
Hybrid in DXD

Ichigo's journey in the world of DXD where a lot of things are same yet many things are different. Join me and Ichigo in this journey where our protagonist has become a literal god by gaining divinity. What adventures await him? Lets find out together. Also, the start may seem slow to some people but it is necessary for the world building and fleshing out characters. Takes places after the events of TYBW.

Universe9Hopper · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs



The movie started form the very beginning, before Ichigo Kurosaki was even born.

It showed a woman, a ranked 3 member of the Thirteen court guard's 13th division , and her team facing against a strange hollow.

The hollow had a humanoid apperance with some red tentacles. And the way it was mocking them and always aiming for the weak links and gaps which sometimes appeared in their formation it had some degree of higher intelligence and his spiritual pressure proved he was no pushover.

But they were not going to just up and give up, no,they had both numerical advantage and the teamwork which the Hollow didn't possess and evened out the playing field.

And as she, the 3rd ranked Shinigami,was about to deal the final blow, a sudden pain in her abdomen caused the woman to lose concentration and the Hollow by instinct took the opportunity and pierced the shoulder of the Lady.

Her subordinates shouted in anger and concern and rushed forward to attack the corrupted soul but it just meted and entered the Woman's body. Her body shook as if she was struggling from inside, then her arm holding her Zanpakuto moved and she slashed at one of her comrades.

No, it was the Hollow controlling the body. Tears fell from the woman's eyes as her body moved against her will and slaughtered her precious nakama. She couldn't hold it any longer and with the life of her last friend, her mind also broke.

The Hollow remained in the body of the Woman for a while killing any Shinigami it met. The forest was littered with bodies.

Then, the hollow saw another group Shinigami, most probably searching for it. It decided to toy with the shinigami a little more, it used the woman's body to jump infront of them.

Another jump and it was behind them and killed few shinigami on the back and ran back into the jungle.


The shinigami group follow the hollow into the jungle but there were only three members on their group right now. The group consisted of Shinigami from the 13th division, a regular Shinigami by the name of Rukia Kuchiki, as well the captain and vice captain of the said division. Jushiro Ukitake and Kaien Shiba respectively.

The woman whom the hollow was using earlier was none other than the wife of Kaien Shiba, Miyako Shiba. And They were expecting a child soon too.

So, it was understandable when Kaien lost his cool after seeing a disfigured half-eaten women's body and having the hollow express its regret of not having controlled her enough before killing her.

He was driven by rage and engaged the hollow in combat, vowing to take revenge for her wife.

What happened next was very shocking as Kaien's Zanpakuto suddenly vanished. But Kaien had no leeway of investigating this strange development and thought it as simply the hollow's ability. He decided to use his fists instead then.

Rukia Kuchiki made a move to help her vice captain but was stopped by her captain. Because as he called it, it was a fight with a man's honour and pride on the line.

"There are two kinds of fights. As long as we place ourselves in battle, we must always know the difference, a fight to defend life or a fight to defend pride."

The fight was soon over but the hollow had infected Kaien, with no hope for salvation, he asked Rukia to end his life. For he wanted to die a Shinigami and not turn into a hollow which would hurt its own comrades.

With shaking hands and a tearful face, Rukia Kuchiki ended the life of the man who was her friend and mentor and maybe something more.

As Kaien's spiritual body disappeared in the wind as energy. Rukia collapsed on the ground and cried more than she ever had, maybe even more than when her sister suddenly left her and disappeared.

In a Secret Laboratory,

A man with a lab coat and brown hair and glasses stood next to a blind folded Shinigami.

They were Aizen Sosuke and Tousen Kaname, tow of the captain's of 13 court guards and infront of them was the body of Miyako Shiba.

" When I seperated her from the hollow a while ago, I planned to use her for my experiments but unfortunately the hollow detoriated too much of her body and she is useless now but imagine my surprise when we found that child still surviving inside the detoriated body of her mother, Fascinating isn't it ? " Aizen asked with a kind smile as he pointed at a medical tank in which an albino baby with white hair and white skin was suspended.

"..." Tousen chose to remain silent as he maintained his poker face.

*A few yrs later*

"Thank you, Tousen for providing us with these Asahuchi"

The man in question just noded.

"Now we are going to witness a miracle today as the line between a Zanpakuto and a soul is removed" Aizen declared as he took the child he had been keeping in the medical tank out.

The child was unconscious. Aizen walked towards him and laid a sword on the kid's chest. It was an Asahuchi, a medium used by Shinigami to connect with their Zanpakuto and draw it's powers.

