


"Choose? But choose what?" Ichigo asked perplexed.

However the beings acted as if they didn't hear him at all and continued speaking.

"We are You but You are not us" They spoke royally as if a king speaking to his subject.

Their way of speaking and even their very presence demanded attention and respect, and a Kingly prestige and pride was basically overflowing off of them.

Ichigo was startled. Not only because of the strange way of speaking but also what they were saying.

"What do you mean?‽" Ichigo asked with his famous frown adorning his features. " You are me but I am not you?"

"Correct, 'Ichigo Kurosaki'" The Hollow replied with air quotations at the name.

Seeing this action an inexplicable sense of dread filled Ichigo's heart.

"What's that supposed to mean?! I am Ichigo Kurosaki" This dread however made him angry and his anger flared.

"In a sense you are right but in another you are completely wrong" The Red Angel replied in such a calm manner as if telling time.

For some reason Ichigo instinctively knew that Red was telling the truth and he knew better than to question his instincts, he already knew that it was his Instincts that had saved his life so many times, not some dumb luck, like the others believed.

And this realization snuffed out all the anger in him in a single blow.

"So, what do you want with me? Who even are you guys? And me for that matter? If not Ichigo Kurosaki." Ichigo asked them with somewhat dispirited voice.

Red quirked his eyebrows in surprise, it seemed he had not anticipated such a response from the orange haired protector.

"Ichigo Kurosaki is dead" Quincy/Hell King declared as if the most obvious thing in the world.

This earned him varying degrees of expressions.

Red seemed angry for some reason.

Hollow was quiet but his eyes narrowed down a little.

And the Oni just sighed in both resignation and relief.

As for Ichigo, he just fell on his butt at this sudden declaration.

He guessed that it may be something shocking but this ... This .. this was just absurd.

"I am here aren't I?" Ichigo asked trying to deny it as best as he could.

The Oni sighed again at Ichigo's reaction though this was expected, what person won't be shocked if you just up and told them they were already dead.

The Quincy ignored everyone's reaction and continued.

"It has already been long since He died" there was some emotion in those eyes even though the voice was cold and distant

" He died the moment he used final getsuga tensho and ...*sigh*" He couldn't finish the sentence.

"No...No...No.. Wait..wait..wait.. You are saying that I died by using Final Getsuga Tensho‽ How is that even possible? I clearly remember 3 entire yrs after that, So how could that be? This isn't some kind of sick joke, is it‽"

Everyone was quiet.

"Its better to just show you" Oni interjected seeing as Quincy couldn't/wasn't willing to speak further.

With a gesture from Oni's hand the entire place transformed, turning into a cinema hall.

  "Sit Down, It will be a long story" 

With that line from Oni , the others sat down, Ichigo thought a little about whether he should do as ordered or not but soon decided to do as told and see what kind of Bullshit , these beings were spewing.

He was, is , Ichigo Kurosaki and no one could say otherwise.

As Ichigo calmed down, he realised that these beings were not only identical looking but also had a simmilar aura to him but he didn't know anything about them.

He needed to keep his guard up and see what they were planning.

It could just be that, Ichigo being dead was truth from their perspective but was in reality fake.

He needed answer. So he sat down on a chair.

It was going to a long movie for sure, even if it skipped sleeping hours.

A while ago in the Kurosaki Household

"Ichigo is in problem?" Isshin's face instantly turned serious as he asked his daughter.

" Yes he is in bathroom"

"Yuzu, you wait here or go to Karin, I will go take care of Ichigo"

"..ok" She gritted out ,after all she would only get in the way as she could not stand her brother in pain.

While Yuzu was debating whether to go to her Bedroom and find some comfort in Karin or stay down stairs and wait for her brother, Isshin Kurosaki moved quickly and with a sense of purpose.

When he reached the bathroom, he saw that Ichigo was mostly done and was mostly only having gas issues and was trying to throw up and burp at the same time.

As he approached him however, he realized something:

1) Ichigo's condition was anything but normal from the black tar on the sink and Ichigo's neck and mouth. He had guessed something was wrong with Ichigo with Yuzu's demeanor but he had vainly hoped for it to be just her over protectiveness.

2) Ichigo's body was leaking some kind of energy although vague, he could definitely sense it standing so close to him.

The Energy he was releasing however was was not a single type, rather it was very chaotic and a mixture of multiple type of Energies, though he only recognised two of them.

"F*ck" If his family were to know that their father just cursed, they would definitely be shocked as he was never known to one to curse.

However the situation was anything but normal and it just left his mouth.

Anyway, he quickly moved behind Ichigo and rubbed his back, which in turn caused Ichigo's burps to increase and as he continued rubbing he kept muttering things like.

"That Bastard ... F*ck... Should have told me.. that's not what he told.. Oni... Angel..Yokai...Malach..Fallen.."

After he realized that Ichigo's burping had stopped ,he called out to Ichigo.

"Ichigo? How are you feeling now?"

The only response that came his way however was "Uhhhghh" a pained groan from Ichigo with his brows creased as if they would touch.

Hmm.. looking at Ichigo he was most likely having some extreme Headache, so Isshin being the doctor he is, gave a massage to his son's head.

"Ahh.. sigh.. It should be children massaging and helping their parents at this age not the other way around"

Isshin mused to himself to lighten the mood a little.

And sometime during the massage Ichigo had almost fallen asleep

"Wait.. Don't sleep now. Wait a little, I will give you some medicine" Isshin said as he made Ichigo gargle and carried him to the Couch/sofa in the living room.

Isshin leaving Ichigo went to his bedroom to get the needed medicine.

Yuzu was waiting for him there, sitting on the bed and fidgeting with her fingers.

"Dad! Is Nii-chan okay?" Seeing Isshin approch she immediately asked.

"Yes. Yuzu, theres nothing to worry! It's just a little bit of food poisoning. It's actually good he got it out of system before it could do any damage."

Isshin lied perfectly, for he had been preparing what to say to his two lovely daughters when they asked.

He couldn't tell them the truth now could he? For he himself didn't understand anything either.

"Really?" Yuzu asked happily with a literal bounce in her voice as a weight she didn't know about was lifted off her shoulders.

"Yes. Now Yuzu, it's time for you to sleep it's already-" Isshin looked at a wall clock to his right "- it's already 3:15 am! I know you were worried about your brother but it's not right for a young lady like you be awake so late"

"Ok" Yuzu replied glumly

" Now go back to your room or Does Yuu-chaan wants to sleep with Daddy?!" Isshin was back to his usual antics.

Before he could finish his sentence however, Yuzu ran away like a rabid dog was after her leaving behind a small " Good Night".

Isshin just stood there crest fallen but suddenly remembered what he was here for and started rummaging from the various first aid and medicine boxes.

'Oh .. what was I.. Yeah.. medicine...hmm... medicine.. medicine...no...no...no... Here...now where's the other one... Hmm... this?.. no... Here'

Now that he had his medicine Isshin made a small trip to kichen to get something for Ichigo to eat before pills maybe some .. chocolate.

" Ichigo,here eat something" as Isshin haded him a big bar of chocolate Ichigo opened his mouth and nibbled and ate some of it.

'It looks like he is half asleep' Isshin thought as he helped Ichigo swallow the medicines ' He is acting just like a kid. Ah.. old days'

He wondered if should move Ichigo but decided against it seeing as Ichigo was already asleep.

"Now.. I have some calls to make." With that Isshin moved outside the house to make some calls in the supernatural world.


Next chapter