our intentions." Tony folded his arms across his chest. "I do not see these as unreasonable changes and these are the three aspects of the Accords which are preventing Steve Rogers from signing."

"I'm surprised Ross has not brought these to me," murmured President Ellis. "I agree they do not seem unreasonable. Between you and me, Stark, I have had a few requests from the other representatives to remove Thaddeus from his position. It is finding someone else to fill his shoes."

"There has to be someone else you trust enough to work with the Avengers and the Accords on a non-bias basis," suggested Tony.

The President's eyes clocked on Tony. "How about you, Mr. Stark?"

"Me?" Surprise flickered across his face.



"You are an Avenger, Mr. Stark, and a part of the team that has saved the world on numerous occasions. You are a hero to many, respected for the work you do. Perhaps the best way for the Avengers to work with the governments of the world is to have one on the Accords Committee. And I trust you to make those difficult decisions on whether the Avengers intervention is needed."

Tony swallowed. He hadn't been expecting that. "Can I at least think about it?"

"Of course. If you choose to decline, I'm sure I will find someone else. Nevertheless, I shall call Thaddeus today and inform him he will be removed from office, effective immediately."

It was the most Tony could have hoped for.

"Are you going to take him up on the offer?" Natasha asked over the phone.

Tony was on his way back to the Compound and had Natasha on speakerphone. "Me as a politician? Technically one, anyway."

"I think it would work, Tony. We'd have someone on the inside, fighting for us, an advantage we didn't have before." Natasha pointed out the obvious. "It would work best for us."

"This is going to make me a big target of Ross."

"We'll deal with him if he tries anything," vowed Natasha, her voice hard.

"If there is one thing I didn't expect when I went for this meeting was to become a part of the Accords committee," moaned Tony.

Natasha laughed. "Only if you accept."

"Any replacement of Ross' could be worse, even if they say they are neutral. They could still try to hinder us, something we cannot allow to happen, not with Thanos on his way." Tony leaned back in his seat.

"No," replied Natasha quietly. "This might be a good change. You're not going to become Secretary of Defence if you take Ross' spot on the Accords committee are you?"

Tony's eyes widened. "God, I hope not!"

"You're accepting then?"

"I don't think I have much of a choice. It is the safest option. And it demonstrates how we do want to work with the governments of the world and respect their sovereignty. I'll call the President when I get back and accept the proposal."

The very next day it was announced to the world of Tony's appointment to the Accords Committee.

In protest at being removed from the Accords Committee, Ross had resigned as Secretary of Defence though he refused to answer questions from the press about why Tony had usurped his position.

The President still had yet to decide on a new Secretary of Defence.

It didn't take long for a new draft document of the Accords to be created, making the changes Tony and Natasha had requested.

Now, all that needed to be done, was to ratify the Accords.

And Tony's job to keep the team together would be completed; one step closer to defeating Thanos for good.


Power Stones!!

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