Then, Aizen took a beautiful orb out of nowhere, it was an object of great power. It was the Hogyoku.

"Still, incomplete*sigh* but it should be enough for this"

Aizen clutched the Hogyoku with his right hand as he wished for the barrier between the equipment and the child to break and for them to merge. Merge into a new being, a being of great power.

And as he wished, the hollow nature which had infected the boy since birth but was never known because of him always being contained in the tank reared its head and was merged together with the boy and the sword.

Now in their place stood a creature, a hollow like being with black Armour and swords for hands and white hair falling from the back of his horned helmet.

"Subarashi! From Henceforth, you shall be known as White, for what's inside can only be called white." With claps Aizen welcomed this new addition to his team, his new pawn in his schemes.

Tousen just observed from the distance as he didn't want to put himself in the harms way.

He was proven correct as the creature ,now named White, attacked Aizen with immense speed and strength, its arms moving like scythe of the Grim Reaper, seeking to claim its prey's life.

It was all for naught however as Aizen just B*tch Slapped him across the room into the wall. It was considerable distance as the room was the size of a football field in the human world.

"Hmmm.. He needs to be educated first"

With that Aizen turned to leave the room

" I will leave that to you, Tousen "

Tousen gave a nod in recognition and moved to where White was.

And then the Screen blacked out.

In the Dream Theatre,


Ichigo watched with confusion wondering as to who the woman was but was soon horrified as the Hollow took over the body of the Shinigami Woman and used her body to kill her subordinates, while mentally torturing her.

He jumped out of the seat and glared at the only other people in this theatre.

"What the hell is wrong with you guys? Why are you showing me this? Who even is this lady? I don't think I have ever seen in my life . Or are you just psychos who love seeing people suffer?"

"Sit down. And we don't enjoy watching it, we have already witnessed it once and it caused us much anger and grief. But it is necessary for you to understand the true nature of your Blade" Red replied

"My blade? You mean Zangetsu? Are you saying I still don't understand the true Nature of Zangetsu even after Reforging them?" Ichigo asked again feeling truly shocked.

At his question Red grimaced and looked at his partners and then face Ichigo again and replied.

"You know that your Zanpakuto have their own personalities, their own preferences, and their own likes and dislikes. But. But have you ever? Have you ever tried to talk to them and get to know them better? The answer is No, you didn't. As for your Reforging the Zanpakuto, it was all useless. Did you not see the holes in your blades? They were imperfections, errors, not designs. That's why your Sword was so brittle, thankfully, Tsukishima's ability and Orihime's Rejection returned it to the state before it was forged. Otherwise-"

"Thats enough, Red" said Quincy" We can't tell him anything more than this. He will need to find the truth himself. As for You, Ichigo, just shut up! And watch! It's for your own good" 'and ours as well' he added in his mind.

So Ichigo sat down and watched it all, and saw how after meeting the new Shinigami group, the focus was on them now.

But he sure was surprised to see Rukia, Ukitake and his look alike? Kaien. He had heard from Rukia and others how much he looked like him but he didn't realize that until now.

With that however can another realisation, he knew what was going to happen next, he had heard from Ganju that Rukia killed his brother so he had asked Captain Unhona the truth, when he was on the sick bay of the 4th division and surprisingly Captain Unhona complied and told him the whole story. Maybe his looking like Kaien had something to do with it as well.

Then, the woman Shinigami was most likely , Kaien's wife Miyako Shiba.

"Oh no, no, no,no" Ichigo held his head and groaned, why o why did he have to watch it? Just listening to it was saddening enough.

And true to his words, the entire event was very saddening. However, what Ukitake said didn't sit straight with him, what was even the point of pride and honor when compared to the life? especially when you have a family. From what he knew Ganju and Kukaku had to grow up alone since a young due to Kaien's death.

He silently made a promise to himself to always return home alive from every Battle, for he had his little sisters counting on him.

Then came the Aizen scene, which caught him completely off-guard especially with his cruel and inhuman experiments.

It made him realize even more how evil Aizen actually was.

He had almost started to forgive him in his heart after feeling his loneliness and receiving his help in defeating Yhwach, but seeing his true colors rekindled his hatred for the man.

How could he even think of experimenting on a child!? And Tousen just supported him!? Where did his famous sense of justice , he had heard about go.

When Aizen created and Named the creature White, Ichigo Kurosaki realized that maybe, just maybe these 4 beings knew what they were doing.


A/N :

I know many of you are getting confused as to where the plot is leading? and why only Bleach related chapters but next chapter will answer most of your questions.

and Introduce the world of DXD.